kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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social media: instagram ‱ arabella coleman ✹
featuring- @kodiejenkins, @linagonzalcz, @mswisher, @noafitzgerald, @jcsonisms, @bllossm, @ofdahliia
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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foul-mouthed & perpetually angry princess: a story of me
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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hey, is that barbara palvin? no, that’s just dakota jenkins. they’re seventeen, a junior, and they’re from nashville, tennessee. i hear that they’re kind of welcoming and adventurous, but also careless and oblivious. i guess that’s why people call them the southern belle. i hear they watch a lot of the voice and they have wrestled a pig before.
it’s ya girl lisa again with another intro post (yay for being productive today) and she’s like the complete opposite of lina in so many ways 
okay first off who the hell is dakota okay she goes by kodie. that’s it. who the hell is dakota ???
she was born and raised in nashville, tennessee and was a stereotypical country girl okay like her brothers watch football with her dad all the time like it’s their religion, she was taught to help out in the kitchen and they were all required to help out in the farm. 
kodie really loves her horses tbh she loves them so much ??? they’re her fave animals in the entire world and she loves riding them and taking care of them
she didn’t grow up rich. when she was around twelve years old when her father discovered and oil well in their own farm, in their own property and that made them rich tbh ??? like as long as there’s oil that the country could use from that well, they were getting big bucks 
it was so different from what she was used to like the farm practically stayed the same aside from a few upgrades here and there but their small house became a miniature mansion and that was mind-boggling for her 
tbh the fact that they now have money to spare is completely ludicrous but it suited her ?? she eased into the life of the rich rather easily 
she got the hang of shopping for designer clothes and having an eye for fashion and actually buying the things that she wanted instead of praying there was something good during sales 
because she now had money, she became more popular in her old school and that was when she was introduced to the party scene. 
while in the party scene, kodie realized that as much as she liked the booze and the dancing, there was one thing that she was much more interested in and that was the music. she always gravitated towards the front to where the dj was and not to get free drinks but to actually listen 
since she had money now, she started to buy equipment for herself like a novation launchpad and a MIDI controller and it was so good tbh like she was so happy 
her parents however were not  like they were legit like ?? you’re partying ??? you’re being a dj ?? wtf ???? N O 
and that’s when they shipped her off to yancy because they figured being in a boarding school with strict rules would straighten her out but lmao of course not. she’s actually very happy she’s here because she can dj and party in peace 
flirtatious okay like she will flirt with anything and anyone. a teacher? why not? a police officer? sure? 
she will NOT and i mean will NOT back down from a dare. whatever kind of dare it is okay she will not back out. she probs would’ve won nerve if she joined tbh
like she has all these different personas - country girl, rich dj, daredevil, barbie doll but she doesn’t ?? really want to be classified into just one thing because she’s just her own person and she’s weird and she’s into a lot of things that people are into
like she’s into 80s music and also into boy bands like what’s the big deal if she likes both 
she likes both dogs and cats LIKE she doesn’t understand why people think it’s always one or the other like just because she’s country with a southern twang doesn’t mean she couldn’t be a dj who’s into technopop ya know??
also her dj name is dj barbie 
calls everybody darlin’ 
has probably flirted with you before 
also gonna put here the connections i have for her so i won’t forget !!
ride or die - arabella 
flirting with because of a dare (shh he doesn’t know) - noa 
on again/off again - isak
party squad (but also sort of not because she’s mostly in the dj booth not down there partying with them but techNICALITIES) - arabella, noa, mariah, lina
drinking buddies - jason
friends with benefits 
exes that ended on bad terms 
exes with lingering feelings 
ex-bully/confused friends ??  - brielle
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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barbara palvin for victoria’s secret
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kodiejenkins-blog · 7 years
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gtkm: [1/?] celebrity crushes. Barbara Palvin “Beauty without intelligence, is a masterpiece painted on a napkin.”
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