kobbelobbe · 11 months
Best Heartburn Remedies
There are a lot of things that are said to lead to heartburn. Sometimes it is a genetic thing, and sometimes it comes about just because of improper eating. No matter what is causing your heartburn, one thing is for sure, you want to get rid of it. However, it can be hard to find good home remedies for heartburn. After all, every time you have a case of heartburn, you do not want to have to run out and get a prescription pill to take care of it. So today we are going to talk about some of the this website best home remedies for heartburn that people have ever come up with. Although these remedies can not cure really bad cases of heartburn, they should work well at clearing up mild cases.
First of all, to understand how these remedies for heartburn work, you have to know what heartburn is. Pretty much, heartburn, or acid reflux, is a case where acid from your stomach actually flows upward into your esophagus. Thus, one good way to avoid heartburn is to avoid any kinds of acid based foods that could help to spark up this rise in acid levels. So your first home remedy for heartburn is to try and avoid eating a lot of citrus juices or vinegar based foods. They also say that spices and pickled food can lead to acid reflux as well. Last, but not least, you have to also look out for things like alcohol (like white wines) and refined flour. Avoiding these could help to keep your acid levels down, and keep you from having heartburn altogether.
Other home remedies for heartburn could involve avoiding big meals. This causes your stomach to be full, and sometimes the acid in your stomach has no other place to go, except up! No matter what, you have to avoid eating big meals right before you go to bed. Laying down right after you eat is a good way to get heartburn. If you have to lay down after you eat, it is a good idea to place your head at an elevated level (usually two pillows high). This angles your body in a way that makes it hard for the stomach acid to come up. Other good home remedies for heartburn include placing a hot compresses on your upper abdomen. A lot of times this can help you in finding relief pretty quickly.
The best kinds of home remedies for heartburn, however, are actually other foods that you can eat. For example, bananas are actually natural antacids. Eating a banana, ground or dried, is a good and fast way to get effective relief for your heartburn. People also say that sipping on a glass of cold water with just a few drops of clove oil in it is an excellent way to keep your heartburn under control. If you have any ginger, this can be added to meals to actually help to prevent heartburn from even happening. The same goes for honey. A lot of Indian cuisines actually use turmeric powder to help aid people in their digestion. This is a good powder for you to use to help with your digestion, which could actually help to lower you chances of getting heartburn as well.
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