knuxina · 7 days
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Decided to design the Oubliette of Ouroboros character that I keep occasionally mentioning in writing. This is Lilana, a Wood Elf, one of the oldest races in the world; tasked with keeping the world in balance. Although she begins to harbour resent for the other races across the land, so begins to silently plot a way to purify the planet, no matter the cost.
Will I ever come up with some proper lore for Ouroboros? Who knows?!
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knuxina · 7 days
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Just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
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knuxina · 8 days
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hehe fluffy ears go brrr
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knuxina · 8 days
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A Metroid Prime Multiworld led to me doing some of the stupidest movement I've ever done in that game, such as crossing Fungal Hall A without the Grapple Beam.
Part of me wanted to put a little thought bubble that was just: Glider - Grapple Beam = 🚫
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knuxina · 8 days
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If you follow me on Twitter you'll know that I'm having one hell of a time with model bullshit.
But hey at least I can do SOMETHING with this, I just can't really show her face, as I can't pose it. Gah.
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knuxina · 9 days
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"The world is flawed, humanity are stagnant. Yet I continue to grow, to evolve. I will burn this miserable planet, and will life to begin anew..."
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knuxina · 9 days
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I love that, of the currently three couples that end up together in canon, two of them are gay (Malcom x Brandon and Mandy x Samantha).
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knuxina · 10 days
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knuxina · 15 days
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For a writing thing I had to come up with a name for a news reporter, might as well design them too.
So add Sandra Kraya to the list of minor characters just living their daily lives trying to ignore the weird shit that ends up going on around them.
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knuxina · 15 days
so embarrassing to be drawing an OC and forget to add some part of their design...like yeah i made this guy...hand picked everything about them....yeah i forgot to add the things i like about them....
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knuxina · 17 days
“My bones are broken. My fingers are bloody. I am at Death’s door readying to knock. But I can still kick your ass!”
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knuxina · 19 days
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I still love how I make it my mission to only ever show Charlotte looking tired and just done with everything.
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knuxina · 19 days
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knuxina · 20 days
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Found a thing very similar to Picrew oh dear.
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knuxina · 21 days
Turns out playing OpenRCT2 with a few other peeps who basically don't know how to play leads to excessive crassness and decisions which murdered my soul.
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knuxina · 22 days
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Saw this and couldn't resist yoinking the OG Tumblr post (which it turns out has been reposted on a lot of blogs) for my own purpose.
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knuxina · 23 days
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Randomly did an [X] Years Later design for Terra (and remembered I never actually put the one for Knuxina up here).
I like the idea of Knuxina mellowing out and just becoming this laid back, chill aunt. While Terra essentially ends up as Crescentfall Farm's rancher.
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