kmorelikegay · 4 years
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
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Ooh I love a good fantasy AU. So say Yata is a fire elemental and Fushimi a water elemental who live in opposing kingdoms. The border between the land of fire and the land of water is a place filled with nothing but mysterious plants and strange glowing mist and it’s the one place where both water and fire can exist simultaneously without any kind of pain. Fushimi was abandoned there as a child, he wanders along the very borders of the water kingdom as this lonely lost elemental. One day he runs into Yata, who was playing near the fire border and was dared by his friends to cross over into the water lands. For a long time things have been tense between the two kingdoms, ever since Fire King Mikoto came down with this strange sickness after a meeting with Water King Munakata. No fire elementals have crossed the border since that time but Yata’s not going to look like a wimp so he flies across the border. He’s all proud of himself but then he gets attacked by one of the strange monsters that lives in the borderlands, Yata almost gets eaten but he’s saved at the last moment by Fushimi, who just happened to be in the area and was also targeted by the monster. Yata’s super thankful for Fushimi’s help but Fushimi just clicks his tongue and says he only was saving his own skin, and he has no interest in dealing with fire elementals.
Yata’s annoyed at that asshole water elemental but he’s also thankful still to Fushimi for saving him and he wonders if Fushimi’s living all alone in this place. Fushimi says it’s none of Yata’s business and Yata’s like fine, stay here all by yourself then. Yata flies off but he keeps thinking about Fushimi all alone in that dangerous land and he ends up risking danger to return there to see Fushimi again. Fushimi doesn’t get why Yata’s so interested in him, no one’s ever cared about Fushimi before and water and fire elementals aren’t compatible at all. Yata thinks Fushimi’s really amazing though and wants to know more about him, he feels like Fushimi knows all kinds of things that Yata’s never even thought of but then at the same time Fushimi seems ignorant of things that should be obvious. Eventually Yata manages to break down Fushimi’s walls a little and the two of them are able to become friends.
Slowly Fushimi begins to realize that his feelings for Yata might be deeper than friendship but he refuses to recognize it, because he knows that fire and water elementals really can’t be together – even as close as he and Yata are they can never touch each other due to their opposing natures. Eventually things start coming to a head when Yata is invited to join Mikoto’s court, meanwhile Fushimi is also discovered by Munakata and brought into the court of the water elementals. Fushimi doesn’t tell Yata this though because he’s worried that Yata will abandon him if he knew, since Yata hates Munakata so much. Meanwhile though Mikoto is getting sicker and Yata starts spending more and more time with him in the fire court, which leaves Fushimi waiting for him in their usual spot and left all alone.
Finally Mikoto dies and Yata goes back to see Fushimi, super upset about how that asshole water elemental killed his hero. Something in Fushimi snaps, his hands clenching as he realizes that Yata’s been neglecting him the whole time for Mikoto and feeling like his relationship with Yata is just doomed anyway because after all they can’t even touch. And besides, if Munakata’s touch could kill Mikoto what could happen if Fushimi ever let Misaki get too close (and maybe when Yata shows up after Mikoto dies he does try to touch Fushimi for comfort and Fushimi almost gives in). Fushimi decides he needs to destroy this friendship in order to save Yata and he tells Yata that he’s been working for Munakata and that he’s been using Yata to spy all this time, laughing as Yata stares at him in heartbroken betrayal.
They separate and soon a war begins between the fire and water kingdoms. Fushimi doesn’t care about defending the kingdom, all he wants to do is have the chance to fight Yata and make Yata hate him even more, because that way he knows Yata will be safe from him. Except the more they fight the more Fushimi notices that Yata’s becoming weaker and weaker, his flame fading in the same way Mikoto’s did and Fushimi probably thinks that he somehow ‘infected’ Yata even after all he did to save him. Munakata notices Fushimi’s worry and tries to speak with him over it, Fushimi rebuffs him and scoffs over how Munakata can say such things when Mikoto died because of him. Munakata reveals that in fact he didn’t kill Mikoto – he was trying to save Mikoto, whose flame began to die after his close confidant and former lover Totsuka was killed in the borderlands. It turns out that fire elementals are weak to a sickness that will cause their flames to begin to die if their hearts become broken and even finding a new love afterward can’t stop it. Fushimi realizes that in trying to save Yata he may have doomed him and Munakata tells him that there is one chance, for someone who may wish to search for such things – Mikoto would not let Munakata do it, because he didn’t want Munakata to risk his own body for it, but legend says deep under the borderlands there’s a sacred flame that can rekindle the fire of an elemental suffering from the sickness. The sacred flame is only reachable by a water elemental, but the water elemental who touches it risks their own body evaporating away.
Munakata offers to show Fushimi the way to the sacred flame but Fushimi refuses, even so Munakata gives him a knowing smile and leaves him behind this map in the form of a puzzle. Fushimi stares at the puzzle for a long time and then begins to piece it together, traveling to the borderlands once more. It’s there he runs into Yata, all weak and flickering out due to his sickness. Yata doesn’t understand how Fushimi could betray him this way and Fushimi calls him an idiot, if he’d never tried to be kind to Fushimi in the first place this wouldn’t have happened. Yata doesn’t get what Fushimi means and Fushimi clicks his tongue all 'And me, I’m a bigger idiot,’ right before he dives down into the glowing mist. Yata tries to follow him but doesn’t have the strength, Fushimi meanwhile can feel his body being destroyed even as he keeps flying downward to where he finally finds the sacred flame. He takes it in both hands and gives a bitter smile as he slowly makes his way back up, by the time he reaches Yata his body is almost gone.
Yata flies straight towards him, shocked and frantic as he sees that Fushimi’s fading away. Fushimi weakly calls him an idiot and pushes the flame towards him, it merges into Yata’s chest and suddenly his fire begins to burn stronger than ever. Yata doesn’t even care though, all he can see is Fushimi apparently dying in front of him. Fushimi weakly calls Yata an idiot and tells him not to cry, Yata’s like shut up you asshole why did you do this for me. Fushimi opens his mouth but all that comes out is 'Misaki…’ before he starts to fade. Yata yells his name and for the first time he takes Fushimi’s hand, saying he can’t lose Fushimi and that he’s always loved him. Suddenly all the mist around them freezes, rushing in and swirling around Fushimi as his body returns to normal, Yata’s love having restored Fushimi the same way Fushimi’s love restored Yata.
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
More Gakuen k sarumi. Before and after they make up. How will they start Dating, and how will their clubs react?
As soon as the two of them make up I bet everyone’s got like a betting pool going for when these two are going to get together. Gakuen K itself doesn’t really do a big ‘reconciliation’ between them (though their rivalry also isn’t quite as bitter and painful I think as in canon either) but I imagine that after all the different crazy things that have happened the two of them are ready to make up and be friends again. It’s a little tentative at first, like Yata decides to try and ask Fushimi to help him study and Fushimi agrees to meet him in the library after school. A couple of the members of the Red club happen to show up as Yata’s heading out of class and try to get him to stop by the club but Yata’s determined to patch things up with Saruhiko and he’s not going to blow him off no matter what. Yata doesn’t realize that Fushimi’s right there behind him watching all this and Fushimi feels this little fluttering in his stomach, that Misaki chose him this time and even though Fushimi tries to tell himself that it doesn’t matter he can’t stop feeling hopeful about it.
The study session goes pretty well except Yata did not realize how distracting Saruhiko is all of a sudden, like they’re sitting next to each other and Fushimi leans over to point out something in a book and now Yata is just very aware of how close they are. Fushimi asks if Yata’s listening and Yata’s like 'Y-yeah! I’m listening, I’m listening!’ Fushimi clicks his tongue and Yata can’t help but glance at his lips and his brain is like running a mile a minute because Saruhiko’s lips are so close to his and he kinda wants to lean in an little and he probably freaks out and falls right off his chair. Fushimi looks down at him all what the hell was that Misaki, Yata says he was just trying to lean back and went a bit too far, that’s all. He manages to make it through the rest of the study session but now Yata’s got a complex going on because he keeps noticing Saruhiko’s lips and Saruhiko’s skin and Saruhiko’s eyes and he can’t seem to focus on what he’s supposed to be studying, because all he really wants to study is Saruhiko.
After this point there’s probably a nice period of misunderstanding (what these two do best really) where Yata’s freaking out because he’s not gay okay guys while Fushimi is assuming that maybe Yata doesn’t really want to be his friend at all anymore and that’s why he’s acting so distant. I imagine this ending with some kind of loud and angry argument in the middle of the hallway, Fushimi telling Yata that he’s not interested in a half-hearted friendship and Yata’s like that’s not what I want either I just want to kiss you and soon they’re making out against the lockers while everyone else stares (and then Anna-sensei shows up and pours cold water on them as she says that they’re late for class). Their respective clubs are probably totally supportive of this whole thing, like by this point everyone in the Red and Blue clubs are well aware that Fushimi and Yata have a thing for each other and they’re all glad those two finally stopped being idiots about it and just started dating already. A few of them are even surprised that they weren’t already dating, like they always assumed Yata and Fushimi were boyfriends going through a bad break up and everyone was just waiting for them to make up already and get back together (and meanwhile Yata is standing there like wait did everyone know I’m gay except me).
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
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Twas the night before Christmas, and all through Scepter 4 Not a creature was stirring, though Doumyouji did snore
The stockings were hung in the rooms all with care In expectation the Blue King soon would be there
The clansmen were nestled all snug in their beds While echoes of ‘oya’ danced in their heads
And Hidaka in his blankets with statues all ‘round Sleeping though terror did make his heart pound
When up near the doorway there arose such a clatter He sprang from his bed to see what was the matter
Quickly grabbing his sword he turned in a flash And a fertility statue his head nearly did bash
The door to his room creaked open so slow And a figure in shadow it clearly did show
Then what to his wondering eyes did appear But a man all in red, face twisted to sneer
With an outfit so red and glasses so thick It seemed that for certain it must be St.Nick
More angry than smiling inside he came Dragging a sack full of gifts as he read out the names
'One for Akiyama, Hidaka, for Fuse and Gotou For Benzai, for Fuse, Andy, Enomoto
Some boxes so large and some so small why the hell do I have to deliver them all?’
With that look on his face like he wanted to die And Hidaka sat wondering who is this guy
But the red suit and the sack, it had to be true This person so strange was St. Nicholas too
As Hidaka relaxed and was lying back down In walked the Santa Claus wearing a frown
He was dressed all in fur from his head to his toes As he adjusted the glasses that were perched on his nose
A bundle of toys he had dragged at his side And his eyes, they looked like a fish’s that died
His face– how it glowered! His expression – how scary! His cheeks were so sallow, and thin he was very
His sharp angry mouth was curved down like a bow And with every step it seemed his anger did grow
The shine of a knife peeked out near his sleeve As he did mumble that he wanted to leave
He had a cold face and an air full of gloom That spread as if to touch the whole room
He was angry and cold, and so clearly bored That Hidaka decided not to let go of his sword
A glare of his eye and a turn of his head Soon filled Hidaka’s whole body with dread
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work Somehow it seemed like he was kind of a jerk
Then with one finger in a gesture everyone knows He began to remove all of those Santa clothes
As he walked out the door his tongue he did click Leaving Hidaka sitting there still holding that stick
He could be heard to exclaim, as he walked out of sight– 'Tch.’
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
Munakata gets this great idea to do a pin-up calendar of all of his S4 bishounen and himself. They can sell it and make some money!
This is a genius plan and I fully endorse it. Like imagine this happening maybe post-ROK, even though there’s still a lot of Strain activity happening the government’s decided to slash Scepter 4’s budget because someone finally noticed how ridiculous it is (imagine some government auditor type looking it over, like “They spent how much on knives last year? Is someone just throwing them away or something?” Back at Scepter 4, Fushimi sneezes). Working with the smaller budget is difficult though because Scepter 4 still does have some need for the vans and helicopters and such and they need a way to pay for it. Munakata decides the best idea would be to have some manner of fundraiser, like first he sends Hidaka and Gotou outside the building to sell lemonade but that doesn’t do so well, no one is confident in the idea of a bake sale, Fushimi refuses to go door to door to sell candy and Munakata’s starting to run out of ideas. Finally he hits on a genius plan: a special calendar featuring the force, which they can sell in order to raise funds.
At first everyone is cautiously optimistic, assuming they’ll just pose for a couple pictures in uniform and that’s it. They all become much less optimistic when they arrive for the photo shoot and the photographer immediately requests that everyone take off their clothes. They quickly realize that while their King may be a giant dweeb who seems to not quite understand normal things, he is in fact well aware that he has a clan full of bishounen that women would love to see in a pin up calendar. Munakata immediately lays out some sketches he’s made of what each photoshoot should look like and reactions range from ‘….well at least he worked hard on this’ (Akiyama) to 'fuck no’ (Fushimi). Munakata is very politely insistent though, mentioning that those who don’t participate may find their portion of the budget trimmed as Munakata feels it would be unfair if someone were to sit out of the photoshoot and then, say, use large amounts of the proceeds to purchase more knives anyway.
Having no choice, the alphabet squad must submit to Munakata’s genius plan. Munakata is very involved in the entire thing too, like he’s giving out orders as to where to stand and how to pose and the squad isn’t so sure about this but if it works they can’t really complain. Imagine all the…interesting photoshoots too, like Akiyama and Benzai get to have a pin-up dressed shirtless wearing army hats and short tight leather shorts with suspenders along with high-heeled boots and the two of them leaning in close together all sensually. Kamo gets to wear only an apron, holding a tube of frosting while Doumyouji, also clad only in an apron, licks the frosting off his hands. Gotou poses with a fertility statue while Enomoto gets a cute short maid outfit and does a little anime-style pose. Fushimi gets the most pictures, naturally, and almost all of them involve him mostly naked covered with gauzy sheets and rose petals and conveniently placed statues. And of course since Munakata wouldn’t send his men to do anything he wouldn’t do himself he has his own photo taken, wearing just a cape and crown and surrounded by puzzle pieces and strategic draping. (The calendar of course becomes a runaway success, making more than enough budget for the rest of year. Munakata makes special puzzles out of his favorite Fushimi pictures, which Fushimi immediately sets on fire.)
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
I read that massages can be very helpful to people with trauma as it helps relieve stress trapped in the body. So, Yata giving Fushimi a massage? Touching Fushimi's scar?
Sorry this took so long anon, but I was writing fic for you :D
Keep reading
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
What if Assasin!Misaki and Target!Saru In love each other ? I really prefer Misaru (Abd some smut will be great!)
Ooh I like this idea, imagine Yata being assigned to kill the son of a famous rich mogul but he ends up falling in love with that asshole instead and having to protect Fushimi from his own employer. Say Yata is a professional assassin, like he was orphaned as a kid and taken in by this mysterious organization that trains orphans to become killers. Yata’s surprisingly good at being stealthy when he wants to be and people tend to assume that he’s just some idiot and overlook him, like Yata will attack someone head on and while they’re mocking him for being obvious he kills them using a hidden knife or something (stealing from Fushimi’s playbook here). Yata’s proud of what he does though, like he’s always been told that he’s only disposing of targets who hurt others and that only by working outside the law can he stand up for justice. One day Yata gets a really big job, all he has to do is kill the son of rich businesswoman Fushimi Kisa. Kisa has apparently been taking dirty money from drug dealers to fund her company and Yata’s told her son has been the one feeding her targets to work with. Yata figures this job should be easy, apparently the Fushimi mansion is pretty light on security and he figures some rich spoiled brat won’t be able to do anything against him.
Yata waits until dark and then sneaks into the mansion. There doesn’t seem to be anyone there and he wonders if his information was wrong, like maybe the guy he’s supposed to kill isn’t even here today. He carefully makes his way down the hall and finally he sees a light on in the nearest room. Yata slowly approaches, pulling out a tranquilizer gun just in case, figuring that’s going to be the quietest way to take the target down. Yata enters the room with the gun aimed and ready but there’s no one there, just an open laptop. He steps closer to the computer and squints at the screen, it’s just a white screen with the words ‘behind you, idiot.’ Yata whirls but he’s a moment too late and suddenly he finds himself with a knife at his throat. Yata freezes, wondering quietly if another assassin beat him here but instead he hears this bored voice drawling 'Another assassin, huh?’
Yata risks looking over and is surprised to see his target is the one standing there. Yata tries to play dumb, like what I’m just the new cleaning guy and Fushimi clicks his tongue like how stupid do I look. Yata’s hoping to get Fushimi to let his guard down and he gives this bright smile as he’s like come on do I look like an assassin, Fushimi’s voice is totally flat as he says that Yata’s the fourth one this week. Yata can’t believe that this kid took down three other assassins, Fushimi smirks and says they were more of a challenge than Yata is. Yata’s like 'oh yeah?’ and in one quick move he breaks out of Fushimi’s hold. He tries to attack Fushimi but he’s surprised when Fushimi defends against him, Fushimi’s clearly untrained but he’s quick on his feet and he knows what he’s doing and Yata can’t help but think that maybe this guy is a little cool. Fushimi ends up running out of the room and Yata tries to follow, only to realize that the entire house has been booby-trapped. Yata manages to avoid most of the traps thanks to his training and he ends up like hiding in the attic, carefully making his way outside and then creeping along the side of the house waiting for a chance to strike again.
He’s still waiting when Kisa comes home and Yata gets to see how coldly she treats Fushimi, like even though he’s her son and obviously in danger she doesn’t even seem worried about him and she doesn’t even seem to know about Fushimi’s security measures. Yata ends up spying on Fushimi for like most of the day and the more he watches the more he finds himself drawn to Fushimi, like this kid seems so lonely and unwanted and Yata kinda knows how that feels, since all his life he’s just been seen as a tool by all the adults around him. Yata also realizes that Fushimi’s been doing all these preparations to protect himself on his own – and in fact he knows Yata’s watching him and has been waiting the whole day for Yata to strike already. Maybe it turns out that really the reason Fushimi was targeted is that he managed to hack like a government computer and discovered this secret child soldier program, one which trains kids to be professional assassins. Yata’s shocked when he realizes that he’s actually been used by the government all this time to kill innocent people. As the truth is sinking in there’s the sound of a shot firing and the window breaks into pieces, Yata throwing himself at Fushimi to protect him from the sniper shot that nearly killed him.
Figuring this place isn’t safe anymore Yata decides he needs to take Fushimi with him to keep him safe, Fushimi’s like how the hell would you be able to keep anyone safe. Fushimi doesn’t think he needs anyone but Yata’s like you’re going to be killed if you try to do this by yourself. Yata’s never wanted to help anyone like this before but he just can’t seem to leave Fushimi, like even though Yata knows this will make him a target now too he doesn’t care, Fushimi’s life is more important than that. The two of them proceed to go on the run, having to hide in like run down hotels as they try to discover who the person behind the whole organization is so that Yata can bring him down and take his own life back (and then it turns out that the person who took Yata in and made him an assassin and the one who ordered the hit on Fushimi are the same, a certain man by the name of Fushimi Niki…).
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kmorelikegay · 4 years
Some smut sarumi and misaru said during thier sex “Just moan that only me can hear”
Okay so hear me out on this: Fushimi who is normally not into being loud in general and even less so during sex, and Yata trying to get him to be vocal because he finds it a major turn on. Like imagine the two of them have slept together a couple times and Yata’s almost a bit frustrated by how little sound Fushimi makes when they’re having sex, like Yata himself can’t help but make noise and he’s always moaning and whimpering and just getting into it but Fushimi will bite a pillow rather than let out even the smallest of moans. The only sound Yata ever hears from him is his heavy breathing, that soft gasp before reaching his peak and that’s the only way Yata can tell that Fushimi’s enjoying this as much as he is. Sometimes Yata’s wondering if he’s not doing this right, like what if it’s actually painful for Fushimi and that’s why he doesn’t cry out or even seem all that excited.
Yata’s brooding about it a bit one day at Bar Homra and a couple of the alphabet squad ask him what’s up. Yata stutters out that it’s nothing but then he looks around real quick to see if Anna’s around before leaning in to ask some advice. Chitose’s the expert on this kind of thing so he’s really the only one Yata can think to talk to, like how do you know if you’re, y'know, any good. Chitose’s like ‘huh’ and Yata coughs and gets all red as he’s like you know….good. Chitose grins and is all oh so you think you think you suck at sex. Yata’s like shut up but he’s also biting his tongue a little because he still wants to know. He admits that Fushimi never really makes any sound during sex and what if that means he’s not enjoying it. Chitose grins and is like let the master tell you how to really drive a girl wild (and then Yata’s like he’s not a girl and Chitose’s all whatever this will make any guy wild too trust me).
So then the next time Yata’s got Fushimi pinned below him on the bed and they’re starting to go at it, Yata biting and kissing at his skin as Fushimi just pulls him closer all breathlessly. Yata’s murmuring Fushimi’s name under his breath and Fushimi pants softly in reply, no words, no sound at all and Yata bites at his neck wanting to draw out something from him, a yell, a moan, anything. Fushimi remains stubborn even as Yata’s fingering his entrance and finally Yata just pulls him close as he pushes inside, his eyes meeting Fushimi’s as he murmurs against Fushimi’s skin: “just moan so only I can hear.” Fushimi’s whole body stiffens for a moment, tightening around Yata in a way that makes Yata give his own low moan of pleasure and suddenly it’s like Yata’s found the secret and Fushimi gives this low sound of pleasure from deep in his throat, pulling Yata closer almost ferociously into a kiss. Yata starts moving inside of him even faster, his movements rough with need and Fushimi’s just repeating Yata’s name over and over, half a word, half a breath, half a moan and Yata’s never been so turned on, hearing his name falling from Fushimi’s lips in that tone, Fushimi barely aware of anything but Yata’s skin against his, Yata moving inside him and Yata’s name gasping from his mouth. (And afterward Yata admits that he’s been worried all this time, that Fushimi wasn’t enjoying it, and Fushimi gets all red himself as he says he’s not used to being…vocal. Yata grins and says he’s gonna make Fushimi scream his name next time and Fushimi gives a smirk in reply like I’d like to see you try.)
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
Hiii!! I was wondering if we could have a strain that switches personalities, but not identities, hitting sarumi and neko? So then youd have sarumi curling up to misaki going "he's my misaki!! And im his saru!!" And generally being super clingy as neko begins teasing shiro relentlessy and trying to piss him off? Bonus if the rest of homra and scepter4 + kuroh is there to witness the mess, and they have to figure out the way to capture the strain somehow!! Thanks ridia-san!! I love your blog :DDD
…This means Saru hates clothes now, right? Not just underwear, he hates all clothes :D Like imagine Fushimi and Neko get hit by the personality-swap Strain, like maybe post-ROK Yata and Fushimi are chasing the Strain and they run into Kuroh and Neko who were on a grocery run. When Kuroh hears about the Strain he offers to help track it down, the four of them are in pursuit of the Strain when Fushimi and Neko get hit by a sudden sneak attack. Immediately Yata and Kuroh go running to their respective partners, both super worried about what might have just happened because the Strain’s powers are unknown. Neko sits up first, shaking her head and looking a little off balance. Kuroh asks her if she’s okay and Neko crosses her arms and clicks her tongue, telling Kuroh not to touch her so familiarly. Immediately Kuroh and Yata both assume that this must be a good old-fashioned body switch and Neko clicks her tongue again and asks if they’re both stupid, does she look like Mean Glasses. Kuroh slowly asks if she’s really Neko then and Neko calls him an idiot, saying he’s annoying for hovering over her this way.
Yata meanwhile looks back at Fushimi, like wait if Neko’s acting that way then what about Saruhiko. Fushimi sits up slowly, looking around in confusion and Yata’s immediately there asking him how he feels. Fushimi stares at him for a moment and then Yata gets tackle-hugged, Fushimi nuzzling his cheek and making purring sounds. Yata’s face gets red and he starts flailing a little like w-wait a second Saruhiko what’s going on and Fushimi’s all ‘This is my Misaki and I’m Misaki’s Saruhiko!’ Yata gets even more red, not even sure what to do as Fushimi starts cuddling him again.
At some point while this is happening the rest of Scepter 4 and Homra have come looking for their missing clansmen, they run into Shiro on the way who says that Kuroh and Neko went out for groceries hours ago and they haven’t come back. Awashima and Kusanagi exchange a glance, wondering if maybe something happened to all four missing members. Awashima looks down at her PDA, saying she has a signal on Fushimi’s PDA and they should be almost at his location. That’s when they hear Yata’s voice yelling at Fushimi to come back and put his underwear back on, a moment later a totally naked Fushimi runs by yelling back that he hates underwear and he doesn’t want to wear any. Awashima’s just staring at him flatly like 'Fushimi….kun…?’ Fushimi sees her and comes bouncing over, hugging her as he asks if she has any crackers, he’s hungry. Yata comes running up a moment later, holding Fushimi’s pants like Saruhiko I said get back here, he sees the rest of Scepter 4 and Homra standing there staring at him and Yata immediately goes pale like wait I can explain. Meanwhile Shiro’s spotted Neko and Kuroh, he asks if they’re okay and Neko clicks her tongue and crosses her arms, looking away with a slight flush on her cheeks as she mutters that she’s fine, she just got caught up with these idiots and things ended up taking forever.
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
Can Fushimi please get an animal companion? I don't like him being alone forever...
Fushimi’s not alone, he has me Yata and Munakata and all of Scepter 4 D: It would be cute if he had a nice animal companion though, I know I had an ask once about Fushimi having a little snake friend which was sweet. Or imagine he ends up with something uncommon as an animal companion, like Scepter 4 helps uncover a tropical bird smuggling ring and Fushimi gets his very own Kotosaka-style parrot, like a brilliantly colored macaw or something that decides it likes him and just perches on his shoulder all the time looking content. The bird happens to have a knack for picking up words so it quickly learns to imitate tongue clicks, meaning that occasionally Fushimi will click his tongue about something only to have it basically sound like he’s tongue clicking in stereo as the bird copies the sound perfectly. The parrot also happens to listen in whenever Fushimi’s all by himself in his room and it probably ends up repeating all sorts of things, like at least some of the words are probably swears and the first time the bird says something rude when Fushimi’s visiting Homra Kusanagi has to cover Anna’s ears as he tells Fushimi to leave the bird outside next time. Unfortunately for Fushimi the parrot also gets to uncover his hidden heart of gold so then imagine it saying all the things that Fushimi’s too emotionally constipated to actually say himself, like someone gets injured on a mission and Fushimi’s all ‘pay more attention next time, idiot’ while the parrot’s like 'Saruhiko’s worried and wants you to be safe.’ Fushimi flatly denies anything the bird says, the bird squawks something like 'Saruhiko loves me’ and Fushimi’s just sitting there fuming but his ears are red.
Another cute possibility, please imagine Fushimi with like a tiny little rabbit that loves him. Maybe this is another one of those animal smuggling ring things and there’s like this one rabbit that gets out of its crate during the commotion and hides under a table. None of the alphabet boys can get it to come out and Fushimi comes over to see what’s taking so long, only to have this little cute rabbit hop right out and start nuzzling his foot. The rabbit starts to cry when they try to take it away from Fushimi so Munakata decides that for the time being Fushimi gets to be in charge of it. He’s not happy about being stuck with this stupid small animal but Munakata is very excited over it and buys a nice hutch for the rabbit and sets up a whole play area in Fushimi’s dorm room so that his rabbit can hop around freely. Fushimi complains that he doesn’t need all this and why can’t Munakata be the one to keep the rabbit if he likes it so much, Munakata just smiles and tells Fushimi to please enjoy spending time with his new companion. Fushimi sighs and then later when he’s alone he’s like leaning over the cage and looking at the rabbit, he reaches one hand in and the rabbit immediately hops forward and starts nuzzling and Fushimi just sits there staring, like okay maybe this is a little soothing. Just a little.
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
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Thanks Asteria
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
Its pride month so can we get Saru coming out as gay to s4? Maybe its during some special squads overnight bonding trip post ROK (so theyre getting along surprisingly well) and theyre on the topic of romance or girls and Saru quietly says hes gay after being asked about girls and everyones just like oh. makes sense. Muna ofc is a proud father and makes Saru feel accepted especially being gay himself (Muna just happily wants to bond with his son like lets go to pride together Fushimi-kun)
This being Scepter 4 I feel like if Fushimi came out it would probably be met with a ‘wait, you thought all of us were straight?’, like come they’re all bi at least. Maybe Fushimi doesn’t like to talk about it though, like he’s known for pretty much ever that he was gay and I’m sure if Niki knew he’d find a way to torment Fushimi over it and give him some kind of complex about it. Like maybe some time after Fushimi started being friends with Yata Niki would occasionally make little comments along with his teasing where it’s not just Yata being Fushimi’s friend but his boyfriend (and as I recall the hallucination Niki in LSW makes a joke at one point about Fushimi being a virgin who brought a woman into his room except the hallucination involves Yata sneaking out the window, so maybe at some point in Fushimi’s actual past he makes Yata leave his house when Niki shows up unexpectedly and Niki makes that same comment and then gets this twisted smile as he’s like 'wait…you wouldn’t invite a woman in now would you?’). So this ends up as just another thing about himself that Fushimi takes as being different, that he’s somehow weird because he doesn’t like girls and even worse he knows that he’s having these feelings for Misaki and he feels like if he says anything Yata would be disgusted and leave him. Even when he joins Scepter 4 Fushimi still doesn’t really talk about his orientation, in part obviously because he doesn’t see the point in sharing that kind of thing with strangers but also because he feels like it’s this dirty secret of his, that he’s abnormal somehow and he would rather bury all his feelings than have to deal with them.
So then maybe one day post-ROK Munakata decides that due to all their hard work recently he’s sending the force on like a big hot springs trip and everyone gets to go enjoy a fancy hotel and food and everything. Everyone’s surprised by the fact that Fushimi doesn’t immediately decline the invitation, not only that but he actually seems to be making some grudging effort to spend time with everyone (sure he hovers on the edge of the hot springs away from everyone but at least he went in the water this time instead of hiding in the room by himself). Afterward Fushimi and the alphabet squad are all crowded in this big room talking, the alphabet boys are in a big circle together and Fushimi’s off to the side but still in listening range, playing on his PDA. The talk turns to girls and relationships, everyone talking about girls they’ve dated or what their type is and Hidaka has had maybe a bit too much of the sake because he ends up asking Fushimi-san what his type is. Fushimi looks up all 'eh?’ and Hidaka’s like I want to know, what’s your type of girl. They’re all staring at him now and Fushimi looks down at his PDA, clicking his tongue. Hidaka looks a bit deflated for a moment, clearly expecting to be blown off, and then Fushimi’s finally like “….guy.” Hidaka’s all 'huh?’ and Fushimi repeats himself, that he doesn’t have a type of girl, it’s a guy for him.
There’s a pause and Fushimi totally expects to be teased or treated coldly, probably thinking that this was stupid and he knew he shouldn’t have even gone on this trip in the firs place, that’s what he gets for listening to Misaki who kept bugging him to spend more time with his clan. But then Hidaka’s like 'oh. What’s your type of guy then?’ (and somehow he suddenly sounds a bit too eager to hear the answer). Fushimi looks up in surprise and now all the alphabet boys are looking at him waiting, smiling like he didn’t say anything strange at all and Fushimi’s like what are you idiots doing, what I said isn’t normal is it. Everyone’s like no why wouldn’t it be, like did you even notice that Akiyama and Benzai have been basically married for like years already. Hidaka’s totally on the 'it’s okay to be gay’ train and is being very encouraging, everyone’s probably showing their support for Fushimi’s bravery in coming out when suddenly the door opens and there’s Munakata, who heard the whole thing and is here for bonding time with his men and especially with Fushimi-kun, he’s all ready to buy Fushimi rainbow socks and teach him the wonders of accepting yourself and your sexuality.
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
Scepter 4, battou!
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So I made a couple custom nuis since we don’t have official ones of the whole alphabet squad ^^ Process pictures under the cut:
Keep reading
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
Reisi draws Fushimi "like one of his French girls."
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I don’t think Munakata has seen Titanic.
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kmorelikegay · 5 years
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