kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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how often are you all possessed by animals to draw sigils? hashtag privilege im 110lbs and these are to save lives from mental slave owners who are threatening to kill over the universe evolvin. i have spells animals angrily signed for me because there was such a low % of my body i could control. I have a lot of dolphin and horse help but holy shit fuck bojack horseman i hate hollywood, fucking burn lol oh its just the news. owo. it is. 
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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the concept of communication is a force that psychopaths block in dying children as a calling and its one that people instinctively all answer but predators answer and kill and others call for help. monitoring this line generationally is what leads to thoughts like 9/11 scaring the population will solidify some sort of dominance stance mentally with the concept of 911 being a group calling for help like were all in a hive mind but always leashable (were not, broken worldview) this wall is so dense around me I cant communicate to anyone and all my body language is deciphered and puppets are built off me deep rooted into my consciousness for control, there's so many people assuming my face that I cant speak and all I have are my spellbooks and everyone just gets caught in the forests of wow nikki is a lazy slothish needy asshole that psychopaths lay narratives of around schizophrenics calling for help which is deeper of an instinctual calling then just babies needing to survive because the schizophrenic is the natural “shaman” class and is needed for dream interpretation to help all of society continue to function. this is why there is such a deep vibration for prophets and prophet and god stories that is calm and understood by all, these are instincts and physical paths people walked before us that led and taught them. people can feel that i am in need deeply and I am smart enough to teach like terrence and this has lead to observing and lowkey threatening since I was a kid out of misunderstanding between people conversing. lack of light in mental conversation and meeting will lead to poor choice and in terms of seeing, touching, material things the world has never been more black and white with poverty and the wealthy looking down, but in terms of light as a force conceptually, its not JUST people protesting FOR the planet and to force change for the sake of concept that IS the force of nature moving and pushing these lines AS CONCEPTS or FOR MONEY that IS backed by people and THOUGHT AND CHOICE and the west is like 99.9% people playing god astrally crawling up peoples assholes like south park or something. this plate frame is my slate like tablet for the script of what the astral is to me, real bone, the animals will keep the tune ive been making this on and off for weeks and the story around it like the pocahontas song changes everyday its nice but like, im literally dying ive been dying for years and joji will drop a mixtape in my womb with ninjas and grab em by the pussy america and everyone will just continue on like astral torture of schizophrenics does not exist like im going to make another dreamcatcher soon about the fucking emoji movie treating me like a trash can for all their insane thoughts and mania like full blown owo mania serial killer woman and men theater majors like cal arts nightmares and using me as a pillow case or a frequency to always have a concept around and a place to blame bad vibe in a  room people follow the hatred of weed smell worldwide into the crystals in my lungs and call me a fucking smoke and place their astral selves on my body in my lungs to crush my diaphragm and always narrate off me. people rape kids and keep their astral forms in the kids and then narrate over and for them in any situation regarding them and then go for that stance in everyone else. collectively those shadow people with blocked charas imitate the environment and find the lines in people and animals and conversations and draw lines where everyone moves like look her there simba song, bojack horseman, i need to die none of you understand mkultra torture on a schizophrenic they defined me as retarded when i was a kid and im the level of schizophrenia they all just want to hold hostage in a death threat or physically keep confused and numbed and lost because of THEIR FEAR and threaten me into physical (ooo psychopathic owo submission rape killing fetish) dysfunction FROM all the “symptoms” of paranoid schizophrenia like hearing threats thinking everyone is trying to come after you all your neighbors are out to get you everyone /would/ kill you at some point but you dont know when, this is all from being abused a lot as a child and growing up with a checked viewpoint in the astral and noticing how psychopathic predators will follow and threaten. nicolas tesla was abused heavily imho leading to the stance that he didnt believe in telepathy and then stating if someone wanted to murder you they would and he said that to guard his life from all the people who threatened him astrally for their crimes and would join with other psychopaths who work their way into the state and law and other forms of power and abuse positions, this is common with this form of insanity and as a human being they use me as a “paranoid schizophrenic” as a trash can for their emotions and then justify it with paying me ssdi and keep puppets with almost full karmic circles in their minds around me and in me like goddamn skin tags im 110lbs again from these rapists. yall everytime you question my psychic ability know that my books got you when you thought you got past me, ive known that my whole life I always will im nearing book 20 and age 25 which is natural adult and to 5d earth and all the broken worldviews i need you all to know a lot of you died already in prison riots for unwinding dna and telling everyone you were smart as shit. light is a force we all follow going into the earth from all angles it clears and teaches naturally and psychopaths get a coke high tailing the population for like a fear edge but the wall behind them is light, so they threaten us. thats a full circle, jackson storm 
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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my life is threatened constantly because the force of light creating life on this planet with all the other forces is everpresently growing and the 5dearth of light is getting harder to avoid so psychopaths are getting severely aggressive astrally and now that they have SUPER aggressively “donated” these concepts in all of us they expect us to bend over and let them camp in our frontal lobes for interest torture and sexual pleasure through our sex lives because they cannot form real connections astrally naturally they are avoided or hated and they have to coat and hide themselves with other people. i have been used as an astral scapegoat for all bad thought action vibration frequency and sense of gut check where people start to get suspicious and people use me like a coat, like a perfume, like a giant sleeping back to just gaze into and torture and blame everything on insanity or the wards. they all keep real dollhouses and possess my house and fridge and car and stop all concept of anyone coming to save me. really think about that, they all corner and abuse and try to get you alone and constantly start narratives that everything that you are is wrong energetically. they have used schizophrenics like trash cans since the dawn of time physically. the emoji movie smiler is basically glued to me so deeply like a skinsuit im the stay puff marshmallow man of demonic force and they all grill into my ability to physically pervasive time and rape it and just physically crush me and my ability to cry and scare and torture me with near silent vibrations because  im hypersensitive and i have no grey matter so its really easy to posess me and these constant ever present debates over where i can function and where i can perceive so they can narrate in front of me and hide or try to convince other people of their truth in and through me because they have done something wrong. using people like this is archaic and unchecked as fuck here. people are stalking me for these books later because of their life sentences and I need help. this generation is recovering from childhood abuse more than any other while they get astrally more aggressive then ever and everyone falls into perpetuating shootings and blaming me and now i have book after book of pages of people debating reality in my head while im one of the most checked through time out here. i get so heavily possessed when i get near the concept of my computer that often i can forget a concept i needed for weeks for being online versus away from for a few days. people attack the concept of me being able to functionally perceive a lot of time and they start to assume because they have had their way for so long that its stacking and it always will /but that is the light that is stacking that they imitate/ and they are being phased out like the ocean cleansing itself. like in zootopia the great spirit, 5dearth basically, everyone in unison with the mostly good trending but a swing in schizophrenia and psychopathic disorder causing chaos, the movie has everyone think in the begging scene that the bunny is “racist” as a concept kind of for fearing a predator who is naturally drawn to kill and they use the concept that its in their DNA do do so. what they want is for the audience to feel the concept of oh ok natural yes fox, but fox to cop and the fox is right, naturally. this can be abused by white power astrally and other people trying to supress the concept of police.there are a ton of back and forths in that movie like that but people can with the base concepts of DNA and right to be aggressive with the fox with the concept of backwards dna from abuse because there is the  classic DNA argument that incest causes backwards dna and its common in the south. its hard not to encounter it astrally from the usa watching the movie. they want the idea and concept that its natural to stick with the concept of DNA and death and predatory behavior that is aggressive to the hero who takes a friendship/love/thing with a predator in the eyes of most viewers, they want the concept of nature (raising normally) to be more in tune with death and sex is natural because of the way people will kill people they buy. theres a lot of film and media people use to literally cover their dicks conceptually through time with an audience. these people drive me insane by thinking they can all camp near me and pick up debates while lightly dicking me down or shoving me into a diorama world in their womb. this is horrific and i hate room building and everyone thinking their smart for doing so. changing someones no to a yes and chasing concepts and torturing while avoiding the concept is pure insanity 
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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disney has forced a “fursona” puppet on and in me deeply since I was a child that is used frequently to coat my experiences with other animals and help them narrate everything. they will all collectively keep you in mental basically gerbil cages of fuck, scared, fun, love, sad, food, fuck, and follow this and lead and guide narrative, there's so many it is a very heavy dense force that is heavily ignored by most all people but will stop you from perceiving physically because the force of all these people stacking and moving collectively. there's a lot of brainwashing in these books, all can be used for astral scouting. there's so MANY people stalking my pages who think no one can hear them OR no one would believe that they are BECAUSE of their name and they're all psychopathic people who think they can honestly play god on at least on level. my character has a mane that changes colors and i've heard from the animals its to help strengthen the spine and invigorate chakras, the most common one I drew was green to help the heart. everyone will grill into your vision and its very painful, putting this character on the animals and characters both brings the concept out of my body into animals (animals will channel through drawings and other totems to talk to you and so will predators) and this gives them power. the concept of my character is used very heavily after a bunch of my spellbooks take off with hashtags, i ma being more heavily stalked then ever and there are a lot of people who blame me personally for my spells cleansing the evil they grinded into my body where they thought they could debate god and what literally was going on just by narration alone of the astral and shutting down of all visions they down approve of. honestly they are threatening everyone and I need to be in protection. basically every concept of me being god has been a joke and a puppet since I was a kid and it's a joke now because I have become a heavy icon to a lot of people for like textbook or bar for schizophrenia or the next mekenna. the government has grilled into me since I was a child and most of the population that watched ww2 and didn't understand the concept of why hitler thought it was possible to or wanted magical people while they fought the war this  is a really, really common problem. most people just call hitler crazy and leave and don't understand the focus in the occult the nazis took or they say he did nothing wrong and side with power magic IQ and eugenics logic, all stemming from systematic psychopathic abuse, this mental disorder goes mostly unchecked when high functioning currently in every part of the world and they tend to go for the gold with the concept of buying the world. this can be treated and these lifestyles will change with changes in perception of the astral and time, karma, and justifications of anger
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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im physically unable to do anything else like many other schizophrenics and i will never stop knowing where all of you are lazy, stupid, worthless individuals being weighted monitored fucked and toyed with my psychopaths killing cats for their souls and frequencies to feshize princess cat from bojack and live in my womb as a stepstool to choke me astrally and kill children in my body like screaming into a pillowcase and then monitor all of my thought and movement and ability to move and act and perceive with ACTUAL DISNEY OCCULT MAGIC FORCE (mostly knowledge and willingness to shove/grind astral forms into other peoples minds and bodies) and stop and draw line at any and all astral interaction with animal life all life sunlight and the force of nature and 5d earth thinking and moving. all the electromagnetic force of earth captures every thought and movement you make as were all pulled down to the center of the planet together as if it is our beehive but we are not free floating the “gates” are a scale and they are not us, people just meet and perceive and get to these points and continue and they are ever present scales, you are not the judge you are being weighted and other people will  say, no, I am the judge, but all they are are people. The environment literally physically keeps everything like i library of force this is part of the fabric of time.other people are the ones with the concept of “no” to that bank of knowledge and they try to be the gatekeeper because they cannot pass and they need to blend in. this is basically all psychopathic disorder does, like the villain in the emoji film
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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i've gone through notebooks now trying to just get to the place where i can physically describe what its like to be trapped by a bunch of psychopaths physically ingraining the mental patterns of thought that they want so they can dictate and narrate rooms and control the narrative of the concept of me in a massive shadow group. this starts with childhood abuse where abusers start to narrate in your head and abuse you and then always shift energy in you when they have the concept of you with all the other psychopaths to everything is your fault (he died for your sins can be used to shift blame around people like they are a heard in the collective) the hyperfocus pushed me into writing several spell books and I can barely focus on anything. they find the lines where you can and cannot perceive and they will camp and try to control everything that goes on and try to control your afterlife and mind. through time you can see and tell who is in the concepts of “heaven” and “hell” (the concepts of good and bad people is very very visible and well known astrally if you understand your connection to everything, the egyptian afterlife was an ever present situation and items in graves can be seen and used before the grave was placed and well after, still to this day (cat in ancient egypt killed) and  people will corner and control and call it 4d chess and just rape you into the mind and body and always have a narrative for you to follow and if you perceive of them literally as they stare into you from a distance with others they will always use and fall back on other systems of psychopathic behavior where they will all systematically build and keep narratives where they are all perfect and not abusive people and they abuse root chakra to build and create these rooms. they will toy and mess with and rpe people and have systems of other 4/7 constant witnesses saying there is no way that they cannot be anything other an perfect and they will crush and dismantle connection to your frontal lobe and bodily functions to stop you from speaking or perceiving properly. 
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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im in physical pain form chakra blocks and these combos are the only thing that break demonic grip from angry idling psychopaths astrally im officially retarded yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll**********************************************
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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i have like 5 science related thoughts that change how to avoid psychopaths and how they act and behave astrally and i always get hyperfocused into not making sense for weeks to months or into breaking and making something like this just because my head hurts so much. what hurts the most is how basic these problems are and how much getting to the solution is like, 99.999999% watered down repetitive hippie lifestyle talks that psychopaths have analyzed deeply and deeped useless or something they could excel in without changing. my family wont stpo using this microwave which people throw my consciousness into and gets into my life with the waves constantly and causes cancer its really physically painful
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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the intent in the flame will burn with the spells, this cna cleanse ideas and concepts, times, dates, people, fights, confusion, fears. 
target has the cheapest tealight candles https://www.target.com/p/100pk-tealight-candles-white-room-essentials-153/-/A-21447889
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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kmartswiifittrainer · 5 years
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