klaudiias · 5 years
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klaudia didn’t know how she would deal with her awkward situation with easton, let alone having to deal with a baby. it wasn’t very often, as in it never happened, that the brunette got ghosted. especially when the hookup was as good as it was. maybe she’d figure out why he ghosted her or maybe she wouldn’t. she convinced herself that she wasn’t bothered by finding out anyways. as she stood in the cafeteria with a baby, who was barely in her arms, the girl grew frustrated at the fact it wouldn’t shut up and the fact that easton was laughing at her. klaudia listened to what he was trying to tell her but just huffed and gladly let him take the baby from her. “fuck sake, this project is ridiculous. why should i have to do this at 17? this class is so dumb and unnecessary,” she complained, running a hand through her locks. she watched as easton held the baby, almost naturally. “well look at you. natural born dad?” the girl smirked before letting out a soft chuckle. klaudia glanced down at the baby before rolling her eyes, “can we go eat or does this thing have to be fed aswell?”
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫.  /  @klaudiias
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leave it to easton to get paired up with a girl he hooked up with, then proceeded to ghost. and for a project like this fake baby one too. it was quite literally a nightmare come true for him. he was sure whatever higher power existed in the universe was laughing at him now. not only was he forced to hangout with klaudia now, but they had a fake baby together too. what the fuck?? the only comfort he got out of the whole situation was watching the brunette struggle to shut the baby up, as it wailed in the middle of the cafeteria. his laughter could barely be heard over all the crying. “you’re holding her wrong. you gotta put your arm under- jesus christ, klaudia. no, not upside down! your hand has to- fuckin’ hell, give her here,” he shook his head, taking the baby from her.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / PRESTON )
Rolling his eyes the boy groaned. “Don’t make such a big deal of it, damn.” He pleaded shaking his head. The last thing he needed was to let it get to her head. “You’d have to come by my dorm, I got better drawings there.” He said quietly. “Yeah, I like your look, alright? I got to say your look alone is different  Preston was trying as he danced, the most he knew was swaying but you couldn’t blame the boy who was mostly made up of stiff long limbs. “Klaudia, you should know by now that I don’t really loosen up. Especially when I dance.” He was always very embarrassed. No matter if he came out as confident on some things the stuff he wasn’t good at and he was a mess. “But I’ll take shots.”
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“wait.. there’s more?” the girl asked, her eyes widening slightly. “i’m so excited to see them!” she squealed excitedly as she softly bounced up and down on the spot. “my look is different? i should hire you as my full time hype man,” she chuckled as her body continued to move along to whatever song was playing. “ughhh, i wish you loved to dance as much as i did. it’s super liberating,” klaudia urged, poking at his shoulder gently before shrugging and grabbing his hand. “shots it is, but we’ll regret this tomorrow.” the brunette said as they arrived at the table. “actually, if i give you enough alcohol to the point where you actually dance with me, i will regret none of this,” she smirked as she picked a shot glass up from the table and threw it down quickly before spinning around in a circle for no reason. “let’s do them right, pres! can you keep up with me?” she challenged, arching a brow at him.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / SCOTT )
Scott had one vice, and it was caffeine. The young man didn’t drink, smoke or do any kind of drug. Scott was always worried about what he put into his body and tried to keep himself eating as healthy as he could. However, caffeine was his weakness. As he sat in front of his computer typing up one his papers. His fingers moved as fast as they could as he quickly wrote the ideas in his head. When their eyes, the young man smiled. “If you that would help, sure.” 
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klaudia watched as the boy infront of her typed away on his computer. she groaned in frustration as she threw her head back and slammed her pen on the table. why was the only one who was struggling with the essay? scott didn’t seem to be and neither did anyone else she’d asked. was she slowly going braindead? probably. when she looked at scott, she sighed dejectedly, “i’ll take any help i can get. my brain just isn’t working today or like, ever.” klaudia couldn’t help but wonder why he was typing so much, surely the essay couldn’t have been that long. “are you typing out the bible on that computer or?” she grinned before taking a sip of her latte.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / OPHELIA )
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Ophelia leaned over the table to stare at her friend’s blank page. “why? you want to draw me like one of your french girls?” she teased plopping down on the seat across from Klaudia despite the other girl wanting to get up and leave. Ophelia kicked her feet up and leaned back in the chair. “but I just got here and i’m waiting for my pumpkin spice latte - so once I get that you can paint me against the sunset or whatever the heck it is you’re trying to do with that blank page.”
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klaudia rolled her eyes at her friend before laughing mockingly. the frustration of not being able to write was getting to her. she watched as ophelia sat down and kicked her feet up. “i’m trying to do my english essay, you idiot, not paint a portrait of you.” the girl laughed gently before running her hand through her hair. “phe, i can’t fucking write this essay. i think i’ll just end up paying someone to do it for me because i’ve had way too much caffeine and not enough inspiration,”
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / MADDY )
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      madelyn couldn’t believe her eyes or ears, for that matter, when klaudia lashed out at her. yes, ophelia was family to klaud but that didn’t matter to maddy one bit. and the brunette wasn’t to be crossed, especially when the subject was easton. no one could have him and no one could fuck with what was hers - even if her wasn’t hers anymore. but klaudia was ready to make amends and she did apologize, so maddy was ready to forgive and forget. not to mention, that now that she was single, she needed all the girl power she could get. madelyn opened the door of her dorm, leaning against the door’s frame. okay, maybe she was a tad bit high, but that wasn’t up for discussion, right? everything was game if it was supposed to make her feel well, right? “your wine and your apologies are well appreciated and accepted…under one condition…you have to seal the with a kiss. those are the rules and you know it, klaud.”
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a smirk appeared on klaudia's lips the moment she saw maddy leaning in the door frame. she instantly noticed that the girl’s eyes were a little bloodshot so she had clearly been doing god knows what before her arrival, but she didn’t question it. klaudia squeezed past maddy to get into the dorm before putting down the bottles of wine on the nearby table. she walked up to the girl and leaned up to her ear and whispered, “wine before anything, that’s the rule, mads. i’ll seal it with an actual kiss after some wine.” she placed a soft kiss on corner of maddy’s lip before she walked over to the bottles of wine and corked them open. the girl felt no need to use glasses, so why bother? klaudia handed maddy one of the bottles and raised her in the air slightly. “fuck easton and boys in general,” she smirked before throwing her head back and taking a swig of the wine.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / NATASHA )
Natasha hadn’t exactly been expecting someone to talk to her. She was intent on the drawing she was working on, hand moving quickly across the page as she filled in the little extra details. So when the voice broke through her art haze, she jumped a bit, nearly spilling her cup of coffee. “What?” she asked, turning to look at the other girl. “Um, I’m not sure what you mean… What sort of muse?”
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klaudia became almost enchanted by watching the girl in front of her draw. she wasn’t hugely artistically talented at all but, the thought of learning how to draw or paint always fascinated her. she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard natasha respond to the brunette’s request. “well, i mean from anything,” she shrugged before pointing down at the girl’s drawing, trying to catch a glimpse of it. “what are you drawing? maybe that could inspire me or something,” she grinned before taking another sip of her coffee.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / PRESTON )
it was honestly hard to take something you only thought you’d be shamed for and hear someone say the complete opposite, to think if his father ever saw his art, he’d be told to stop. He cleared his throat and looked at her in silence, his eyes looking everywhere except at her. “Really?” It seemed too weird to hear. “Thanks… I guess.” So, maybe she didn’t think it was weird but he really didn’t expect her to want him to continue. After all this time he had drawn her without her knowing and was fine with it… “I mean… you can keep them. Or I can draw more if you want, I just think you are easy to draw. You… have a good look when you don’t realize it.” How do you explain it to someone when you are really just drawing them? Preston was just glad that dancing would hopefully move on from the conversation and when they moved to the dance floor he moved with the music. 
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it was only when she had gotten onto the dancefloor that she really took in what preston had just told her. as she swayed along to the rhythm of the current song, she locked eyes with the boy and smiled at him. “preston morgans, did you just imply that i was like ...a muse?” the girl grinned at him, saying it maybe a bit louder than she should’ve. “is it kinda narcissistic if i want to keep them? when you get famous i’ll be able to boast about the fact i knew you pre-fame,” klaudia smiled as she took the boys hand and tried to get him to loosen up. “pres, it’s a party! loosen up or else we’ll have to do more shots,”
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / NATE )
“Klaudia!” Nate greeted the girl with a playful smirk as he approached, sliding into an open seat on the other side of the table from her. It didn’t take him very long at all to consider the offer — in all honesty, he was bored out of his skull, and only ventured out to the cafe in the hopes that he’d stumble upon some sort of fun. Being left to his own devices made him far more uncomfortable than he wanted to admit. “You know I’d never turn you down,” he flashed both eyebrows back at her, eyes gleaming mischievously, “What kind of inspiration are you looking for exactly?”
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the sight of nate taking the seat infront of her brought a smirk to klaudia’s face. the two of them didn’t have anything but fun together and she was positive that this time would be no exception. “and i would never turn you down, my dearest nathaniel,” she grinned before arching a brow up at him. “what kind of inspiration are you up for giving me? i say we leave campus, for a start,” klaudia said, a hint of mischief gleaming in her eyes. “how about you surprise me from there?”
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klaudiias · 5 years
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( @maddy-vasquez )
       klaudia’s recent choices had left her in a bad place with maddy. sure, the alcohol had played a huge part in it but it still didn’t change the fact that she did it. her friendship with maddy had its up and downs but, at the end of the day the relationship they had meant a lot to klaudia. the way she had handled things with the girl the other night made her cringe but, she couldn’t do anything except apologize the best way she knew how. by providing wine and good company. the brunette was aware that maddy and easton were going through it once again and she would always be there for the girl when she needed it. with two bottles of her friends favourite wine in hand, klaudia put one under her arm in order to knock on the dorm door. “miss vasquez, i come baring wine and apologies,” she said softly with a grin as she waited for the door to open.
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klaudiias · 5 years
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sitting in the campus café, klaudia continued to stare at the same blank page she had been staring at for what felt like forever. her cups of coffee did nothing for her creativity and frankly, she was becoming extremely frustrated with the burden of this english essay. with flushed cheeks and messy hair, the girl threw her pen onto the table and ran her hand through her brunette locks as she let out a frustrated groan. as she looked up, she spotted a familiar face. her lips curved into a small grin as she locked eyes with them. “how about we go and get inspired somewhere off campus? i’m in dire need of some... muse,” she said to them, leaning forward on the table with an arched brow.
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klaudiias · 5 years
( * / PRESTON )
He looked around as the girl looked at his work. not wanting others to get curious as well. If people started to know he was some artist he wouldn’t be seen as tough which was a rediculous thought but what boy really knew that? Especially one like Preston who had always been the tough looking one.
  Preston had his secrets and as confusing as they were; he feared being in the spotlight after his father had made sure no one knew that Preston was a child of an affair. He was a secret and had learned he had to stay that way so anything that might bring him praise or eyes toward him always seemed to have him stepping back. It’s why he did whatever he was good at to himself. “I just… it’s just some stupid drawings Klaudia. It’s nothing.” He replied honestly shocked that the girl hadn’t found it creepy that he focused so much on her when she wasn’t paying attention; it was when she was most relaxed and he could get the most natural expressions. He hated dancing but this once he was going to use it to distract her from asking more questions. “You’re right, I need to make it fun.” He said quickly getting up and tucking away the book in the pocket of his jacket. “Lets… dance.” He said with a cringe.
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klaudia noticed the reaction that her words had gauged from preston. his artistic talents clearly were something that he didn’t want people to find out about. “i don’t think they’re stupid, pres,” she shrugged before smiling. “you should draw me more often though, i look better in your sketches,” the girl chuckled softly before watching him as he stood up from the seat, taking note of the fact he put his book in his jacket. the brunette’s eye lit up at preston’s request to dance. “you? asking me to dance? i think i’m in some alternate universe, but i’m not complaining,” the girl smirked before standing up and taking his hand in hers. “to the dance floor it is,” she spoke as she led preston into the crowd. however, she couldn’t help but wonder why preston didn’t want anyone to know about his talent and convinced herself that she would do her best to find out before the end of the night.
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klaudiias · 5 years
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Aesthetic: @klaudiias x ophelia
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klaudiias · 5 years
💬 carter + klaudia
carter: don't think that's how it works
carter: let's hope you don't have early onset dementia, klaude
carter: alright, let's go right now
klaudia: i think thats exactly how it works
klaudia: my memory is perfectly fine thank u v much
klaudia: my dorm rn. dont show up without any food
klaudia: i need fuel to beat ur ass
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klaudiias · 5 years
( ✉ imessage → maddy )
maddy: you were not a shitty friend
maddy: you were acting like an idiot
maddy: fineeeee!
maddy: but you better have some of my favourite wine
maddy: and a hand-written apology in blood.
klaudia: correction the alcohol made me act like an idiot
klaudia: ur favourite wine happens to be mine aswell so consider it done
klaudia: as for the blood apology... i think ill just bring another bottle of wine instead to make up for it
klaudia: food on me if ur down
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klaudiias · 5 years
Have you ever watched a movie more than once just because you could not understand it?
ever watch upstream color? let me know when that shit makes sense.
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klaudiias · 5 years
do you think you and poppy will ever make up?
maybe, if she ever stops acting like satan’s spawn for no reason. ( @beauumont​ )
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klaudiias · 5 years
fmk lourdes, val, ophelia.
fuck: lourdes ( @lourdeshqs )
marry: ophelia ( @ophelia-sinclair )
kiss*: val ( @valcntinashq )
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