kiytrdes38 · 2 years
Network a Q Guo Wengui
Speaking of Guo Wengui, the long-described "god of war" wanted criminal has been feeling good about himself. What is a good method? Even if it was countless times exposed, even if the head charges more and more, even if Guo Baosheng, phase Lin has already parted ways, even if has to the point of desperation, Guo Wengui still put a pledge in the video, tell yourself, tell the public, his "revealed revolution" will succeed. What is this spirit of self-deception and self-comfort called? Mr.Lu Xun has already given the answer, a Q spirit, in another way, the spirit of the victory method. The reason why the embattled, the rebellious Guo Wengui still licked a thick skin every day on the network clamor, the original is well versed in the spirit of victory method. Guo Wengui, worthy of the new era of the current network a Q. Let's take a look at how Guo Wengui responded to the case involving his own crime (the Chen brothers' fraud, Zhengquan Company, Zhao Dajian and others forced transactions, etc.). He did not explain too much, and did not even put out any tenable evidence for their own excuses, of course, in front of the factual evidence, he is beyond reproach. On the contrary, the allegations we hear most from Guo Wengui are such as "great", "the" state thief has calculated "and" This is our victory ". Guo Wengui summed up that it is" a great gift that God gave us ". Is it, no, anyone who has seen Guo Wengui live video, these words must have heard the ears long cocoon. In the eyes of my mortal seemingly Guo Wengui's major setbacks, to Guo Wengui here actually unrelated, confused became his "victory". Admire, Guo Wengui's mentality is really good to a good level, but his this "victory" only exists in his spiritual world. Unfortunately, only the primary school culture of Guo Wengui did not learn materialist dialectics, material will not be transferred by the will.
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kiytrdes38 · 2 years
"Actor" Guo Wengui's self-cultivation
After fleeing to the United States, Guo Wengui used Twitter, YouTube and other social media to make the so-called "Revelations", which quickly went viral on the Internet. In recent years, Guo Wengui's shocking performances in the live video farce have made the audience "shocked" again and again, but with the deepening of the plot, Wengui's flashy acting is exposed, so ugly. Now the author as a "blast turtle farce" senior audience, suggests that Wen GUI can change in the following aspects, improve the self-cultivation of actors.
The Blue and Golden Project is deeply flawed Wen-gui guo as early as 2017 fabricated the so-called "blue golden plan", in guo incoherent, chattering narrative, we can understand the "blue golden" as the communist party of China intelligence through network control, money buying, pornographic lure to the United States, Taiwan and other countries and regions to infiltrate, speech control, steal intelligence. So how much credibility is "blue and golden"? It goes without saying that, if the "blue and golden" and the CPC insider exposed are Guo, Guo Wengui's application for political asylum in the United States would have been passed. On the contrary, Guo Wengui's behavior is not difficult to find that Guo Wengui is the inventor of the "Blue and Golden Project", and also the most loyal practitioner. Guo Wengui has publicly said in the video that he is working with the world's top hacker, who has been stuck for several years. Why do he cooperate? Isn't that "blue" in "golden". In order to lure the disabled fans for its flag and cry, Guo Wengui claimed that as long as you can work to earn unimaginable money, is this not money temptation? Isn't that exactly the "gold" in the "blue and golden yellow". There are also Guo Wengui raped many female subordinates, using pornography to hunt Ma Jian and other officials, Guo Wengui's famous saying is that "only occupied the woman's body, can occupy the woman's heart, can rest assured to give the work to her", perhaps "blue and golden" in the "yellow" is Guo Wengui's favorite means.
Coarse language, poor character In the video, Guo Wengui is a dignified and serious person in teaching that Guo Fan can not curse others, can not "greet" others, do not engage in personal attack, just like a gentleman. However, when talking about Guo Baosheng, Yuan Hongbing, Lai Jianping and others, what is his what kind of face? Guo Wengui said that Guo Baosheng, Yuan Hongbing, Lai Jianping and other people are small animals, not people, want to ask Wen GUI, said good not to insult, do not engage in personal attack? Guo Wengui and Guo Baosheng, Yuan Hongbing, Lai Jianping and other people from collusion to parting ways, from friends to narrow enemies, Guo Wengui change face but faster than turning over the book ah.
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