kiyoseirin · 9 years
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"I promise I didn't do it! I just went into the men's bathroom, and there was water everywhere!"
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  The statement caught Kuroko by surprise for a fraction of a second though he shouldn’t be. This was Kiyoshi-senpai. He could be taking things a bit too seriously, like usual.
"What happened, Kiyoshi-senpai?"
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
"End of the line, cool breeze."
"All right! Let's do this, people! And... animals! And... weird faceless puppet creatures!"
"Oh. That's problematic."
"Why are you slapping a monkey?"
"Some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them."
"This is not worth $11.50 an hour!"
"I'm gonna shoot you in your dang eye. In your dadgum eye."
"A little birdie told me somebody likes... magic."
"Don't let anything in or out."
"We may be small but our hearts are large... metaphorically speaking."
"I ain't quittin' you!"
"He looks like a weirdie."
"Are you crackin' wise?"
"Moving on."
"I told you, I don't like to be manhandled!"
"Now stop whining and take it like a man!"
"Don't be a kiss-ass."
"You don't seem very bad. You just seem sort of vaguely grouchy to me."
"I just feel as if I've been asleep for along time and now suddenly I'm awake."
"This is a no-touching zone!"
"It was shorter in Egyptian."
"Is that you breathing? Because I can't hear myself think."
"He is not a friendly. I repeat, NOT a friendly!"
"Whoever you are, Archie Bunker, you had one comfortable throne."
"Don't cross this line with your hand!"
"If you speak again, I'm going to kill you."
"You haven't been able to take your cheaters off my chassis since we met."
"Did they run out of jokes at the interesting-joke store that you shop at?"
"My hair is considered currency in certain parts of Europe."
"That mustachioed horseman ain't always gonna be there to protect you! You hear me?!"
"Bully! Gotcha, boy."
"It's just for decoration."
"Don't talk down to me!"
"For the love of Gideon, stop wallowing in self-pity."
"Yeah, it's cool. It's freakin' awesome!"
"You wanna dance, hot dog?"
"You ain't gettin' rid of us that easy."
"Who's evolved?"
"The Guardian of Brooklyn has returned!"
"We're Americans! We don't plan, we do!"
"I'm a person just like you."
"But won't yelling "Attack!" alert the enemy that we are about to attack?"
"Any questions not about the dress?"
"Why do you look at me when you say "short"?"
"Oh, you naive American man-boy."
"Steady, my friend. Just stay alive! I will find you!"
"I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously. You're just adorable."
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
Kiyoshi spun the pen around his index finger and thumb. After the third spin, Kiyoshi's thumb hit the pen a tad bit too hard and his pen went flying. 
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"Oops," Kiyoshi remarked, as he watched his pen fly across the room and hit them in the back of their head. 
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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          "Teach us your ways, Kuroko. Your drinking ways. How do you do it--" 
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             Kuroko stiffened, eye’s widening a bit at the others outburst.
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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Kuroko no Basket Countdown - 9 days left ↳ Kiyoshi Teppei
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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"Kuroko! You already finished your shake?! I didn't think you were this good at drinking!"
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              He held up the empty shake container,               taking off the lid to show that it was empty.
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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         "The toilet. It's... Sorta flooded." 
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"What do you mean by that, Kiyoshi-senpai?"
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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Kiyoshi reacted immediately to Kuroko's pout, and pulled out his post-workout protein shake. "Where's yours, Kuroko?" 
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                    Kuroko turned the saddest look onto his senpai.                   He only wanted another shake.
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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         "Wait, hold on. That can't be healthy. What about a handshake                                                making contest?"
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             “Milkshake drinking contest.”
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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         "But you have to pick one! And loser has to pay for the entire                                            team's next meal!"  
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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          "We might have a slight problem..."​
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
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          "Are we talking basketball? Or chess? Because I think a                                     change of pace is what's needed." 
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                   “I challenge you. One on One.”
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
     Kiyoshi walked down the unfamiliar streets of Kanagawa, energized by the Kaijo basketball game he just witnessed. He pictured Kise, Hayakawa, and the rest of Kaijo’s team battling it out with their opponents with their special talents and abilities.  The Seirin versus Kaijo match was coming up, and just thinking about their upcoming battle made Kiyoshi’s jaw hurt from smiling too wide. However, his daydream came to an abrupt end as his phone went off, informing him of a text message from Aida.
     Kiyoshi pouted, as the alert made him remember that Aida had asked him to pick up some more athletic tape. He opened up his text message, and sure enough, Aida texted him about that foamy wrap. That cursed tape that has gotten him in trouble in the past, as Aida never seemed to like the tape that Kiyoshi brings back. Why she continues to ask him, Kiyoshi will never know.
     He quickly slipped into the nearest convenience store, wanting to leave the second he put his foot in the door. Kiyoshi immediately located the health care and first-aid section, and hurried over to the bandages. What he saw made his heart drop. The entire column was filled with different brands of athletic tapes and wraps, all varying in size and color. Which one was he supposed to take? What if he brings the wrong one to Aida again? He’d never hear the end of it.
     Kiyoshi looked around helplessly. Maybe an associate would be able to put his worries to rest! He saw someone with the store logo printed on his shirt and decided he was the one to ask. Kiyoshi walked up to the guy, and noticed the bandanna over his forehead, covering a good portion of his hair. Kiyoshi couldn’t put his finger on it, but this guy reminded him of Hyuga.
     “Excuse me, sir,” Kiyoshi voiced, “I was wondering if you could help me with some of these athletic wraps.”    
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kiyoseirin · 9 years
// Hey everyone! Tumblr's been slowly emailing me about people who start following me on this account, and I've finally built up the motivation to start this blog up again! If you'd like to RP with me, just "like" this, or something, and I'll send you a starter or something! I really want to get back to using this! Thanks! //
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kiyoseirin · 10 years
Kiyoshi stepped onto the court and slapped Hyuuga's back. 
"What's with that serious expression on your face? You're going to give yourself a headache!" 
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The ball and the net had an intimate connection.
A truly intimate connection.
And Hyuuga could feel it,                                   guide the ball,                                             make it in—-
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"GWAHH—! Who the—?!"
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kiyoseirin · 10 years
Kuroko had no expectations at all in Kiyoshi-senpai’s answer but even then some part of it made him cringe. Kiyoshi-senpai was either too kind, or oblivious, or too cruel. The shadow had to agree the first two traits.
"Senpai, I don’t think a bunch of guys working out for her would make a nice present. And I would like to live a little longer, thank you."
Kiyoshi-senpai may be fine with adding more to the training regime, but add more and Kuroko would surely sleep sometime between the practice again like how he first started out in the basketball club. Beside a birthday gift should be something more special..
The mention of Nigou horrified Kuroko. Coach Riko did show fondness towards the little fluffy guy but Nigou was practically the team’s mascot! Giving the dog away to Coach Riko would be.. like terminating him as the mascot of Seirin..or taking him away from Kuroko..
"No, Kiyoshi-senpai,"
Kuroko replied bluntly.
"Nigou is the team mascot and he belongs to everyone. I understand that he’s cute and Coach Riko is really fond of him but a birthday present should be something surprising and special. She met Nigou before so it would ruin the surprise."
Kuroko tried his best to explain his theories on ‘why-they-should-not-give-Nigou-as-a-present’. His affection for the little husky was real and he’d be sad if Nigou was separated from him..
"Please take this matter into more consideration and think of other gifts, Kiyoshi-senpai,"
A little bit of furrowing brows was detected. Kuroko wanted to think of other appropriate gifts for the their female coach and he wanted them to not be training or Nigou.
Kiyoshi could hear from Kuroko’s voice that there was no hope in giving Aida a new training regime or Nigou for a gift. Well, there goes those bright suggestions. And to think he almost had those gifts all planned out in his head.
Kiyoshi leaned back in his seat and sighed. “Kuroko, you’re not making this easy for me,” Kiyoshi complained with defeat. What else could there possibly be? Along with Kuroko, Kiyoshi also furrowed his eyebrows in thought, to the point where his eyebrows looked like they were touching each other.
After a few solid minutes of silent concentration, Kiyoshi couldn’t take it anymore. Though the library should be a place of new ideas, sitting in this bleak place wasn’t doing Kiyoshi any good. What he needed was some fresh air.
That’s it!
Kiyoshi’s eyes widen with a new idea and proposal for Kuroko.
“Kuroko!” With Kiyoshi’s large hands, he grabbed the side of Kuroko’s seat to get his attention. “Let’s go to the mall together!”
And just like that, Kiyoshi dropped the bomb on Kuroko. Not a literal one, of course, but one big enough to draw the attention of the students around them. With sets of eyes coming at him from all directions, Kiyoshi realized that his voice was above what the library considered the “inside voice”.
“Err…” Embarrassed, Kiyoshi brought his voice down to slightly above a whisper. “I mean, we won’t be able to come up with any ideas if we’re stuck in this tiny, bland room. Let’s go to some shops and look for things Aida might like. What do you say?” 
Kiyoshi smiled. He knew he could count on Kuroko to listen to him, even after using that excuse of wanting to study.  
"But you have been with Coach Riko longer, Kiyoshi-senpai. You would know her better,” Kuroko replied to Kiyoshi’s plea, “Do you know what she likes? Maybe something from a hobby perhaps?"
Kiyoshi put his head down on the table in defeat. “What she likes?” Kiyoshi repeated Kuroko’s question, in hopes that the question would answer itself. Kiyoshi scrunched his eyebrows in thought before responding.
“She’s always smiling when she puts us through training hell! How does that sound as a gift?!” Kiyoshi lifted his head off the table as his eyes sparked at the idea. “We could all work out for her!”
“Or maybe a dog?! Kuroko, how about we give here #2?! That’s brilliant, right?!” With every word, Kiyoshi got louder with excitement; he couldn’t help but smile at his accomplished ideas.  
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kiyoseirin · 10 years
// sorry I haven't been replying much, I've been a tad preoccupied (and playing League OTL). I'll be sure to get them in when I get back from work! BUT I PROMISE I DIDN'T FORGET. // 
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