kitshi02 · 3 years
Sneak: 100
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kitshi02 · 4 years
Nathan: I never get a restful night sleep, and I need a good nine hours
Van: What you need is a good nine inches
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kitshi02 · 5 years
“Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“I have three older brothers.”
“Yeah, Wilson played first table on the chess team, Chester used to start crying every time he heard a sad song, Dan can really rock a cocktail dress and six-inch heels, and I wasn’t going to let anyone give them any shit for any of that.  So I had to learn to beat up people bigger than me pretty early on.”
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kitshi02 · 5 years
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Spider sense
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kitshi02 · 5 years
seriously though bisexuality being defined as attraction to men and women is a heterosexual’s definition of bisexuality actual bisexual groups and organizations have been defining it as attraction to two or more genders or same and other genders since the nineties and plenty of nb people actually id as bi and refusing to accept how we define ourselves is so absurdly biphobic and heterosexist and jfc it’s 2014 can other queer people fucking realize and acknowledge this
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kitshi02 · 5 years
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Modern Male Witch Project, by Brenna-Ivy on Tumblr and Society6
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kitshi02 · 5 years
Can I just say, as great as Venom and Eddie’s relationship was, I appreciated Dan and Anne’s. Dan didn’t fall into the jealous new boyfriend category. Not once did he mistrust Anne about Eddie, showing he was totally comfortable in that relationship and trusted her totally, he was so nice to Eddie instead of telling him to stay away from Anne. It was a healthy relationship dynamic (despite Anne’s possible remaining feelings at the end) and I appreciated it and Dan as a character
Update: I forgot to add, Dan had his priorities right like when he told Anne they needed to talk about what was going on and she said there was nothing going on with her and Eddie and Dan was like ‘no we need to talk about the weird parasite thing that’s unknown to medical science obviously’ and I appreciate that he was focused on the right thing
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kitshi02 · 5 years
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kitshi02 · 5 years
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kitshi02 · 5 years
So, I took something for my stuffy nose this morning so I could actually breath at work. So far, all it's done is give me a runny nose.
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kitshi02 · 5 years
Random thought of the day
So….Peter had an illegitimate child, Malia. I think at one point it would have been probable thatJackson could have been a Hale, well one thought lead to another and I thought about Theo having some traits that are very….Peter-like.
So now I’m stuck on the head canon/ AU that Peter was the father of Malia, Jackson and Theo.
They all have one of his major traits. Jackson mirrors his narcissism. Theo mirrors his cunning. And Malia mirrors his violence first attitude.
I kind of weirdly wanna write a fic now where the Hale triplets (ironically called that because they each have a different mom) go to high school and they are like the mafia. Theo is the planner, he creates plans for overthrowing the current popular group, breaking up the sweetest couple and getting four clubs to pay the Hale triplets “protection” money. Jackson is the face of the Hales the one who draws the most followers into the fold and the information broker (gossip) of the three. Malia is the enforcer, she will take anyone down with her fists, but she can also pick a lock and leave behind drugs for the dogs to find if you so much as look at a Hale the wrong way.
Peter is weirdly proud of all three and their mafia.
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kitshi02 · 5 years
Me, in tears, halfway through writing a 300 word essay: I can’t do this anymore
Person on A03 who’s writing for fun:
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kitshi02 · 5 years
I didn't know I needed his in my life till I read this. Now I need to go find fics of this OT4.
Let’s talk about Venom! (And the greatest ot4, kay?)
Okay guys. I know I’m late to the party, but I finally watched Venom a couple weeks ago, and I can’t stop thinking about how much I loved it.
Eddie is a superhero that is also just a good guy. He’s not perfect, he’s not perfect or powerful in his real life, but he’s trying.
Anne isn’t demonized as The Ex, and Eddie doesn’t blame her for his mistakes, and they manage to still care about each other.
Dr Dan is just… The best? He just meets Eddie, fanboys all over himself, and when Eddie is clearly losing it, just… Adopts him. Like, yes, this is my disaster friend now, and we will take care of him, right Anne?
So. Hear me out.
I love SymBrock way more than I thought possible (as a monster fucker I am not, but I see y'all, and I love you and your content, please keep it up). And I love the Eddie/Venom/Anne possibilities that the movie kinda set up.
All I can think about is Eddie and Venom going to meet Anne and Dan for brunch, and they’re running late, so Eddie calls Anne, and this happens:
Anne: Hey, where are you?
Dan: Hi guys! You almost here?
Eddie: Hey, Annie, hi Dan. There was a fender bender, so traffic sucks.
Venom, in Eddie’s head: *makes joke about what else could be sucking, because he’s picked up a dirty sense of humor*
Eddie: *laughs but plays it off as a cough*
Dan, concerned: Everything okay, ba-, buddy?
Anne: Why don’t you use the carpool lane?
Eddie: I mean, technically we’re two people, but not… Visually…
Anne: Venom could totally look like a passenger, if he wanted to.
Dan and Eddie: *scandalized*
Venom: Yessss
Eddie: Anne.
Anne: Eddie, there are mimosas.
Eddie: …
Venom: Eddie, I like mimosas. Anne, you’re a genius.
Dan: I mean… It would get you here faster?
Anne, knowing exactly what she’s doing: I ordered chocolate croissants and potato and bacon quiche…
Venom, already making himself look like a human sitting in the passenger seat: Yesssss
Eddie: Okay, I guess we’re switching lanes now.
Anne: Excellent! You guys should listen to me more.
Eddie: I know.
Dan: Great! See you soon, love you!
Dan: … Shit *presses end call button*
Venom, just before call disconnects: We love you, too.
Plus like… Eddie/Anne/Dan are too tired after a Long Night, and have forgotten to grab water? No problem when your friendly symbiote boyfriend can just… Snake an appendage out into the kitchen and grab everyone a nice cold glass of H2O!
Your reporter slash human disaster boyfriend too engrossed in a story he’s working on to communicate like a grown up? That’s okay, Venom knows what’s up, and will tell you when he’s hermit-ing! Hello even slap him in the face for you! And then Doctor Boyfriend can make sure his vitamins and stuff are in order, and Lawyer Girlfriend can order a nice dinner!
Anyway, I have a lot of Feelings about these 4, apparently.
Also, if someone who can art wants to draw the carpool lane thing, i will cry, please and thank you.
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kitshi02 · 5 years
It's even worse when you have auditory processing problems and hearing issues.
Me:"I hear your saying something, but for the love if God STOP FUCKING MUMBLING, and look at me when you speak, and you won't have to repeat yourself a billion times."
Friend: "I'm speaking normally :/"
Auditory Processing Problems
• *someone says something* “what?” *repeats themselves* “sorry?” *repeats themselves again* “pardon?”
•"hey, y'see the red thing at the top of the shelf, will you get it?“ “Sorry, what?” “On the sh-” “oh yeah sure, I’ll get it.”
•*doesn’t hear teacher because someone’s pen is making a scratchy sound at the back of the room*
•*replays video 10 ten times to figure out what they’re saying*
•teachers asking, “why do you always stop writing in the middle of a sentence, just write down whatever I’m saying,” followed by the response, “I’m just processing it,” rebuked by, “we’ll stop processing it and just write.”
•*gets really focused on staring out the window and goes through four songs without hearing a single on*
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kitshi02 · 6 years
After the Con
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kitshi02 · 6 years
Same. Omfg same.
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kitshi02 · 6 years
Love me some Winterhawk
Crowdsourced Winterhawk Smut!
A fantastic list of links from @spidergwenstefani
Which was added to by @kangofu-cb
@rollinroots added recommendations for: 
I <3 NYC by 1electricpirate
Behind Bars by @captn-sara-holmes
What is This?! by ElloPoppet
I Found You by AWriting
@insomniac-writer added Maybe If You’re Good by circ_bamboo
@redsector-a has written Winterhawk smut, check their AO3
@shatteredhourglass also added to the list 
@winterwitch611 has written Personal Trainer which has some BEAUTIFUL cover art
@strange1around suggested Gently by DreamingAngelWolf
and there’s also my nsfw tag
Dunno about you guys but I have some reading to do :D 
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