kitcosby · 4 years
Angels of Fate: A 15 point plan to remake the common era with time travel.
1.       Get Adolph Hitler into to architect’s school so he does not get into trouble.
2.       Patent the cotton gin by 200 CE to curtail the slave trade.
3.       Full ride education grant to Eli Whitney for engineering school (repay the cotton gin).
4.       Patent the decorticator (scavezzatrice) by 200 CE to allow hemp to compete with cotton.
5.       Full ride education grant to Bernagozzi and George Schlichten for engineering school (repay the decorticator/scavezzatrice).
6.       Patent the printing press by 200 CE to curtail the dark ages.
7.       Full ride education grant to Johannes Gutenberg for engineering school (repay the printing press).
8.       Patent the steam engine by 200 CE to kickstart the industrial revolution.
9.       Full ride education grant to Thomas Newcomen and James Watt for engineering school (repay the steam engine).
10.   Patent the power loom by 200 CE to kickstart the industrial revolution.  
11.   Full ride education grant to Edmund Cartwright, James Bullough, and William Kenworthy for engineering school (repay the power loom).
12.   Patent the thermo-magnetic motor and steam powered reciprocating electricity generator by 200 CE to aid the industrial revolution.
13.   Full ride education grant to Nikola Tesla for engineering school (repay for AC power generation).
14.   Patent the paper mill by 200 CE to feed the printing presses.
15.   Full ride education grant to Louis-Nicolas Robert for engineering school (repay for paper mill).
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kitcosby · 5 years
A manifesto of an American communist:
I assert that the majority of people want to have a say in how big money is spent. This motivation will inevitably lead free democracies to embrace communist economic ideals. Furthermore, to be true to communist ideals, power is a commodity that must also be evenly distributed. Thus, communist ideals lead naturally to democratic governments. As an American communist, the principles of constitutional law must be honored if our experiment in a secular union is to survive. We the people of the United States have the constitutional rights to speech, press, religion, property and life. I propose that a communism that embraces these constitutional rights and even allows for capitalistic growth is not only possible but inevitable in our great country.
Since citizens have a right to life, the communist movement must be patient. However, the owners of dynastic wealth will eventually die and given the long scope of our struggle this delay is tolerable. While property is a protected right, inheritance is a transaction making it regulate-able under the commerce clause, thus making communism possible under constitutional law. Not all inheritances are a threat to our democratic-communist ideals, a ‘blue collar’ inheritance makes a strong incentive to work so as to provide opportunities to our descendants. However, inheritances of dynastic wealth of the burgesses elite can not be tolerated as it not only makes communism impossible with their unused hordes of capital, it also poses a threat to democracy in general as they use their excess in light cases to fund fascist campaigns to miss lead the people to support their 'privilege’ and in worst cases to influence politicians directly with graft. Furthermore, dynastic wealth is a drain on our economy as they have the lowest sum of the propensities to invest and to consume. This inefficiency drags our economy into regulars recessions where they consolidate their control of capital. They leverage our need to survive against us, artificially driving down the value of our labor. To protect against these burgess threats to our economy, our democracy and our dream of communist equality we must cap the transaction of inheritance at a reasonable level. I suggest that a million dollars in assets is a generous limit to personal inheritance. If a corporation is a person it should be accountable for the crimes it commits with strong enforcement in cases of fraud. Also, corporations should die after 120 years dividing it’s assets among subsidiaries along lines of core competencies to encourage both cooperation and competition while discouraging monopolies and trusts.
Religion may be an opioid to the masses but it is better then having the masses using chemical opioids in their quest to feel good. Besides, today, Internet and television are far more of an opioid to the masses then religions ever were, making the masses susceptible to fascist brainwashing. Since speech and press are both constitutionally protected rights, these sources of demagoguery must be tolerated. To protect against these dangers of propaganda and other fascist media, reliable sources of empirical information must be available to the public and protected by rigorous scientific scrutiny.
How can we call our markets free if we are not allowed to compete collectively with Governmentally owned companies? I suggest that we leverage our right of eminent domain to nationalize the largest company in every industry to be governed by congress for profit to augment our tax revenue and provide a public option in every industry. To prevent unfair practices of these publicly owned competitors to the private market we can mandate that they be run with at least a 1% return on the investment of the people barring cooperate subsidies driving down the price point in an unsustainable way. This return on investment could be spread over a few decades to ease the burden of the initial investment. Instead of subsidizing industries we can stimulate on the demand side, subsidizing the people, allowing free market forces to regulate the various industries. The governmental offerings should survive these free market forces, despite their inefficiency of bureaucracy, leveraging it’s core competency of the economies of scale. If the private owners of the nationalized companies can not compete against these inefficient bureaucracies with the core competency of economies of scale available using their eminent domain repayment then their failure is strong evidence that their offering was an illegal monopoly and they are lucky to be reimbursed in the first place. In some industries it make sense to allow for monopolies as it is cost prohibitive to build redundant infrastructure; like in the cases of electrical distribution, water, sewer and natural gas service. Since monopolies are inevitable in these instances having the whole public benefit from these monopolies is desirable and it gives the whole public a voice in how these monopolies are run.
To augment governmental revenue I support a public tax. This will allow the public corporations to compete at their minimum required margin by not saddling them with the full cost of governance of our country. To be constitutional the tax must be levied evenly across all industries so I support a flat tax on all transactions, including all financial transaction taxes even the Tobin tax. While applied evenly it still turns out to be remarkably progressive compared to income. We could spend a fortune trying to regulate the financial sector and they will just produce even more convoluted products in their effort to circumvent the regulation or we could introduce a small inefficiency with a financial transaction tax and they will regulate themselves by minimizing transactions to those that are value added, while the government earns money from the tax. To prevent price gouging in retaliation to the tax we can legislate that transaction fees may not exceed 101% of the transaction tax and service fees must involve work preformed beyond an electronically processed transaction. I support a 1% flat rate on all transactions which would lower the total tax burden of the common man to the same rate currently enjoyed by those whose income is taxed as financial gains (4%). This is 1% income tax with 1% tax in and out of the bank (which the bank will pass on with fees) and a 1% sales tax on all products whether it is a candy bar or a financial product. Property taxes are then built into the cost of the mortgage with a point added to the closing costs and taxed again at inheritance. Since the tax burden would be distributed across the year it allows for a windfall every tax season in the form of rebates. The constitution demands taxes be applied evenly however we may rebate selectively. I suggest that we offer a rebate for all checking and savings account transactions restoring liquidity to direct deposit accounts and providing a windfall to all taxpayers who are willing to submit their bank statements. I also support rebates on food purchases as well as on business transactions, except for financial sector transactions, the purchase of raw materials, labor and the sale of the end product or service. Even if the financial sector wished to continue the construction of derivatives like credit default swaps and mortgage backed securities the tax burden would still be reasonable at about 90% compared to income, a rate they were able to pay before the Reagan Era tax cuts.
Even with an income shortfall after the flat tax and the public companies revenue, the government could still operate with deficit spending, without necessitating that the shortfall be backed by debt. The resulting deficit spending will only produce inflation and inflation is simply a flat tax on capital not invested in growth. This inflation allows for greater control on the economy as we not only can set interest rates but also can set targeted inflation rates giving us two reins on the economy. This inflation should be driven by per capita public stimulus that is designed to meet the cost of living needs of the whole population, because at the end of the day a loaf of bread is a loaf of bread and a day’s labor is a day’s labor regardless of the numerical value of our inflating currency. This will allow us, the proletariat, the freedom to strike and retrain so that we may discover what our labor is truly worth. Ultimately it is unreasonable to expect companies to cover the cost of living for the entire population, this responsibility should belong to the government. With a public subsidy we have no need for a minimum wage. Since our needs are met by the public subsidy, we could compete with foreign labor bringing jobs home. The public subsidy also allows for the non-monetary value added to society from artists, philosophers, and theologians that pure capitalism has neglected. Left to it’s own devices pure capitalism has a habit of making national idols and then tearing them down for entertainment. The debase culture of pure capitalism has pandered to the lowest common denominator in its effort to maximize revenue ignoring it’s devastating impact on our collective culture. The communist base of the per capita stimulus should balance these effects, while at the same time allowing for the 'unalienable right’ of property to play it’s game of capitalism on top, with the added competition of a public option that allows the common man to benefit from the economies of scale. Trickle down is getting pissed on and we are pissed off, the last two decades are more then enough evidence that supply side economics is a lie. We need Keynesian economics to stimulate the demand side and let the economy do what it is designed to do, wick it. If this produces pools of stagnating capital at the top it can then be homogenized back into the general economy with the lifetime inheritance cap.
The following sections focus on industry specific considerations. Farming: This 'blue collar’ industry has regularly been used to defend the interests of the dynastic wealth of 0.01% of the population as they have been cast into the same tax brackets because of the large cost of their land. To bring farmers back squarely into the camp of the proletariat we must first nationalize all farm land. The agribusinesses could then use the eminent domain repayment to get out from under the thumb of their bank loans and use the remaining equity to modernize their equipment and invest in organic farming techniques. Farm companies could be issued 'right to use’ permits at the same cost that they used to pay in property taxes. This cost could be waived in cases of crop failure. The 'right to use’ can be perpetual as long as the land is in production six out of seven years. The seventh year we can rotate 'dirt farming’ subsidies giving all land it’s sabbath year to lie fallow and all farm companies a turn receiving the subsidy. This 'right to use’ policy would prevent the burgesses from abusing tax breaks for farmland for their sprawling estates that are not used for commercial farming. Since we currently produce more grain then what global markets can support we should legalize hemp to produce carbon neutral oil providing a cash crop alternative that will alleviate the glut in the grain markets. Hemp requires little fertilizer and no herbicide making it a superior choice for oil production. A case of the burgesses hostility to traditional farmers is Monsanto. Farmers have been assaulted by Monsanto using the tort system to destroy their heritage seed stores claiming that they 'stole’ Roundup ready seed. When the truth of the matter is the heritage seed stores were adulterated with these inferior crops by contamination of pollen from their genetically modified crops. The genetically modified crops are inferior because they are infertile, diminishing the yield of heritage seed farms year to year. The core advantage of these man-made variants is their resistance to the chemical herbicide Roundup. This farming practice makes farmers not only dependent on Monsanto to replace their infertile seed store each year but also encourages reliance on chemical companies to provide the herbicides. Rotating the crops with a year of hemp production is an effective alternative form of weed suppression as the hemp grows tall leaving the weeds not enough light to survive the season. This alternative is organic and produces the best quality fiber that can be grown and more oil per acre then any other species that we could grow even the press cake is useful as it is cellulose and protein making it excellent cow food. The seed is devoid of THC making the omega 3 oil clean enough to eat. The fiber and oil provide revenue as a byproduct of the weed suppression technique instead of a liability to Monsanto and the chemical companies.
Banking: We should nationalize Bank of America’s retail banks and run them as part of the treasury. We could use this asset to process all our governmental spending saving money on transaction fees as they would be processed 'in house’. We can also use this asset to manage the public subsidy issuing debit cards to every citizen to provide access to this stimulus. We should nationalize Citigroup to provide a public option in the credit economy (they already take a keen interest in writing legislation). Fannie Mae and/or Freddie Mac should be nationalized to provide a public option in mortgage companies (Too big to fail? We if the taxpayer is going to pay for it we might as well own it too so we can receive it’s revenue and not just it’s liabilities). Goldman Sachs should be nationalized as our public option for investment banking (Who rules the world?).
Education: Now this is an industry that needs better private options. I support a voucher program on the caveat that no additional costs or fees (laptop requirements, uniform fees, lab fees, ect.) are required to attend. This should prevent subsidizing schools that are not publicly accessible to the very poor. These. Charter schools could provide niche offerings along the interests of the enrolled student. Charter schools can be anchored by gyms, band programs, special needs programs, gifted and talented programs, art programs, computer science programs, ect., allowing each students voucher money to go predominantly to the program that in which they are involved. This prevents the unfairness of their share of a school resources going to a football team that the student never even goes to see. Competition should lower costs and improve services. The public option for higher education should be an online offering saving the public money on infrastructure costs. There is little need for a public option for a research university as the government has it’s own research programs.
Cash: 18 trillion dollars in debt with a fiat currency? We must believe in God… We could manufacture gems to back the scale of our economy, and this would also produce good government jobs manufacturing, cutting, appraising and logging all defects in a database by cereal number. We could make them with a distinctive silvery fluorescent die that will help identify forgeries and protect the natural stone market. Each gem then could be appraised as if a natural stone (fiat) and rounded up to the nearest denomination. Then encased in a silver tinted polymer case with a GPS/cell-tower/RFID chip. The currency is owned by government so it can be tracked. A well ordered militia allows us to also track guns using the same infrastructure. (Nationalize Version to lay the foundation of this network.) Track guns and the money, you need a warrant to track people. We can produce devices that will allow every machine recharge it’s battery as well as update where that cereal number is currently located. (911 “help I have been mugged” … Dispatch “we see your money on our tracking system from where you were mugged and where it is now located we will dispatch an officer immediately to investigate!”) Emeralds could be manufactured as they also have a core industrial value.
Considerations for this new coin system. Call the new currency the Denarii, for domestic use only (not to be traded with foreign currency to protect both the Denarii and the dollar). The currency is Only inflation insured up to 100,000 mites per person per year to encourage investment in savings products in the Dollar economy. The mite equal to today’s dollar, 1/100 of a Denarii. With a 80 mite coin called the 'Penny’ and leave the term 'Cent’ for the copper coin 1/100 of a mite. This will keep existing coinage as a fraction of a mite. The coin is issued directly from the treasury and is a personal, portable I bond (inflation insured 99% with 0% interest). With this domestic currency we could safely inflate our international currency. Allowing the prices on the shelf to be steady as well as our wages. The daily exchange rate between the Dollar and the Denarii could be published tracking the inflation of the Dollar market. The Dollar is retained as our international currency and the currency of our debt/credit economy as the Denarii is cash only.
The symbol of the Denarii is an 8 with 3 vertical bars (the third time we have pierced the great Leviathan as it twisted around on us again). The cent one curve one bar, the Dollar twists into s with two bars, the Denarii twists back into itself ouroboros 8 we pierce it the third time. This will give us 4 decimal places to reach the cent, as the American Denarii is 100 mites and a cent is 1/100 of the mite. Behold the mite-y Dollar!
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kitcosby · 5 years
Proposed constitutional amendment:
To remedy the constitutional oversight requiring a death to remove a Supreme Court Justice, be it hereby enacted that impeachment procedures apply equally to the judicial branch as they do to the executive branch. No past congress shall bind any current congress. Thus, past congressional approval of Judicial appointments are not binding for a new congress. To this end, the following amendments are to be enacted: Article I, Section 3– shall be amended from “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present.” To “When the President or the Vice President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: In all other impeachments the President of Congress shall preside as normal. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the congressional members present. A two thirds majority in the House of Representatives is required to pass articles of impeachment.” Article I, Section 8– shall be amended from “To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court.” To “To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court and to constitute tribunals superior to the Supreme Court in cases of an Impeachment of a Supreme Court Justice.” Article I, Section 9— shall be appended with “No past congress shall bind current congress.” Article II, Section 4– shall be amended from “The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To “The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the Executive branch of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and offenses. Appeal of impeachment conviction may be made before the full Supreme Court.” Article III, Section 4– shall be appended with “Supreme Court Justices and all civil officers of the Judicial branch of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and offenses. Appeal may be made to the states with a two third majority of states necessary to confirm impeachment conviction.”
Definitions applicable to this amendment: High crime– a violation of constitutional law. Including but not limited to judgement contrary to the constitution and executive orders contrary to the constitution. Offenses– include but are not limited to: felonies, judicial crimes, and executive crimes. Judicial crimes– include but are not limited to: judgment of cases where the Justice has a conflict of interest, interfering with the lawful operation of state law, and judgement of cases on non-constitutional rationale (legislating from the bench). Executive crimes– include but are not limited to: fraudulent statements to media, using executive officers to interfere with legislative members from legislating, using executive officers to interfere with the public from voting and using military personnel or military hardware against citizens (except in cases where citizens armed with military hardware waive their right to life by refusing to submit to the courts in response to a warrant of a capital crime or in cases where the citizen has applied lethal force using military hardware).
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kitcosby · 5 years
The state of ____________ hereby affirms the federal constitutional rights for citizens to be secure in their persons, papers, houses, and effects. Citizens also have a federal right to life, liberty, and property which shall not be deprived without due process of law.
To facilitate due process of law a pool of Justices shall be made available to answer a queue of warrant requests (to determine probable cause) this queue shall be accessible via phone, Personal electronic device, cop car, computer and radio dispatch. The warrants are to be printed from the cop car or otherwise made available to the suspect.
Falsifying information in a warrant request shall be deemed perjury. Repeated warrant requests based on the same information shall be deemed harassment. Demographic information shall be excluded from warrant request as it has no bearing on probable cause.
Definitions: Citizens — all persons regardless of age, race, class, disability or creed (religious, secular, political or private) who are legal residents of the United States of America. Secure — to be free from search, damage, destruction or any other action that would leave the owner without the ability to use or possess (even temporarily) without due process of law. Evidence obtained with due process of law shall be returned after trial or judgement if lawful to own. Deprived— to cause to not be secure. Due process of law — requires probable cause to be determined by a Justice of the Peace and a warrant issued. Due process of law could also require additional requirements such as the conviction of a crime as is the cases of the rights of life, liberty and property lawfully deprived.
Persons — Our bodies and what we carry including (but not limited to): personal electronic devices, wallets, handbags, backpacks, briefcases, clothing and the contents thereof. We have a second amendment right to be armed, therefore, suspected weapons possession shall not be construed as probable cause. Papers— include but shall not be limited too: physical paper products and other instruments of data storage including all electronic files. Houses— places of residence (owned, leased or rented) and the contents thereof. Effects— include but not limited to: cars, storage sheds, carts, digital property (like executables and other files), as well as other items of property storage and transportation.
Right to life: The protection of our living bodies. “Self defense” does not supersede our right of arms unless application of deadly force applied, (peace officers may return fire but have no right to initiate the application of deadly force unless the victim has been lawfully convicted of a capital offense). In the case of abortions a reasonable attempt must be made to bring the fetus to term (via transplant to willing host or Axlotl tank.)
Right to liberty— Safe and secure, occupancy and use of public spaces. As well as the right to occupy and use houses including being guests on private property if invited or otherwise made welcome. Right to act as we please within the confines of existing (constitutional) legislation. Limits detainment to 48 hour investigation holds and 72 hour mental health evaluation holds (including nights, weekends and holidays). Repeated detainment for the same reason or condition without conviction shall be construed as police harassment, double jeopardy and/or mental health racketeering.
Right of property: includes but shall not be limited to persons, papers houses and effects.
Axlotl tank— wombs grown on lattices hooked up to an IV with a prenatal nutrient solution (including dissolved oxygen), with dialysis to clean waste.
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kitcosby · 7 years
If I were President
Seven executive orders for the first day of office.
1. Repeal Executive Order 11000 effective immediately.
2. Repeal all other executive orders at the end of the term.
3.  Executive pardon for all non-violent drug offenders.
4. Begin a comprehensive review and codification of laws by constitutional power, sending back to congress all unenforceable laws.  Unenforceable laws include unconstitutional laws and laws without sufficient funding for 100% enforcement (unenforceable as its enforcement would inherently be discriminatory without full funding).
5. Declared enforcement priorities: violence, theft, and fraud.
6. Issue 50 one trillion dollar commemorative coins (state seal on one side great seal on the other) under the provision:
   Sec. 523. Section 5112(i)(4) of title 31, United States Code, is
amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:
   ``(C) The Secretary may continue to mint and issue coins in
accordance with the specifications contained in paragraphs (7), (8),
(9), and (10) of subsection (a) and paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection
at the same time the Secretary in minting and issuing other bullion and
proof gold coins under this subsection in accordance with such
program procedures and coin specifications, designs, varieties,
quantities, denominations, and inscriptions as the Secretary, in the
Secretary's discretion, may prescribe from time to time.
  7. Deposit Coins into the Federal Reserve Bank Inc. to capitalize the Bank of the Treasury administered by the executive and governed by congress in a similar fashion to the Federal Reserve Bank Inc.  
Treaties could be brokered for ratification by congress for debt relief programs offering lower interest loans to the world’s sovereign powers.
State of the Union address to include: need for public subsidy and expanding the direct lending program with the bank of the treasury.
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kitcosby · 7 years
Biology Ideas
Match antigens to antibodies produced with white blood cells proliferated using colony-stimulating factors. The resulting antibodies could be stored and consumed with sugar (mixed in baby formula).
Bacteriophage gene therapy: Huntington’s Adaption test or cancer targeting proteins to address bacteriophage to cells with only ligases to cut out the malformed adaptions and a polymerase to put in a healthy copy at the same location.
Symbiotic prokaryotic communities:
-          Terraforming jars of clay containing a vivarium of: iron reducing, sulfur reducing and cyanobacteria. Pack each vivarium (maybe a fission heat pack) with thermal re-entry tiles.
-          Earth Healing Jars: halophilic communities of cyanobacteria with pet-5 plastic digesting species (Ideonella sakaiensis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideonella_sakaiensis or sample from http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110328/full/news.2011.191.html ) .
Lab setup costs: Incubator, autoclave, centrifuge, microscope, and server (with infotronics database memberships and programing costs), argot, petri dishes, test tubes, pipettes, gloves, goggles, smocks, ligases, polymerases.
Medical sampling costs: Bone marrow sample and spinal tap sample for use with colony stimulating factors, and gastroenterological microbiome samples.
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kitcosby · 7 years
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kitcosby · 7 years
Orthodox Thoughts
The reading of The Bible is both an act of faith and an act of worship. It is the task of the reader to understand it, whether the understanding be; literal, historical, or allegorical. When presented with a choice of understandings, one should shoes the understanding that provides the most hope to the receiver. The more broadly the meaning of a verse applies (to the; paragraph, chapter, book, volume, and our lives), the more convincing power the understanding has to the sharing of the hope.  Yet, there are many fine gems, of even a part of a verse, which can add a fine depth of understanding in one’s personal faith.
               When faced with logical inconsistencies that seem apparent in scripture, it is useful to remember that we exists in a form of duel worlds. (Worlds that are ‘entangled’ with each other.) The seeming inconsistency could arise out of the compilation of sources from each of the duel worlds. (Thus, by unifying scripture, precept before line, we unify the duel worlds of the source writings.)  Other considerations involve translation errors, transcription errors, scribe errors, or the prophet being deceived by a lying spirit… the proverbial tares. Each step of transmission of understanding limited by the understanding of the servant of God.  
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kitcosby · 8 years
Copyright law is the intellectual equivalent of The Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889.
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kitcosby · 8 years
I am a gnostic humanist
I believe in humans, yet I am secepical (via kitcosby)
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kitcosby · 8 years
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kitcosby · 8 years
I am a gnostic humanist
I believe in humans, yet I am secepical
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kitcosby · 8 years
Dughvnndksjwhdncnfj scat
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kitcosby · 8 years
18 trillion dollars in debt with a fiat currency? We must believe in God…
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kitcosby · 8 years
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My next project; starship coils. A circle divided by 108. Wrapping pattern A: 40, 80, 12, 52, 92, 24, 64, 104, 36, 76, 8, 48, 88, 20, 60, 100, 32, 72, 4, 44, 84, 16, 56, 96, 28, 68, 108. (27 pointed star) Wrapping pattern B: 39, 78, ,9 48, 87, 18, 57, 96, 27, 66, 105, 36, 75, 6, 45, 84, 15, 54, 93, 24, 63, 102, 33, 72, 3, 42, 81, 12, 51, 90, 21, 60, 99, 30, 69, 108. (36 pointed star) Wrapping pattern C: 108, 37, 74, 3, 40, 77, 6, 43, 80, 9, 46, 83, 12, 49, 86, 15, 52, 89, 18, 55, 92, 21, 58, 95, 24, 61, 98, 27, 64, 101, 30, 67, 104, 33, 70, 107, 36, 73, 2, 39, 76, 5, 42, 79, 8, 45, 82, 11, 48, 85, 14, 51, 88, 17, 54, 91, 20, 57, 94, 23, 60, 97, 26, 63, 100, 29, 66, 103, 32, 69, 106, 35, 72, 1, 38, 75, 4, 41, 78, 7, 43, 81, 10, 47, 84, 13, 50, 87, 16, 53, 90, 19, 56, 93, 22, 59, 96, 25, 62, 99, 28, 65, 102, 31, 68, 105, 34, 71, 108
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kitcosby · 8 years
What we do not look towards we can not see
There is no religion higher then the truth. To deny empiricism is to deny the Lord. Yet, we would be lost without meditation and prayer as logic is only as good as the inputs and what we do not look towards we can not see. ~kit
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kitcosby · 8 years
How could a bolder stop a mighty river if it does not join a dam?
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