kinja145 · 6 days
Actually ☝️🤓 In chapter 148 of DLTD, it's stated in the character sheet that Amelie is 205 years old. Since at that point in the story we're in 2010 it means that Amelie was born in the year 1805 (or 1804-1806, we don't know her birthday so it's in between)
tbh Amelie is old enough that she very well could have been a distant relative of the Westley family. I forgot how old exactly... she was around in the 1700s at least.
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kinja145 · 7 days
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Here's Amélie
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kinja145 · 7 days
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Okay so this is as of now all the hairstyles Charlotte has had (in story or not) Amelie's going to be next
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kinja145 · 8 days
Way to go ! I managed to do it too, only thing is that I cancelled membership because all I did was cardio because musculation stuff is scary and can actually hurt you if you don’t know what you’re doing. Now I just go climbing
I dunno how to say this because it feels like a lot to drop out of nowhere, but I'm proud of myself about it. I've had agoraphobic tendencies for a really long time, but Friday, I went to the gym by myself and wasn't anxious at all! Even though I've been going for months, I've been going with a friend mooching off of their membership but recently, I got my own membership so I could go on my own. It's a big deal because not too long ago, the gym was one of the scariest possible places I could think of, so I'm kinda stoked about it.
That said, I still don't quite know what to do with this power... Also I'm still trying to break the habit of not just going places because I absolutely have to, so there's still more work to do.
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kinja145 · 8 days
My shoujo villainess curls are seriously getting in my way today. They keep brushing against my face and I HATE IT!!!!
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kinja145 · 9 days
Also had this lil Clariver doodle from last night that I didn't post
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kinja145 · 9 days
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Clairiver beats the main couple in DLTD in terms of simpery, somehow. Good for them, I guess.
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kinja145 · 9 days
Another character concept I can't use lol. I did a bunch of drawings of younger characters in dltd in ten years and I never got around to these two, but they're way interesting to me lol. Instead of ten years, though, it's more like 15?
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Instead of good guys, these two have two dltd bad guys and an entire lineage of criminals between the two of them? Owen on the right has the terrible curse of being of the bloodline of TWO formative enemies of Jim's while the chick on the left (who's name I forgot uwu) is the daughter of a major terror in the supernatural community, leading to her being immediately ostracized once this is found out. Owen grew up relatively normally until he learned about his lineage and the supernatural world while what's her face gor shipped off to Scotland to get away from all that shit until she had to come back to try and treat her curse.
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I like her design a lot, needless to say. Of only I knew her name. She was born with black annis already in her body, so she's trying to seal it. The tattoos actually help serve that purpose. She puts up a tough front and tries to live life to the fullest while learning from her father's mistakes, but in the end, she knows that if she fails it could kill her--or much, much, worse... She could become an annie or it could crystalise in her brain, leading her down the same path and proving everyone who shunned her right...
At least, that would be a cool story I think. I don't think I'll ever get to write it, though!!
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kinja145 · 10 days
Yeah she does look great either way, but I do have a preference for the short one, she looks so cute
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I made this years ago and it really is the truth I’m afraid…..
I had no idea lmaooo, I just thought you’d happen to see it on your timeline and be like 👍 and then get on with your day akfjvzvrne
Dltd really is the one thing that really gets me inspiration and motivation to draw. I’ve noticed that because those last years I’ve drawn less because I just didn’t know what to draw and honestly nothing seemed appealing but drawing Chamelie reminded me that this is home
Wait I thought those were Charlotte and Amelie’s actual hairstyles
It is! Canonically, those are their hairstyles, but I've been experimenting with their designs a bit and landed on a different version that I liked, so I've been drawing them like that recently.
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Hateweasel stop giving your gay werewolves the Sasuke Uchiha duck butt hair challenge failed 😔
I'm still working with Amelie's. In her original design, Her hair is so long that I kind of find it difficult to draw so I was playing with making it short. I'm not quite happy with it yet, but I feel like I'm close to what I want...
As for Charlotte, I gave her back her ponytail, but put it higher on her head and messed with her bangs a bit. I quite like this look on her, but your drawing made me think "she looks great with short hair!" so I'm conflicted...
I really liked your drawing and honestly the way you draw Charlotte with short hair makes more sense to me, so if it's okay with you, I'd like to experiment with drawing it that way a bit??? It had such a nice shape!
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kinja145 · 11 days
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@hateweasel pls see my answer
Wait I thought those were Charlotte and Amelie’s actual hairstyles
It is! Canonically, those are their hairstyles, but I've been experimenting with their designs a bit and landed on a different version that I liked, so I've been drawing them like that recently.
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Hateweasel stop giving your gay werewolves the Sasuke Uchiha duck butt hair challenge failed 😔
I'm still working with Amelie's. In her original design, Her hair is so long that I kind of find it difficult to draw so I was playing with making it short. I'm not quite happy with it yet, but I feel like I'm close to what I want...
As for Charlotte, I gave her back her ponytail, but put it higher on her head and messed with her bangs a bit. I quite like this look on her, but your drawing made me think "she looks great with short hair!" so I'm conflicted...
I really liked your drawing and honestly the way you draw Charlotte with short hair makes more sense to me, so if it's okay with you, I'd like to experiment with drawing it that way a bit??? It had such a nice shape!
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kinja145 · 12 days
I had no idea, I’ve been so out of Tumblr and DLTD it’s a shame really lmao
Of course you can !!! I’ve literally took reference from your drawing !
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Should I try and make a version with their new hairstyles tho ???
Also I’ve been scrolling into your DLTD tag (thank you for adding them now lol) and I’ve been missing so so much great stuff 😭 I NEED to get back on track, at least for the drawings and ref, or just let me succumb again to my DLTD hyper fixation…….
I have a confession to make btw : Since I started following you on Tumblr I literally checked your blog every morning everyday, no joke, just to not miss new drawings or fun facts on the story
I only stopped doing that in like 2020 or 2021 I think because I started getting less active here and with the story (life, am I right)
Wait I thought those were Charlotte and Amelie’s actual hairstyles
It is! Canonically, those are their hairstyles, but I've been experimenting with their designs a bit and landed on a different version that I liked, so I've been drawing them like that recently.
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Hateweasel stop giving your gay werewolves the Sasuke Uchiha duck butt hair challenge failed 😔
I'm still working with Amelie's. In her original design, Her hair is so long that I kind of find it difficult to draw so I was playing with making it short. I'm not quite happy with it yet, but I feel like I'm close to what I want...
As for Charlotte, I gave her back her ponytail, but put it higher on her head and messed with her bangs a bit. I quite like this look on her, but your drawing made me think "she looks great with short hair!" so I'm conflicted...
I really liked your drawing and honestly the way you draw Charlotte with short hair makes more sense to me, so if it's okay with you, I'd like to experiment with drawing it that way a bit??? It had such a nice shape!
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kinja145 · 12 days
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kinja145 · 13 days
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Working on something... I'm going to Belgium tomorrow tho so it'll have to wait monday ;;
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kinja145 · 20 days
There could be an equivalent to Sir Integra, let's face it, France is full of old lineage of aristocracy and bourgeoisie and many of them are actually working in the governement or in important positions in the country. You could ask wheter or not they'd be really willing to put in the work and be serious about the subject tho As for places where supernaturals could build their own towns, there's a thing called "la diagonale du vide" (the empty diagonal ? the diagonal of emptyness ?) where like only 5% of our population live in :
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Pretty sure there's some places where cows are more present than humans... Oh, and there's also places where there isn't any network or just very old and not working well ones
@mymissalicorne @kinja145
So here’s what I got on ORSAP based on what I read from y'all: The French government is unwilling to entertain hiring a private military company to handle supernatural response in the country due to the Johnathan incident. There is also no French equivalent to Sir Integra in terms of aristocracy to kind of “assign” the agency to. There is also instability in the way it’s run due to Minister Eugenie Munier being fired. Ministers Urbain Quincompoix and Sabine Devreaux are also not entirely keen on continuing at the helm in addition to the impracticality of changing leadership every five years for an organisation this specific.
I suggest that the government installs Dominique Bretodeau as the head of ORSAP due to him having both experience dealing with supernaturals (the Phantomhives) and for French intelligence. He is somewhat conservative when it comes to supernaturals. He doesn’t completely trust them, but is willing to entertain the data that Roger Winery is presenting him.
Roger has been sent to France along with agents Mr. Red and Mr. Blue in order to supervise the reformation of ORSAP and to help steer them closer to what HELLSING has now. Basically, he’s trying to install the same systems, using the data acquired from Gehenna and Pyestock in relation to the supernatural cities’ effect on overall supernatural attacks. HELLSING data shows a significant decline in activity under their supervision, so what I propose for ORSAP is a similar setup to early DLTD HELLSING in which supernaturals are still not quite considered “people,” but they’re close.
Hugo and Anne, ORSAP’s resident supernatural agents, are kind of in a similar situation to Ciel and Jim back in the day. They don’t really have any other option but to work with ORSAP for now.
As for the exploitation angle, I feel like it’s important to realise that it’s Roger who is in their ear about this. He learned how to do this directly from Jim, who acquired his knowledge on economics from Earl Ciel “If Capitalism is so wrong then why am I so good at it?” Phantomhive… Who in turn saw the whole “Supernatural slavery” thing end really, really badly for a certain William Wonka I and his so-called “Oompa Loompas.” (dubiously canon. I have not decided if that's a thing yet lol) So the economic policy they come up with might not be... completely moral...
Supernaturals are capable of governing themselves with little input from the organisation if set up well. It takes a little investment up front, but it’s cheap in the long run. It's waaaay cheaper than using force. The economics of each supernatural settlement, however, are different from one another. If a settlement is relatively isolated, so long as the value of the Euro/pound/dollar/whatever is high enough in that community to keep up with the cost of living, it is entirely possible to pay horrendously low wages in exchange for labour in comparison with the human population while also avoiding a rebellion. (Some settlements like the Wulver village in the Shetland Islands, don’t even use a money system of exchanging goods or services.)
HOWEVER, it’s even cheaper to use machines for a good portion of agricultural and factory work, so exploiting supernaturals for that seems impractical. You might say: “Then what about war?” After the devastation wrought globally during the Millennium Incident of 1999, it became a war crime to use supernaturals—if you get caught, that is. Remote or office work would also be an option. The call center you’ve rang for tech support? Could be a supernatural settlement. France’s supernatural population is also relatively small, now, due to a certain different organisation, so basing France’s future economic prosperity on that seems unlikely, though it may help with occasional labour shortages.
France has a lot of unpopulated land, so sticking a supernatural settlement somewhere out in the middle of nowhere and hooking them up to produce labour for cheap, though, is an option. They really don’t want to fight, overall. Most people, if you keep them taken care of, they’ll be relatively agreeable and with the HELLSING system of semi-self governance, they feel like they have agency and are even less likely to rebel or act out.
ORSAP will probably have to deal with fringe groups like HELLSING did with the Scarlet Order during the early days of Gehenna, but if they stick with simple shit like this, they shouldn’t have to deal with anything like, HUGE.
Also also due to the Millennium Incident of 1999, shit got weird, globally. Former US president Bill Clinton got eaten by a vampire, so history is different, now. I don't know what France looks like in this timeline so... eh? We can probably just do what we want and justify it with "Eh, the timeline's different. Clinton got eaten. What can you do?"
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kinja145 · 21 days
I love how @mymissalicorne actually answered and I’m just like “idk lol” alfkbwjwb
Btw missalicorne, I don’t agree with you on one point ; if ORSAP was run by our actual government (which I’m not sure is the case in DLTR, you tell me Hate) I think they’d actually take advantage of it
Sometimes I just want to give custody of ORSAP to @mymissalicorne and/or @kinja145. Just to see what would happen. uwu
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kinja145 · 21 days
I'd be the father who went to buy milk one day and never came back, I'm afraid
Sometimes I just want to give custody of ORSAP to @mymissalicorne and/or @kinja145. Just to see what would happen. uwu
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kinja145 · 21 days
If you really pay attention to some chapters in DLTD where Preston is talked about, there’s a few hints that something bad was going to happen with him. And that was before Hate even thought of the scarlet order stuff lmao
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Devils Like To Dance, chapter 275 : "Luka Speaks"
I was looking for a specific DLTD chapter and found this.
Not good, not good at all. Can't help but wonder if this idea was something @hateweasel was already thinking about at that time...
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