king-of-fears · 6 years
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I’ll do you one better, Freesha.
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How about I show everyone what you’ve done?
First, I’ll start by proving this anon was you.
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This was what was said to me before I blocked you.
Would someone really seeking help send various hate messages to me and several of my friends? Not to mention what you’ve done.
Let’s dive in, shall we?
I first met Goth, or Freesha, as she will be referred to as in this post, back at the end of December (2017). I had been asked about the RPC discord server and how one was able to join. I answered that I would give an invite link to anyone who wanted one. (RPC doesn’t do this anymore, and Freesha’s the reason why.) About ten minutes later, a tumblr user named smolgoth dropped by my pms and asked for the link. I gave it to her. She joined RPC, (the RarePair Cult), and started to fit in. The topic of ages was somehow brought up, and she pitched in and spoke about how she was thirteen years old. 
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She also promoted her AO3 account, and the next day, had gifted an NSFW fic to me that was over 10,000 words long.
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Wow, isn’t NSFW being written by a minor-
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Yes it is.
Not barely a day after she joined, she proposed an idea - roleplay blogs, with the word “official” cleverly placed in front of them. Freesha decided to make a server after they roped us all in, and we all joined.
She wanted a mod. I offered my help. We created a mod-chat, and in there, she promoted me to admin and I helped to remodel the server how she wanted. A couple days later, a lot of people started joining, people who followed the roleplay blogs after we advertised the server on them. Freesha wanted two more mods and I suggested someone I’ll call “Green” on this post, and my friend Allu.
One day, she snapped at one of her supposed friends, who I’ll call Orange, and made them leave the server. After we calmed Orange down and invited them back, Green began to talk to Freesha in the mod-chat and asked why she was so upset. Green tried to advise her. But then…
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When I noticed that Green was no longer in the server, I asked Freesha where they were. Freehsha simply told me she didn’t know. “They probably left.” I asked Green right away, and they told me they had NOT left on their own. And then I checked the audit logs. There, clear as day, “user smolgoth kicked user (Green) at 10:57 pm”. I screenshotted it and asked Freesha again. When she lied, I pulled her into the mod-chat and showed her the screenshot, before reinviting Green to the server and giving them their mod roles back. We angrily confronted Freesha and she then changed her story, said “It was an accident, I didn’t mean to.” We told her that it was impossible to “accidentally” kick someone, because discord will ask you if you’re sure and also ask you for a reason for the kick. She relented and told us she had lied. We tentatively forgave her. 
A little while later, Allu’s datemate Peachy joined the server. Freesha suggested making an NSFW portion of the server and while I was a little hesitant (I had actually forgotten about her age), Allu and Green were okay with it. The age talk eventually came up, and Freesha tried to tell us she was 16. This sparked my memory and I remembered in RPC where she had said she was actually 13. I screenshotted it and asked her. And she threw a fit when Peachy asked her to not have an NSFW portion of the server. Peachy is an adult. Peachy could get in legal trouble for showing NSFW to a minor. They could be arrested. Freesha threw another fit and Peachy told everyone in the server that they were making a different server that would serve the same purpose, because Freesha had lied about her age just so she could try and convince us that it was okay for her to look at NSFW content.
Peachy made Allu, Green, and myself the mods again. Freesha did end up joining Peachy’s server. And she would often say rather rude things and delete her messages, so Peachy and the mods decided that getting Dyno would be a good choice. Dyno has a useful feature which can record and keep track of any deleted messages, so from then on, every time Freesha deleted a message, it would show up in a specific channel only the mods could see.
We caught them with quite a few things. She sent death threats to her own datemate, Orange, she stressed desire to post NSFW content somewhere, she wanted to kick and punch and push either Peachy or Allu down in the dirt (physically hurt them in some way), and she insulted a lot of people.
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(Provided by Orange themself ^^^)
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(Again, Freesha’s a minor ^^^)
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(And then there’s that, too ^^^)
When Orange sent the mods the death threat, along with noticing everything she deleted in the server, we pulled Freesha into a private voice call and talked to her. We gave her advice. We were fairly nice about it, once we got past all the sheer anger we had at her gall to send a death threat. We gave them another chance.
Fast forward, I went offline for four months. I wasn’t able to access the internet during that time. When I got back at the end of May, I was disgusted to see that Freesha had acted up yet again. There was a new channel in the official server, one that only the mods and Freesha (who had been kicked) could see. Reading through, Peachy and Allu had had enough of Freesha’s insults and called her out for it. Freesha had insulted another roleplayer (who actually turned out to be another one of her datemates) and called their character “a sack of shit”. Everything Freesha said in that channel was blatant and utter manipulation - an attempt to get Peachy and Allu to feel sorry for her. Freesha was kicked. 
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A couple weeks later, in June, I met this user I’m going to call Dark Magenta and their datemate Galactical. I befriended them and eventually asked if they’d like to join RPC. Galactical said yes and dragged their datemate along. The age talk came up, as it always does. Galactical said they were 18. Dark Magenta stated they were an adult and nothing more. 
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Galact had been saying some shady things in RPC as well, so I was a little hesitant to really talk to them. Very hesitant.
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Now, a couple days in, Dark Magenta came to me and asked for advice on how to break up with Galactical. They said that they needed to focus more on their health and that being in a relationship wasn’t helping either of them. 
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As it went on, Galactical started to beg and begin to say manipulative things to try and get Dark Magenta to change their mind.
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During all this, one of the people who used to be close to Freesha approached Allu and told him that Galactical was Freesha’s alternate account. Once I got confirmation that it was indeed Freesha behind the screen and not somebody else, I got… extremely angry and I told them that they ruined any sliver of a chance they had at being my friend again.
(Note: The color for Dark Magenta changes, but I had someone help me and they used a different shade - the two Dark Magentas are the same person.)
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I asked if Dark Magenta if they knew who “smolgoth” was. Confused, they told me it was Galactical’s old pseudonym. I told Dark Magenta that Freesha (who is also Goth and Galactical) was 13 years old. Dark Magenta was 19 at the time. They had no clue at all about Galactical’s real age. They told me Galactical had asked (forcefully blackmailed) them to write NSFW for them.
Ever heard of a reverse pedophile? Because now you have.
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A little while later, we found another account. This account had made an animation of dreamswap dream flapping his wings. Kai ended up reblogging this gif from the user who posted it, by the url Pyniss.
Then, a different old friend of Freesha’s approached me and provided proof to me that Galactical was Pyniss. And well, that would also make Freesha Pyniss. Angered again, I blocked the user and called it a day.
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Dark Magenta started to share with me what Freesha had done to them. The most disgusting thing I heard from them was that Freesha used a traumatic event from their past to blackmail them into writing more NSFW. Freesha was deliberately fetishizing this trauma in their relationship.
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Dark Magenta also told me how they were starting to wake up every day to general hate messages, death threats, and rape threats, which Freesha has sent in the past, so it wasn’t that unbelievable to me.
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At the end of June, this newly made blog popped up in my inbox by the name of winkyfacethesequel. They asked me for dreammare prompts because they wanted to start off their new writing blog. I checked out their description, and their age was listed at 15. I answered their ask and happily gave them some dreammare prompts.
A while later, I was tagged on one of Winky’s posts. It was a post about how much they wanted an insomnia prompt right about then. I was tagged because that happens to be my favorite ship.
Soon after this, I ended up asking a friend of mine for Freesha’s quotev account, because I had suspicions that maybe Winky might not be exactly who they said they were. And I ended up being right. Freesha had posted on their quotev about trying to befriend Dark Magenta on “Winky”,  and then after that, came a whole bunch of posts about wishing for insomnia prompts and hoping “they” (most likely me) liked what they had written.
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Now, I’ll get to what Lavender and Freesha were talking about in a second, because Winky did end up being Freesha - and the hardest to prove.
Winky and I became friends, and not long after, they asked for help making a discord account, claiming they’d never used discord before. We got to talking in discord dms.
Winky wrote stories of Freesha’s original character and Freesha drew art of Winky’s original character. Each claimed the character, of the same name, to be their own. As far as I knew, Freesha and Winky had never interacted. The cherry on top was when Winky complained to me about going to a funeral. Freesha posted the same thing on her blog.
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Tired, angry, and upset, I said goodbye to Winky and blocked her. A week later, I got solid confirmation from yet another one of Freesha’s old friends in RPC that Winky was in fact, Freesha. 
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Now, for what Lavender and Freesha had been talking about. 
Lavender submitted screenshots of NSFW writing to Onebizarrekai that only Freesha had had access to, in an attempt to shut Dark Magenta down and cut them off from Kai’s work like Freesha had been. 
But we did tell Kai what Freesha had done, and Kai was just as disgusted as we were.
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Not showing any of the writing, Kai provided these screenshots to me.
Kai asked us about this “Shinski”’s email (because the submission was anonymous and an email had shown up instead). They asked if we knew who it might belong to. I asked Dark Magenta. None of us knew. Then, a few days later, Dark Magenta came to me and said they found out that it was Lavender who owned the email by looking through quotev. We managed to piece it together.
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“SeaSorcerer” is the beginning of the email that sent the screenshots to Kai.
Dark Magenta relented and confessed that yeah, they had broken Kai’s rule. They had broken it, but only because of the blackmail Freesha was using against them. Kai talked to them and forgave them. Kai said they didn’t care about what Dark Magenta had written in the past - as long as they weren’t doing it anymore and none of what they had written existed anymore.
We found yet another user we had been interacting with was Freesha, by the name of Anomnisa. We had suspicions as soon as they showed up, but we were never able to prove it until they joined Peachy’s Datashift server and joined the voice-chat. Allu recorded clips of their voice, and we were able to get our hands on a clip of Freesha’s voice and compared the two. Flawlessly, and seamlessly, the same voice.
A little while back, another friend of ours, Brown, came and told us that Freesha was acting up in their server. We encouraged Brown to ban and block her, and Brown was hesitant at first.
But then, another friend of Brown’s, Navy Blue, who was one of Freesha’s datemates at the time, came to Brown and showed them screenshots of emotional and verbal abuse from Freesha to them, while they were dating.
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We encouraged Brown to tell Navy Blue to break up with Freesha, and they did. 
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We have a list of her alternate accounts, which include smolgoth, galactaaaactical, glactassitcal, Pyniss (deactivated), CrrCr, WinkyFaceTheSequel (deactivated) , cycxmxre, official-chocolate-addict, anomnisa, official-goth, official-edward-quinton, and their new main, Freeshav, as well as another blog named Freeshaa that they attempted to message me with today.
We have a couple more we think belong to her as well.
Anyways, Freesha is a reverse pedophile, believes that age is just a number, has harassed adults and blackmailed them into sex, has lied several times about her age, has emotionally manipulated her datemates and verbally abused them, has sexually stalked Onebizarrekai as well as broken several of their rules regarding their characters, is a transphobe and has disrespected several people’s pronouns, those among them being her own datemates, and has fetishized the past trauma of one of her datemates. 
 Age is not just a number.
But age doesn’t excuse your actions.
Goodbye, you disgusting piece of trash.
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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Trash panda strikes again
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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I had to and I took the opportunity to make this huehue. Lust!sans belongs to @nsfwshamecave-pb
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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UNDERNECTOS prologue ǝnƃoloɹd ɹǝsɐɥɔɹǝpu∩
Next tomorrow!
AH.. such stress! Managed finish this comic going it is fully updated on patreon now!
Hope you guys like it! I poured my soul out the past few weeks to get it done. 
Thanks for keeping me motivated. Art is all to me!! Now if you excuse me…
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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UNDERNECTOS prologue ǝnƃoloɹd ɹǝsɐɥɔɹǝpu∩
Next tomorrow!
´. ´  ……..  those clothes.. I’ve seen them somewhere, but I can’t put my finger on it… 
A big thanks to @mcfudgie for helping me out with the layout for this page!
★ Consider supporting my works! ★ Commissions
I’m always thankful for reblogs!
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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king-of-fears · 6 years
Underverse 0.4 update
I have animated around 20 minutes already. And probably this animation will be around 30-35 minutes including the credits section, which includes a special scene that could be considered as the end… of the “first season”. That’s it. Underverse will be separated in two seasons now, not because the plot has changed. This is because I want to take a very long break from these series and start working in a few animated shorts for my original project “Metadora”.  Underverse 0,4 is probably going to be my last long animation. The upcoming parts will be shorter and hopefully easier to animate since  0.4 is taking all of my energy and health. My body is giving signals about it, so I must be careful and finish it soon. 0.3 part two was released on August, and I just can’t wait to release this one. The quality is better and all, but something inside me tells me that it’s about time to do so. Even I had to delete many scenes I wrote on the script, because making it lir  I hope this episode will be done around June. But it will only depends on how Ink vs Error scene will take me to animate.
So that’s all for now. I know mostly of you are patient, but if you can spread this to the ones that can’t take the hype anymmore, I’d be so glad for your help.
Finally, a quick preview I made yesterday in a short streaming, just to give you an idea how that fight scene will look. [SPOILER ALERT]:
Keep reading
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king-of-fears · 6 years
Warning Sentence Starters
Change pronouns as necessary!
“I don’t trust them one bit.” “You’re just going to get hurt.” “They never had your best interest at heart.” “You can’t see me anymore.” “I’m not good for you.” “They’re the worst decision you’ve ever made.” “I know what they have planned, and it’s only going to hurt you.” “They’re going to betray you.” “You have to run. They’re looking for you.” “They’ll always find you, no matter how far you go.” “Why do you stay with them? All they do is hurt you over and over again.” “If you keep this up, you’re going to regret it forever.” “Just because you don’t see the problem doesn’t mean something isn’t wrong.” “Do you have any idea how many secrets they’re keeping from you?” “You’re in so much danger.” “I’m telling you this because I care about you: run.” “We’re leaving. Tonight. Only pack what you absolutely need.” “I told you. I told you they would hurt you.” “I have a bad feeling about them that I just can’t explain.” “It’s not safe, being with me.” “I don’t want to hurt you, but I don’t think I can stop myself.” “There’s something I’ve been too afraid to tell you.” “Listen, they’ve been talking; talking about you. I don’t think you’re safe.” “I’ll explain everything, but we have to find someplace safe first.” “We can’t talk here. Someone is listening.” “I’m afraid of what could happen if you stay with them.” “Don’t you remember what they did? Do you really think they’ve changed at all?” “While you’re still with me, you’ll never be completely safe.” “They’re not your friends. They only want to hurt you.” “I’ve seen what they plan to do to you. It’s - it’s not good.” “I trusted them once too. Don’t make the same mistake I did.” “This isn’t a game. You could really get hurt!” “If you care about your life in any way, you’ll listen to what I have to tell you.” “Nothing is what it seems.”
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king-of-fears · 6 years
Turning-The-Tables Stalker Sentences
“Do you think it’s funny, following people around like that?” “I’ll abuse you the way you’ve abused my privacy.” “I finally found you.” “If you weren’t going to say ‘hello’ first, I figured I would.” “You didn’t think I could protect myself, did you?” “I used to be scared of you, but that’s all over.” “Don’t tell me you’ve found someone new to follow.” “I am the best obsession you will ever have.” “I won’t let you treat anyone else the way you’ve treated me.” “I’ll do whatever I have to to make sure this never happens again.” “I know all about you, and all about the other people you’ve hurt.” “I could just turn you over to the authorities, but I think taking care of you myself would be even more enjoyable.” “An eye for an eye, right?” “I’ll spare you this time, but if I ever see you near my home again, you’re dead.” “You don’t like it when the tables are turned, do you?” “I’m far more clever than you think.” “Do you like how this feels? Having your privacy and safety taken from you?” “This is just the start of all I could do to you.” “You can’t just try to ruin someone’s life and not expect to pay the price for it.” “Funny how you were so brave at first, but now you’re scared shitless of me.” “Would you still have tried to ruin my life if you knew I could do the same to you?” “If I see you outside of my house ever again, I’m putting a knife through your chest.” “I haven’t seen you around here lately. Am I not good enough for you?” “Oh, it was easy to find your home. And learn all about you and your family, as well.” “Now you know how I felt.” “You know, you don’t cover your tracks too well. It was easy to find out who you were.” “You’re going to sit down and tell me exactly why you’ve been following me everywhere I go.” “I’ve seen you outside of my house every day - now tell me, what the hell do you want?!” “I’ll never let you frighten me again, even if that means getting rid of you for good.” “Go ahead and struggle. You’ll just exhaust yourself quicker.” “I’ve been planning on confronting you for the longest time.” “Amazing how you follow my ever move, but still didn’t see this coming.”
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king-of-fears · 6 years
Ask my muse questions about their past
Get specific! Ask about the home life, their experiences, incidents that have affected them, etc!
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king-of-fears · 6 years
various starters
❛  you’re a weapon and weapons don’t weep.  ❜
❛  hurt me once, I’ll kill you twice.  ❜
❛  never trust a survivor until you learn what they did to stay alive.  ❜
❛  death is the only god that comes when you call.  ❜
❛  I am teeth. I am royal. you are nothing to me.  ❜
❛  the sun will rise and we will try again.  ❜
❛  we’re just kids. we aren’t supposed to be heroes.  ❜
❛  I like my women like I like my Absinthe: bitter and intoxicating.  ❜
❛  what doesn’t kill me better run.  ❜
❛  she wasn’t looking for a knight. she was looking for a sword.  ❜
❛  don’t dehumanize bad people, because it’s their humanity which makes what they’ve done so terrifying.  ❜
❛  she isn’t just pretty. she is otherworldly and vaguely threatening.  ❜
❛  magic is not good or evil. is a knife evil? only if the wielder is.  ❜
❛  I don’t want your crown. see, I’ve come to burn your kingdom down.  ❜
❛  they broke my wings. they forgot I have claws.  ❜
❛  all that blood was never beautiful, it was just red.  ❜
❛  what do you do when there’s no hero in the story? simple. you kill the monster and crown yourself.  ❜
❛  how terrible it is, to love something that death can touch.  ❜
❛  you may not be interested in war, but it is interested in you.  ❜
❛  I feel divinity in my bones like aching. like fire.  ❜
❛  you make me feel and I don’t like it. I want it to stop. now.  ❜
❛  you are losing my interest and that is very dangerous.  ❜
❛  she will burn your kingdoms down, herself with it, if it means your ruin.  ❜
❛  it’s okay to be scared. it means your about to do something brave.  ❜
❛  she looks like divine absolution.  ❜
❛  I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find and impossible to forget.  ❜
❛  be careful with words. they can be forgive, but never forgotten.  ❜
❛  you not wanting me was the beginning of me wanting myself.  ❜
❛  I’m tired of fighting. for once, I want to be fought for.  ❜
❛  never run back to what broke you.  ❜
❛  I was quite, but not blind.  ❜
❛  your gut knows what’s up. trust that bitch.  ❜
❛  we all eat lies when our hearts are hungry.  ❜
❛  do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.  ❜
❛  I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, wishing it was a donut.  ❜
❛  you can miss something but not want it back.  ❜
❛  you can’t save people, you can only love them.  ❜
❛  I came, I saw, I made it awkward.  ❜
❛  we buy shite we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like.  ❜
❛  you’re always one decision away from a different life.  ❜
❛  my brain has too many tabs open.  ❜
❛  I’m not saying I hate you, just that you’re like the Monday of people.  ❜
❛  there’s no ‘we’ in fries.  ❜
❛  apology accepted, trust denied.  ❜
❛  death and I have been scandalously intimate for some time now.  ❜
❛  life happens. coffee helps.  ❜
❛  I am mine before I am ever anyone else’s.  ❜
❛  I rely a bit too heavily on alcohol and irony.  ❜
❛  very early in my life it was already too late.  ❜
❛  is that a threat or are you flirting with me.  ❜
❛  was the use of force necessary in completing your objectives?  ❜
❛  I’ll let you drag me to hell if it means you’ll hold my hand.  ❜
❛  I do bad things, and I do them very well.  ❜
❛  you drink too much, you cuss too much and you have questionable morals. you’re everything I ever wanted.  ❜
❛  they will kill you, but first they will have to catch you.  ❜
❛  drugs might kill you but they’ll never break your heart.  ❜
❛  good girls are just bad girls that haven’t been caught.  ❜
❛  a pretty face doesn’t guarantee a pretty heart.  ❜
❛  no airbag, we die like men.  ❜
❛  true evil is, above all, seductive.  ❜
❛  it takes more courage to suffer than to die.  ❜
❛  you must be lucky to avoid the wolf every time. but the wolf? he only needs enough luck to catch you once.  ❜
❛  justice is vengeance in prettier packaging.  ❜
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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This is the last preview I will show you from Underverse 0.4, so enjoyyy!! Killer by @rahaf-wabas/ @rahafwabas Nightmare by @jokublog
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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Huehuehue isn’t today Error’s b-day? êwê
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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UNDERCHASER Chapter 4 page 10
Read from the start
Previous page Next (next monday/ or on patreon already!)
>W< be with papa!
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king-of-fears · 6 years
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