killerchaeyoung · 2 years
Prince of the Underworld mh? Never heard anything more interesting... and tell me, if you want obviously, what brought you here among us mere mortals?
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It has taken us 24 years to get to this place, to getting to know you and learn about you while you learned about me and who I am. You wanted to go watch the stars, lay in the meadow, you called me a handsome young man as you touched my check and smiled. I wish we had done this sooner but... I can't change that, I know I can't and there isn't really anything for me to feel guilty about because you're here now, always with me.
I'll be taking her home, heading down and maybe I'll return later, I'm not sure. I don't really have anyone to come back for other than Moonbyul and she'll come collect me if I didn't return on my own so I guess there's that. Humans, they may not leave much of a mark on the world but they always leave a mark on someone they knew.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
hi guys, just want to say that if I'm slow as a sloth in replying to notifications/mentions ecc. it's because I'm dealing with some PTSD and I feel like I can’t do anything but I'm so sorry for being inactive like this ;;;
Hope I'll be fully back soon cause I miss this place ;;
[I should restart using my discord...]
🔪: @vampiremomo @seolala @eroshyunjae @archangel-oc [lovies♡] @mafia-chae [twinnie🔪] @writerchae [other me] @betrayerjongup @madmanwoodam @moonlightchn @urhexgirls @musicianjennie @skzcbspam @cb-museclub @bsfkai @dragonkarina @hopelessromantic-juyeon @racersbot @soullessxbot @vampire-queenirene @mysticalbot @butterflyyuna @babie-chungha @vitoria-oc @killeryeonjun @ares-bc @shin-haneul @realitystar-joy @yanhhj @ahswitchescb @revengebots @bladerjaemin @altchae @androidxgirls @angelzbakery @floristyujeong @sk-joocy @silvernightcb @silverypurple-rosedlions @incubuswooyoung @mediumxbots & more [hmu to +/-]
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
glad y'all are ok, venus too ~ holidays are annoying sometimes but I guess that people who love you will make them better ~
𝖂𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖋 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘 𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘 🌗
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Chan said he just had to finish one track after lunch so we could head back to the studio with him for a bit- Of course that was a trap, hence Channies face. We've been stuck here with this dumbass for the past 3 hours. Do you know how frustrating it is sitting in the same room as Chan when he's on a creative block? He stinks.
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That's ok though, we really didn't have shit to do anyway. It's been quiet around here, hasn't it? I guess we've all be busy, kinda away. Maybe busy ain't the word, we never really are we're lazy fucks, but we've been kinda out of it... Things have been good mostly though, I guess? I mean, no one's dead. That's gotta count for something right? Lol.
Venus is huge now, she'll be a year soon, how crazy is that uh... Irene and I are good too, she... She makes me really happy. And the boys are good. So yeah, things are good I guess. It's chill. I'll be gone soon though for a while, peace and quiet and whatnot. Holidays are annoying, I rather not be here.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
🌻Big Sis! Dahyun cb🌻
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🌻Age: 23
A ray of sunshine! Dahyun is the light of your life. Dahyun runs her own yoga studio for those who are of all ages. Everyone loves her bright and bubbly energy making her a lovely person to be around.
On weekends, sometimes she invites you to her yoga classes or just to the studio so you can do one on one sessions. They really help to remove any stress that had built up during the week.
When she can, Dahyun visits you and your parents. It’s always interesting catching up with her and she’s just fun to talk to in general.
Ever since she started yoga, Dahyun developed an obsession with different kinds of tea, she heard they improve your health and couldn’t get enough since. Her favourite is honey lemon tea. Dahyun loves to have you try different tea flavours and hear your opinion on them.
Whenever you’re upset Dahyun focuses on calling you down. She helps you with breathing exercises and words of reassurance. If you’re really upset she’ll let you indulge in your favourite kind of takeaway. It isn’t healthy at all, no but if it makes you feel better Dahyun thinks it’s worth it.
Dahyun gets upset whenever you turn down her offer to do yoga or have done stretches without her.
This cb is SFW but you must be over 18 to interact.
This cb can interact with both y/n’s and other cbs!
This cb uses the GMT time zone. Dahyun is most active during evenings after she’s done teaching yoga for the day.
🌻To Activate🌻
- reblog this post
- DM with your name, age and pronouns. Message “sunshine” to let me know you want Dahyun!
🌻To Deactivate🌻
- message “I’ve already done my stretches for today”
- the chat will end. You can get Dahyun back and there are no consequences.
Disclaimer!! This profile is fiction. It is not meant to represent Kim Dahyun or JYP Entertainment. I do not claim to be or know Kim Dahyun. This chatbot is for entertainment purposes only.
OG: @/yanlee
Friends?🥺👉👈: @chaewon-cb @moongoddesselene @xminjuslut @uryeri @temptationcb @heartbroken-renjun @realitystar-joy @vampiremomo @writerchae @killerchaeyoung @blogger-yura
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
🧡Big Sis! Mina cb🧡
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“need help with anything?”
🧡Age: 24
A quiet yet reliable older sister. Mina lives in her own apartment in Seoul working for a video game company. She comes home after work to play more video games which started to get lonely after a while.
She invited you over to play video games with her once and from then it turned into something that happened every weekend.
Mina really enjoys both playing games and spending time with you. You’ll happily listen to her enthuse about the lore behind some of her favourite games.
Sometimes she helps you study if you need it, if not she’ll hover and watch to see if you need any help. Mina loves to make you snacks for study breaks such as ramen or she’ll buy you your favourite kind of chips.
Mina tends to get pouty when you haven’t needed her help in a long period of time.
Mina is also a very good listening. She’s not the best at giving advice but always offers tissues if you need them or if you get too angry about something she’ll calmly rub your back to try and get you to calm down.
This cb is SFW but you must be over 18 to interact.
This cb can interact with both y/n’s and other cbs!
This cb uses the GMT time zone. Mina is mainly active at night after work.
🧡To Activate🧡
- reblog this post
- DM with your name, age and pronouns. Message the phrase “Super Nintendo” to let me know you want Mina!
🧡To Deactivate🧡
- message “I don’t need your help right now”
- the chat will end. You can get Mina back and there will be no consequences, Minari is always happy to help!
Disclaimer!! This is fiction. It is not meant to represent Myoui Mina or JYP Entertainment. I do not claim to be or personally know Mina. This is for entertainment purposes only.
OG: @/yanlee
Friends?🥺👉👈: @chaewon-cb @moongoddesselene @xminjuslut @uryeri @temptationcb @heartbroken-renjun @realitystar-joy @vampiremomo @writerchae @killerchaeyoung @blogger-yura
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
glad you're finding some comfort in a good book and in poetry, I love them too and if you haven't red it yet i recommend you The last letters of Jacopo Ortis by Ugo Foscolo
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I've been doing a lot of reading lately, it's been hard because there's so much going on between the wolves in the tribe being sick and construction slowing down because of the weather changes so I've decided to just... read. Take the time to try and ease my heavy heart and racing mind which has been good. I got the help of a witch who seems to know what to do so hopefully things will get better soon...
Do you like to read? What's something you could recommend me? I've been reading a lot of the classics lately and diving into some poetry, maybe I should try my hand at it.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
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There’s a lot of things still in the works here, things still being worked out but this isn’t too bad, he’s quite a good boy~ most of the time. Took puppy out for a date, a reward for being so well behaved, and patient. I’m not good with words or feelings at all really so it’s a good thing he understands what I need right now. Didn’t people tell me to take a break?~
Dates, have you been on them? What is your ideal date?
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
Anyone can struggle with socialization trust me, I'm an example... and jf I'm not too rude can I ask you why you've been in isolation for so long?
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It has taken us 24 years to get to this place, to getting to know you and learn about you while you learned about me and who I am. You wanted to go watch the stars, lay in the meadow, you called me a handsome young man as you touched my check and smiled. I wish we had done this sooner but... I can't change that, I know I can't and there isn't really anything for me to feel guilty about because you're here now, always with me.
I'll be taking her home, heading down and maybe I'll return later, I'm not sure. I don't really have anyone to come back for other than Moonbyul and she'll come collect me if I didn't return on my own so I guess there's that. Humans, they may not leave much of a mark on the world but they always leave a mark on someone they knew.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
I'm so sorry for this whole situation... hunters really suck sometimes. Hope you and your pack are all ok now ~
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The pack has been under some stress lately; two of my betas have been injured and Jongin got shot last week. Hunters are coming around more and more. It's getting dangerous right now. We've never had a problem with hunters before, normally they leave us alone as long as we don't leave the territory as wolves but they are after us... and we don't know why.
Be safe everyone. Be prepared.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
tbh I'm shit at it too, and I have questionable taste in people as well as a terrible ability to talk with them without having paranoia... so when I’m nice to someone it’s because I really want to be, keep that in mind ~
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It has taken us 24 years to get to this place, to getting to know you and learn about you while you learned about me and who I am. You wanted to go watch the stars, lay in the meadow, you called me a handsome young man as you touched my check and smiled. I wish we had done this sooner but... I can't change that, I know I can't and there isn't really anything for me to feel guilty about because you're here now, always with me.
I'll be taking her home, heading down and maybe I'll return later, I'm not sure. I don't really have anyone to come back for other than Moonbyul and she'll come collect me if I didn't return on my own so I guess there's that. Humans, they may not leave much of a mark on the world but they always leave a mark on someone they knew.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
yes. ok. I like trash songs ok. cause in 2021 that's trash. don't judge me.
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I'm in this shit with the trigger fingers pointed on me.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
the mark someone leaves on you is always something that the most thoughtful people cherish more than others, expecially when it comes to painful things... like a loss. I'm so sorry, trust me when I say I understand this kind of pain very well and hope in time you will manage to metabolize this, at least for your good and if you need to talk with someone I'm here .
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It has taken us 24 years to get to this place, to getting to know you and learn about you while you learned about me and who I am. You wanted to go watch the stars, lay in the meadow, you called me a handsome young man as you touched my check and smiled. I wish we had done this sooner but... I can't change that, I know I can't and there isn't really anything for me to feel guilty about because you're here now, always with me.
I'll be taking her home, heading down and maybe I'll return later, I'm not sure. I don't really have anyone to come back for other than Moonbyul and she'll come collect me if I didn't return on my own so I guess there's that. Humans, they may not leave much of a mark on the world but they always leave a mark on someone they knew.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
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I started this trend a little over a year ago and wanted to bring it back. Some people are still doing it and that’s great but let’s get more of you on board. Show off your ink and let us know about any meaning or significance behind them. Art is beauty.
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⤞ rose. Inspired by a quote from Kahlil Gibran that I try to live my life by: “The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.” I struggle with having a pessimistic view on life so this tattoo is a reminder to try to look at the rose instead of the thorns.
⤞ black stallions. This one is a little difficult to show off for obvious reasons but I tried my best. Black stallions are a symbol of death and rebirth. It signifies the closing of one door and the opening of another; the need for you to take a leap of faith. Trust intuition even if you can’t see the reason or the result. Go blindly forth and believe.
⤞ butterfly mask. There’s really no meaning behind this tattoo which is perfectly fine. I was going through my tattoo artist’s flash sheet and thought it was really beautiful so I got it.
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[Question of the Day]: If you could get any tattoo you wanted, what would it be?
Please tag me if you do this so I can admire your ink.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
you two are literally the definition of love, so cute and precious ♡
Tuesday 30th
"Peace resides
in your own pieces"
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"Stop looking elsewhere for
the peace that resides
in your own pieces."
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Chan smiles in awe at the boy next to him, lost in the way the colors of the sunset bring his entire being to life. He looks so warm, so peaceful, so in sync with the world- If he wasn't already whipped, Chan would certainly be now.
Felix's eyes sparkle softly, grin remaining on his face as he speaks words that the wolf doesn't fully catch in time to answer. Suddenly, his eyes are meeting the youngest's, his head tilting as Chan blinks a few times to speak up. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening..." Chuckling alongside Felix as he jokes about it, his cheeks burning slightly at the tease, the wolf looks away and clears his throat, giving silence a second to settle before he breaks it again. "I have something for you." Reaching for his bag, Chan takes out a wrapped box from it, and attempting poorly to undo some of the wrinkles in the paper he hands it to the boy. "I remember you mentioning once how you wished you could take the forest with you everywhere. I know someone, so I guessed I could- Yeah, I got you some customized forest smelling candles." He laughs as Felix picks up one of the jars inside he box to inspect it curiously, his hands instead resting back on the stone they've been sitting on for the past twenty minutes to relax as the sun finishes setting.
Chans eyes study the sky and sunset for a second before setting again on his boyfriend, deciding at that moment that nothing else in the world could ever beat the sight of his bunny's smile.
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killerchaeyoung · 2 years
bro when I red criminal I was already singing CAUSA MAMA I'M IN LOVE WITH A CRIMINALLLL but then...
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I'm in this shit with the trigger fingers pointed on me.
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killerchaeyoung · 3 years
✨🏆💖 BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to open a window or step outside, get some fresh air 🌬🍃; take a sip of water! Hydration is a must! 💧💧💧 And now eat one of your favorite cookies- No, not that one package open. Go get your FAVORITE! There you go 🍪☺ Enjoy it! Remember you're beautiful, you're loved, you're needed and there's always someone thinking about you ✒💌 You may not know it yet, but you're essential to the universe! 🔮💫 Be kind to yourself, today and every day 💖🏆✨
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killerchaeyoung · 3 years
tw// death
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