killabear-blog-blog · 7 years
Breaking in to the Korrasami clique?
I’m a qwoc. I have loved Korra since it’s premiere. I have shipped Korrasami since Season 3. I basically have lurked tumblr, reddit, and Ao3 for all it’s worth. I’ve had the comics pre-ordered since Amazon first released it. I don’t know what else to say, aside from I have been way too intimidated by the Korrasami community (aside from r/Korrasami) to do anything but lurk, but I’m done sitting idly by.
How exactly do you break into this fandom group? What kind of reputation do you need to have to just chat with people about it?
I’m a filmmaker, so if anyone needs headcanon or character deconstructions, or fic ideas, I got endless amounts. Otherwise, what would be the first step, that’s not just reblogging others stuff? What does the Korrasami community need? Will this post even work?
Edit: I have six copies of Turf Wars pre-ordered, and want to give five of them to anyone who can't afford to get it. Peace offering?
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