khrstnflowers · 8 years
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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How English has changed in the past 1000 years.
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
it’s not the corny, played out pick up lines, or the forced dialogue. it’s not the practiced performances, peppered with swoon-worthy scenes. it’s not the well-written plot lines, or the makeup or the cameras or the adoring fans, or the handsome guy or the pretty girl, it’s the way her eyes lit up the first time she saw him watching, as if the skies opened up after a long darkness, drowning the world with bright sunshine. it’s the way he stared and laughed, curiosity hiding behind his dancing eyes, as if asking himself – who is she? or, thinking – she’s beautiful. it’s the simple wave, and the dimpled smile. all the nonverbal gestures that seem to say everything. it’s the way she stares at him when she thinks the camera is off her and no one’s watching. it’s the way he looks at her, coupled with a grin and a giggle, stammering and stuttering – a singer lost for words. it’s the way their eyes always look for each other, through split screens and rules and awkward space, like they’re not in front of the cameras, like there aren’t millions of people watching, their eyes meet, and it’s as if everything and everyone else melt away. it’s the fact that it can all be fake, just another way to get more sponsors and more deals and more money, but their eyes can never lie, because there is something hiding behind theirs. it’s not love yet, but something close and real and true and genuine. like a girl who’s on the brink of falling in love, and a guy who’s more than willing to catch her. it’s the fact that, i have been so disillusioned about finding love and forever and happily-ever-afters, but they, they make me want to believe in it again.
on screen romance, g.g. (via redlipsandsunflowers)
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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Panda: Sensei, on a certain foreign site there’s been talk between those who saw Akatsuki no Yona’s anime adaptation over sending you a little something, but because sending things to Japan can be quite troublesome, we’re worried it might not reach you… Will it get there safely if we send it to the address written down on your blog?
Kusanagi: Thank you for your message from abroad! Yes, it will reach me if you send it to the address on my blog (*^^*) This makes me very happy! I’ll be waiting impatiently.
Panda: Gathering and translating the messages will take time, but please look forward to it!
Kusanagi Fan Project
 Calling all Kusanagi fans @kimalysong and @pandaflavouredcookies  are organizing a fanbook to be ,mailed to Kusagani on her birthday in February. She is very excited as you can see from the tweet and we want as many of you to participate as possible. Submissions will include fanart, photos and messages that will be translated into Japanese by @pandaflavouredcookies
. More details about submissions will follow soon…
Please reblog or like this post to show your interest for now!
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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“A boy waiting for his break
A girl chasing her dreams”
To my first 3D OTP:
Yes, they are my REAL HUMAN OTP (Coz yah know, I’ve only supported anime/couples and couples I’ve read from books). 
ALDUB, I have seen how you two progressed since the first day (July 16, 2015,yes I watched that in EB and I’m so lucky). And that time, I already fell in love with the both of you
I witnessed your hardships, fun times and romantic moments. I cried when the both of you cried, laughed when both of you laugh, and cheered in your achievements: as a team and as individuals. I witnessed how the fondness you have for each other grow without even seeing each other in person nor with any private communication.
Alden, you’re someone I have seen on TV for years now. I don’t often watch the local television (because ya know animes, manga and such haha) so I’m often clueless about the things happening in showbizness, but one thing is for sure, Bae, whenever someone asks me this: “Who is your favorite local celebrity?” or “Who is your celebrity crush?” I would always answer, without any hesitation: “Alden Richards”. I liked you since the first time I saw you in Alakdana, but now, I like you even more! I became aware of your personality. Your faith to God put me in awe, so much that I became nearer to Him because of you (I would really like to thank you for this). You are actually almost perfect in my eyes: good looks, talents, and more importantly a kind heart. Sometimes I would think “Do you have any flaw?”. I’ve seen how you worked your way up in the industry and now is your most awaited big break. I’m proud that I can see you now shining so bright after all those dim years. I’m so happy for you. Because of your undying faith in Him, God gave you Maine. Treasure her, Tisoy
Maine, you’re the first local celeb girl I’ve ever been interested to. I saw your dubsmash vids on FB before you came to EB, I love them so much. But I’m not going to lie, when I first saw you in EB, I had a doubt that you would stay for long. I was wrong, so wrong. Days after days you became better. You blended so well with JOWAPAO that your presence added more shine to Juan For All, All for Juan. I was actually amazed when I knew about your background. You came from a well-to-do family and graduated with a degree. Your not just any celeb wannabe. You didn’t desperately came to showbiz for fame nor because you have a family to support. You are there because it’s your dream, and because it’s what makes you happy. Amidst of all your achievement in this past few months, you feet remained grounded. Appreciating every fan’s effort and continuously thanking them for their support. I love you, you’ve only been on the there for 4 months or so but I’m serious, I already love you. My dear, God gave you Alden. Love him, Menggay
Now to the both of you, ALDUB. Thank you, thank you so much for the inspiration, for being the role model of love for the young generation of pinoys. Thanking for giving me happiness everyday. Thank you for making me feel this love. Now, I promise that your “Tamang Panahon” is only the start. I will continue to support you both. I will continue to love you both. I wish that you will receive more blessings (you are receiving a lot now BUT I WANT MOAARR
I will never ever pressure you guys to become real couple. Take your time please. You’ve only seen and been together for a few times before but I know since “tamang panahon” already happened, you can finally have more time together. Get to know each other. I know you will love each other’s company even more :)
Don’t ever change! God gave me the both of you! I will continue to love and support you.
Their paths suddenly crossed
And change their whole life’s course
Which led to a whole new path
Making their dreams
Came true
CTTO: To the first 2 lines of this post, I only saw that somewhere but I don’t remember who wrote it, credits to the owner :) To the pictures I used in the collage, credits also the respective owner
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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Sa Tamang Panahon
A boy waiting for his big break. 
A girl chasing her dreams.
And a man working hard for redemption.
That is KalyeSerye.
At ito na ang kanilang Tamang Panahon.
This was a very emotional & very symbolic moment. Nata-touch talaga ako dito. 
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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Some Disney comics I made for a mini zine years back but didn’t post all of them online anywheres! Here you go.
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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Greek Gods
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
if you’re ever sad look at this
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or this
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instead of being mad at someone watch stitch cuddle with a pillow
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shhhh don’t cry look at stitch !!!
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stitch doesn’t want u to be sad !!
pls don’t be sad
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stitch loves you stay safe 
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
“The movie’s a smash hit!”
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
This is getting irritating. My life right is only about studying. Everyday I have to do my homeworks. Everyday I have to review my notes. Everyday I have to be stressed about things like presentations, projects, upcoming exams, etc. Even in weekends when I’m supposed to have break and relax I have to do things related to school. Like WTF if it’s like this I should just lived inside the school, What the hell do they expect from us? from me? What the hell is the school teaching right now? is it“How to become a robot”? I don’t think I have talk to my family lately because I’m always in my room studying. So I have to lose my life in order to have a better life in the future? This is getting irritating.
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
Yesterday I received a chalk
Last time I said that I don’t know if I really want to be a teacher. That I’m already in third year and still don’t have the right resolve to be one. Yesterday one of professor asked me where would I be teaching: Private school or Public school? I know he wants an honest answer from me, so I told him “Public school, because there are benefits that I could get”. I saw how disappointed he was. He said that there’s no hope in this country anymore because I answered him that way. He then told us about how he became a teacher. Looking at me the whole time he was telling it. Probably because he saw me nearly crying  ( I was lucky I’m seating at front, he’s the only one who saw my sorry face) I wasn’t in the verge of crying because of his story, nor the fact that I kinda embarrassed myself in the whole class because of my answer. It was because I realized how much I was embarrassed to myself. Myself. I turned out to be someone that the 10 year old me wouldn’t be proud. I turned out to be one of the villains that the 10 year old me hated so much because they only cared for themselves. I realized that at that time. It was so embarrassing I nearly cried.
So our professor told us that he became a teacher because he was able to pick up a chalk. A chalk that he’s old professor was using when he collapsed and had an attack. He picked that up and believed that he has to finish his unfinished things (there’s more to his story, but it’s really long and I don’t think I could write it all down) He said “If you love, you won’t be expecting benefits in return”
Before the class ends, he went up to me and gave me a chalk. I think now I have the enough resolve to be a teacher
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
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Daughter tells her Dad he’s going to be a Grandpa [x]
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
I’m already 3rd year college student and I still don’t know if I really want to be a teacher
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
“are you in a relationship?”
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khrstnflowers · 9 years
College Major Stereotypes:
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Gender and Sexuality Studies:
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Social Work:
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Women’s Studies:
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Computer Science and Engineering:
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Environmental Studies: 
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International Studies:
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