kexax · 6 years
For @leonardolarkspur and @lucaselysian :v
Relationship & Courting antics Asks.
♥ Do they seek out love or let it find the? Are they even interested in romance?
♥  When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
♥ Tell us about a time they were rejected.
♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
♥ Do they have open or closed relationships?
♥ How do they feel about polygamy?
♥ Are they loyal to their partners?
♥ Are they patient with their partners?
♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
♥ Do they make it a point to eat at lease one meal a day together with their partner, or do they do as they please?
♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
♥ How did their relationship start?
♥ What was the most romantic time they had with their partner?
♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
♥ Will they lie for the sake of their significant other’s happiness?
♥ If they could choose their partner again, would they choose the same person?
♥ What do they love most about their significant other?
♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courting’s feelings without them having to say anything?
♥ How do they express their love to their partner?
♥ Would they leave the person they love if it meant saving their life/giving them a better chance at life?
13K notes · View notes
kexax · 6 years
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Dwayna “the Rock” Johnson.
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kexax · 6 years
I’m Jim though.
being in the rp community like:
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5K notes · View notes
kexax · 6 years
Tagged by @Xehara (won’t let me tag :()
Relationship Status: Married to a sheep. (Shout out to Sheep Wife.)
Favourite Colour: We spell it color, this is America.
Three Favourite Foods: Sneakers, drugs that looks like candy, whatever plants I find in my neighbor’s garden.
Last Song You Listened To: Not exactly a song, but I’ve made a habit of insulting old women until they scream at me.
Three Favourite Shows: Full House, Fuller House, Fullest House (The Grand Trilogy)
Three Favourite Bands: the ones that make her dance, preferably.
Book I’m Reading: I’m illiterate. Tagging: fk u
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kexax · 6 years
And to christen the new blogs, I’ll do an ask prompt for the first time in like, a year. *airhorns.* For @lucaselysian, @leonardolarkspur, and @mathiasrenderra
Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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kexax · 6 years
I finally reorganized.
I now have tumblrs for independent characters, so that I can feel free to post stuff for alts that aren’t Lucas (which I was prior unable to do. Huzzah). I’ve set them up for Lucas Elysian, Leonardo Larkspur, and Mathias Renderra. Here they are, go follow them. Or don’t, I’m not your dad. https://lucaselysian.tumblr.com/ https://leonardolarkspur.tumblr.com/
You may notice they’re all empty. That is not likely change because I’m a tumblr amateur and I never actually post anything. “So why go through the trouble?” Because I try and keep busy, okay. Any how, thx friends have a nice day. :)
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kexax · 6 years
Your nitpicking wasn't technically wrong. But you still came across kind of like an asshole. I don't know why you felt it necessary, when you agreed with the spirit of it, to go off like that. You really came off condescending when someone was called 'that gay sylvari' by people they didn't even know or interact with and had every reason to be upset.
Ah, the good ol’ “I’ll be rude anonymously to avoid confrontation”. Unlike my last post, that was meant to be condescending. I don’t think my post was rude at all. I think I was incredibly cordial. If any offense was found in it, believe me, it was unintended. I do apologize if Gulmont read it in any way that might be interpreted as my demeaning him; he knows I consider him a friend, and while I disagreed with his post, that does not color my opinion of him at all. He’s a nice guy.The people who referred to the person as ‘that gay sylvari’ were rude, and that sylvari had every reason to be upset. As I said in my post, homophobia is a literary tool for consenting roleplays, like murder or racism. It is not a tool for comedy or use with players who aren’t consenting. I by no means attempted to justify this behavior. In fact, I directly spoke against it.You’re straw-manning my argument here. My point was that homophobia can exist in Tyria and enhance stories. My point wasn’t that you can be homophobic in general. I didn’t “go off”, I organized my thoughts as well as I could on short-notice and put it out for review. I felt it necessary because “Homophobia doesn’t exist on Tyria” isn’t a sentiment I want to see wide-spread. Writers should feel free to express themselves creatively. Also, if you’re going to refer to me as an asshole and call my behavior condescending, feel free to do it with your own name next time. Edit: The post, for anyone interested.
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kexax · 6 years
So, I know that I need to tread incredibly lightly here, because it is a sensitive topic, but I have to say that while I agree with the spirit of this post, I disagree with its actual substance. First off, let me be clear: I’m bisexual, I am sexually into men. I don’t think this should matter to the conversation, but I know if I didn’t include it, someone would freak out on me about being a cis male trying to justify my homophobia or something. I also want to state that I do not have a homophobic character, if only because that isn’t the type of roleplay I’m interested in doing.
But to restate an important point that roleplayers all over have echoed for a long time, you cannot censor writing. So, I’m going to approach this topic in three parts: -Why there likely is homophobia in Tyria -Why I disagree with the substance of this post -Why I agree with the ‘spirit’ of this post. So, first, let me remind you that by saying ‘there is no homophobia’ in Tyria, you are effectively denying a basic human impulse. That human impulse is “I hate people who are different than me”. This impulse is important because it is a cornerstone of conflict. Misogyny and racism are both present themes in GW2 - granted, they are reserved for villains (as they should be), but they DO exist. Misogyny heavily paints the identity of the Sons of Svanir and the Flame Legion. Racism has been present between all races. We see it regularly between humans and charr, humans and sylvari, humans and humans, asura and...everyone. Now, we don’t see any direct cases of homophobia (as far as I’m aware), but absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence. And it makes perfect sense that it WOULD exist. Misogyny and racism are only a stone’s throw from homophobia, and in a world where, for many cultures, having children IS important (mostly humans here, but norn and asura as well), so it is easily followed that same-sex relationships would be discouraged. In human culture, if you’re noble, you’re expected to carry on the lineage. In peasant culture, many families likely rely on kids for labor and to take care of their parents when they’re older. I actually think it’s silly to say that homophobia doesn’t exist. I don’t see how in the world people would evolve misogynistic and racist tendencies without other general prejudiced tendencies as well. Now, unarguably, homophobia isn’t as present on Tyria as it is in the real world. Homophobes would be in the overwhelming minority on Tyria, since we see proud gay couples regularly without any repercussions. But to say they don’t exist is a wide stretch. And that brings me into why I disagree with the substance: Homophobia is important to people’s stories. I have friends whose characters are homosexual and it is important to their backstory and identity that their father or mother or family didn’t approve. In real life, overcoming the hardships of loving someone of your own gender is a massive part of your identity. Liking men is one of the hardest decisions I wasn’t allowed to make.
My family still doesn’t know I like men. When I was nine and hated sports and liked playing pretend with the neighbor kids, they started taking betting pools on “when I’d come out as gay”. That was so embarrassing as a kid that it has prevented me from being honest with them, despite the fact they’ve tried to reassure me that it’s “okay if I was gay”. And that is a very real part of my identity, and the identity of gay people everywhere. And if myself or others wants to stay true to the narrative of the struggle of being homosexual, and write a backstory where a character’s father disowns them or despises them because of who they love, I will not be denied that option because someone else tells me that “homophobia doesn’t exist here”. That is entirely disingenuous. Writing is writing. People here need to understand that. We write plots about murder, about hatred, about every criminal activity under the sun. Someone gassed and blew up the orphanage last week, but homophobia isn’t okay? People aren’t their characters. If a character is homophobic, that doesn’t mean the player is. It is a trait that can contribute meaningfully to a person’s personal story if it is done correctly. You cannot tell people what topics they can’t write about. That is the bane of creativity. Finally, here’s why I agree with the spirit of this post. I don’t think the ultimate point here should be that homophobia doesn’t exist, because frankly, that isn’t true. It should be that you have to roleplay homophobia responsibly. For every gay person that might want to include an aspect of homophobia into their character’s story, there are many gay people that have had enough of that IRL and they want to roleplay in a space where it doesn’t matter. And that’s good, too. There’s a basic rule that we’re all supposed to adhere to, it’s the golden rule of roleplay. Say it with me everyone: Don’t be a dick. If someone doesn’t want to roleplay with homophobic themes, don’t roleplay it around them. If you’re not sure if someone is okay with homophobic themes, don’t roleplay it with them. If you’re in a bar and thinking about roleplaying your homophobic themes loudly, god dammit, don’t. You wouldn’t ERP in public, would you? Of course not. It’s not appropriate. You wouldn’t roleplay horribly racist tendencies that resemble real life ones, like a human using the ‘N’ word? Of course not. These can upset people. Homophobia is something that is sensitive and fragile. As a writing tool, it can be important to a gay person and their character’s story. But it should be used privately and with people who consent to it being an aspect of their story. You shouldn’t run around calling people gay in public roleplay. The spirit of this post, ultimately, is to protect the sensibilities of someone who might be offended by homophobia. And that is an honorable goal. But the message shouldn’t be “homophobia doesn’t exist”, it should be “only roleplay homophobic themes with people who consent.” I have gay characters. I also have characters who are scared of what their family might think of that. That is an important part of their identity, and I am inspired by my real life experiences. No one is allowed to take that aspect of my characters from me by saying “homophobia doesn’t exist”. tl;dr: Homophobia sucks, but like murder, death, racism, and misogyny, it can be used as a literary tool to enhance a story. There is no reason to assume it doesn’t exist on Tyria. Don’t be a dick. Roleplay responsibly. 
Hey, characters that keep going on about “gays” and using it as a slur. There’s no homophobia in Tyria. Take it somewhere else. I doubt the word gay would even be used other than as a synonym for happy.
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kexax · 6 years
It’s for tax purposes tho don’t read into it
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I am writing to tell you that Lucas has proposed to me. I had a difficult time giving him an answer, I fear, as I was wrought with insecurities. Some of which you tried to help me see past ages ago when I told you of my feelings for him. As he always has, despite my fears to the contrary, he soothed every last one of them and insisted that he wished to have me as his wife. I don’t think I could be any happier than I am right now.
I said yes, Jo
@luxelen @kexax
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kexax · 6 years
❤ Lucas
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I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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kexax · 6 years
❤ Lucas
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I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause. • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish(hope) I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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kexax · 6 years
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kexax · 6 years
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I can’t find a gif of this game. Stupid obscure platformers.
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Also this one.
Reblog with the game that got you into gaming.
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125K notes · View notes
kexax · 6 years
Mushy Wintersday Stuff
Wintersday with Lucas was something of a surprise. One she jumped at, but a surprise none-the-less. He had stepped out for a time and so she decided to surprise him with dinner. Something simple, easy, even she couldn’t mess up! That didn’t quite go as planned. The pasta was like mush the moment it entered the mouth and her sauce bland.
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So dinner was scrapped and they agreed to get some dinner after the play. It was a side of him she had not seen before. If there was something she had pegged Lucas for, a theatre critic was not one. It delighted her and lifted the mood. She did not get to see many productions considering her fear of crowds, so it was a rather exciting experience. She thought it was nice. He thought they could have had a better cast.
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So they went to dinner and laughed. Lucas insisted her dish was prepared correctly, but looking at it, Josephine had her suspicions that it was not. Either way it had tasted well and they made it back home. That was when things took a slight turn. She was released from her cocoon of scarves, coats, mittens, and hats and assaulted by an old argument she had thought over. She held a tight reign on her temper and tried to hear him out this time instead of getting angry and storming off.
Stay behind.
He gave his reasoning and she was forced to admit he had some valid points. Her magic was unstable and had no practical training. Books only got you so far. She would likely be more of a burden to the group going to face the dead witch than anything. And from what he said, she was apparently a target for some reason. Perhaps because she was a known weak link. She may be reckless but she had no desire to end her life so quickly.
An agreement was made and, if she did have to admit, the reward for giving in on that particular front was quite nice. He left to make them tea and she took the opportunity to cool the flush from her cheeks and run upstairs to get her present for him.
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Which brought her back down rather quickly. To a clammy, cold sweat state nearly as they sat together on the couch. He wanted his present first. She felt like she was going to throw up as she handed it over. A simple, small box neatly wrapped. Inside was a plain golden ring on a chain.
“I know it’s soon, it’s not quite what you think. I just wanted to… To pledge my intentions to you. Be it marriage or just companions for the rest of my life. I want to be by your side.”
Nerves were apparently for naught as he accepted, giving her his own gift after some heated exchanges. A pair of sapphire earrings that also served as a way to communicate with him, should he be wearing the band and wasn’t too far away. 
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kexax · 6 years
Hey, all. I’m Kex, and I play the Margrave Lucas Elysian on Tarnished Coast. He’s a Knight-Errant-turned-Noble after a military conquest of centaur land in the Harathi Hinterlands, and famed for his lack of any sort of political wherewithal. Choosing to leave the day-to-day governance of his tiny plot of land to a close friend, he focuses on two things: First, making sure that centaur don’t destroy the place, as is regularly attempted. Second, continuing the spirit of the ‘Knight Errant’ that had been instilled in him as a young squire.
The reason this is relevant is because this is my first time, in quite a long time, that I’m reaching out for any sort of roleplay actively. I am at my very heart a traditional “I love adventure” type roleplayer; I DM weekly games of Dungeons and Dragons, and have always ran adventure-oriented guilds on the MMOs that I played. In this regard, I’ve always found Guild Wars 2 to be lacking - not by any fault of the community, but by the mechanics inherent to the game. Where as World of Warcraft or FFXIV have wide open zones that you can run rough-shod over once you’re a higher level, GW2 scales your level to be appropriate for any zone, guaranteeing that adventuring out into the world for roleplay will be hindered by a constant swarm of mobs attacking you at a peculiarly high density. No one likes their roleplay to be interrupted constantly.
I think that, because of this, many roleplayers sort of shirked the idea of world exploration and hunkered down on their part of the map. This isn’t to say that adventure roleplay is non-existent, and I’m painting a very general picture here, but what does exist of it is very much restrained to small groups for ease of access. This has made it difficult for me personally. However, I still love the people on this game, I am attached to my characters, and I am attached to my friends’ characters, so not once have I ever considered actually leaving. This has led me into a slog of “going through the motions” roleplay-wise, generally biding my time for scraps of roleplay that aren’t tickling my niche.
So today I’m doing something about that.
The idea: I love serial adventures. Not necessarily long, grandiose plots that require constant devotion from a large group of people (though, those are cool too), but rather small “one-off” adventure plots that have a definite beginning and end that can be achieved within a few hours or days after the roleplay starts.
I would like to DM adventures for you. These would take place over Discord for ease, and shouldn’t last incredibly long. Your involvement in the set-up can be as little or as much as you’d like; if you want to be surprised, you can simply say “My character is X, I am down for adventure, surprise me”, and I will. I’ll message you with an opening scene, and we’ll go for there. If you want to be a bit more hands-on, you can tell me what kind of scene you’re looking for, and we can 100% entwine it with your character’s long term plot arcs in a meaningful way.
What am I looking to gain out of this?
ADVENTURE. It suits my adventure-fantasy fancy. As a big ol’ nerd and storyteller, I’ve always loved the genre. It’s something I’ve long considered myself decently proficient at, and I’m more than excited to indulge in this on the online RP community for the first time in a few years.
Connections. Lucas is a character that is less than personable, his friendships don’t often flourish based on chance conversation. There usually has to be a deeper substance, and there’s nothing that can force a relationship between two characters like accidentally ending up on an adventure together. Plus, we get to be friends OOC <3 (hi)
Interest. I hope that it’ll rekindle my interest in long-term roleplay, which is something I’ve struggled with for well over a year now.
What do you stand to gain from this?
First, you get to hang out with me. Nice.
Second, you get someone who is willing to tailor an entire adventure to suit your whims. So, that’s pretty rad - I don’t think that’s an invitation that’s extended terribly often. Is your character going through a long-term arc surrounding the death of their family? If you want me to, I’d be happy to write an adventure that somehow ties into that. Do you want some sort of event to instill fear or guilt into your character, and make them re-evaluate their priorities or what matters to them? I can help with that, too. It’s a perfect set-up for you to say to yourself, “What do I want to incorporate into my character’s life to help them grow and progress?”, and I am more than happy to be a part of that. It can be an item, a person, an emotional event - anything. Tell me what you want and I’d be happy to write it in.
Or, on the opposite scale, maybe you just want to indulge in fantasy adventure whimsy. You’re not looking for anything earth-shattering, just a fun roleplay where you can be along for the ride. That’s entirely valid as well. Really, whatever you want to do, I’m down for.
What do I need from you?
I need communication. I need to know what character you want to play, what aspects you want included into the roleplay (location, theme, if you want it to tie into your story/serve a purpose to your character, etc). I need to know what you want out of the experience so that I can give that to you. If you want to leave it all up to me, great! But devote yourself to that. I don’t want to crank out the prompt just to hear “Actually, that doesn’t work”. Communication up front, friendos!
I need you to work with me. I’m a DM, but that doesn’t mean the roleplay is one-sided. I’m happy to RP with anyone and everyone, but if it feels like I’m slogging through the roleplay, pulling you by the wrist, that’s a bit problematic. Now, I don’t think this’ll be a problem, anyone who reaches out probably will be into it, but I still feel the need to clarify.
I need a small commitment: Actually reply to the RP! Don’t leaving me hangin’, man. On top of this, because I’ll be running a story, you do need to relinquish a bit of control to me. Your character could be hurt, or put in danger, or go through traumatic events. However, I would never kill a character, seriously injure them, or do anything “character-altering” without explicit permission.
So, with all that said: Roleplay with me, friendo.
I can be contacted here on tumblr through Asks or Messages.
In game, I’m Kexax.4567.
On discord, I’m Kex#4375.
Don’t feel nervous or hesitant to reach out. Literally just tell me “I’M HERE FOR ADVENTURE HOUR” and I’ll be down to clown. Depending on how many people contact me about this, I might need to make a pseudo-waiting-list. That is to say, if I have five people reach out at once, I probably won’t be able to juggle all of that; I’ll probably never be running more than three adventures at a time for the sake of my mental health and making sure each RP is fulfilling. However, I should get around to everything eventually.
But maybe I’m being presumptuous with a number like five. Regardless!
Come get roped into adventure with Lucas, purposely or accidentally.
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kexax · 6 years
Lucas’ fears.
Bold any fears which apply to your muse. Italicize what makes them uncomfortable. Copy/paste as new post. Do not reblog.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. blood. drowning. suffocation. clowns. the supernatural. heights. spiders. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. forgetting. being forgotten.
Tagged by: @luxelen Tagging: I’m usually last to see this gosh darn things because how does tumblr work, so whoever wants to do it THIS IS FOR YOU.
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kexax · 6 years
This sounds like the encounter from LMoP when they randomly throw a CR 8 young green dragon at a party of level 3s or 4s. Our DM at the time gave us some pretty easy outs on that, too, because let’s be real - that encounter is silly for a low leveled campaign.
DM (to our bard): The six cultists shove you to the ground, bow to the massive green dragon, and say, “Oh Great One, we have brought you this gold and this human sacrifice as tribute to your greatness. Please accept our offering.”
Rest of Party, looking on from a distance: Shit. He’s dead. He’s so dead. RIP Edward. 
DM: The dragon thanks the cultists and asks if you have any last words.
Bard: I look up at the dragon and say, “I have brought you this gold and these six cultists as tribute to your greatness.”
Rest of Party: OH SHIT!
DM, who was clearly not expecting that: …………roll persuasion.
Bard: 17.
DM: The dragon says, “I like you. Duck.”
Bard: ….I duck?
DM: The dragon incinerates the cultists with his poison breath and leaves you alive, flying off with his treasure. 
Bard: Oh my god. I thought I was dead.
DM: Honestly? So did I.
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