kesaph · 4 years
protective sentence starters (part 2)
as requested by anon. part one here ( x ). Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Make sure to eat before you go.”
“What were you thinking?!”
“How are you getting home?” / “What time will you be back?”
“Don’t eat/drink that!”
“I don’t trust him/her/them.”
“You’re so clumsy…come here.”
“Don’t you dare go out there young man/lady/one!”
“You can’t just go wandering off like that.”
“I’m not going to let you die/get hurt/get your heart broken.”
“Is this person/lady/guy bugging you?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there.”
“Put on your seatbelt.”
“You don’t understand it now, but I’m trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to save me.” / “It’s my job to save you.”
“Let me go in first.”
“Did you not see that car/motorcycle/space ship/etc. coming right at you?”
“Stop complaining. I’m trying to save your life.”
“I’ll diffuse the bomb. You get out of here.”
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
“I know I never say it, but…thanks.” / “I will never say thanks.”
“Will you stay a little longer?”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew what you’d say.”
“Stop talking or we’ll be found.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“Don’t you see that it’s a trap?”
“I take no pleasure in saying this but…I told you so.” / “HAH! I told you so.”
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kesaph · 4 years
3 am sentence starters
“ why are you awake? “
“ i can’t sleep. “
“ go to bed already. “
“ i’m a being of pure power, i don’t need sleep. “
“ i’ve been running on 5 hour energy all day, there’s no stopping now. “
“ i’m. so. tired. “
“ i had a nightmare. “
“ it’s nothing, go back to bed. “
“ when’s the last time you slept? “
“ you’re clearly exhausted. why are you doing this to yourself? “ 
“ wake up. wake up. wake uuuuup. “
“ i’ll sleep when i’m dead. “
“ yawning doesn’t mean i’m tired! maybe i’m just bored by you telling me to go to sleep so much. “
“ is something wrong? “
“ i just need to finish what i’m doing, then i’ll sleep. “
“ you said you were about to go to bed two hours ago. c’mon, time’s up. “
“ is it okay if i sleep in your bed tonight? i’m kinda freaked out. “
“ stop bossing me around, you’re not my mom. i’ll go to sleep when i want to. “
“ you’re pouring coffee all over the counter. “ 
“ why are you making hot pockets at 3 am? “
“ i don’t care when you go to bed, but do you have to wake me up in the middle of the night with your loud music?! “
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kesaph · 4 years
Seeing the last student of the day leave the infirmary, Micaiah sighed heavily, gazing towards their ever-dwindling store of bandages and antiseptic. These children clearly had no idea how to take care of themselves, even for the simplest of injuries. On the battlefield, that could be lethal. 
The next morning flyers were posted around campus:
Welcome to Micaiah’s first aid seminar! Feel free to ask your questions and/or start mini threads on the topic. 
Potential subjects covered include
how to properly bandage a wound (covering several different types)
life-saving skills like CPR and the Heimlich 
treating burns and magical-based injuries
how to deal with someone having a seizure
serious injuries
and other key skills that could keep someone alive while waiting for a healer to arrive
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kesaph · 4 years
Seeing the last student of the day leave the infirmary, Micaiah sighed heavily, gazing towards their ever-dwindling store of bandages and antiseptic. These children clearly had no idea how to take care of themselves, even for the simplest of injuries. On the battlefield, that could be lethal. 
The next morning flyers were posted around campus:
Welcome to Micaiah’s first aid seminar! Feel free to ask your questions and/or start mini threads on the topic. 
Potential subjects covered include
how to properly bandage a wound (covering several different types)
life-saving skills like CPR and the Heimlich 
treating burns and magical-based injuries
how to deal with someone having a seizure
serious injuries
and other key skills that could keep someone alive while waiting for a healer to arrive
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kesaph · 4 years
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@videogamewomen​  ||  event 1: favourite protagonist(s)
“My wounds… they’re nothing! They’re nothing compared to what my people have suffered! We won’t lose! We’ll never give up!” 
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kesaph · 4 years
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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kesaph · 4 years
midnight moon
The moon hangs high in the night sky, always kept company by the countless stars that shone down on them. The night was never lonely for her---the moon was always there to keep her company as she moved about the streets of Nevassa, slowly creeping past the windows of those who slept safe inside.
It was the daytime that Micaiah feared, when she had to put on a public face, pretend to be something she wasn’t. Hide everything she was born to be and everything she resented about herself. At least until she met Sothe.
Together, life became more bearable, until she took a knife a drove it straight through the still-beating heart they shared--until she fled without a word. Micaiah never thought she’d been lonely until she was truly alone.
And now, she prepares to ascend to heights she never even dreamed of reaching--and he sets off to leave her once again. The ever-present anxiety rises to a crescendo, she wants to beg him not to leave--what right does she have to demand such things?
“Sothe--” She cuts herself off, eyes downcast, focused on the elaborate weaving of the carpet. “I...I didn’t wish to bring up such a heavy topic right before your departure but I...” Micaiah hesitates, wavers; hand pressing over her heart as though she could slow the rapid beats. “Would you sit with me? I don’t know when I’ll see you next, can we talk one last time?” ( @thievingstalwart )
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kesaph · 4 years
MALEFICENT - What is the cruelest thing your muse has ever done? What is the cruelest thing they’re capable of?
Micaiah oversaw the Daein army in what was essentially a genocidal war, with the goal of wiping out the Laguz. Despite it going against her morals and everything she stood for, Micaiah was directly responsible for countless deaths on both sides. It’s something she has a hard time reconciling with and it haunts her every day. 
People believed in her so wholly that they were willing to throw their lives away because she was the one asking. It terrifies her.
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kesaph · 4 years
JAFAR - How far has your muse gone for power?
Micaiah has never sought power. She’s wanted nothing more than to avoid the unwanted attention such positions bring her. Power has been forced upon her, first as a general in Pelleas’s rebel army, then the commander in chief of Daein’s forces, and finally as Queen of Daein. 
She never wanted any of these roles, especially given her past of trying to hide from what she is, believing that her heritage will place others in danger if she remains around them. She’s still particularly nervous about her branded heritage being found out, given how slowly she ages. It’s something that caused her extreme detachment and fear of being around others, that she was forced to abandon and forced herself to abandon when she saw how she could help the people of Daein.
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kesaph · 4 years
PRINCE HANS - How does the first impression your muse gives off differ from their true selves?
Aside from the obvious of appearing far younger than she actually is, Micaiah has shown sides of herself that counter the public’s view of her. She can be extremely sarcastic, particularly when annoyed, and is especially secretive about her branded heritage. She still worries about being found out, especially as she’s about to ascend to the throne. The people of Tellius made her larger than life, and Micaiah felt such an intense need to fulfill that role, that she’d go as far as hurting herself to help others.
Sacrifice is seen as something akin to a miracle to the people, but it takes a heavy toll on Micaiah, transferring the pain of the injury onto herself (shown as reducing hp in game), and she uses it fairly liberally, especially when others are in danger. The blind faith placed in her terrifies Micaiah and she’s worried herself sick more than once over revealing herself less than perfect as popular demand had her accept her role as the next Queen of Daein.
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kesaph · 4 years
THE STABBINGTON BROTHERS - What reasons would make your muse choose to follow someone?
Loyalty. It’s her loyalty to Pelleas that leads her to bring troops to Begnion’s aid in the Laguz war, despite it going against everything she believed in. She trusts in his judgement so completely, that she doesn’t question his motives. Despite the toll it takes on her mental and physical health, Micaiah holds on to the belief that Pelleas made the decision to go to war again with the best interests of Daein in mind.
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kesaph · 4 years
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EVIL QUEEN - What would your muse give up if it meant they could take revenge on their worst enemy?
THE HUNTSMAN - Would your muse obey authority, or their morals?
LADY TREMAINE - What does it mean to their muse to carry on their legacy?
WICKED STEPSISTERS - Does your muse have siblings? How do they get along?
MALEFICENT - What is the cruelest thing your muse has ever done? What is the cruelest thing they’re capable of?
DIAVAL - What animal relates most to your muse?
GASTON - What does your muse love most about themselves?
LEFOU - What does your muse love most in other people?
HADES - Does your muse have a hot or cool temper?
PAIN & PANIC - How anxious is your muse?
CAPTAIN HOOK - Does your muse have any triggers?
MR. SMEE - How helpful is your muse?
JAFAR - How far has your muse gone for power?
IAGO - What’s your muse’s least favorite food?
CRUELLA DE VIL - What is your muse’s fashion style?
HORACE & JASPER - How well does your muse work in a team?
URSULA - What does your muse do for a living?
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - How important is family to your muse?
PRINCE HANS - How does the first impression your muse gives off differ from their true selves?
DUKE OF WESELTON - What’s the strangest way someone has misspent or mispronounced your muse’s name?
MOTHER GOTHEL - Would your muse want to live forever? Why or why not?
THE STABBINGTON BROTHERS - What reasons would make your muse choose to follow someone?
YZMA - What’s the biggest mistake your muse has made?
KRONK - Does your muse know how to bake?
SCAR - Does your muse make promises they can’t keep? How often?
THE HYENAS - What does your muse hunger for the most?
GOVERNOR RATCLIFFE - What would your muse do with unlimited gold?
WIGGINS - Does your muse pay close attention, or are they clueless?
PRINCE JOHN - Does your muse act their age?
SHERRIF OF NOTTINGHAM - How corrupt is your muse? What could corrupt them?
DR. FACILIER - Does your muse have any supernatural connections?
LAWRENCE - What would make your muse switch sides?
BILL SYKES - How much social power does your muse have?
MOR’DU - How much physical power does your muse have?
SHERE KHAN - How intimidating is your muse? Are people often correct when assessing their power?
RATIGAN - What’s your muse’s criminal record?
AMOS SLADE - Is your muse a cat or a dog person?
MADAME MEDUSA - How does your muse feel about children?
EDGAR - How entitled is your muse?
CLAUDE FROLLO - Is your muse law-abiding? 
TE-KA - Is your muse misunderstood?
SHAN YU - How does your muse feel about war?
CLAYTON - How far has your muse traveled?
QUEEN OF HEARTS - What’s your muse’s favorite color?
MADAM MIM - How mentally stable is your muse?
CHERNABOG - What’s your muse’s greatest nightmare?
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kesaph · 4 years
It was absolutely freezing out here on the ice! Why, for the grace of Saint Elimine, would anyone think this was a good idea? There had to have been far better ways to remove the ice than to have poor, delicate students dig them out by hand! Especially this one. A sweet, innocent cleric such as herself should not have to dig out ice blocks by hand.
Especially in this weather! Even these layers of gorgeous warm scarves and gloves did little to keep the cold out. Serra shivered in the cold, her teeth chattering. “Brrrr!”, she complained, for once making sense in her life. “It’s so cold! Why are we doing even this?” And why them?, she wanted to add. She was a cleric. She did not do this sort of thing. And besides, she only ever wanted to do the fun jobs and, by the grace of Saint Elimine, this was not a fun job.
The pink-haired cleric picked up the ice pick with shaky fingers and shivering arms. She raised it once and then lowered it once again to the ground. “Let’s not and say we did, pleeeaaseee…”, she pleaded, stretching her voice out into a whine. There HAD to be easier ways of doing this than manual labour.
The moment the girl opens her mouth, Micaiah knows she’s in for the ride of her life. It’s so cold! Why are we even doing this? She holds back an exasperated sigh, resisting the urge to rub her temples.
“The Church of Seiros has requested our services in removing ice blocks from the lake in order for the kitchen staff to acquire fish during the winter months.” She doubted this would be the last time this task was assigned either--just hopefully in a less complicated way.
“And I do believe they would notice the lake still covered in ice if we abandoned our task. Working will surely warm you up, so let’s get started.” She gestured for Serra to pick up the ice pick again, bringing her own tool down with enough force to create a sizable crack in the ice. Really, neither of them seemed built for such a task--if Micaiah had to guess she’d place the other girl as a mage as well.
“We’ll set goals and then take a short break when they’ve been accomplished, does that sound alright?”
by winter’s grace
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kesaph · 4 years
“ here you are, smiling in the face of the devil ”
“You think yourself the devil?” She doesn’t even bother to look up from her work, ignoring the shadow looming over her. “Trust me, your conception of yourself is nothing compared to what I have seen, what I have lived.” She finally places her quill down, amber eyes steady as she meets his gaze. 
A smile graces delicate features, hands clasped before her as the rested on the heavy wood of her desk. “Is there something I can help you with, Hubert? If you have any troubles, please know my door is always open.” ( @vonvestra )
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kesaph · 4 years
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sentences from the youtube series  ,  buzzfeed unsolved .  primarily taken from season 5′s supernatural investigations .
“ it doesn’t matter because you’re dead ”
“ it’s not impressive  ,  no one’s impressed ”
“ the spot of your death is now a lovely gift shop ”
“ as god as my witness  ,  he snapped him in half ”
“ i seriously want you to throw something right at my face ”
“ you can live in the cave ”
“ i’m a big fan of your name ”
“ the fact that you steal  ,  that’s really funny to me ”
“ that’s the greatest thing to steal  :  a man’s joy ”
“ because i’m a masochist ”
“ i’m going to regret this ”
“ i’ve lost the ability to feel ”
“ they’re gonna fucking murder you ”
“ the way you shushed me was quite rude ”
“ cowards  ,  all of you ”
“ i’m strange and off putting ”
“ i should not feel confident in the face of any man ”
“ here you are  ,  smiling in the face of the devil ”
“ i hate bats ”
“ bats sometimes carry rabies and that’s a thing i’m afraid of ”
“ not today devil birds  ,  not today ”
“ i think i’m blacking out right now ”
“ i don’t think i’m going to remember this moment ”
“ i think i’m gonna cry ”
“ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ”
“ if you know me and my debilitating fear of bears  ,  this is my worst nightmare ”
“ i’m standing on an altar alone ”
“ maybe you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and eat your cat ”
“ i’m so glad that’s over let’s go eat taco bell ”
“ were you making horse noises ? ”
“ in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare ”
“ there’s a good chance i’m gonna fart in here ”
“ well this is horrifying ”
“ let’s do each other a favor and not show ourselves to each other ”
“ if you could do me a big solid and not do anything that would be sublime ”
“ this is just as horrifying as i thought it would be ”
“ you talk to hide from the silence ”
“ do i look like the kind of man who could give advice ? ”
“ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ”
“ let’s play look at the ceiling tiles !  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … ”
“ i just wanna know if you think they have belly buttons ”
“ i did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me ”
“ if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck ”
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kesaph · 4 years
Do the weirdest thing you can think of to my muse!
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kesaph · 4 years
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I’m nearing the end of part 3 of Radiant Dawn and like. Is Pelleas ok
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