keitohasumi · 7 years
The Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night Chapter 5
Hidden Heart, Chapter Two
Full translation below the cut!
Author: Akira
Characters: Mao, Subaru, Hokuto, Makoto
Setting: Soundproof Lesson Room (Daytime)
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MAO: Eh〜 So Switch is in a bit of a sticky situation right now? Now that you mention it, they haven’t been participating in official Dreamfes lives at all recently. I don’t remember seeing any documents or the like on that...No, even before it felt as if those guys were always running around in the shadows*.
*T/N: 裏街道
SUBARU: In the shadows! Ahaha ☆ People who know Switch would totally get what you’re saying. But Natsume can definitely sparkle, even when he’s on center stage〜
HOKUTO: You know how shrewd Sakasaki can be. Maybe he’s waiting for the ideal moment to make a reappearance onstage. I carefully measure my timing like that too, so I can sympathize with him.
SUBARU: That so? Hokke〜 Weren’t you always rushing into things emotionally and without thinking?
HOKUTO: That’s you. I think things through properly, since I’m the leader of Trickstar.
MAKOTO: Ahaha, Hidaka-kun...Don’t shoulder the burden of leadership all by yourself, let’s talk things out and decide as a unit. In our case, that’s the best way to do it.
MAO: That’s originally the role of the Producer, isn’t it? Anzu, are you aware of these fluctuations? I don’t see those Switch guys having much aim or purpose--it remains unknown what kind of unit they are and what they want to do. It seems that the student council president was interested, and he was all, “Look into it pretty please〜”
HOKUTO: Were you taking up unnecessary work again? Leave trivial chores to other people and concentrate on our “SS” in the meantime.
MAO: Weeell〜…Somehow, it seems like I’m too weak to refuse requests.
SUBARU: Ahaha. That’s just like Anzu, isn’t it. Are you okay? From the “Summer Live” until now, you’ve been taking care of anything and everything for us...It also seems like other units are asking you to help out with jobs more and more. Be careful not to overdo it or compromise your health, okay?
HOKUTO: ...He’s right. I shouldn’t say this, but if Anzu were to die, we wouldn’t be able to recover. If you truly care about us, put yourself first.
MAO: Hokuto, it sounds like you’re laying a guilt trip… Anyway, It won’t turn out well for Switch if they continue to skip out on Dreamfes. Right now, the scale of units and their activities are rising due to the popularity boom of Yumenosaki Academy--it’s expanding. Because of that, there are times when there aren’t even enough funds or staffing for Dreamfes. Right now, there aren’t any problems because the Student Council President is handing out money from his own pocket.
Although that guy is the heir to a conglomerate, it feels bad having him shell out money for us indefinitely, doesn’t it? Furthermore--he’s also going to graduate soon, so trying to proceed as we’ve been doing would just lead to bankruptcy. And that would lead to inactive units being refused more often. In other words, they’ll be managing the excess by cutting them off.
If Switch continues to stay off the stage as they’ve been doing, there’s a chance that they will be forcibly broken up.
MAKOTO: Uweeh, that’s even worse than I thought.
SUBARU: Yeah...I don’t really like talking about money in that way.
HOKUTO: If you don’t like talking about money, then who else on earth would?
MAKOTO: Ahaha, maybe he hates stories about money that doesn’t sparkle since they’re not dreamy, huh.
MAO: If you only dream, you’ll starve to death〜 You need to face reality once in awhile. Subaru, you’re better friends with Sakasaki than we are, so at least try to persuade him to be properly active on stage.
SUBARU: Hmm… Natsume is totally sulking right now so I don’t really wanna bring it up...Today he was face down at his desk sleeping and emanating a don’t-come-near-me aura the whole time.
MAKOTO: Before we knew it, he disappeared, didn’t he… I wonder what really happened. No, even before, Sakasaki’s character has been hard to grasp.
HOKUTO: Aren’t we worrying too much? Sakasaki was formerly one of the “Five Oddballs” and far out of our league. He’ll be able to solve his problems on his own.
SUBARU: Still, Natsume’s the same age as us...Well, if he doesn’t let us do anything, then there’s nothing we can do...At this rate, I’m afraid that it’s turning into a situation that’s no laughing matter...It’s scary.
Setting: School Road (Nighttime)
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MAKOTO: Ah〜 Today’s lesson was tiring, too. Why does my back feel like it was beaten up? This is just muscle pain and growing pains, not a serious illness, right?!
SUBARU: Ahaha. It’s probably my bad. I gave you a massage during the break, Ukki〜. You endure it even if it hurts, so I wasn’t able to control the pressure.. I put all of my strength into it, sorryyy ♪
MAO: If an amateur massages, there’s bound to be an accident〜 Anzu seems to be studying, so please do it in her stead, Subaru. Anzu isn’t just taking normal classes, she’s also studying on her own and doing great.
MAKOTO: But, it’s embarrassing to have Anzu massage me… I’m not used to being this close to girls, but you’re fine with it though, right, Isara?
MAO: Ahaha. In my case, I think that’s a useful quality to have.
MAKOTO: Aha! Dirty-minded Isara-kun! Anzu-chan only wants to give massages with good intentions!
MAO: W-what? Don’t you get all giddy about this too? We’re healthy high school boys…!
MAKOTO: D-don’t say something like that when she’s standing right here〜!
HOKUTO: Now, now, don’t fight. Don’t worry, Anzu didn’t hear anything--it went in one ear and out the other. See, she’s even unresponsive when you snap a finger in front of her.
SUBARU: Occasionally this happens, isn’t that right Anzu… O~i, what’s wrong? If you walk with Hokke, you’ll get run over by a car. Well, we’ll risk our lives to save you, of course ☆
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keitohasumi · 7 years
The Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night Chapter 2
Hidden Heart, Chapter Two
Full translation below the cut!
Author: Akira
Characters: Hokuto, Makoto, Subaru
Setting: 2-A Classroom
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HOKUTO: Good morning.
MAKOTO: Ah, Good morning Hidaka-kun ♪ Fufu, you always comes to school at the same time every morning.
HOKUTO: Is that so? I wasn’t aware...well, it’s to be expected since I board the train at the same time every morning. It’s not as if the distance to school or its location has changed, either
MAKOTO: That’s true, but... You don’t oversleep in the morning or anything, even though you seem to have low blood pressure?
HOKUTO: My biological clock is still accurate and I feel at peace when I do the same routine every day. You’re always oversleeping for some reason--that side of you is a little strange, isn’t it?
MAKOTO: Uu〜 Maybe I’m going too easy on myself? I often play games late into the night and things like that, so I often go about my morning chores like a klutz.
*T/N: 「自分の甘いの」...
HOKUTO: If you don’t live your life correctly in an orderly fashion, you’ll end up in bad shape. Be careful, as your body isn’t just your own business anymore. ...Good morning to you too, Anzu. You’re looking somewhat pale. These days, I’m worried thinking about that. Try to avoid things like heat stroke and exhaustion. Like my grandma said, “Only a fool can catch a cold in summer.”...Hmph. As I expected, it seems that you’re nursing a bit of a fever. Don’t overdo things, and if it becomes overwhelming, I want you to take a break at the infirmary. I’m worried--don’t push yourself. There’s no victory worth sacrificing you.
MAKOTO: Hidaka-kun, Hidaka-kun, you’re saying that while casually stroking Anzu-chan’s head and whispering close to her face. You know you’re at the point of sexual harassment where you can’t excuse it with “I didn’t mean to〜,” right?
HOKUTO: Ah...sorry, I didn’t have those intentions. My hand seems to be cold, so I was thinking that it could become a fever cooling patch.*
*T/N: 「冷え��タ」
MAKOTO: On the contrary, her temperature will rise instead. Look, Anzu-chan’s face is already bright red!
HOKUTO: Muu…More importantly, what are you two doing huddled close together like that? It looks like you’re using Yuuki’s notebook PC, are you two investigating something?
MAKOTO: Yup! Prior to SS, I’m thinking of looking into as much about the participants as possible, so I’ve been regularly collecting information. I’m only scratching the surface, such as their social media, so I don’t know if it’s of any significance. Information(Computer) Science is all about connecting various bits of information and finding the truth ♪
HOKUTO: Ah, that is necessary… Hm, you’re keeping track of Eve’s official social media. It seems that those two are active as usual. The stronger the enemy, the more fired up we’ll get.
MAKOTO: Mhm, we’ll have to watch and learn from their good points. As expected, Eve’s social media is well thought out and interesting to boot. Check this out, just the other day Eve was doing some night fishing for a segment on a TV program. Tomoe-senpai hates things like insects and fish, and Sazanami-kun was making sarcastic complaints like, “You were never listening to me〜“ ♪
HOKUTO: Ah… I heard that guy wasn’t good with them--insects and so on. However, it’s true that Eve is participating in multiple activities at once. I’ve been called as an extra for my parents on a television program too, but I also want Trickstar to make an appearance. Spectators come from all over the nation to watch an SS. I feel that we should take advantage of TV and the internet in order to establish our presence more.
MAKOTO: Yup. Anzu and I are looking into/learning whether we could do that or not, too. Besides, the internet is my specialty〜 It’s useful!
HOKUTO: I see. If there’s anything I can do, leave it to me. I have some connections to people in the industry thanks to my parents, so perhaps I’ll ask them for something like simple work or an introduction as a favor.
SUBARU: NATSUME〜! Is Natsume here? Come out〜!
MAKOTO: Hya!? ...Ah, Akehoshi-kun? Good morning〜♪ You’re in such a hurry--what’s wrong?
HOKUTO: Good morning, Akehoshi. I always say this, but please enter the classroom quietly. Don’t rush, you could crash into someone standing by the entrance.
SUBARU: Yeah, I’ll be careful! Good morning Ukki〜, Hokke〜, Anzu too ♪
MAKOTO: Hey now, don’t hug Anzu-chan so much… For some reason, this doesn’t seem like sexual harassment compared to Hidaka-kun’s case.
HOKUTO: Hm? Why is it fine when it’s Akehoshi, but not when it’s me?
MAKOTO: Maybe it’s a problem of character, perhaps…?
SUBARU: That doesn’t matter! Did anyone see Natsume? I have something to tell him!
MAKOTO: Sakasaki-kun? I wonder〜 I didn’t see him today. He just kind of turns up from time to time, doesn’t he?
HOKUTO: Hm. Our director also seems to have low attendance, is not attending school seriously the common point among the Five Oddballs?
MAKOTO: I wonder why… Maybe they hate school?. Mm〜 They might be busy with work since they’re exceptionally skilled. As we work daytime on weekdays, aren’t we skipping classes intermittently too?
HOKUTO: Fufu. That kind of thing sounds like what a celebrity would do.
SUBARU: I’m not kidding around, someone tell me where Natsume is! Anzu, since you’re a “Producer,” do you know his contact information?
HOKUTO: Rather, why don’t you know his contact information? Aren’t you good friends?
SUBARU: Uu~ Well, I’d also want to talk to him late at night over the phone, but… He’d reject me with his usual tone like, “It’s an iron rule for fortunetellers to refuse exposure of any of their personal information as much as they CAN.”
MAKOTO: Ahaha, that’s a great imitation of Sakasaki-kun ♪
SUBARU: Still, being able to imitate him doesn’t help in looking for him. Uu〜 ... That Natsume… What’s up with him not showing up whenever I have business with him? But when I don’t even call him, he always sticks his nose into my business even when I don’t want him to.
I’m a bit slow-moving since classes have started, please pardon my delays
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keitohasumi · 7 years
The Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night  Chapter 1
Thoughts Concealed in Secrecy, Chapter One
Full translation below the cut!
Author: Akira
Characters: Sora, Tsumugi, Subaru
Setting: Shopping Arcade
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SORA: HaHa〜♪ HiHi〜♪ HuHu〜♪
TSUMUGI: Sora〜kun, please wait up! Please don’t run off alone--if you do, I’m going to lose sight of you! And to think that after two whole hours I just discovered a spot to cool down at…Huh?
SORA: HeHe〜♪ HoHo〜♪
TSUMUGI: I can’t take it if Sora〜kun hates me!
SORA: I won’t listen to Senpai until he makes up with Shishou.
TSUMUGI: Eh? No no, there’s no fight to make up for--we just had a bit of a disagreement is all! Natsume-kun’s mood worsens whenever he sees me, this is normal!
SORA: I’m not listening.
TSUMUGI: Sora〜kun, please don’t be mean! I’d be on good terms with him if I could, but he always rejects me when I try to compromise with him!
SORA: Isn’t Senpai also being rejective? Shishou seemed like he wanted you to listen to what he had to say!
TSUMUGI: Eh? Is that so? He’s such a good liar, I didn’t know that he was trying to be honest〜! I’m sorry, I can’t always read the atmosphere…!
SORA: Muu...Apologizing to Sora won’t help anything. ...Hm?
SUBARU: Daikichi, don’t pullll! My arm, my arm’s gonna come off!
SORA: Uwaah, it’s Sparkling Big Brother!*
*T/N: キラキラおに〜さん
SUBARU: Hm? Ah, it’s Switch’s Yellow Kid and Blue-senpai! Hello〜♪
TSUMUGI: Yes, hello. Sorry if I sound redundant but...could you please not call us by the colors of a traffic light?
SUBARU: It’s all good, because I can call “Natsume” by his name properly! ☆
TSUMUGI: Is that really alright?...W-w-wah? Daichi-kun’s really close!
SUBARU: Ahaha, Blue-senpai, that’s ‘cause something shiny is hanging out of your bag! This little guy and I share a love for shiny things ♪
TSUMUGI: Ah. Amulets and other things are embroidered with gold threads to draw out their blessings.
SUBARU: See, Daichi-kun? You can’t put this in your mouth, okay〜? It’s not food〜 You’d get a tummy ache〜
TSUMUGI: There, there. Ah, I’m glad. If a dog is gentle I’ll become attached to it….It’s so wonderful that you’ve accepted me, I still have a reason to live!
SUBARU: Mhm~ That’s ‘cause Daikichi’s a dog that understands humans!* Somehow, no matter who he’s around, they won’t start a fight? But don’t pet him too strongly, okay? Recently he hasn’t been feeling well so he’s been shedding a lot. “What’s this? Summer fatigue? Evwen though my owner’s not affwected〜?”
*T/N: 「人間ができる犬」, in the last line Subaru is presumably talking to Daikichi
TSUMUGI: Ahaha, I’ve been feeling a sense of summer fatigue, too〜 It could be my intolerance.
SUBARU: Make sure that you’re eating properly, Blue-senpai. You’re kinda lanky so I worry about you. Anyway, what are you two doing here? As you can see, I’m having a walk with Daikichi〜. Walking around the school is gonna get me scolded, so we’re in the middle of trailblazing a new walking course!
TSUMUGI: Aah...Today we have a break from lessons, so we’re returning to our normal routine. Incidentally, I considered purchasing some materials like yarn and cloth at a handicraft store on the way.
Natsume-kun hasn’t been himself recently. Sora-kun’s become lonely, so I’ve thought of making him a stuffed doll in Natsume-kun’s likeness.
SORA: ...I won’t be fooled by such a thing.〜  Sora is better off with the real Shishou!
TSUMUGI: Please don’t bring up our exhaustion… Natsume-kun has a job, there’s no helping it.
SUBARU: ? Natsume’s doing personal work? You’re not talking about his work with Switch, but an entirely different act? Don’t tell me...That’s the cause of the yesterday’s fight by the school gate?
TSUMUGI: Waaah, so you saw it, didn’t you. How embarrassing... Well, Akehoshi-kun shouldn’t concern himself with these circumstances.
SUBARU: Mmm〜 I’m curious, though, since Natsume’s a friend of mine. We don’t tend to stick our noses into other people’s business, but if possible I’d like to know more. If it’s alright, would you guys come with me to my neighborhood? I’ll treat you dinner--let’s talk things over then! My mom can be kinda imprecise, so on occasion she makes a lot of rice〜. We’ve got a surplus, and I’d love for you to eat some if you’d like!
TSUMUGI: Waah, what a forceful kid...For you to say something like that, you must really be Natsume-kun’s friend, huh. Now then, what should we do… To be honest I’ve recently become more and more uncertain about him...I’d like advice from his close friends, like Akehoshi-kun, but...
SUBARU: Ah, then come on! Welcome aboard, Senpai! ☆
*T/N: 「大歓迎ッス、先輩」
TSUMUGI: Ahaha. Um, Sora-kun, what are you going to do?
SORA: Yes! Sora will join you guys.  want to chat with Sparkling Big Brother〜
TSUMUGI: Well then, we’ll contact your house before we head out. As for me, I don’t mind...Mom probably won’t come home today. Huhu〜 Shall I make Daikichi-kun some clothes as thanks for the feast?
I realized that the Subaru from the prologue read very rigid and not like Subaru as his dialogue is usually depicted, so I took some liberties for the sake of making him sound more natural.
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keitohasumi · 7 years
The Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night ~Prologue~
Full translation below the cut!
Author: Akira
Characters: Subaru, Hajime
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SUBARU: Look, Shinonon! I found something sparkling! Is that the “Summer Triangle?”
HAJIME: Huh? Where? I want to see it too!
SUBARU: There! Over there! Look in the direction that I’m pointing!
HAJIME: Er….? I’m sorry, I have no idea!
SUBARU: Hurry! There are a lot of clouds today, so they could hide it from view soon! Look, here it is!
HAJIME: Ngh!? Akehoshi-senpai, please don’t move my head so vigorously, that’s violent!
SUBARU: Sorry! Now then, I’ll move it slowly, okay? It’s height is like this, its angle is like this, its direction is like this〜
HAJIME: Hawa, awawa…? Oh, I think I’ve found it〜! Uwah, it’s so pretty...
SUBARU: Shinonon’s even prettier, you know ☆
HAJIME: Eh!? That’s-- Um! Please don’t praise me out of nowhere like that! It’s embarrassing! Please say that to Anzu or something?
SUBARU: For some reason, Anzu got angry with me when I praised her appearance. Even though she sparkles...
HAJIME: Huhu〜 Perhaps she was embarrassed because you took her by surprise, given that Akehoshi-senpai compliments people directly and without hesitation...♪
Ehehe〜 When Akehoshi says things such as “Beautiful,” “Good,” and “Sparkling,” I feel somewhat more confident...Hm?
HAJIME: W-what happened? It suddenly became quiet...Did I say something strange? I’m sorry! I’m happy that Akehoshi-senpai came with me for stargazing, but I may have been too hyped up…?
SUBARU: Huh? No, I’m fine, it’s really fun! I was just remembering that my father liked stargazing, among other things.
HAJIME: Eh? I-I’m sorry. I dug up a sensitive topic* for Akehoshi-senpai.
*T/N: Hajime literally says “landmine” (colloq.)
SUBARU: It’s not a sensitive topic. It seems that my father named me after his favorite star... But there are only so many heartwarming episodes like that one.
Anyway! If Shinonon hadn’t mentioned being “hyped,” the tension would have persisted! Cheer up〜☆ Your smiling face is much cuter, Shinonon ♪
HAJIME: Auu〜... I’m happy when Akehoshi-senpai compliments me, but it’s bad for my heart after all. That’s right, Akehoshi-senpai was that kind of person in the past.
Ehehe, but I’m glad that I found the courage to invite you...I won this astronomical telescope in the raffle at the shopping mall, but I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Akehoshi-senpai knew how to use it and taught me…No, it’s my honor to be spending time with you for the first time in a while.
Is it really alright? Akehoshi-senpai has been extremely busy these past few days. Even so, there’s not even half a year until the “SS.” As for me, I continue to support you. I’m cheering you on every day〜
But the fact that the whole world knows all about the great aspects of Akehoshi-senpai makes me feel a little lonely...
SUBARU: I don’t mind that〜 Anzu is full of enthusiasm and tackling this tight schedule for us. Rather, when I overdo things, I’m scolded and told to take a break. Huhu〜 Thanks to Shinonon, I was able to relax. Thanks.
HAJIME: There’s no need to give me credit! Don’t mention it〜!
SUBARU: Ahaha! Even when you say “Don’t mention it,” it’s cuuute ♪
HAJIME: Enough already〜! Please don’t praise me for each and every thing that I say!
SUBARU: Waaah, Shinonon got angry! Become angrier! Your face is turning bright red and it’s CUTE〜
HAJIME: Uu〜! Uuu〜!
SUBARU: Ahaha. Ah, it feels like I’m being healed when I’m together with Shinonon ♪ 
HAJIME: Guu...You took the opportunity with an innocent smile...It’s okay. If teasing me allows you to alleviate your stress then I’m also satisfied. 
SUBARU: Eh〜? I’m not making fun of you, I’m being serious as always! 
HAJIME: All the more that your disposition(s) is bad!* 
*T/N: In Hajime’s line, Akira suggests the plural of nature [disposition] in parentheses; 「性質(たち)」 
HAJIME: ...Fuah? 
SUBARU: Hm? Is something the matter, Shinonon? 
HAJIME: Not really...Did you just hear something that sounded like shouting? 
SUBARU: Hm〜? It might be a ghost ♪ 
HAJIME: Heee! The season for ghost stories has already ended〜? 
SUBARU: Ahaha. ….Huh? Natsume and others are making noise around the school gate! Aren’t those guys screaming? Look, all of Switch has assembled! The atmosphere seems kind of dangerous… Hmm〜 Do you think that they’re fighting? 
HAJIME: W-what’s going on? Is it trouble? ...It seems like the members of Switch are always getting along but…It’s extreme heat of late summer, isn’t it. Lately, everyone has been feeling its burn.
Hello! I’m Sol and I’m new to translation. This is the first time that I’m attempting full chapters, so please let me know if I used some misinterpretations.
I also might not be cognizant enough of the history of some characters to use the appropriate tense, so please let me know if those issues arise.
I’ll be assigning a post for each chapter and iIll translate some (but hopefully all) of them from this event!
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