We’re back home-ghk?!
Rose:*Hugs Ashley*mom…
Antonio:are you.. you..?
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Agh… my head…
Myrtle: ?!
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Antonio:he hurt mom… but now he wants us..? Why..?
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Antonio:WHY IS HE AFTER US?! After so long… he never cared!
Wilson: He’s an agent.
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Antonio:why was he there…
Sedam: Oh hey, there’s Blue!
Wilson looks behind him: ?!
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Antonio:*tired* that is the first time I do that…
Wilson: Is everyone okay?
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…..*passes out*
Rose:*grabs Ashley and Chrysa and teleports back to the house.*
Vincent: *Thud*
Wilson: Dad!
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Antonio:*takes a breath and throws the flower bomb emitting a sleeping gas.*
Raymond:…! Fuck!
Vincent: *Covers everyone else with his wings*
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Antonio:*about to finish him flower bomb before giving a glance at his father.*
Raymond: *Glares*
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Antonio:*idea as he tries to create a flower bomb.*
Rose:*looks at Antonio and gives a signal to Myrtle to cover the toddlers mouths.*
Myrtle: *Nods*
Wilson looks at them: *Signals his father*
Vincent: ?!
Vincent:… *Nods*
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Antonio:*sees her behind Ashley as he then remains calm.*
Vincent: ?!
Agent Harper: If you don’t stand down Agent Vincent…She’ll get hurt…
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Rose:but what about my mom-
Antonio:(?! Where is other mom..?)
Vincent: ?! (Lilac?!)
Agent Harper: Stand down Agent Vincent!
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Vincent: Rose…get us out of here.
Wilson: What?! Dad!
Vincent: We’ll save whoever’s left later, I can’t risk you all getting hurt.
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*stands next to Raymond with her eyes closed* that brat…
Rose:… what did you do to mom..?
Vincent: She’s brainwashed, because of that collar…
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Vincent: *Getting in front of the kids* (There’s too many of them here…)
Raymond: You can’t protect all of them Pheonixbourne! You may be the Monarch but you don’t stand a chance against even the three of us…
Raymond: After all…for a powerful being such as yourself you always hold yourself back.
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Rose:Kay!*teleports Chrysa and sees Raymond and instantly freezes up.*
Raymond: Rose…! You better not fuck this up for me!
Myrtle: !!!
Myrtle: Leave her alone!
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SHIT!*drops Chrysa*
Myrtle: Rose! Teleport Mom here!
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