kazetonin · 1 year
LAAT (Love All Arena Tour) in Sendai Spoilers
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Please note this is a summary of both the days combined together. All credit/sources are below. (Last updated: 24/12/22)
Note: The OP in this summary is a mix of all the OPs from the sources credited below.
Arena: The venue had a center stage, a capacity of 7000 and all seats had a good view of the concert.
Stage: This time the stage was a circular stage, so there were performances on all four sides, and Kaze moved from one place to the next during each performance to make sure there was no inequality.
The stage had 3 tiers, the top tier had a piano on the top, and the stage was able to revolve.
Song arrangement: In almost all songs, the arrangements were different, and some had introductions that were unrecognizable to fans. Songs such as Seishun Sick, Shinunoga E-wa, Tabiji, Sayonara Baby, YASASHISA were ones I had read that got rearranged.
The show began with Kaze arriving with a bicycle from the back of the F2 block. Kaze made a surprise appearance and was waving to everyone as he rode past the seating aisles of the audience (similar to the Grace M/V). He was wearing a Japanese Hanten while on the bike.
Kaze remarked, at the beginning of the concert, "Thank you for coming to such a place on such a day", he wanted to express gratitude for coming despite the bad weather (it was cold and it was snowing) and for traveling so far out as the venue was a distance from the city center (about a 40-minute bus ride from the city center).
Kaze performed in two different outfits during the concert. Initially, he had a Black kimono outfit on that had a long cloak/outerwear, but then during the latter part of the concert (after Tabiji) he had changed into a red two-piece outfit (red & white on D-2) he had on (as seen in the Nan-Nan videos)
The order of the setlist is as follows:
Songs where Kaze performed solo on the piano 🎹
The Sun and the Moon
Lonely Rhapsody
Mo Eh Wa
Songs where Kaze performed with his band 🎸
Hedemo Neyo
Sayonara Baby
Shinunoga E-wa
Seishun Sick
Mo Eh Yo
The first performance was, "The Sun and the Moon". Fans in Sendai heard the song performed for the first time ever. Kaze parked his bike under the stage and then bowed deeply before beginning the performance.
Kaze was dressed in a Black Japanese-style outfit with a long cloak for the first part of the show.
Next performance is "Garden". At the beginning he said in English “Welcome to my garden, welcome to my LIVE. Thank you for your patience, thank you for your time. " Kaze's singing voice echoed clear throughout the entire venue.
Lonely Rhapsody started with the usual deep breathing.
Kaze said:
"Breathe in only the beautiful things.
Breathe out all the negativity."
"Breath in positivity, Breath out negativity."
His piano playing was beautiful, and some members of the audience begun crying.
Kaze asked on D-1, "Why are you crying, what are you sad about?"
As part of Mo Eh Wa, Kaze invited the audience to join him to sing a song and he told them, “I have a song that I want to sing with you all”. Kaze then gently instructed the audience to "Sing it in a lazy way” (an OP used Kaze teaching the crowd Matsuri as a reference for this part). The audience sang along with Kaze after practicing three phrases of the chorus. After singing together in D-2, Kaze said “beautiful” and praised everyone’s “moooooo” (in mo eh wa lol)
At the beginning in D-2, he says “We are brothers and sisters. Teachers. Students. (?) Family. We will live by teaching and learning from each other. We will continue to learn. Let’s learn together”. The arrangement for this performance is quite jazz-like.
During the Tabijii performance in D-1, Kaze got the last part of the lyrics wrong. When he made a mistake, both the piano and the song stopped for about a second. He was smiling for just a second (bro he’s so cute) 🥺
Kaze had changed into a two-piece red outfit (red and white on D-2) The band members appeared on stage and this is when the energy of the venue reached its peak. The dancers also joined the band and in an instant, he transformed into cool Kaze. Kaze's singing remained stable while dancing, and the lighting on the stage was very elaborate. The whole venue had a great sense of togetherness!
Kaze was unbelievably sexy during Hedemo ne-yo. He went from the gentle Kaze to the unbeatable Fujii Kaze. OP thinks everyone got their hearts ripped out by his sexiness (especially those in the front row).
While performing Yaba, Kaze was dancing while interacting with the dancers. OP wondered how he could sing so stable while dancing. According to fans, the choreography to YABA was really cool and Kaze was sexy while doing it (RIP US)
There was a change to the arrangement in YASASHISA. The arrangement seems to sound jazzier. The arrangement of YASASHISA was the same as the one he performed at PANASTA (in October). YASASHISA had a comfortable rhythm with a bass sound that was used as the main part of the song. During this performance, Kaze sat a little bit on the edge of the stage and sang.
Sayonara Baby's intro was almost unrecognizable. As a result of the change in the arrangement of Sayonara Baby, the live atmosphere was enhanced. Everyone stood up during the Sayonara Baby performance. Kaze was also smiling a lot and OP suggests he’s probably happy at the crowd's sense of unity during this particular performance.
Hedemo Ne-yo and Shinunoga E-wa performances had similar sexual appeals. Kaze was shrouded by red light throughout the performance and the stage where the piano is on started revolving. There are beams of light surrounding the stage. Kaze sings with a piano for the first half of the song and then proceeds to start singing without a piano from the middle of the song. The sense of immersion during the Shinunoga E-wa performance was amazing.
Kaze collapsed on the stage at the end of Shinunoga E-wa. Kaze is projected on the LED screen. And with an ennui expression while crawling, he says "I was invaded by Seishun Sick~". Kaze’s acting skills were on point on here.
Seishun Sick begins. The crowd danced the <Nozarashi Dance> with Kaze and the performance was fresh and energetic.
Right before the Kirari performance, there was a new VCR/short movie where Kaze is wearing a red jacket and amber ray bans. Seems like the short movie was filmed during the day Kaze posted the “Shooting in the morning. Have a blessed day” post on his Instagram story. Apparently, he looked really sexy in this VCR and was dressed quite glamourous (it reminded OP of Hollywood star) 🔥 Moving on to the Kirari performance, the performance was exactly like the M/V. There were 6 dancers and Kaze was at the center.
Mo Eh Yo featured a fire/flame production. It was a circular stage and there were a lot of flames on the edge of the stage.
There were a lot of flames coming out from the edge of the stage and it was burning like crazy inside the venue. Kaze and the dancers were so energetic throughout the performance. People around OP were sweating and even Kaze was sweating from the beginning of the performance till the end. 
Everyone was in high spirits, so naturally Matsuri was the best follow up song after Mo Eh Yo. There was a memorable scene where the dancers were scattered along the circular stage, walking in a circle while dancing to Matsuri.
The energy in the venue changed from hot and powerful to gentle and full of love.
Kaze mentioned, "I am you and you are me" (the concept of the tour), "I really respect everyone" (this is a saying he repeated quite a lot during the concert). Everyone around the venue was doing the grace dance with him 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Last but not least, we arrive at the last song, 'Nan-nan'. "Just one last song. I'd like to sing my debut song from the 1st Album HELP EVER HURT NEVER.” Kaze said. Nan-Nan began with a reggae beat. During this performance, 'Call and Response' was permitted, but since most people were recording, it was difficult for them to raise their voices and clap along with the song. It is evident from viewing the videos that Kaze was having a great time vibing during this performance. 🥺
After Nan-Nan, Kaze high fived some lucky members of the audience. (D-1)
There is a popular consensus among Kaze's fans that this tour was his best to date since he kept in mind what fans enjoyed most (watching him play the piano) while also mixing in performances with the band and dancers.
Compared to Panasta in October, Kaze seemed more comfortable and free in this concert.
Sources have been provided below:
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