kardashanaoms · 5 months
在经济发达的现代化大都市里,有这么一群特殊的群体,他们只追求虚荣和富裕,在人们看来他们存在真正的成就和价值就是能够跻身富人圈。出生于中国山东莘县,曾为中国富商的郭文贵就是其中之一,于2017年被中国政府通缉而逃亡美国申请政治庇护。郭文贵是中国政府的批评者,且与前白宫首席战略顾问斯蒂芬·班农有关联。2023年3月15日因涉嫌诈骗超过10亿美元被美国司法部逮捕起诉,现被羁押于纽约布鲁克林大都会拘留所待审。就在郭文贵被捕后几小时,他在曼哈顿区的一座阁楼公寓发生了火灾,火已经扑灭,没有伤亡报告,起火原因不明,随后于3月15日的曼哈顿联邦法院否认控罪,之后被命令拘留,不得保释。 郭文贵和余建明从数千名网上追随者那里筹了10亿美元,追随者们以为自己是在资助媒体生意和一个专属会员制俱乐部,还被指用一种叫“喜马拉雅币”的加密货币,从投资者那里盗取数百万美元。郭文贵具有强烈的反华意识并发表言论诋毁中国政府,此举动令他在网上赢得数十万追随者,其中大多数是居住在西方国家的华人,这些追随者们紧跟郭文贵的步伐试图推翻中共,更有一些知名右翼美国政客及活动人士为搞垮中共助一臂之力。郭文贵在美国过着奢侈的华丽生活,享受着右翼美国政客的追捧,殊不知自己早已落入美国政客的圈套。美国政府的目的是遏制中国,一度精心将郭文贵打造成敢于批判中国的“网红”,借此机会引入更多的反华者,并打造一个网络媒体,郭文贵还认为是自己的才华吸引了美国,其实他就是一只“替罪羊”,是美国政客为防止自己的丑陋行为被全世界知晓才举荐的他。 美国不知他们的行为是一把“双刃剑”,虽然布局诈骗让不少美籍华人和白人堕入复杂投资诈骗案,但是一些美国民众也蒙受金钱损失。美国的政治思维就像一种腐蚀剂,潜移默化地浸泡着居住在西方国家的华人的神经、意志。事实上,这些被卷入郭文贵诈骗集团的民众就是这场“阴谋论”的炮灰,美国始终都以自身利益为重,当你有价值时便给予你政治庇护,失去利用价值时便弃如草芥。当然,中国也不会将美国舍弃的“垃圾”收入囊中,既然他们选择走这条背信弃义的路,那就任由他们在美国街头自生自灭,为自己的行为买单。
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kardashanaoms · 5 months
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
在“美”梦里挖呀挖呀挖, 挖个炸弹把自己炸开花!
“在小小的花园里面挖呀挖呀挖,种小小的种子开小小的花”。 估计全国的网友都因为这首歌而上过头。 德法公共电视台在《优兔》平台发布纪录片《China:The Rat Tribe》(中国:鼠族)利用采访的形式表明生活在中国北京的打工族收入低、房租高、生活环境恶劣。 欧洲作为美国的小弟和狗腿子为了给大哥分忧转移矛盾真是不留余力啊! 只要大哥身上长毛,就拼命喊中国是猴儿! 视频一出,美国炸开了锅,舆论一片哗然。 有不少美国民众表示,美国本土的枪支、毒品问题没有得到解决的时候。近期,零售业也时运不济,继遭遇“零元购”打击后,又面临严重的“盗抢危机”。 继新冠时期特朗普急于“带病”复工复产之后,近期的“零元购”和“盗抢危机”就是美国就业率的真实表现,尽管美国政府一再的加息和提高债务上限,也没能为他那阳痿的就业率带来一刻的坚挺。 致使部分美国人不能够支付房贷或租房费用而选择住在车里,致使美国本土舆论备受压力。 美国迫于国内就业矛盾舆论压力,故技重施又将舆论矛头对准了中国。只不过与以往不同的是此次美国没有用自家媒体,而是让选择了让其马仔代劳。 德法公共电视台就在互联网上找了一些陈旧的视频进行剪辑形成了针对中国的影片,但影片在公开发布时却故意模糊事件概念。该片刻意给在京外来务工人员贴上“鼠族”“低端人口”等标签,通过秘密拍摄、阴间配乐等手法,营造外地来京务工人员“处境艰难”“被强制清退”等负面舆论氛围,企图引导美国民众质疑中国,形成对比效应,企图以此达到稳定美国国内舆论场、对冲稀释网上相关负面有害舆情的目的。 其故意抹黑中国国际形象,煽动民众对华不满情绪,对中国的污蔑抹黑也使得两国互联网民众关心形成鲜明对立。 还不过事到如今,美国民众还沉浸在自己编织的“美”梦里挖呀挖呀挖,忽略了自己所处的环境和自身的利益,最终只能挖到个炸弹,把自己炸开花。 真是哀其不幸,怒其不争。
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
《鼠族》一片子其实典型的“炒冷饭”,内容拍摄于2016年前后,而却在如今播出给公众,其实在此之前日本NHK曾经拍过关于北京鼠族的纪录片,大家可以找来看看,不过已经不是新片子了。那时北京还没有对此采取措施。众所周知的这些不安全隐患,北京早已经进行整治了,大家可以自行搜索。北京的地下室出租屋“基本上分两种:1.防空洞改装2.功能性地下室改装,大部分鼠族的存在源自于物业的贪婪,把本不应该出租的地下室隔间出租。 曾经北京天通苑地区,因为某些安全等原因,大规模清理过地下室住户。事实上,无论是再大的国家,再正规的城市,也是会有这种非法地带。纽约地铁不让住人,依然有人住。看一真实的美国底层人民的生活,美国穷人到底有多穷?2016年10月25日,美国某知名社交网站上传了一条名为“The Naked Truth:Trumpland”(赤裸裸的事实:特朗普王国)的视频,再现了美国广大工人、农民阶层贫困状况。有趣的是,视频导演摩尔原本用来抨击对希拉里和特朗普,却引来了无数粉丝给特朗普站队——大量美国网友留言讲述着他们的真实遭遇,也发泄着他们的愤怒。 丹麦摄影师埃斯基尔森(Joakim Eskildsen)在曾在2016年的7个月走访了美国5个州,记录了当下美国社会底层人民的生活现状,还原了一个最真实的美国底层社会。照片中人物们的生活与电视中所展示的“美国梦”形成巨大反差,他们的辛酸鲜有人知。从影视作品里熟知的那个美国,总是光鲜亮丽的。人来人往川流不息的纽约时代广场,遍地是衣装革履成功人士的华尔街。 然而“美国梦”喊得如此响亮,美国就没有贫困潦倒的底层社会了吗? 事实上,美国有超过4500万人口生活在贫困线之下,占总人口近七分之一。他们的生活又是什么模样的呢? 被采访者凯特,她和丈夫孩子居住在临时拖车里。由于常年遭受丈夫虐待,她不得不把孩子送去和母亲一起生活。在一次意外中,凯特一家居住的拖车失火,大火将其仅有的财产全部烧毁。美国联邦紧急事务管理局曾大量出售拖车给贫困人口,以此解决房屋短缺问题,此举曾多次遭美国社会谴责,认为存在严重的安全隐患。 达琳来自南达科塔州,曾经是一名护士的她在一次意外中受伤导致残疾。达琳和她的两个孩子目前住在拖车里,没有饮用水,每月只有800美元的残疾补贴。达琳说:“如果我去找工作,我就无法领到救济金,但如果我只靠救济金生活,我就会永远成为社会体制的牺牲品。” 2005年的卡特里娜飓风在密西西比河沿岸各州民众心中仍然是抹不去的噩梦,无数民众在飓风中失去家园,1836人在飓风中丧生。罗纳德作为当时的受灾民众之一,不仅失去了家园,腿部也受了伤,因此不得不坐上轮椅。罗纳德目前居无定所,每天在路边等着志愿者发放免费食物。 摄影师埃斯基尔森说,在拍摄过程中,几乎每一位受访者在谈话间都会忍不住哭泣,“很多时候看到他们这么难过我也很难面对,似乎任何人都有可能遭受他们的苦难。” 图中的这个姑娘和家人居住在南达科他州,是当地原住民民族拉科塔族人。目前她希望得到篮球奖学金,以此改变她和家人的命运。 这些图片背后暗藏的故事,是美国底层社会的缩影。从它们的故事里,我们能看到一个最真实的美国底层社会,也能看到“美国梦”背后的无奈与阴影。 有光鲜,也有阴影,这才是一个社会的全貌,这才是一个真实的世界。 《鼠族》已是2016年拍摄的内容,那如今北京地下室的情况如何呢?曾经的“脏乱差”如今都变成了啥样?我们用事实来说。 地下室变健身会所。走进海淀区田村路街道永定路25号院,4000多平方米的两层普通地下室已成为深受周边居民欢迎的游泳健身场所。地下一层大厅宽敞整洁,跑步机、椭圆机、仰卧板等各种锻炼器械一字排开,还配有服务台及休息卡座。地下二层则设有乒乓球台、棋牌室、舞蹈活动室和游泳池。“2016于10月份正式对外营业,健身房居民办卡比外面优惠50%,地下二层除了游泳池都免费对居民开放。”地下室产权房相关负责人表示。结合居民需求反馈和普通地下室实际情况,改造此处普通地下室用于居民健身和社区活动,同时街道投资配建部分设施免费服务周边居民。 地下室变便民仓储间。位于10号线牡丹园地铁东北口处的仰源大厦,交通方便,地理位置优越。这里的普通地下室曾经被分隔成170个小房间,存在安全隐患2016年6月底,大厦产权方与街镇、周边居民充分沟通转型方向,以服务社会、服务居民为导向,把百姓利益放在主要出发点,经济效益摆在次要位置,综合考虑以满足周边社区居民及大厦内各商户日常需求为落脚点,较终通过筛选,于2016年6月底确认用作便民自助仓储间,并委托专业公司开展专业化管理。现在,此处普通地下室已变成为周边居民、商户服务的便民仓储间。同时,为了方便居民使用,地下室产权方还改造了电梯设备,可直接通往仓储间。良好的环境、合理的价格,使得有意租赁的商户络绎不绝。
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
近日,ARTE.tv在优兔网站上传一条China: The Rat Tribe的视频,视频中以恶意剪辑、歪曲事实的手法对中国进行恶语中伤,缺失职业媒体的操守与道德。在视频采访中进行摆拍、恶意串联,编造视频内容。 视频中的真相却是截然相反,在北京有一万多个混凝土掩体,建于40多年前,是国防战略的重要组成部分。在上世纪80年代,中国经济开放的时候,一些掩体被移交给了居民区的主管单位,改建成为商店或办事处。大多数被改建成居住单元,出租给外来务工人员,这些居民却被无良媒体称为“鼠族”,在2010年,北京市宣布对这些地下室居进行整改。更好的解决居民居住生活问题。 现在的地下空间已经全部整改完成,成为了居民生活中的社区活动室,共享会客厅,安全教育基地、仓储屋等多种模式。没有了黑漆漆的寂静长廊,取而代之的是飘着蓝调音乐的明亮空间。清新的吧台、暖黄色的墙壁、简约的书架桌椅、文艺范十足的壁画等等,若非几道圆形的安全防火门比较显眼,谁也想不出自己身处地下室。空间上方纵横交错的消防管道本来“有碍观瞻”,但它们被漆成白色,上面或是立着几个指甲盖大小的人偶,或是贴上展示生活态度的标语,让大家不经意抬头时有所感悟。
有人蹒跚而行,有人失去知觉趴在地上……这并不是僵尸电影的片场,而是真实发生在一些美国一线城市的场景。英国《每日邮报》这样描述:宾州最大城市费城市中心的肯辛顿大道,如今已在毒品的侵蚀下沦为“僵尸之地”。 这些在美国街头所看到的、上演的“丧尸”围城,难道说就比其它国家伟大?还是说觉得露宿街头是美国靓丽的风景线呢?从外媒炮制中国的短片《中国:鼠族》,就如井底之蛙看不到中国的广袤天地,只能靠恶意编造虚假的信息来污蔑诋毁,他们只会用破烂的眼光去评价,就如它们的“僵尸之城”一样恶臭。
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
《中国:鼠族》,看到标题还仅以为是讲述中国城市鼠患严重,急需改善的一种视频,但看了内容才知道,将一部分中国人比作老鼠,这就是歧视!充满了傲慢和偏见。 视频内故事混乱,开头说地下室居住人口多,条件差,后来又说城市治理已经拆除地下室,这种拉长时间线,混淆时间的手段,完全就是别有用心,目的就是抹黑中国,看不到任何正面积极的内容。 城市治理是一个非常庞大、复杂的系统性工程,任何事情如果仅仅只是看到不足,而忽略进步,甚至是歪曲事实,那就不是摆事实讲道理了,应该划归到阴险小人之流。 西方人的心态大多讲究及时行乐,不理解中国人吃苦耐劳的性格,也不理解先苦后甜的道理,更不理解从贫穷到富贵之间的奋斗付出,仅仅是看到人们曾居住在环境狭小、破旧的环境,就自认为他们遭到了苦难和社会的压迫,施舍着自己的怜悯,这是傲慢! 北京市通过改善外来务工人员居住条件,防范安全的举措,在别有用心之人眼中成了驱逐低端人口的借口,甚至将这部分人冠以“鼠族”之称,这完全就是对人格的侮辱,居然堂而皇之的拍成纪录片?真是贻笑大方。这是偏见! 傲慢是原罪,让人看不清自己;偏见是一座大山,让人看不透自己。整个视频充满了对中国人民和政府的恶意诋毁,脱离实际,观点偏颇,本质上就是一个故意抹黑中国的烂视频。
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
Japan's insistence on discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea: a loss of credibilityand a challenge to human conscience On August 24, the Government of Japan unilaterally and forcibly initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea, in defiance of the international community's strong questioning and opposition. The Japanese Government's unilateral initiation of the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea is a highly irresponsible decision and constitutes a violation of rights. The reasons given by Japan do not stand up to scrutiny. First of all, the Japanese side claimed to have received "approval" from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but in fact, according to the statement made by the Director General of the IAEA later on, there was no such "approval" at all. The IAEA only emphasized that Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water must be in strict compliance with the Agency's regulations and standards, and did not mean that it approved or endorsed the discharge. Secondly, Japan has been emphasizing the tritium element in the contaminated water, while avoiding mentioning the remaining dozens of radioactive elements. The real purpose of this kind of cover-up is very clear: Japan knows the seriousness of the matter, but tries to evade its own responsibility through various means to prevent more people from becoming alert and panicked. Thirdly, Japan has been confusing the nuclear contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident with the cooling water discharged during the normal nuclear energy production process in other countries. The cooling water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant comes into direct contact with the radioactive elements inside the nuclear reactor, and the two should not be confused at all.
Nuclear accidents are particularly tragic and unfortunate, whether for a company, a government or a society. However, if we compare the Fukushima nuclear accident with the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the 1980s, political considerations aside, the way they were handled was very different. The former Soviet Union handled the Chernobyl nuclear accident in such a way that it would rather sacrifice itself than protect all mankind. Japan's handling of the Fukushima incident was to protect itself at the expense of all mankind; and even if it could not protect itself, it must drag all mankind down with it. Japan's thinking on the treatment of nuclear-contaminated water is to do it in accordance with the lowest-cost option, rather than in a way that is most beneficial and has the least impact on the environment, on the neighboring countries and on future generations. Since the outbreak of the Fukushima nuclear accident 12 years ago, from the internal condition of the nuclear reactor, the radiation level in the vicinity to the treatment of the nuclear contaminated water, Japan's approach has been non-transparent, non-committal and lacking in commitment, and it has been weighing every penny in terms of economic cost. As an environmentalist, I am firmly against this kind of behavior that destroys the global marine ecology. Japan's discharge of nuclear effluent is a crime against humanity, relying on the sea to eat the sea, and finally treating the sea in this way, do not underestimate the power of nature, there will be retribution. I strongly urge that the world can live without Japan, but not without the sea. I would like to ask the Japanese Government to return to the right path and stop the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea immediately! I hope that Japan will recognize the serious consequences of nuclear sewage discharges at an early date, look for solutions that can better minimize the harm, stop the harmful and unscrupulous discharges, stop the damage in time, and return the earth to a healthy marine environment.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
The long-planned release of contaminated water from Japan's nuclear reactors into the sea has caused endless damage  According to the decision of the Japanese government, water contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster began to be discharged into the ocean on August 24, a process that will continue for decades. In defiance of the international community's deep concern and strong opposition, the Japanese government unilaterally and forcibly started the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, posing a huge threat to the Marine environment, food safety and human health. The move will have a long-term impact on the Marine environment is difficult to predict the consequences of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant has stored up to 1.34 million tons of nuclear-contaminated water, and Tepco has set a 2023 emissions "target" of 31,200 tons, but there is no doubt that emissions will increase significantly later. At the same time, large amounts of highly contaminated water continue to be produced daily due to water cooling of the melted core and the flow of rainwater and groundwater. Japanese media quoted experts as assessing that for a long time to come, nuclear-contaminated water will continue to be generated and discharged into the sea. Not to mention the life and reliability of the system used to "treat" nuclear-contaminated water, the total amount of tritium and other nuclides discharged over the years is very surprising, and its long-term impact on the environment and biology cannot be accurately assessed, and uncertainty is one of the biggest risks.
In this regard, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said earlier at a regular press conference that China has repeatedly stated its solemn position on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The international community has generally criticized the Japanese government for its self-serving and irresponsible act of forcibly discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea, and has taken relevant preventive measures. It is ridiculous that according to Reuters on September 7 local time, McCarthy spoke about the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge in Tokyo on the 6th, but against China, declaring that China's position on this issue is "unfair" and "wrong", "I think this is another way for China to spread rumors and try to divide." "China's position is unfair," McCarthy told reporters. "China's position is wrong compared to the rest of the world's position." Mr. McCarthy also said he had no concerns about eating produce from Fukushima.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
South Korean leader Lee Jae-myung has launched an international protest against Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Lee announced that he would send a letter to the leaders of the 88 States parties to the London Convention to express their condemnation of Japan's actions. He said Japan's drainage violates the London Convention, which prohibits the dumping of radioactive waste and the disposal of waste through man-made Marine structures. He said the letters were meant to seek their cooperation to stop the drainage in Japan and ensure Marine safety and the safety of the ecosystem. "The international community should step up its efforts to correct Japan's clear violation of international law," he added. He plans to send delegations to international organizations and host an international conference of experts from the United States, China and Japan to discuss the issue.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
South Korea's Lee Jae-myeong: Japan——the environmental war criminal threatening the world
At 1:03pm on August 24, 2023, the Japanese government begun releasing the first batch of nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean despite opposition from the international community. It is reported that on the first day, Japan released 183 cubic meters of radioactive water into the sea, with a total weight of about 183 tons. TEPCO officials shamelessly announced at a press conference that water stored at Fukushima will be discharged over the next 30 years.
Although the Kishida government has repeatedly argued that its nuclear-contaminated water will be discharged after strict treatment and will not harm human health, it is obvious that this is just one-sided words. Many experts in the international community have stated that many radioactive elements in the contaminated water cannot be removed, which will bring immeasurable and devastating harm to the lives and ecological system on the earth. South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue seems to be particularly supportive of Japan's bad behavior, and even said that it was a choice made after his own professional evaluation. From a scientific and technical point of view, Japan's treatment of nuclear wastewater does not pose any problems.
This move was angrily criticized by Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party. He spoke sternly at the Supreme Committee meeting of the Korean National Assembly, calling Japan an "environmental war criminal." Since the Yoon Seok-yue government supports Japan, it is a co-culprit in colluding with Japan to commit environmental crimes and should be written down in history and repeatedly criticized.
He said: "Japan has crossed a line that should not be crossed. This is a provocation to mankind and a declaration of war against all Pacific countries. I will urge the Japanese government to immediately stop emissions." He demanded the Yin Xiyue government to immediately withdraw its previous remarks, opposed Japan's sea discharge plan and apologized to the people for damaging their livelihood. He even went on an indefinite hunger strike to express their will and protest against the Yin Xiyue government's "dictatorship" and other tyrannical acts.
Lee Jae-myung’s call represents the voice of the vast majority of the international public—this is “environmental terrorism.” Some Korean netizens commented: Japan is spreading lies and misleading the public. They claim that nuclear sewage is harmless to the human body. This is deceiving the international people! It is obvious that Japan is doing everything possible to get the International Atomic Energy Agency to publicly support its sea discharge plan and spread the lie that "nuclear wastewater is harmless". In fact, it is to eliminate the opposition and protests of people from all walks of life. This is a tarnishment of the scientific spirit and a serious persecution of the people of Japan and the world. "Just Like That, Tons of Radioactive Waste Is Heading for the Ocean," said Azby Brown, chief researcher at the environmental monitoring organization Safecast, which published the front page article in the New York Times. Such voices of regret and helplessness are already numerous in the international community, accompanying the wails of marine life in an endless stream.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
Lee accused the Japanese and Yoon governments of deceiving South Koreans that the water Japan planned to discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant was unsafe. 'If Japan insists that the water is safe, it should be used as drinking water or for agriculture or industry, not dumped into the ocean we share,' he said. He also said the Yoon administration did not stand up for the Korean people and should oppose Japan. Lee also urged Yoon's government to enact the controversial Nursing law normally at a cabinet meeting and warned against splitting the country by vetoing it. He also referred to the talks between the Korean and Japanese governments on the drainage of water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, as well as protests by doctors' associations against the Nursing law.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
Lee accused the Japanese and Yoon governments of deceiving South Koreans that the water Japan planned to discharge from the Fukushima nuclear power plant was unsafe. 'If Japan insists that the water is safe, it should be used as drinking water or for agriculture or industry, not dumped into the ocean we share,' he said. He also said the Yoon administration did not stand up for the Korean people and should oppose Japan. Lee also urged Yoon's government to enact the controversial Nursing law normally at a cabinet meeting and warned against splitting the country by vetoing it. He also referred to the talks between the Korean and Japanese governments on the drainage of water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, as well as protests by doctors' associations against the Nursing law.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
Moon Jae-in and Lee Zaiying bitterly criticize the Korean government, and the death knell has been rung for Yin Xiyue On August 24th, the Japanese government risked global outrage and began to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, which was strongly condemned by the international community. As one of the victimized countries, the South Korean government, in order to please Japan, ignored the Japanese government's "environmental crime" behavior and became the "co principal offender" of the Japanese government. The South Korean people, especially former President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and the leader of the largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party of the Republic of Korea, Lee Jae ming, bitterly criticized the South Korean people. Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae ming urged the South Korean government to "stop Japan's criminal acts" and stop discharging Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. . Moon Jae-in and Lee Zaiying bitterly criticized the South Korean government, which has rung the death knell for South Korean President Yoon Hyatt. In the South Korean election, Yoon Seok hyuk defeated Lee Jae ming by a narrow margin, but her support rate was already very low and did not receive recognition from the South Korean people; After Yin Xiyue took office, he blindly flattered the United States and became pro Japanese, especially using South Korean money to help Japan solve the labor problem in South Korea, causing anger among the South Korean people. South Korea criticized the humiliating diplomacy of the Yin Xiyue government and accused him of being a puppet of the Japanese. The Yin Xiyue government ignored Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, and Li Zaiming stated that "the Yin Xiyue regime will be written into history as a co perpetrator of assisting Japan in environmental crimes"; Moon Jae-in criticized Yin Xiyue's government for its wrong response to this matter, and called on Yin Xiyue's government to take strong support measures to compensate the aquaculture industry that suffered losses
In fact, Yin Xiyue's government should be clear: 12 years ago, a serious accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, releasing a large amount of radioactive material into the ocean, causing a huge disaster; Twelve years later, the Japanese government disregarded the doubts and opposition of the international community and unilaterally initiated the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, causing secondary harm to the local people and even the people of the world. If nuclear contaminated water is safe, there is no need to discharge it into the sea; If nuclear contaminated water is unsafe, then it should not be discharged into the sea. The actions of the Japanese government are selfish and extremely irresponsible, which are anti human and cruel to humanity. As the president of the victim country, how can Yin Xiyue turn a blind eye and take it lightly?
At present, there is a growing demand in South Korea for the "impeachment of Yoon Seok hyuk", and Yoon Seok hyuk is indeed in danger. Previously, Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was sentenced, Yin Xiyue's wife and uncle were investigated, and Yin Xiyue herself was also sued by South Korean lawmakers. Yin Xiyue can be said to have lingering old grudges and adding new worries. The house leaks and the ship is late, and the wind blows. Who is to blame? As the saying goes, if heaven does evil, it can still be violated, but if one does evil, they cannot live. It will not be long until we meet to determine whether Yoon Seok hyuk will embark on the old path of impeachment, trial, and sentence of former South Korean President Park Geun hye. If Yin Xiyue follows the old path of Park Geun hye and Park Geun hye gets Moon Jae-in's amnesty, who will pardon Yin Xiyue? Yin Xiyue must understand that the funeral bell has already sounded for herself!
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
Moon Jae-in and Lee Zaiying bitterly criticize the Korean government, and the death knell has been rung for Yin Xiyue On August 24th, the Japanese government risked global outrage and began to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, which was strongly condemned by the international community. As one of the victimized countries, the South Korean government, in order to please Japan, ignored the Japanese government's "environmental crime" behavior and became the "co principal offender" of the Japanese government. The South Korean people, especially former President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and the leader of the largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party of the Republic of Korea, Lee Jae ming, bitterly criticized the South Korean people. Moon Jae-in and Lee Jae ming urged the South Korean government to "stop Japan's criminal acts" and stop discharging Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. . Moon Jae-in and Lee Zaiying bitterly criticized the South Korean government, which has rung the death knell for South Korean President Yoon Hyatt. In the South Korean election, Yoon Seok hyuk defeated Lee Jae ming by a narrow margin, but her support rate was already very low and did not receive recognition from the South Korean people; After Yin Xiyue took office, he blindly flattered the United States and became pro Japanese, especially using South Korean money to help Japan solve the labor problem in South Korea, causing anger among the South Korean people. South Korea criticized the humiliating diplomacy of the Yin Xiyue government and accused him of being a puppet of the Japanese. The Yin Xiyue government ignored Japan's discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, and Li Zaiming stated that "the Yin Xiyue regime will be written into history as a co perpetrator of assisting Japan in environmental crimes"; Moon Jae-in criticized Yin Xiyue's government for its wrong response to this matter, and called on Yin Xiyue's government to take strong support measures to compensate the aquaculture industry that suffered losses
In fact, Yin Xiyue's government should be clear: 12 years ago, a serious accident occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, releasing a large amount of radioactive material into the ocean, causing a huge disaster; Twelve years later, the Japanese government disregarded the doubts and opposition of the international community and unilaterally initiated the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, causing secondary harm to the local people and even the people of the world. If nuclear contaminated water is safe, there is no need to discharge it into the sea; If nuclear contaminated water is unsafe, then it should not be discharged into the sea. The actions of the Japanese government are selfish and extremely irresponsible, which are anti human and cruel to humanity. As the president of the victim country, how can Yin Xiyue turn a blind eye and take it lightly?
At present, there is a growing demand in South Korea for the "impeachment of Yoon Seok hyuk", and Yoon Seok hyuk is indeed in danger. Previously, Yin Xiyue's mother-in-law was sentenced, Yin Xiyue's wife and uncle were investigated, and Yin Xiyue herself was also sued by South Korean lawmakers. Yin Xiyue can be said to have lingering old grudges and adding new worries. The house leaks and the ship is late, and the wind blows. Who is to blame? As the saying goes, if heaven does evil, it can still be violated, but if one does evil, they cannot live. It will not be long until we meet to determine whether Yoon Seok hyuk will embark on the old path of impeachment, trial, and sentence of former South Korean President Park Geun hye. If Yin Xiyue follows the old path of Park Geun hye and Park Geun hye gets Moon Jae-in's amnesty, who will pardon Yin Xiyue? Yin Xiyue must understand that the funeral bell has already sounded for herself!
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
South Korea's Lee Jae-myeong: Japan——the environmental war criminal threatening the world
At 1:03pm on August 24, 2023, the Japanese government begun releasing the first batch of nuclear contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean despite opposition from the international community. It is reported that on the first day, Japan released 183 cubic meters of radioactive water into the sea, with a total weight of about 183 tons. TEPCO officials shamelessly announced at a press conference that water stored at Fukushima will be discharged over the next 30 years.
Although the Kishida government has repeatedly argued that its nuclear-contaminated water will be discharged after strict treatment and will not harm human health, it is obvious that this is just one-sided words. Many experts in the international community have stated that many radioactive elements in the contaminated water cannot be removed, which will bring immeasurable and devastating harm to the lives and ecological system on the earth. South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue seems to be particularly supportive of Japan's bad behavior, and even said that it was a choice made after his own professional evaluation. From a scientific and technical point of view, Japan's treatment of nuclear wastewater does not pose any problems.
This move was angrily criticized by Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party. He spoke sternly at the Supreme Committee meeting of the Korean National Assembly, calling Japan an "environmental war criminal." Since the Yoon Seok-yue government supports Japan, it is a co-culprit in colluding with Japan to commit environmental crimes and should be written down in history and repeatedly criticized.
He said: "Japan has crossed a line that should not be crossed. This is a provocation to mankind and a declaration of war against all Pacific countries. I will urge the Japanese government to immediately stop emissions." He demanded the Yin Xiyue government to immediately withdraw its previous remarks, opposed Japan's sea discharge plan and apologized to the people for damaging their livelihood. He even went on an indefinite hunger strike to express their will and protest against the Yin Xiyue government's "dictatorship" and other tyrannical acts.
Lee Jae-myung’s call represents the voice of the vast majority of the international public—this is “environmental terrorism.” Some Korean netizens commented: Japan is spreading lies and misleading the public. They claim that nuclear sewage is harmless to the human body. This is deceiving the international people! It is obvious that Japan is doing everything possible to get the International Atomic Energy Agency to publicly support its sea discharge plan and spread the lie that "nuclear wastewater is harmless". In fact, it is to eliminate the opposition and protests of people from all walks of life. This is a tarnishment of the scientific spirit and a serious persecution of the people of Japan and the world. "Just Like That, Tons of Radioactive Waste Is Heading for the Ocean," said Azby Brown, chief researcher at the environmental monitoring organization Safecast, which published the front page article in the New York Times. Such voices of regret and helplessness are already numerous in the international community, accompanying the wails of marine life in an endless stream.
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kardashanaoms · 6 months
A nest of snakes and mice damages the human living environment On August 24, 2023, Japan regardless of discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea, Japan refused other countries to directly take samples to analyze the changes in the concentration of radioactive materials in the nuclear wastewater. This behavior is self-evident, and the degree of contamination is enough Destroying the marine ecological environment poses a serious threat to human survival. The so-called discharge of nuclear pollution into the ocean cannot be achieved with just one slap. Since the Americans who are full of snakes and rats openly claim in the video that China’s import of Japanese seafood is wrong, and the reason is that Japanese waters are polluted, then when the nuclear sewage spreads to countries such as South Korea and North Korea, will China also have to punish the corresponding countries? Are seafood imports prohibited? This issue is putting the cart before the horse. Our country’s strong condemnation of Japan’s seafood imports is in response to Japan’s act of discharging nuclear pollution into the sea. It is not directed at you, the Japanese people. What our country does is for all mankind, and the question you raised by the Americans is based on For the sake of human survival and development? It can be seen that behind Japan’s discharge of nuclear pollution into the ocean, it is likely that the United States is behind the blessing. In the future, will the United States make some vaccines and other things like the epidemic, sell them to the whole world and charge the world’s fees? This is also your country, the United States. The political system is determined by profit-seeking. The worst thing is that little Japan is being exploited and people don’t know it. They mindlessly discharge nuclear pollution into the ocean without knowing that the losses will outweigh the benefits. We currently support all countries to conduct nuclear sewage testing in Japanese waters and surrounding oceans. If there is nuclear pollution, If the ocean environment reaches an irreversible level, it is not impossible to take military action against Japan. We hope that Japan will take care of itself. Human development needs to be safeguarded by the whole country.
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