kaelysian · 2 days
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all other models unemployed
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kaelysian · 2 days
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kaelysian · 5 days
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kaelysian · 8 days
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#소희 a very polite kitten !! ♡
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kaelysian · 8 days
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kaelysian · 10 days
[ TXT Official Story 🌟 IG ]
240522 - 22:00 KST - @/txt_bighit
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kaelysian · 11 days
Motor Mouth ~ *Choi Beomgyu*
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Summary: Beomgyu and you can talk for hours at a time and never get bored with each other. However, the rest of TXT finds all the talking a bit obnoxious. That's why Yeonjun decides to propose a little bet between you...
Pairing: Choi Beomgyu X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Drabble
Word Count: 1194
Warning: Bets
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine @kpop-will-kill-me @maeleelee @mxnsxngie
The day you met Beomgyu was the worst day ever for the rest of Tomorrow X Together. That's because the two of you didn't know how to stop talking. While Beomgyu loved how nothing he said or did annoyed you, you were grateful to have an engaging conversation partner. Those who were around you when the two of you started talking had to suffer with all of the talking you both got done in a short amount of time.
"Are they still talking?" Kai asked, removing one of his earbuds.
Soobin sighed and shook his head. "Yeah. For the pasty forty-five minutes."
"It's amazing they still have so much to say to each other after four months of non-stop talking." Taehyun shook his head. "It's crazy. But I guess that's love for you."
Kai sighed. "Four months? That's crazy! You know, I bet the two of them can't go one day without talking to each other."
Yeonjun gasped, sitting up straight as an idea entered his mind. "That's it! Kai, you're a genius!"
"Thank you for finally noticing."
"We should get the two of them to stop talking for a whole day. See if they can do it because I know they won't be able to."
A grin stretched across Taehyun's lips. "We should! It'll be so funny to watch them struggle!"
Soobin, on the other hand, shook his head. "I don't know guys. I feel like that's going to do more harm than good."
"It's just for a day, Soobin. It's not like we're going to make them stop talking forever!" Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "If they can go twenty four hours without talking to each other, we'll try to convince the managers to let them have a whole weekend long date. If they can't do it, they have to do all of the dorm chores for a month!"
"You are cruel but fair." Taehyun shook his head.
"I think calling him just cruel is the right response." Soobin muttered. "But if the three of you are in agreement, you go right ahead and propose your little deal. Leave me out of it."
"Fair enough." With a nod, Yeonjun stood up and walked over to where Beomgyu was talking with you. "Alright, cut the chit chat. I have a deal to strike with both of you."
"A deal?" You tilted your head to the side at what he was saying. "What kind of deal?"
"The kind of deal that gets the rest of us out of doing chores." Yeonjun explained. "If the two of you can go twenty four hours without talking to each other, you guys can go on a weekend-long date. But if you can't, you have to do all of the dorm chores for a month."
"That doesn't seem fair." Beomgyu shook his head. "No, it should be two weekend long dates versus dorm chores for a month."
Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Fine, whatever, but do you agree to this deal?"
Beomgyu glanced at you and squeezed your hand. "It's only twenty four hours. Do you think you can do it?"
You give a weak nod. "I can sure try."
"Then you have yourself a deal."
"Your time starts now."
At first, it was pretty easy. You decided to say goodbye to the boys and head back to your place. You did all of your evening chores, made dinner, and watched a movie. However, after your movie, you desperately wanted to call Beomgyu and tell him all about it. But you remembered the deal. Two weekend long dates just to not talk to your boyfriend for twenty four hours. You could do this. So instead of calling him, you began to plan out a weekend long date for the two of you.
The next day, things got even harder. There were no good night texts and no good morning texts. There was no update on his schedule for the day and you couldn't tell him about the cute puppy you saw as you went to get coffee. Your day at work dragged on for what felt like hours. Sure, you talked to your co-workers, but it wasn't the same. You wanted to talk to Beomgyu and tell him everything.
As you were leaving work, counting down the last three hours of the deal, you got a call from Soobin.
"I have no idea why the two of you agreed to this stupid little bet in the first place." He began. "But you need to talk to Beomgyu."
"But what about the dorm chores?"
"Forget it! I'll still make them do all of their chores! You seriously need to talk to your boyfriend!"
"But..." You sighed. "Maybe this is a good thing. I know you guys think we talk too much with each other. I started to see it too. And I feel like we're too dependent on each other. Maybe this break is what we need in our relationship."
He scoffed. "Frankly, I think your boyfriend would disagree. But if I may ask, why do the two of you talk so much? I mean, I feel like after four months of non-stop talking the two of you would have run out of things to say."
You shake your head. "Oh no! Not at all! See, Beomgyu is practically the only person I can talk to about anything and everything I think of and not feel judged for it. He listens to all my crazy theories and answers all my dumb questions, and he enjoys it! Talking to him is what makes me feel the most loved."
"Wow, that is so sweet! I hope the rest of the boys heard it too!" Based on Soobin's words and sarcastic tone of voice, you realized you were on speaker phone and it made you blush.
"Soobin? Did Beomgyu hear that?" You quietly asked.
Instead of Soobin answering, it was Beomgyu. "Yes! Yes I heard all of it! I love you, I love you, I love you! And I never want to do this kind of stupid bet again! I want to talk to you all day and all night for as long as we both can!"
"I love you too, Beomgyu, but we lost the bet." You sigh. "Now we don't get to go on our weekend long dates."
"Don't worry about that!" Soobin interjected. "I made my own deal with the rest of the group. You both get one weekend together. Sounds fair?"
"More than fair! Thank you thank you Soobin!" You gushed. "I'll be right over, Beomgyu, and then we can plan for our weekend together!"
"Can't wait! I love you!"
"I love you too!"
"Wait!" Soobin added. "Before you go, the guys wanted to say something."
"We're really sorry about making the bet with you." Yeonjun said.
"We'll never do it again." Taehyun added.
"We didn't know how much talking to each other meant to you both. We're really sorry." Kai finished.
You couldn't help but give a little giggle. "Apology accepted. And never do it again. Or else Beomgyu and I won't stop talking for twenty four hours."
Yeonjun let out a whine. "Hey we said we're sorry!"
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kaelysian · 11 days
alright i have an imagine scenario right now:
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you're an employee at a jewelry company, nowhere near rich enough to buy the products you market. you're at your company's flagship store for the launch of its new jewelry line, and you've got none other than famous model choi yeonjun as its brand ambassador. he arrives with his hair slicked back, wearing a pristine white suit and sporting a few key pieces from the line; though he gives the cameras his best smoldering looks, you aren't particularly impressed. you've met enough rich assholes at your job to last you a lifetime, and yeonjun doesn't seem much different. you watch him pose for the photographers and chat with other guests for a few moments, but shift your mind back to work.
he talks to you exactly once, to ask where the bathroom is. at least he was polite to you, unlike a lot of the VIPs you've met.
the next day is a weekend and you spent it at the plant market, looking at freshly potted flowers about to bloom and seedlings of vegetables ready to be cared for. you might not be able to afford the fancy necklaces and rings that you sell, but at least you have the luxury of growing your own veggies and flowers in your tiny apartment balcony.
you were not expecting it to rain that day, but it does. it's a downpour crashing down from the sky, and though you consider running for it, you're also weighed down by two bags of plants in both hands. so you stand under one of the market tents next to a row of tomato plants, waiting for the rain to stop. it doesn't.
just then you feel a tap on your shoulder and turn to see a young man in a hoodie and cap, sunglasses perched on top of his head. he's carrying an oversized umbrella, large enough for two. "um, hi, excuse me," he says, stumbling over his words, "you were the employee at the jewelry store yesterday, right? do you want help? we can share my umbrella..." he glances down at your bags of plants, then back at you.
it takes a while for you to recognize him until it hits you: choi yeonjun. three things run through your mind at once: first, you're impressed that he managed to remember you when all you did was tell him where the bathroom is. second, you feel a pang of shame for assuming he's a rich asshole when he's making such a kind offer to you. and third, even in a worn-out black hoodie, he's still ridiculously handsome.
you step into the umbrella with him; you feel his fingers brush against yours as he takes one of your bags to carry. "thank you," you tell him. he smiles at you and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
it doesn't feel so bad to be wrong about him this time.
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kaelysian · 15 days
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TOMORROW X TOGETHER ✙ 誓い (CHIKAI) - Concept Photo 'to B'
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kaelysian · 17 days
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texts w bf anton
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ genre: fluff, crack (some of this is brainrot)
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing: anton x reader
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ notes: I love anton
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taglist: @slytherinshua @weird-bookworm
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kaelysian · 3 months
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Biker Haitham otw
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kaelysian · 3 months
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+ itoshi sae x f!reader | wc 1.6k
notes: this man is taking over my life >:( if anyone knows how to get over him pls let me know i hate him <3
summary: nothing’s necessary except his talent in soccer, until you appeared. and now, he’s got a new challenge.
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itoshi sae is great with soccer—anything that involves him on the pitch, he’ll ace it. he excels at everything he learns on the field, easy as pie.
he’s never really bothered to try to be good at anything else.
as his girlfriend, you know this. you’ve seen him perform and it makes you wonder why someone like him is even with you.
but that makes it especially funny in times like this, when you see him staring at his laundry in shock because his whites turned pink.
“what the fuck?” he’s mumbling to himself, and you’re trying not to snicker from his living room, pressing your lips together.
it’s also funny when you hear him groaning from the kitchen, making you switch your camera off as you play hooky from your lecture and tiptoe out to see what happened.
you wonder how much you’d get if you photographed him right now, staring panickedly at his frying pan, his grilled chicken burnt to a crisp.
sometimes you can’t hold in your laughter, like right now, and sae whips his head around to glare at you.
“you know, i can cook dinner if you want,” you offer him.
sae scoffs, waving you away, “i can do it. just go back to your lecture.”
he’s stubborn, and you think that’s adorable, so you leave him to it.
you ate very tough skinless chicken that night. you told him it’s not bad, just to spare his feelings.
“you’re really quite hopeless with all of this,” you mumble absentmindedly as you look at your white dress shirt, a hole in the shoulder blade.
“shut up, i’ll get you a new one,” sae grumbles, grabbing it from you and tossing it in the bin.
it’s really quite cute how he tries to help with your chores, especially when he found out how swamped you are with finals and your part-time job as a receptionist at a big shot law firm. sae can be thoughtful when he tries to be.
sure, he ends up being more trouble than help, but you’re kind of entertained by his fuck ups so you let him be. it’s part of his many charms; he is an absolute beast on the field, but he’s like a child outside of it. he’s grumpy and stubborn and such a baby. you’re wondering if he can ever live alone because of it.
“here, wear mine,” sae says, offering you his white button down shirt instead.
you weren’t exactly living together, but you stay over sometimes, and most times he’s the one staying over, only because your apartment is more well-equipped for day to day life.
and by that you mean that, at the very least, your fridge is well stocked, vegetables and meat and whatnot, and you have detergents and bathing necessities and everything a guest could possibly need.
meanwhile, even if sae’s apartment is ten times more beautiful and luxurious than yours, his fridge is empty because he always orders takeout without you around, and he only has just enough supplies for himself. which isn’t a crime, but obviously he hasn’t had much of his past girlfriends staying over because he got stressed that one time he had to buy you pads and tampons.
you smile to yourself when you remember how panicked he was while he was at the feminine care aisle in the supermarket, rambling on and on about how people are staring at him because he kept taking all the different brands because he doesn’t know what the fuck you like.
he ended up giving up and getting one of each, and you’re greeted by one of his fanpages on instagram posting about it, a sighting by one of their followers coupled with a picture of sae trying to hide in the hood of his jacket, face beet red while the cashier processed his entire basket of tampons.
now his house has a whole year’s worth of tampon supply.
that was also the night where everyone found out he had a girlfriend.
“you wanna head out for dinner later?” you ask him as you button up his shirt on yourself.
sae drags his eyes over your body. you look good in his shirt, he should let you wear his stuff more often. but you turn his way and he averts his gaze just in time.
“sure, you end at 8?”
you nod.
“fine, i’ll pick you up later,” sae says and shoos you out the door. he glances at the clock on your wall.
3pm. he has about four hours to settle this.
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you find sae parked outside the lobby when you end your shift.
“have fun with your dreamy boyfriend,” the other receptionist coos, shooting you a knowing look before she walks off with a wink.
you bid her goodbye and then turn your attention back to your boyfriend, who’s so busy with his phone that he doesn’t even notice you coming.
if someone were to tell the old you that you and sae would turn out to be lovers in the future, you’d have laughed your ass off. he used to be nothing more than someone you used to watch at soccer matches, just some guy who seemed to live in such a different world than yours that you never imagined you’d ever get together with him.
who knew that a single conversation you had with him at the age of seventeen could’ve spurred you to where you are now, age twenty-one and still very much in love with each other?
maybe you should’ve flirted with sae sooner. maybe you should’ve annoyed the shit out of him and made him notice you more before that night.
but you’re not complaining—you’re happy with where you are right now.
you’re getting good grades at school, your employers are very satisfied with you and would offer you a permanent position there any time, and you have a wonderful boyfriend, even if he is surly and inexpressive most of the time.
“hey there,” you greet as you get into his car, and sae gets spooked so much he drops his phone on the ground. again, one of his many charming qualities. you note how he hates horror, the complete opposite of his brother.
sae’s ears turn red from embarrassment, but he picks his phone off the ground and drives off, a hand on the steering wheel and his other hand on your thigh.
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“were you busy earlier?” you ask sae once you’re both halfway into dinner, suddenly remembering how he chased you out of the house.
sae cocks his brow, “not really, just had a meeting.”
“oh, with who?”
you’re wondering whether it was with his manager, maybe there’s more sponsorship deals for him. or maybe it was with his coach, about soccer stuff you wouldn’t understand.
“your parents,” he says, so nonchalantly you almost think he’s kidding.
“wait, baby what?”
sae’s eyes flick up from his dinner to you, long lashes framing those pretty teal eyes. his hair looks so soft you kind of want to run your hands through them, but you tell yourself to focus now.
“they just wanted to talk to me because i sent them an alarming text,” he says, not so helpfully because he doesn’t elaborate further. plus, the fact that his face is as stoic as ever doesn’t alleviate your worries that it’s something bad.
“what did you tell them?”
sae’s expression doesn’t change. “secret.”
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“babe, you’re killing me.”
sae sighs, his hand in yours as the both of you walk back to your apartment. “the last thing i would do is kill you,” he says, fumbling for his copy of the keys to your apartment. “who’s gonna do my laundry for me then?”
you slap him on his arm, getting to hear him snicker for the first time tonight. he unlocks your door and lets you walk in first, and the moment you do, you’re frozen in position.
there’s rose petals on the floor, scattered around the living room. there’s photos hanging off of delicately strung ropes, all photos of you and sae. photos of the both of you the first time you spoke on the pitch, photos of you meeting his parents and brother, photos of your first couples trip to europe. your coffee table has become a makeshift photo spread, even more photos spread out on it.
“w-what’s all this?” it comes out as a whisper, but sae hears you.
you feel his arms wrap around your waist from behind, a pair of lips pressing a kiss onto your temple. “i love you, y/n,” he whispers, and you think you’re dreaming because he rarely ever says it, he’s more the kind of person that shows it.
but in this moment, it’s both. and you’re overwhelmed, in a good way.
itoshi sae is great with soccer, and he’s never felt the need to even try and be good at anything else. but not now, not anymore.
when you turn around, sae is on one knee, a beautiful bright diamond ring sitting in a velvet box on his palm.
“marry me, y/n,” sae asks, in a very sae-like manner. like he knows your answer and he’s cutting to the chase.
you tell him yes anyway, because there’s no way you’d ever say no.
that night as the both of you lay in your bed, nervous fingers twiddling with each other’s, each of you looking into the other’s eyes, sae’s decided on his life mission.
sure, he’s probably a pain in your ass when it comes to household chores. but he’ll learn. he’s also probably insufferable when he’s being stubborn, but he’d never want to be someone else’s problem.
for you, he’d do anything. for you, he’d put everything else second. for you, he’s going to be the best husband there ever was.
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kaelysian · 3 months
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kaelysian · 4 months
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kaelysian · 4 months
friendly reminder that you didn’t waste your year. any moments of happiness or comfort, any small accomplishments, they all matter. this has been a really hard year, and simply surviving is something to be proud of. 
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kaelysian · 5 months
may i request how blade, gepard, welt, jing yuan and dan heng react to the “what are we?” question (also if you could add a little bit of yanqing and jing yuan father/son dynamic in jing yuan’s part? 😭😭
feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel inspired tho. anyways, luv your works !! <333
the things we do
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summary ⎯ late nights, lingering touches, longing looks. it just confuses you. this prompts you to ask the question that usually leads to the downfalls of most relationships: what are we?
includes ⎯ dan heng, gepard, blade, welt, & jing yuan
tana's words ⎯ i got so excited when i saw this. there's no angst in this btw
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dan heng
⎯ dan heng didn't know what you guys were. but if he said that he treated you the same way he would treat march and stelle, that would be a lie.
⎯ yes, he was friendly towards you. but there were things he'd only allow when it came to you. things such as allowing you in his room during late hours; borrowing (stealing) one of his books; distracting him; the list goes on
⎯ so maybe you guys weren't just friends. but if you weren't friends, then what were you?
⎯ dan heng recognizes that there is at least something between you two. sometimes while reading one of his books, you'd lean into him a little too close: closer than friends should be, but farther than two people who are together. it was like there was a wall between the both of you that kept you in the middle ground.
⎯ dan heng realizes that you two may have crossed that line on a cold night.
“dan heng?” you mumble as you felt a dip in your mattress.
“how’d you know it was me?” he mumbled back, breath fanning on your neck. he had his arms wrapped around your stomach, slightly pulling you closer.
it was a stupid question to ask. how could you have not known it was him? you’ve felt the brush of his hands against yours one too many times; felt the way his hands have held onto yours for seconds too long. had he not realized?
“who else would sneak into my room this late at night?” you tensed against dan heng.
⎯ it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to fall asleep near each other. but that’s the thing: you fell asleep near each other, not next to each other. and especially not falling asleep whilst wrapping their arms around the other person!?!?!?
⎯ dan heng didn’t know what had prompted him to come into your room that night. he didn’t know what had came over him. that night, it was cold and you weren’t in his room with him. so, in a tired dazed, he thought it was completely normal to abandon his room to come cuddle in yours.
⎯ key word: normal. it was normal to be around you. it was normal to want to be around you all the time. it was normal to want to wrap his arms around you and burrow himself in the nape of your neck. it was normal to want to (perhaps) place a chaste kiss on your neck.
⎯ and that’s when dan heng finally realized: that is not normal and he is in love. but he wasn’t going to bring it up. nooooo. no, because it would never work. right?
it was another late night. this time, dan heng was sitting on his bed while reading. he was relaxed today while you could not stop moving. today was the day where you were going to ask the infamous question: what are we?
⎯ it shouldn’t be so scary, but when dan heng and your feelings are involved, it seems as such.
“dan heng,” you ask, looking at the ground, “what are we?”
⎯ dan heng, taken aback, immediately slams his book shut and places his full attention onto you.
“what do you mean?” dan heng gets up and moves closer to you. dan heng already has an answer to his question.
“what are we doing?” you turn, refusing to look at him. “friends don’t do what we do.”
“we are friends,” dan heng places his hand upon yours, it brings you a feeling you’ve grown to familiarize with. “but," he pauses, carefully choosing the next words that come out of his mouth, "we can be more. only if you want," he interlocks your fingers together, holding them close to his side.
dan heng doesn't miss the smile you're trying to bite down as he leans into your touch. when dan heng leads you to the ground to continue reading, you had to physically stop yourself from bursting out in a (embarrassingly large) grin.
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⎯ gepard hadn't put what thought into what the two of you were until tonight. what were you two?
⎯ captain and lieutenant, of course. but do captains and lieutenants share late nights together, reminiscing on childhood memories as they sit thigh-to-thigh next to each other. do they also sneak off during night shifts to get late night dinner? do they also look at the others' lips, dreaming about inconceivable thoughts about the other?
⎯ i mean, maybe? but maybe not.
⎯ then it hit gepard: how long have you two been like this? did the lines start to blur after you started nagging gepard about getting rest? when you helped him take on paperwork in the late hours of the night?
⎯ gepard loved your nagging. he loved spending late nights with you, because even though he has to do mounds of paperwork, at least he was able to spend time with you. he knew he had a duty to belobog, but when you're tugging on his hand, his fingers feeling hot and tingly paired with his burning cheeks, how could he say no?
⎯ but there are always risks. especially when you're a silvermane guard. your lives are simply too risky for anything to ever happen between the two of you. that's why gepard immerses himself in the little moments between you two: moments where he gets to pull you closer into him; when you place your head on his shoulder to rest; when he gets to subtly brush his hands over yours.
⎯ little did gepard know that these actions sent you into a little frenzy. you were pondering where the lines between close coworkers and lovers were drawn. you felt hot every time he touched you; felt brazen when you placed your head on his shoulders. did he feel the same? if he didn't, why was he initiating all these actions?
you asked the question on yet another late night in his office, the both of you doing paperwork. "gepard, what are we?"
⎯ he looked up instantaneously, the sound of your voice immediately getting his attention. when the question itself rendered in his mind, he had to take a second to think. gepard knows you two weren't only captain and lieutenant.
"captain and lieutenant," gepard plays dumb, not knowing how to properly answer your question so soon. your face drops for a second and gepard already wants to rush over and do something to make you feel better.
"you know we're more than that," you trailed off quietly. you took your focus off of gepard and now put your all into finishing your half of the paperwork, taking gepard's response as a sign of rejection. you finished and left for the night. when you bid him goodbye, gepard wanted nothing more but to you pull you in with the slight grasp of his hands on your arm and beg you to stay the night.
⎯ after that, you avoided gepard for a few days. there was distance between the two of you, and gepard was freaking out. had you taken his answer as a sign of rejection?? how does he make it right?? what'll he'll do without you???? how can he LIVE without you?? so, he goes to serval for help.
⎯ the next day he storms throughout the fort to find you. he hasn't spoken to you in a few days, and gepard swore he was going mad.
"yn," gepard rushed to stand in front of you, briefly slamming the door shut. he knew that it was loud, but right now gepard had more important priorities, "i need to talk to you."
his arm was placed on your wrist, turning you around tenderly, "yes, captain?" when you said captain instead of gepard, he felt his heart shatter.
"your question. from a few nights ago," gepard panted out, "i don't know what we are. but i want to find out. with you. only you, if you'd give me another chance," gepard flushed when he said his last sentence. you took notice of this, coming closer towards him.
"you're dramatic, gepard," you teased, pulling him into an embrace. you felt gepard melt within your touch, "i would've given you a chance no matter what."
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blade (kinda modern!au-ish).
⎯ the question of the relations between you and blade never dwelled on his mind. you were here, you stayed, and you're happy. shouldn't that be enough?
⎯ blade never gave thought to the little smile he had on his face when he saw you laughing. he never considered why he felt so much more at ease when you were around. he just thought that, because you two were friends, it was normal to have tingly blissful euphoric feelings around you! he would never admit it either, but he always felt so excited when he saw you.
⎯ yeah... who is going to break the news to him
⎯ as much as he tried, blade couldn't ignore the fact that some of the things he felt for you were more than just friendship. he knew he needed to reevaluate his feelings, especially after he saw you with another guy the other day.
⎯ it's unusual for blade to become jealous. he usually isn't bothered by the problems of others. but today, he had a solid reason. you two had made plans to walk around the xianzhou and get lunch. so why would you be associating with this random guy while you had plans with blade?? stupid reasoning but can u blame him?? he's jealous.
⎯ he rushes to your side, interested in who this new mystery guy was. you guys were friends, so it would've been common courtesy to introduce him to you, right? so he marches right up to you and wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer into him.
"look at you making new friends," blade smirks as he feels your shoulder collide into his torso, "care to introduce me?"
⎯ you are out here FREAKING TF OUT. is blade jealous??? before this point, you thought your feelings for blade were unreciprocated, no matter how many times you tried to delude yourself otherwise. there were some times where you thought blade had similar feelings towards you, only for it to be debunked.
⎯ but this?? why was he suddenly pulling you so close to him?? why is he practically giving your friend the death stare?? is he jealous? he couldn't be: you two aren't even together. but is it possible that blade does reciprocate your feelings?
you try to avoid blade's eyes, making sure he doesn't see you flush, "this is [friends name]. he just moved here, i was just showing him around." you can feel your skin start to warm.
⎯ what does this mean? why is blade acting like this? are you two friends or not? is he just pulling your leg? these questions raced through your head as you followed him to the restaurant you two agreed to get lunch at.
your silence did not go unnoticed by blade. as someone who was usually very chatty and upbeat, you were exceedingly quiet today. "is something wrong?" he asked, tone less cockier than the one he used earlier.
⎯ yes something is wrong. you're confused on where the both of you lie. have you crossed the line? has he crossed the line? there were nights where you laid side by side, hearts both fluttering as you relaxed in the silent. there were also nights where you felt as though your heart would explode if blade had brushed a hand through your hair once more. but after blade's little stunt today, it left you confused on where he lay in the entire equation. you had to find out.
"what... what was that earlier?" you muster up the courage to look up at him. you're sitting across from him, legs almost touching his. if today was under different circumstances (and a different universe in general), this could be considered a date.
⎯ your question made blade lose this breath. maybe you caught onto the fact that he was jealous. blade fidgeted with his hand under the table; now that you've caught on, is now the time to sort out his feelings? blade realized that you two may not just be friends. but he hasn't thought about what you two would be if you weren't friends. and he'd sound like an asshole if he just responded with i don't know.
"just wanted to know who your friend was," blade diverted. it was an obvious and blatant lie, even he knew it.
"don't be like that," your eyes softened. you rested your head on your hand as you took a deep breath. if you weren't as hyper-focused on what blade's nexts words were going to be, you would be able to easily find your answer based on the way blade is admiring you. the way the sun hits your face perfectly, making you glow right across from him. you looked divine.
"what are we?" you finally asked. "are we really just friends?" you accentuated the last sentence with a small hint of hope in your voice; hope that may have implied you were wishing to be more than friends.
blade paused, trying to carefully construct his sentence. it would take hours for him to describe how he truly felt about you. it would take even longer to decipher his feelings towards you. so for now, he settles with this, "no. but whatever you want, i will grant it for you. and if you want to talk about it, i'll talk about it with you, because i'll be there for you. that i can assure you."
and you smile, because even though that answer was slightly incomplete, it meant that there was a sliver of hope after all.
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welt yang
⎯ tbh i don't even think this man knows what a situationship is. but he regards you as a close colleague and his respect for you is very high. so high that some have trouble differentiating whether his feelings towards you are platonic or romantic.
⎯ there are so many nights and afternoons you two just spend together. you're either watching him draw or pressuring him to do art-offs. obviously the winner would be you (welt).
⎯ he spends so much time with you that, over time, the lines between friendship and relationship began to blur. you two were practically acting like a couple already, though you two didn't know it.
⎯ himiko had her suspicions. she knew there was something up with the both of you, but she didn't know if it was official or not. it would be embarrassing if she regarded the two of you as friends if the both of you were dating. however, it'd be equally embarrassing if she did the same thing, but vice versa. so she asked!
"so, yn. are you and welt together?" himiko asked out of the blue one day. the two of you were in the parlor car drinking tea whilst welt & the others were trailblazing.
you nearly spit out your tea at the question. before now, you've never viewed you and welt as anything but friends. "where did that question come from?" you quickly retorted.
himiko raised her eyebrows in shock, "are you serious?" she gave you a confused look, which slowly turned into a look of realization, "oh shit, i didn't just ruin your secret relationship right?"
you were baffled, "what?! no, no there is nothing going on between me and welt," you quickly downed your tea as a way to get rid of your blush (fluster = stupid). "where did you even get that idea from?"
himiko gave you a pitiful look, as if she knew something that you didn't. "everyone thinks you two have something going on. i mean, have you noticed the way he looks at you? and have you heard your little couple-y banter?"
"we don't 'couple-y banter,' himiko," you denied. himiko raised her eyebrow once more. "and he looks at me like a normal person would."
"yn, he looks absolutely enamoured with you every time he even glances at you."
⎯ from then on, you began analyzing everything that welt did. the way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, etc. nothing seemed out of the ordinary. except for the fact that your heart raced the more you looked at him. and the way you felt like you were being transported to another world every time he would rest his hand on your shoulder. and welt was completely oblivious to it.
⎯ does he know about this? does he know about the grip he has on you? does he think you two share "couple-y banter????"
⎯ you couldn't take it anymore. at this point, you were desperate to know. partially because you felt as though everyone knew except you, but also partially because you needed to clear out these rampant feelings for your colleague.
"welt," you spoke with utmost seriousness in your voice, "what are we?"
⎯ now, welt did not expect this. he thought he was being subtle about his feelings. he thought the way his hands would slightly brush over yours was subtle. he thought that he wasn't being obvious. so how did you know??
"is there⎯something between us?" you stared at him, desperate for answers.
⎯ welt took your questions as rejections. the way your tone shifted to seriousness; the way you looked so worried; who else would act like this if they weren't going to reject someone? but alas, better to get it over with. things on the express may be more awkward, but it would've been awkward either way.
"i have feelings for you, yn," welt calmly stated. "i have for a while now. so, on my part, there is something between us. however, i completely understand if you feel differently."
you took a sigh of relief. this wasn't as awkward as you thought it'd be. plus, who said getting with welt was going to be negative?
"luckily for you," you leaned closer, "i don't," you grinned.
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jing yuan
⎯ jing yuan was completely unaware of any romantic speculations between the two of you. of course, people talked, but it wasn't like he would pay attention to them. he was too busy focusing on you (how ironic).
⎯ jing yuan thought everything was completely normal between the both of you until yanqing brought it up.
"when is your partner coming over again? if they're coming soon, tell them i'm ready to beat them at chess," yanqing boasted proudly.
"i think you're mistaken, yanqing. i don't have a partner," jing yuan furrows his eyebrows in confusion. who would yanqing even mistake as jing yuan's partner?
"oh really? so the person that comes over every now and then with the horribly baked goods is not your partner?" yanqing was referring to you, of course. practically the whole entire world knows about your terrible baking skills.
"no? why would you think that?" jing yuan crossed his arms.
"the way you look at them. you're also really gentle with them. you're not cocky or like, smug. and you're always looking out for them," yan qing answers.
"okay, but i'm also gentle with you. and i always look out for you as well. what is the difference?"
yanqing sighs, as if jing yuan was the child in the room. "you'll understand soon enough," yanqing lectures.
⎯ jing yuan started to think then. he interrogated yanqing about his reasoning for the assumption, curious on how anyone could ever think that. but then he also realized that anyone also meant a lot of people. it wasn't just yanqing that felt this way; it was nearly everyone that knew the both of you.
⎯ jing yuan thinks you two are just platonic. keyword being thinks. with his job, he tries to avoid romantic connection most of the time, fearing for his future partner and more. but with you, jing yuan feels that connection there, but he's just ignored it so much that he thinks it's gone. little did he know that those feelings were still there, wild and unbridled.
⎯ one day you come over again, terribly burnt goods in your bag as per usual, and it seems like everything is normal. you casually talk with jing yuan like always. he still doesn't get why yanqing thought of you two as a couple.
your conversation is very casual and platonic. that is, until yanqing comes in, "i smelled burnt things and i knew you came, yn," he waved, "we need to play chess soon, before jing yuan," yanqing narrows his eyes, "starts training." yanqing smirked and immediately jing yuan knew he was up to no good. "we can talk about how jing yuan wouldn't stop asking questions about you the other day."
⎯ jing yuan swore his eye twitched. he was about to hunt down the little kid before melodic sound of your laughter captured his attention. and maybe, just maybe, jing yuan wasn't thinking anymore.
⎯ a few days passed and his feelings have not changed from, well, ever. jing yuan finds himself more and more entranced by you every time you come over. he finds himself falling deeper and deeper into you after yanqing's comment.
⎯ this has not gone unnoticed by your eyes, however, as jing yuan seemed to be getting more and more obvious. he'd gaze at you longer than usual, check up on you more often, be more affectionate. it was uncanny, but it was appreciated. besides, you had similar feelings for him too.
"are you two together yet?" yanqing whined as you took one of his chess pieces. "no," you, "why? want me around more?" you teased.
"yes," yanqing immediately responds. you didn't expect such a fast response. "so you'd buy me food when my allowance runs short. or better yet, convince the general to get me food. he'd practically listen to anything you say."
⎯ within these short days, you find yourself more and more intrigued. intrigued, yet confused. when and where were the lines drawn between you and jing yuan? and does he really feel the same, or is yanqing exaggerating.
you spontateously popped the question on jing yuan one night. yanqing was asleep (thank god), so no sneaky quips from him during this moment. "what are we, jing yuan?"
the sound of his name on your lips made jing yuan lose his mind; it nearly distracted him from your question at hand. "we are together, according to yanqing," he joked. you, however, were serious.
"do you want us to be together?" you peer up at him, "because i wouldn't mind," you say the last part so quietly that jing yuan has to lean down to hear you.
jing yuan grins; it's not a grin of a (so called) scoundrel, but a grin of a man who is in love. he takes you in an embrace and secretly thanks yanqing in his head, all whilst pulling you closer within him.
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jing yuans was so insanely long bc i tried to include all the father son moments 😭😭 idek if it’s father son.
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kaelysian · 5 months
me and my husband
૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა • husband! blade + gn reader canon divergence established and married relationship ☆ warning not proofread . . . !? & 649 — catalogue
notes. the things i'll do if this man is real...
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Husband! Blade who prefers to get married with only a few people he is familiar with. In fact, you could count them with one hand. There was only Silverwolf, Sam and Kafka. A certain general would have been invited, if your dear fiance didn’t burn the invitation before you could send it out. Needless to say, you played innocent and pretended you knew nothing.
Husband! Blade who treasures your presence and company in his life. No matter how much he tried to push you away, back when you were colleagues, you stood your ground. You were always there for him, witnessing him at his worst and best. You tried your best to engage him in conversations but it was futile, not when this man was as silent as a rock. He could forgo speaking for the whole day if he could.
Husband! Blade who finds himself taking note of the little things you do. Like how you furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to figure out a solution. Like how you bit your lips as you worked on your current task. Like how you fidgeted with your fingers whenever you were feeling nervous. Little did he know, that was how he began to fall in love with you.
Husband! Blade who is a man of actions. He may not say the special three words often but he makes up for it with actions instead. It became a habit for you to be greeted with tiny trinkets he bought after finishing his job. Sometimes; although rare, he might even craft them himself, should the occasion call for it.
Husband! Blade who doesn’t want kids for many reasons. Firstly, both of you are infamous criminals with your faces plastered on posters on every available surface. Secondly, he doubts he is mentally sane to be able to care for children. Thirdly, he doesn’t think children are a need to have a family. And last but not least, he doesn’t want you to forget about him.
Husband! Blade who can get jealous at times if you don’t pay attention to him. He wouldn’t voice out his thoughts and because of that, Kafka often uses it to her advantage by making you accompany her out on her monthly shopping spree, resulting in Blade following you from a distance, wearing a disguise which made him stand out among the crowd. He acts more like a sulking cat once you return home, so good luck trying to pry anything out of him.
Husband! Blade who will kill everyone and anyone that ever dares to lay a hand on you. Aeons forbid if you were ever injured, no matter how mild it was. It could be merely a scratch and that was enough for him to seeth in rage. He immensely swears his loyalty to you and he is willing to die for you, over and over if it means granting you a peaceful life.
Husband! Blade who is afraid of letting you out of his sight. It is a need to have you standing somewhere he can see, so he can ensure that you are out of harm’s way. He doesn’t want to be separated from you again, not after what he had gone through in his past. This man will do anything, even go against the whole world if it means you will remain by his side.
Husband! Blade who doesn’t show affection in public. The most he is willing to show is holding hands with you, that’s all. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but it was attractive whenever he guides you along with his gloved hand resting on your back. During the privacy of your shared home however, he becomes someone else. He always clings to you, hugging you from behind. This leaves you no choice but to waddle around like a penguin, with an adult man following you everywhere you go.
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