k-atsukidayo · 4 months
hi, hello 👀
stopping by to wish my moots and followers that are still around here a wonderful day 🌸 i also wanted to say thank you for giving me a place i could come to and enjoy. it's been a few years and i've finally decided to retire this blog lol gonna work on moving fics to ao3 over the next few weeks too for easier access/reading. if anyone's interested in having my discord to chat here and there, feel free to dm 🫶🏻
edit: uhh nevermind i'm not sure if i want to move my fics over to ao3 anymore omg just looking at them makes me feel a certain way HFJHFDSH i started a new blog for love and deepspace though, semi ia atm. if anyone's interested, dm me!
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k-atsukidayo · 2 years
Hi, idk if you come on to this blog anymore, but in case you do, I hope you see this. I think I started following you a couple of months before the pandemic through you Bakugou fics and at the time I thought they were some of the most beautifully written fics I’ve ever read. I remember having to literally take a break after reading your fics and needing to just sit with my emotions because I felt so…. Touched(?) I know this is definitely going to sound corny, but I think you have an amazing way with words and conveying so much emotions to your readers. I’ve read so many fics over the years (lol I sound old) but not many have caused me to feel so emotional (in a happy way)! I really hope you come or maybe I can ask for your personal blog if you have one, just so I can really personally say thank you for sharing your writing here. I know you went on hiatus for some time and idk if you’re back on hiatus, but I hope this message comes out as something positive rather than putting pressure on you to come back. I just wanted to let you know that I’m really grateful I ever came across any of your fics. Please don’t stop writing, even if you end up just doing it for fun, for yourself, privately, etc. Anyway, I’m sorry if this sounds like rambling. I noticed you haven’t been on here for a while, so I figured I’d let you know my appreciation for your writing before you really leave this blog 😅 you’re such a sweet person and you have an amazing talent for writing. Thank you for sharing it here. I secretly hope you’d come back, but your comfort is still much more important so don’t feel pressured to come back for my sake~ Again, thank you 💗
first of all, hi, you wonderful being 🥺 i haven’t been on this blog in a hot minute, even though i did say a few months ago i was somewhat back and that i’d hopefully be more active LMAO but, i digress. i see this! have seen it for a couple hours now, and i just adore this so much. 
my mind is in a scramble, so i’m terribly sorry if this turns out to be some kind of dramatic monologue. i think it’s best to use this as a chance to give you, and whoever else that may be curious, an update of myself and the current and future state of my blog. read more below!
originally, after the first time i came back from being inactive, i really wanted to post more writings. part of returning was the pressure of having such a dry blog and having developed a weird fear of simply being left behind, and the other part was missing the sweet, sweet opportunities to share with people that had the same interests as me and seeing their interactions, if any. truthfully, i still have a little grief dusted on my tongue, only because i said one thing, but didn’t quite follow through. i’m not sorry that i disappeared, twice now haha since i do strongly believe i needed it and do need it now. rather, i’m sorry i didn’t get to do what i wanted and planned and tried to push myself, in a positive way which i have to emphasize, to do for you and for my own benefit. 
i always wished i could pump out as many fics like my mutuals have. they are honestly amazing! i have endless admiration for them and i hope they are flourishing and enjoying life on here and outside. sadly, i am weak and tire out badly after i complete a single piece of writing 😋 that, and i definitely set myself up to being burnt out during the height of the pandemic. i genuinely wanted my mutuals and readers to like me. i know i write for myself. sometimes i can’t help feel i need others to make me believe i’m good and that i matter somewhere. definitely not very poggers of me, but it happens! i can only do so much aiming to please until i exhaust myself. quietly seeking validation can be hurtful, oddly enough. 
hence the hiatus, but also real-life endeavors! i had, and still have, so many drafts, yet i only managed to release 3 officially LOL which by the way, i guess i don’t mind too much? i’m realizing that, for me, it’s quality over quantity, more so now when i’m working to pull myself together as best as i can. my last fic on here continues to be the one i feel very proud of after being absent and struggling to finish after that absence. it’s the little things! 😬
anyway, to you, my dear nonnie, i haven’t given up on writing! i have hopes and dreams that are alive on my fingertips and somewhere in the corners of my brain. i still breathe stars. maybe, not as bright as before, but still bright enough. you’re so kind and thoughtful 😢 don’t worry. at this point in time, i’m working on stories here and there, albeit privately and super slowly, given my schedule and poor time management skills and all. thank you for your sweet words. thank you for even taking the time to write all this for me gfjhgjfkd!!! i always say thank you, and to be honest, i’m not sure if i can ever find the right things to say (other than my sincerest thank you) to adequately let you know you how much this warms my heart and makes me want to cry LMAO 💖
so, to fill in with what i’ve been up to—work and school plans! i don’t want to bore you with this part because it surely will drag, but it’s really all there is!! the free time that i do have usually doesn’t involve me sitting in front of my computer and writing sadly. i can only clasp my hands together and silently chant for the thoughts to click in the way that i wish they could. writing comes when i’m in the mood, and the mood is sparse in these trying times. with the stress i have, i remedy it, or at least try to, by just relaxing with shows or something, sleeping, working out, video games too even though the one i mostly play tilts me more than calms me 🤡 but that is typically me fashion. and because of my little time (or rather, my poor effective planning), i don’t think i can keep this blog. as you can see, it’s a skeleton of what it once was LOL it’s dead. and while some inkling of me thinks i can make it work and be active somehow, it doesn’t seem feasible anymore especially now that i’m reflecting as i type this out. 
although i say this, i’m still unsure what i actually want to do. i may archive it? perhaps, if anyone wants to come back to this to reminisce, they’re free to do so. i probably would myself since i’m a sentimental nutcase. however, the tiny devil on my shoulder that whispers hey, you anxious overthinker, i don’t fancy the idea of my writings being taken and reposted somewhere else. i much rather delete this blog completely, or private it. if i private it, i can at least keep my name hehe and i’ll consider just giving access to select people if there’s a want for it. i still have an ao3, but only one of my fics is currently posted on there. if in the event i choose to let this blog go, i could transfer all my writings on ao3 and if i ever get around to finishing more fics, they will likely end up there too. it won’t have the same feel as tumblr. it’s something though! and, still very public. eh, my blog’s future is a work in progress like everything else. 
i don’t know. of course, i don’t know. i’m indecisive and my mind is a plague LMAO if you or anyone would like to give their two cents about what i should do, i’m all ears. it may be while until i make a final decision 🤧
nonnie, i love you, i love you. i hope you’re living your best life right now, and if you’re not?? just say the word and i’ll throw these hands faster than lightning!! you have my best wishes and i hope you keep that kindness i see here close to your heart and unbreakable because it’s hard to find people like you these days. again, thank you. i appreciate you just as much, if not more! 💖
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
okay i just have to say this: I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR CONTENT OMG!! the way you write really has me hooked and i could read your work for hours and hours 💗 Lots of Love :) <3
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nonnie!! my sweet, sweet bb pls you're too kind omg what did i do to deserve an angel like you ILYSM!! sending you hugs and kisses 💖
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
good afternoon 💖 just stopping by to say, i hope you all have a good day and be sure to drink plenty of water and get some rest when you can! 
sorry for not being around much again ghrkghdg i’ve been busy and a bit tired with work and life, but i have a mini vacation in a few weeks so hopefully i can get to posting stuff again 🥺 
if anyone’s interested, i could post an upcoming works/wip thing so you could see what i have planned for now? 🤔 and i could post one or a few sneak peeks for a haikyuu fic too? 👉🏻 👈🏻
ok bye, much love MWAH 💋
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
If you're a creator and you needed to hear this today:
You have no idea how many people lurk on your work. No idea how many times people go back to revisit your work. How big they smile when they simply think about your work. How fast their heart beats, how excited they get when they see that you posted something.
People are shy with their feedback. Sometimes it’s because they’re simply shy. Other times it’s because they assume you already know how great and talented you are. Could be both.
My point is, even if you barely have any likes or reblogs, don’t get discouraged. You have a lot of silent fans, but they are still your fans. Keep on creating. Because there is always someone out there who will love what you have made.
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
to every writer who needs to hear it
if nobody told you today, i want you to know that you’re a tremendous writer, and you’re capable of achieving whatever it is you want to achieve. 
you’re allowed to doubt yourself. you’re allowed to be disappointed, and you’re allowed to feel like you’re not doing enough, but that still doesn’t make you a bad writer. 
you might not believe in yourself right now, but i believe in you, and i’m telling you, you’re more than capable of writing something extraordinary. don’t forget, every writer’s voice is unique, and if you’re not here to tell your story, that story would never be told, because nobody can replace you. 
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
hi fey!! i just wanted to say how much i'm in awe of your writing?? 🥺💞 it gives me such a soft, warm, and giddy feeling! it's like i'm reading stories that came from a shooting star that was sent by an otherworldly goddess! ✨💫 i am absolutely in love with your work and i can't wait for more!! 🥺💓
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hi lovely!!  gfhfghdkgghjfhgd thank you so much!! you’re making me feel all warm and giddy 🥺 i wish i could be an otherworldly goddess but sadly i’m a turtle that’s very much human LMAO ughhh but you’re too kind to me 😭 i appreciate you taking the time to read my work!! 💖💖
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
hi hi 💕 i never really announced it but i’m redoing my general taglist! 
i’m not sure who’s still active and if there have been any name changes on my previous one sooo i figure i start over. if anyone’s interested in being on it, check it out over here
taglist is easier to access on desktop to edit cjdkdkd but if you have the google docs app on your phone, it works fine!
also friendly reminder to drink a glass of water 😋 
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
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━━ ✦ ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ᴏғ ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ (ɪ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ғᴀʟʟᴇɴ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ғɪʀsᴛ)
He’s tying together the pieces, the secret words and hidden touches, that all lead back to you. It is everything he knows, everything he does not, everything that he will. Whisked away in an inevitable conclusion, he lives his life in ways new, carries a heavy weight inside his chest; and with each moment he spends with you, he engraves it with a name called love.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ✦ bakugou katsuki x reader ɢᴇɴʀᴇ ✦  fluff, fluff, fluff, angst ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs ✦ none, unless fluff & angst are bad ♡ ᴡ.ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ✦ 5114
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ·s ɴᴏᴛᴇ ✦ tbh i didn’t have anything planned to post for bakugou’s 4/20 because i’m mentally rotting & trying so hard not to fall apart LMAO with my pea-sized brain, i’ve only been able to keep my focus on a different piece, which i may start sneak peeks soon!! sadly, my brain wouldn’t let me know true peace until i wrote for him. while working on this, i sort of imagined it to be in the same universe as another story. somewhere during and somewhere after. in a way, an unintentional-intentional sequel? side story? but, anyway, another full circle! & here’s to another year! happy birthday to my love above all loves, katsuki ♡
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He wonders if there would be a moment you will wake up alone, thinking about him, needing him; bedsheets cold and foreign, bones in your fingers aching as they touch the space beside you, and nothing but this is not home screams in every corner of your mind. 
He wonders if you would ever look at him with the same flame in your eyes, the very one that burns his heart into black smoke and ashes, takes all the little remains, and restores them whole again only to repeat and repeat in a vicious cycle. He will not stop the fire because he has forced himself to add more fuel, consumes it every day as if it is a drug, replenishable, unbearably addictive. 
He wonders if kissing you would turn your world into a ticking time bomb; when his lips collide with yours, the oxygen in your lungs disappears, robbing you of the sanctuary of breathing, and all you know reaches that inevitable explosion. You, like stardust, float through the orbit in his universe. 
He wonders if he would be the one to make you question reality; have you fall, fall, fall deeply into the being that he is and struggle to taste the air in the way that he does, mouthing in broken inhales and exhales I want you, I want you, I want all of you. He finds great delight in the prospect of you denying everything good, everything you crave and hope for because he is and will never be that. His tongue is far from sweet, words like fangs and claws that may leave you red, raw, and bruised. He does not desire to be the perfect, soft-spoken embodiment of love you envision. He aspires to be the love that will suffocate you in soul-shaking hunger, the love that will not sing lullabies and cradle you in your sleep, but the love that will invade the private solar system inside your head and keep you awake at night. 
Keep reading
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
hey rb and tag a food from your culture that everyone loves but you hate
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
wait my brain is shit. let me correct myself before i get confused later on LMAO
general taglist will instead be a taglist for all bnha fics 🥺
uh but i have a haikyuu wip and some other ideas floating in my head atm 🤭 so i'll open up a list for all haikyuu fics if anyone is interested in that too!
hi hi 💕 i never really announced it but i’m redoing my general taglist! 
i’m not sure who’s still active and if there have been any name changes on my previous one sooo i figure i start over. if anyone’s interested in being on it, check it out over here
taglist is easier to access on desktop to edit cjdkdkd but if you have the google docs app on your phone, it works fine!
also friendly reminder to drink a glass of water 😋 
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
hi hi 💕 i never really announced it but i'm redoing my general taglist! 
i’m not sure who's still active and if there have been any name changes on my previous one sooo i figure i start over. if anyone's interested in being on it, check it out over here
taglist is easier to access on desktop to edit cjdkdkd but if you have the google docs app on your phone, it works fine!
also friendly reminder to drink a glass of water 😋 
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
I’m so happy to see you back!! I missed your writing so much 💖💖
it’s val omg thank you so much, you’re too sweet!! 🥺 i hope you’ve been doing well 💖
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
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Anivember in December ^^’‘
I try to do this challenge anyway ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
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have you ever read a fic you absolutely adored but couldn’t find it again? then this blog is for you!
here we will post your your message asking for that one fic that got away so the community can help and link you to the story you were looking for! this is a blog where the reader community can help each other.
consider following this blog + reblogging this post so more people know about this initiative <3
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k-atsukidayo · 3 years
finding love (and finding you there) | k. bakugou
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⤷ { in which katsuki discovers how love can exist in various forms and evolve over time. }
word count: 4.1k
tags/warnings: fluff, implied bipoc!reader, fem!reader (??) pronouns are ambiguous tho
a/n: and at long last, after 3048384596 years, i finally return with a fic >:DD GONE ARE THE DAYS OF CELLOTONIN’S WRITING DROUGHT LMFAO,,,, so as u can see i’ve decided to pull out an unfinished wip and complete it for our favorite gremlin’s birthday even though i’m a day late but we won’t worry about that JHSJSJDKF 🤩🤩 this is part of the bakugou birthday bash put together by some wonderful artists and writers, so go check them out once you’ve finished reading this !!
^^ pls keep in mind that a majority of these contain strictly 18+ content, so proceed with caution !!
and before we get into it, a massive thank you to @reddriot​ for making the gif for my banner and to @phasmwrites​ and @k-atsukidayo​ for beta reading this multiple times skjzkjxc you guys are the best and deserve everything <33
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i. philautia; self-love
Katsuki finds love in an acceptance letter to a prestigious hero school, gasps of shock and awe from his peers, and a firm belief that he’s destined to be at the top.
It feels like second nature, practiced and perfected over a decade and a half. His classmates crowd around him, eyes wide and jaws dropped as they stare at the letter and bombard him with congratulations and endless questions. The scene is all too familiar. The starry-eyed faces of his peers upon him, some of admiration, some of curiosity, others of envy. It’s like the first manifestation of his quirk, the first crackle of miniature explosions in the palms of his hands, the first sign that he’s a cut above the rest. From there, the praises are endless. Adults and children alike tell him how strong he is, how intelligent he is, how much potential he has, how he would make a fantastic hero when he grows up.
He knows that, of course. He knows his own potential quite literally like the back of his hand. He doesn’t need to be reminded of it. But with every utterance of praise and approval, his heart swells with pride, and he finds himself enjoying his place at the center of attention. He thrives whenever he’s the main topic of a conversation just within earshot, whispers of how he has the coolest quirk they’ve ever seen, how they wish they could have a quirk half as useful as his own. 
So when each compliment feels like a rush of dopamine straight to his brain, Katsuki decides to sit back and let it happen.
Keep reading
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