jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
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So you want to be an advocate for #Cannabis do ya? Well let me tell you. It's a grueling process, not the work, the work is actually rewarding. No its the industry. Both sides, For and Against. Those who are against don't need any introductions, everyone and their cat know that these ppl are misguided and ignorant. Almost cant blame them as they have had murder death kill slapped upside their head for eons. Cannabis will make you forget your money so now you must speed off from McDonalds drive through and take the chance of running over a child crossing an intersection on a tricycle....alone....no parents in sight....pot.....bad....orange man.....bad....Nothing in life is worse than that of a Communist Hippy. So here we are I have been advocating for the rights of every single human post clump of cells identification to have full uninterrupted access to this tree that needs to be. After awhile I began to get discouraged, I thought that I would never get through to these idiots who think Scooby snacks are real. I found out the hard way. I began my journey into investigative journalism when I was young. I never tried to get my stuff published other than a self centered biography that I continue to add chapters to. But never really wanted to be in the lime light. No, folks I wanted to know for myself the truth. I have been a cannabis consumer for well over 30 years and I have made mistakes in the past and well learned from these mistakes. Look there I just let an entire cigarette burn out. If you want to become an advocate you better be ready to battle those who claim pro pot status. Because of the mounting piles of cash to be made it has become a cut throat business. Your friends in the game are not friends they are trying to pick your brain, steal your ideas, bank of your success. I want to give a warning to everyone out there who is in this for the money alone. You are personally screwing up something that could be so valuable yet not cost the poorest of ppl a ton of money to acquire without committing crimes to get their daily dose of the green leaf. If you are going into journalisim and your main focus is on Cannabis or the Hemp Industry. Do yourself a favor, Blast those greedy pick pockets out of the water. Don't hold anyone up for their heroism, they are not a hero. We must all do our part to make this thing work. We all need to be here for the healing nature of this plant and get back the world we so desperately need. Trump was found innocent of all charges. Let's Make America Cannabis Again #MACA We need to stop these diabolical Greedsters before they take over and you and I are left once again wanting. They did it with the economy, the small business, the personal governing of ones self, and they are dead set on destroying a natural cheep resource all in the name of synthetics. Think about it your car runs better off of regular oil over synthetic. I believe anyways. Alexandria Cortez wants to do away with staples holding our world together. I would rather replace those staples with a nice wire binder. Let's get smart and Make Hemp the Countries, scratch that the Worlds number one source item ever to exist. Within ten years we can have a green new deal that actually works. I have a plan that I have kept to my self and I would be willing to release it only if the right ppl are willing to step up and take accountability for humanity and not tyranny. I can live a thousand times over poor and with nothing over rich and have everything. If you like what I lay down here please feel free to reach out find me on twitter and tell me you are down with the trees. I will know where you found me and let's make some friends of a friend. Good luck to all you aspiring writers, I found that free poetry I the way to go.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
As the giant fell, two stones lay next to the temple.
It was a beautiful day when Jimmy decided to check back in on twitter. He had fasted for a week, just prior to the end of a two year witch hunt that was set to be released. The week went by fairly quickly and he could only ponder the chatter on all social media fronts. What are these two bit liars trying to conjor up now. Just how will they dig themselves out of this hole? Within seconds of opening the app he was hit with a plethora of memes and loud mouths spouting out victory chants, just as Queen had done prior to the pedophile producer ruining their legacy with a two bit circus act. I mean the movie, even though I have not watched it nor will I ever watch it, seemed like it was meant to mock the singer, they found a guy who kinda looked like him and added some British teeth from the 18th century. No ill will intended. It's all a joke. Jimmy awoke to hear the masses of asses who had lied, slandered, caused violent behavior, and staged fake killings, bank off of the "Mounting Evidence" that good ole Adam Shifty Schiff had hidden away in his dresser drawer. Every time his maid (Modern Day Slave) would put his tidy whities, or pink panties, his preference is none of my concern, he would scold her and tell her that,what she just seen was his one way ticket out of this hell hole he likes to buy property in. Jimmy thinks back to all those moments where he said "Remain Calm it will all come to truth" and he got told to piss off or that he should be drug out in the streets. He followed fake accounts, on both sides mind you. He logged all conversations and made sure to connect dots. There was a gaggle of grannie Jesus freaks who were hell bent on harassing some fine men in the Arizona desert, who were trying to help our country and other countries by eliminating child trafficking, these grannies fro Christ were from Australia they had names but we don't need to dox anyone here. They know who they are and they know we know who they are. It's easy to spot a group of trolls as they all follow each other and they usually know exactly when to show up. So this morning Jimmy's coffee tasted better, his morning smoke felt like there was no way cancer could come from such a breath of fresh air. He did however wonder if all the MSM hate spewed for our President would have some kind of grave consequence. Listening to that much BS for two years was enough to drive any man crazy. Yet our Commander in Chief stood his ground as he knew the answer before the question was even asked. Today Jimmy and a million plus members of society celebrated a small victory. We share these moments with those who work hard wearing yellow vests in France, those who stood by their word that their country had nothing to do with the loss of a Cereal Killer. A killer so ruthless that I don't dare speak her name at this moment as I want to live. That reminds me I am not suicidal I don't abuse drugs and I stay home 90% of the day. I am just merely telling Jimmy's story. He seemed so happy when he said to me, boy you know that now all those self hating blue hairs are going to have to eat crow. My response, Crows are smart enough to out smart these wimps. Crows at least have some dignity so they are going to be eating their Baal Crap. Pun defiantly intended. Tomorrow brings a new day and we are not out of the water just yet. We all know what happens when you corner a RAT. They try to run through you. I say let them, and exile each and everyone of them to Antarctica where there are no chances for them to feel left out of some demographic, They can all undergo sex change operations and within a few decades they will all but be extinct. Then TLC can do a documentary on the last remaining blue hair. And I am not talking about old folk. Unless they lean left, no I am talking about the people who keep the stock of crazy color hair dye full at Walmart. We will check in with Jimmy tomorrow to see just how well he took the rest of the day. Thanks for reading. The time for change is now. Welcome to a Greater America. All races welcome.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
The Dirty Dirt
I have long been a fan of Motley Crue. Well I say that I was a fan of their early work. I kinda lost touch when I felt that Hollywood had began their tirade of making the lifestyle of a heavy metal band seem like common place in the home of American living. The whole facade that came with the band was unique to them themselves. I watched as more and more ppl began to try to emulate the lifestyle, only to be shut down with 6months to a year of jail time. Hollywood was setting out to create a dystopian lifestyle that only the rich could endure. So here I sit. A 40 year old metal head and as the years gone by Metal became less of a household name and these grotesque mumble rappers started to fill the halls of teens parents houses. We are and will always be the by product of entertainment. It wasn't enough to let them do the dirty work while we sat back and paid our hundreds of dollars to participate in the drama that would take place. I have seen well over a thousand bands in my day I have toured with bands and acted as a tour manager for some time. I was good at what I did, I was able to march into a venue and demand access to the green room, where before I was lucky if I was able to sneak into the green room just to catch a glimpse of my favorite artist. I want to blame two factors in the outcome of the music industry today. I know that I wouldn't dream of becoming a big rock star in todays time and the more I see how musicians were abuse and used to push an agenda I don't know if I ever would have wanted to try all those years ago. I have a lot of stories that go right along with The Dirt, it was my own version but thanks to setting the bar extremely high a lot of us fail miserably. I don't think that is a bad thing though. keep your eyes peeled as I begin to sift through all the fun times I had on the road and the overall workings of a low level club band. ((((To Be Continued))))
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
"You can walk a million miles in someone's shoes. But you can never wear their feet."
An old Vietnam Vet suffering with Agent Orange. We became close friends and he was paranoid of all. Name withheld for his privacy. But the real author is Life. These are the little facts some choose to ignore.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
There is something fundamentally wrong with the inhabitants of this world. We don't deserve to be alive. None of us. This planet has sustained enough bloodshed to feed off the evil long after humankind has gone.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
This is why we are fed up with the FEDERAL SYSTEM. They care nothing about anyone except their brotherhood. Imagine this was one of their own. They would have raised money for both parties involved and given honor to themselves as they mourn. Forget race folks this is the haves and the have not's.
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The best thing about modern technology is exposing the way cops fuck over black people to white people. Literally no black person is surprised that they would do this to a black mother grieving over her child.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
If you want to know the truth. Norman Oklahoma has a very large Satanic cult. They meet at a cemetery. They did when I was a kid. I'm sure they still do today.
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Rachel Chandler? Just normal kids playing, right??? (at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUS8iUF1QD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5poqokslrxw1
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
((((OPINION)))) Here is the flaw in this. It's not GOD they are trying to push. It's their radical agenda to rid the world of Christians who are being forced to bow down to Islam without a fight or sign your death certificate. Tell me at what point in life did any of us sign a contract to be born? And under what authority does a book written after the first writings of the "Hebrew GOD" have against the world? Is it all the blood shed. Is it everyone is scared to fight in a spiritual battle. No its because our numbers are decreasing and the atheists agenda is against all GODS, but they love violence so of course Islam will appeal to them. It is over YESHUA HAMASHIACH, The Hebrew Jew from Nazareth, or Muhammad from his place of origin. Tell me which came first the "Chicken" or the "Egg" if you believe in biblical gospels the egg came first then GOD formed a life. If this is allowed to root itself in America then there will be rumors of wars, as the last Holy War will consume the face of this earth. It's all vindictive behavior. The crusades left a nasty taste in the mouths of the slaughtered. Peace only gave way for planned obsolescence. The veil is being lifted. But GOD said let there be no more bloodshed. How many covenants must be made before the history books read something different. Can revelations ever be stopped. I believe at one point it could have been, but that point has long left us. Now we must face the evil head on. New Zealand is about to hand over their supreme spiritual power to a religion that has no gag reflex. Gore and horror have long followed this group. I'm guessing Muhammad was describing murderous actions for a time of war, just as the bible says, but they have made everyday life a time of war. I wish this world the best of life. May blessings fall upon every drop of blood our ppl spill. They can take our heads, and they can burn our bodies, but they can never take your soul. You can not kill that what you did not create.
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Really makes you think.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
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What is seen through the tired eyes.
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
Running With The Devil
There was a time in my life where I thought being a heathen was fun. I enjoyed the attention I received when I would shock my little Kansas town, mostly made up of farmers and ranchers and some brightly colored Oil Field trash. I grew up on a farm a few miles from this little 4 horse town. I would see the lights and could see from one side to the other, with binoculars I was able to see ppl walking around. I grew up somewhat sheltered, as my only interaction with friends was the occasional birthday party, but mainly through schooling. At the age of 8 I was put in charge of feeding the animals. I would start with the chickens, dogs, cats, horses, then jump in the truck and drop hay across the pasture. This wasn't that bad. As I grew older I began to get frustrated with the fact that I had so many responsibilities that it almost became impossible to even go to the pool in the middle of a work week. I began to slack off on the farm and the married in family, whos family owned the farm since the beginning of the town, started to really show their true colors. I had always known that my step dad was a POS. He liked to drink when he wasn't hauling cows across the country, talking uppers and being gone most the time. When he was home it was like boot camp. When my step dad decided it was time to work for the family farm he became a full time fixture in my life. We had known each other from the age of 5 and my brother 3. in the beginning it was ok, my mother just raised us out there, but as time had progressed and with me already a victim of sexual exploitation, my step dads furry in having to raise kids that were not his own heated up. I seemed to alway getting into trouble, most the time I didn't know what I had done to trigger such violence. I was supposed to be going to my dads but with him working in the oil patch that was few and far between. When I was just a young boy I had pretty much listened to what my mother listened to. It is still to this day music that I enjoy. Because I had been driving the farm truck for a little while my uncle form my fathers marriage decided that it was time to do some back roads drinking. I'm not asking for ppl to trash this guy, it was in fact the time period that allowed for it. But to me I was down, got to drive this guy who I looked up to around while we rocked out to some of his favorite music. That day I was introduced to Metallica both And Justice for All and Kill Em All. Both albums that I will always fully enjoy. And Justice for All top tier. That night I would sneak out to my uncles ride and snatch those two albums and hide them in my boots as I figured they would look in my bag. I can remember him getting kinda grumpy, it took a day to notice but I heard about it. I remained innocent for a really long time. That year I would start to transform into the being that I will later look back too as a hard lesson in life. This steeling of cassette tapes would lead me down a road in a high speed chase with guns drawn. A city looking me straight in the eyes and telling me to get out of their stores. I was beginning to become black listed. By the time I was 16 I had become the thug everyone wanted me to be, the kid who was a drop out. All his friends still in school and that made for a boring holiday. I asked to return that following semester. My parents trying desperately to convince the principal to let me back in. You see I had been kicked out of a tiny farm school for being a redneck and shooting a gun on school property. Not at anyone not during school hours but in the gym because it was unlocked. Anyways his option once he told my parents he would allow it, was that I had to do a book report of the book The Black Bible. It was a genuine copy that he pulls out of his desk like he has a few. Me being a full blown metal head, accepts the challenge. Until then the pentagram had just been something metal to throw around. No religion involved. I'm moved to tell my story as the movie The Dirt, hopefully a realistic rendition of the members of Motley Crue. So far it seems to be the caliber of what I remember going up crying to their extremely popular ballads. I remember getting Dr Feelgood from a friend and I couldn't put it down, the guitars were crunchy and the bass was in front, which by the way I had wanted to become a bassist. Nikki Sixx was an inspiration to me. I can remember looking at these cats like superhero's. Unfortunately bands like KISS kinda ruined it when that played cartoon characters. But whatever I remember just looking forward to when Nikki would do interviews or be in the headlines. I was a kid in the 80's like I said it was the time period. We would roll out with our Walkmans and oversized kicks, I ended up going from running shoes to the lovely Cortez kicks and now for about 15 or plus years been with chucks. I like the way they allow me to do it all, the are sports shoes business casual, heck even work hoes if you got some nice ones. But this isn't a shoe commercial. This is about Opiates, this is about an epidemic and I heard Nikki Sixx say exactly what went wrong. What happened is they launched an addictive substance designed to help our bodies recover then we became reliant on them. They made our pain receptors like little wusses. I am 40, I had a major football accident, and throughout the years I have sought after these high dollar pills on the streets because the Dr new I liked drugs. I had always thought that if administered correctly we could have had a decent relationship but that wasn't the case. I have spent many years trying to fight myself in this battle and finally won a few years ago. Now I face the task of fixing my life. Because I had become so dependent on these blue and yellow purple pills. I had sold things that I needed. I spent more money on pills that life and now I can't find the front door. I don't know what way is up. I hope that somewhere down the line we can find a solution to get ppl like me who never intended to have a shitty life, we were handed everything to accomplish these things. I, being a sound mind individual could use a reset. Growing up the false accusations that turned a town against me, never to receive an apology or even a, Hey we know you didn't do it, know that we are allowing you back into society. Nope it was all boots to the ass. So I hit the road and made something of myself, I never made it famous but I did successfully operate my own metal showcase podcast, a radio spot at a local station and have toured the country from cost to cost. I now reside with my wife and child. I missed out on two children because of my social anxiety issues. I would sink into drugs and alcohol. I never entered a relationship where these two things were not present in both of us, the issue became when I would do my own thing and they would begin to hate me. Hate is a strong word when kids are involved. It almost always inssures you will have a harder time. I regret ever giving into the demands of my x's who would say that I am a low life POS but I have many others, we just didn't have kids who would argue against them. It's clear in cases with kids its either all or nothing. I was only just 13 years old when i was rocking out to Motley Crue's Decade of Decadance album on the way to Colorado Springs to drop my mother off at the airport. This would be the year I would knock my step dad out and the last time he would ever lay down leather on my arse again. I took that trip with them and now I will take that trip with them once again. I was just a kid but I had to grow up fast. Here is to Nikki Sixx and I hope this book on opiates gets bought. We need to get away from these designer drugs. #NikkiSixx #MotleyCrue #80sMetal #WhiteKnuckleRadio
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jvonirsik-blog · 5 years
What Its Really Like
Days come and go, some move fast and some move slow. I wake up and drink some coffee, smoke a few cigarettes, scour Twitter and make judgements on whether the news that is being perpetuated is real or fake. I like keeping up with world events but in todays age I don’ t know who to believe.  I sit and think to myself that it doesn't have to be this way, why do we feel that we must always gear our focus towards creating negative news?  
In the beginning when humans were figuring out that we could communicate instantly across a vast landscape it drastically changed how we feel time go by, what once took days, weeks and even months to get in contact with someone now takes mere minutes. Imagine in 20-30 years from now, not very many people will even recognize the thought of snail mail.  We will be well on our way to instant gratification, nothing left to chance, no more day dreams.  Our lives will be rapidly firing as our receptors now evolve into robotic beings.  Humans know they will never keep up with D-Wave computing, we can’t access the power one would have to achieve to tap into the code of such great power. 
Our fascination with being superior has come to haunt us in our dreams. When you watch SCIFI movies there is always the essence of fear being driven into your core, the director wants you to feel and relate to what is being produced for you. We huddle around black box’s and emotions purge themselves without ever having experienced such horrors.  Some will gather their grit and enjoy the ride while others will become repulsed.  Both actions are exactly the intention of the writer. You couldn’t have victims if you don’t have a predator 
In the last 20 years more and more people are subjected to material that is subjective, the subject is conflicting, empowering, tranformic, the artist sets out to draw you in and make you feel their pain.  Life imitating Art.  The sickness spreads like a virus through the minds of anyone who casts their eyes upon these works of Art.  We have witnessed a dilapidation of human intelligence that has forever been blanketed with grotesque ideologies, whimsical magic, horrifying horrors.  
Children are intrigued in things they are told not to partake in, we have that mentality throughout the years of education, going into college.  With no parents to tell us no we are now free to roam the halls of evil on our own accord. Is there any reason for Liberal Arts to be part of an educational campus?  Shouldn’t art just be an after hours class that people of all ages can attend?  We have built in children a set of traits that for whatever reason has been deemed proper and good.  We lie about innocent things such as Santa Clause, The Ester Bunny, Leprechaun's, and yet we scold our kids when they tell a white lie.  
How did we get to be in such a place as we are today?  Even if you don’t follow anything that is propagandized you know inside that this world is about as sick as it could ever get. The virus has already spread and you and I are all affected-Infected-effected. They use material mediums, mixed media, our senses, they reach in you and pull out any dark demon hiding in your so called good nature. (Pornography is a perfect example) You are at the whim of the creator.  How will you escape once you become captivated in this framed, frame of mind? 
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When talking with people who think that thoughts don’t hurt anyone I wonder how they have made it this far in life.  In this past year I have witness some of the most brazen behavior of current day.  They are setting the stage for those of us who believe that sexuality isn’t what defines humans as people.  The backlash of what early churches have done are directly responsible for the call to de-gender your child or face jail time. No more can you celebrate the birth of your daughter because the people down the way will call you a Nazi and that you want to persecute them for being gay.  I am a firm believer of free will, and with that belief comes the notion that I am not in charge of anyone but myself. 
For many years it was science this science that, science disproves God and anyone who didn’t automatically become an atheist was now targeted by a group of people who have been suppressed by the church.  Today they now cast aside science for emotion and it all about how you feel, not taking into consideration that the majority of emotions of today are manufactured emotions, an agenda of creating an over crowded cesspool of raw unchecked emotions.  At what point in life do we as a society realize that we are to be responsible for ourselves and ourselves lone?
The church of today is exactly what the bible described, a bunch of self righteous holier than thou heretics. They cherry pick the bible to fit their own personal agenda.  They attack those who do not believe and turn a blind eye to those who do.  Christ is love but the idea of love has been perverted by a system that knows exactly how to manipulate all sides of the spectrum.  It seems as there are very few who truly believe in the supernatural and know how to defeat it so not to become puppets for the antichrist.
They are beginning the decent into abominations, the church will implode in on itself as those of us who truly believe will gladly lay our necks down in the name of the one true King, Christ.  I ask myself this question every day, “ What am I supposed to do to help save those who are savable” “Why does it feel that I am supposed to save my energy and that the time has come and gone”  Are we at the point of no return?  Paris is burning, American values are labeled as white supremacy, African American people are having to take vacations far away from white people.  The main stream media is doing its part to divide the country, as they know that they must create a divide least we all rise up and test the foundation that they bank on. 
My whole life was designed, I was targeted as a child by the powers and principalities in order to try and get me to off myself, to become a monster, to be an evil being just like they are. That is why I believe that I have not died yet.  My mission has yet to come to pass. I see my life and the years of personal struggle and just as I reach a point where I feel that it will level out, boom they drop a hard hitting meteor on my head.  They don’t want me to succeed they know my worth and the power I would bring to the table. One day we will see. 
The power contained in the hearts of the innocent children that have been brutally and forcibly victimized will soon become the power that will squash the serpents head.  We will rise up and everyone who has become a monster in the name of lust will perish.  There will be a great awakening that has never seen the likes of mankind no pills will be taken just plain truth.  There is great responsibility when it comes to being a voice for the voiceless and very few have come to that honor. Egos must be put in check and selfish gains must be squashed. For we are the children of GOD.  
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jvonirsik-blog · 6 years
Cannabis Now
In 1906 the tech was just barely making its way into society. With Tesla working vigorously to create a world with free energy and eventually admit to having the concept for the worlds first Cell Phone in 1926. We were still far off from having the resources to achieve some of todays so called medical miracles. But there was one product that was paving the way for humanity and had we just stood up to the radical views of the mob mentality called Government we could be living to the ripe old ages of 150+.  That's a far stretch you say.  Well we will never know. 
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The product you see above was a Drs. go to remedy for a lot of illnesses, they would slap you on the back sell you a bottle of their finest Cannabis elixir and tell you to take the recommended dosage.  Tell me why are there stories of living in the olden days, where most ppl still had great grandparents?  Today a growing number of children are not making it to adult hood with even their grandparents. Could we just be victims of population control?  Or do they just like to see the huddled masses suffer from illnesses that could be cured within a months time? 
I for one think that it both. Where is my proof you say.  Well its right in black and white.  News papers starting in the early 1930′s banning together to rid the planet of this power plant.  They designed an entire campaign around this new drug, sweeping the nation this drug was said to be so powerful that it was ruining young lives, one puff at a time.  Eventually the American Medical Association began to one by one fall for the Governmental propaganda, as they hired paid Shills to generate papers against the plant formerly known as Cannabis, now called Marijuana.  
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Below we witness a child being given CBD Oil to stop the seizure caused by epilepsy.  The hard facts that CBD is proven time and time again to stop these episodes that can cause irreversible brain damage.  Imagine being told as a parent that you can not use a product that is not only tried and tested, and to be effective naturally with little to no side effects.  That they will be jailed if they continue the treatment in place of the DR recommended treatment, using synthetic drugs that have proven to show minor signs of improvement, and in a plethora of peer reviewed papers can cause autism, ADHD, and a laundry list of other side effects.  But the greatest signs of healing from this wonder plant, are these kids are able to now begin learning how to talk, feed themselves, and even partake in normal family functions.  Families are getting their kids back.
If you have any decency in you, you will vote YES for Recreational Cannabis.  If Cannabis is a cure all, then it would stand that it’s also a preventative measure for keeping illness at bay to begin with.  If we as a nation would all stand together we would out number individual states, counties, or even city wide votes.  If you look at polls across the country we would see that clearly the people want this to happen.  Anyone who stands against generating a resource that will rival Big Pharma, and Big Oil, both a hazard to humankind, you are a major issue in this country and have placed yourself in a group of ppl who can not be trusted to stand for increasing the quality of life for the general population.
The fact that the kid in the video below has less rights than pedophiliacs in prison proves that there is a real fundamental flaw in the way we conduct ourselves as humans in this world. We have become a selfish mass of ppl and we need to work towards a selfless world. I urge you to take a real look at life around you and expect change.  We will never step through our shadow if we don’ t move.  
Please check out Cannabis News and Politics
I will be re launching my Healing of the nations organization, and to anyone who thinks that this is some attempt to become wealthy for my own personal gain you are kidding yourself, the transparency will rival any organization to date, and 100% of all funds will be publicly accounted for and voted on by those who donate to the cause. Thank you all for reading this I look forward to what we can achieve in the near future.
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Check these links and follow the news.
by Jason VonIrsik (Irsik) 10/13/18 3:16pm CST
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jvonirsik-blog · 6 years
Falling for a Trap
Falling for a Trap is something that we all do from time to time. Some times we get caught up in an unsuspecting glitch in our own discernment.  This country has hundreds of issues pressed against our brains on any given day and it would be easy to fall for a trap if the trapper was inclined to get you into a position of vulnerability. 
If you follow any of the recent allegations of Hollywood stars being accused of sick sadistic acts against other humans, mainly our youth you too will be susceptible to falling for at least one trap.  I have been following the unveiling of a laundry list of famous names those include the likes of Seth Green and his wife, James Gunn, Dan Harmond, and some extremely well known stars such as Tom Hanks, Stephen Spielberg, Sara Silverman, just to name a few. 
This list has grown exponentially in the recent months with what seems to be new revelations coming in daily. These people as far as I can tell have not yet made claims to the allegations. I would think that if I was being accused as a Pedophile, that I would come out with as many attorneys as I could afford and I would have the accuser in jail. But with all that they lay quiet, acting as if nothing has been said.  The other day I seen a short video where a man lashes out at Kathy Griffin asking about her brother being a Pedophile.  The crowd slowly began gasping and instead of taking the heckler serious they began to lash out in arrogant behavior, maybe in an attempt to garner a cool autograph for the kids back home, at least we hope no one would bring their kids to a performance of hers.  
After posing with our current POTUS’s head covered in blood and detached from his body Kathy received a backlash and rightly so.  Not one person would have been able to pull a stunt like that off with the previous administration.  No, they would have been treated like the UK army recruits who stopped and recently posed for a photo op with Britain's Truther Tommy Robinson. As we are witnessing over across the pond women are being violently rapped and beaten, some to death. All the while the Islamic council in the UK bark orders to the military and expect results. Well it seems as though its true, they will not allow anyone to speak out against their predominantly violent followers.  
Not to stray too far from the subject but we watch as Christianity has been all but burnt to the ground, and no thanks to some of the most prolific false teachers of the Gospels of Christ to ever exist in human history. The so called leaders seem to forget that they are not supposed to be leaders but be representatives of Christ. They are only as powerful as the people who sit idly by with itching ears acting as if its their first time hearing the gospels. Christian churches are using their freedoms to perpetuate a culture of lies and propaganda designed to destroy itself and create a fantasy around Christ. 
I will refrain from naming names in this post but in weeks to come I will be rebuking figure heads of these so called “Mega Churches” I expect a brutal attack in return as the congregation fears facing the truth. Too many people are being led astray from the real words and meanings of the Gospel that many believe this world is owned by God. As much as I would love to be living under the full reign of Gods Law Lucifer is the owner of the current world we live in.
Back to my initial entry. Hollywood and its demonic oppressors are mounting up and will set out to completely destroy anyone who takes a stand against their sick twisted power hungry motives. Kevin Spacey didn’t just run because he was falsely accused, no, he ran because he has fear of discovery. I hated hearing that news. As a long time fan of the movies that Spacey worked in I now feel sick to my stomach that while we were all duped into supporting this man who from accounts was the sickest visitor of Epstein Island. There is so much evidence against these crimes against Humanity that if nothing is done about it, no matter how great our govt. is portrayed the next generations of humans to rule the country will inevitably become more and more sick with time. 
The time for action is now. We must unite and eradicate the power hungry Hollywood elites who intentionally destroy the innocence of children. We should have focused more resources against Child and Human trafficking rather than spending the funds on drug trafficking. The world has made it “Taboo” thus making it easier for these ppl to get away with their sickness for far too long. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse I will not rest until those who are know or have ties to Satanic Pedophilia in the world are all taken out and based off of their crimes faced with the death penalty and nothing less than life in prison. 
I pray that our current president will take this case as serious as the business world takes profit margins. If we have to shut down Hollywood completely so be it. If people want entertainment over the saving of Children then they too must be dealt with. Those who are current content providers to the platform YouTube who are posing as truthers and not taking the accounts of survivors seriously are just as guilty, and will be added to the list of people who should be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We must all become unified and stand firm in the dissolvement of power hungry Actors who are trained to be someone other than who they are. 
Thank you for reading this if you made it this far. There are many issues our country faces that stretch far beyond our borders and we must send a strong message that our children and the children of those who are less fortunate than us Americans will be protected at any cost. Any parent who knowingly puts their children in harms way will receive the penalty of Life in prison without the possibility of parole. I am a father and have lost two children because it has taken me this long to deal with my own survivor story. I realized that I would more than likely harm my children's life than do them any justice. They never knew the truth, but that is about to change as I make a move to stand up and be counted. No more running from my fear, those days are long gone and I will not be silenced or intimidated for speaking out against the evil in this world and giving a voice of reason to those like me whos lives were ruined indefinitely by the desires of sick individuals.
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