juzanothergirl · 6 months
I think it was the last words one,
To be honest I don’t remember if there was anything particular as last words ever,
Even if there was, I truly hope it was not something hurtful, something that could break your heart,
Because if it was, then I wouldn’t have meant it for sure, because in my heart there’s nothing but good wishes for you, and I hope you know that.
I have always wanted you to be happy and will always want that…
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juzanothergirl · 6 months
The last words one?
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juzanothergirl · 7 months
My mind went into overdrive after the laddoo ka story,
You said about feeling weak,
The option of me feeling weak walked off along with you,
With you I was weak, I was a child,
I let go of all things when I was with you,
Relied on you for thousand and one things,
I was a baby with you,
Sahi me bachi thi,
I think that’s one feeling I never felt again and never will, and I do miss that the most.
Life happened to make me strong, so I can baby others ,
Now people in my life come to me so that I can hold their hand when they cross the road,
For times when I do feel weak, there’s no place to show the weakness,
I feel how difficult it is to have to hand hold others, you did that when you were so young,
That’s what drained you,
But if it makes you feel a point percent better, your hand holding worked wonders,
You gave me a space to be my unfiltered inner child,
But also I am equally sorry as I am grateful for that.
Sorry that a young little boy had to take up so much of responsibilities,
Sorry that I understood everything too late…
That’s why I always say you raised me, I don’t know how much I did for you or what even, I only remember you teaching me life lessons everyday,
I still can’t watch horror movies or triggering scenes of movie, but I can’t hide behind anyone anymore,
I put a brave front and pretend I am ok… fake till you make it ! Haha!
I was a child with you, didn’t use my brain at all for anything, was an open book with uncontrolled emotions and unfiltered actions,
I know it was tough for you, but I wish someone would do that for you too, just let you be you…
Also, I thought with time and phases of life a lot would change, but very few things did, only age has happened with crippling anxiety about life!
The strong brave front crumbles seldom to panic attacks, but the front has to stay and now everything is a bit difficult to read.
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juzanothergirl · 7 months
Words hold power we cannot comprehend,
I have always wished greatness for you,
And I always will,
You always deserved to be happy;
I just didn’t know how, it’s okay though;
You still do,
I pray for you to find the greatness meant for you
And happiness to come and stay,
I have always been proud of the person you are,
Of the work you put in,
Surround yourself with people who love you,
Good people bring good vibes,
Reach heights unimaginable by people,
The place you have in my heart have evolved to only be more, I will always have good wishes for you, because many a thing were possible because of you, and there’s not one day I don’t feel the gratitude towards you. I have so many memories so many habits that it’s not possible to even forget the days we spent.
You did what you had to do at that time, Karma won’t mind. Please accept some love and happiness in your life.. I am not good with words when it comes to you, never was :)
All I want to say is thank you for being there, and I would keep in my heart the no questions asked offer :) I always knew it though! Haha! Sometimes I want to call you and tell you all the little things I had achieved and have done, all those little things come from a thought which came from you. Like I got promoted this year, fought with my manager because I deserved it, and you taught me to fight for what I deserve. Like the besan ka laddoo was a big accomplishment, coming from a person who was scared of stepping into the kitchen to actually preparing sweets, but I want to have memories that your mom and dadi did for you, and extension me mujhe v . I still think of you everytime I make poha, how rajma chawal has become a all time favourite food of mine. Food carries a lot of memories, and now that I can cook, I can make things from parts of my life that were so good that makes my heart full.
Little accomplishments like this in my daily life roots from you, and I am more than grateful for that. Everytime something happens, it reminds me of how you said it would happen, or how I should do it. We were so young, so so so young, how did you even know to say those things… things 28yr old me can relate. Sometimes I feel you did not get to live a part of your childhood because of me, and that makes me sad, I remember everything you did for me, you literally raised me, I wish someone would do that for you too. I think karma balanced it there. You only have good things coming your way. Accept those and live those.
Kuch mai likhna chahti thi aur kuch aur hi maine likha, but I think you would understand what I want to say from all over the place thoughts of mine. :)
Always keep you in my prayers laddoo, fly high :)
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juzanothergirl · 7 months
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My besan k laddoo memories are very fond, but the first attempt was not.
Making new traditions with everything we want.
First memories of besan ka laddoo was when your dadi used to send some after vacations, nothing can beat that. :)
My attempt was tasty but was not perfect…with time I’m sure it will get better.
Happy Diwali! Lots of blessings of abundance! :)
P.S. i know firsts don’t work out perfectly. :)
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juzanothergirl · 1 year
Wishing you happiness that never runs out
And so much power and energy that fuels your ambition!
Take a break, enjoy the moment, health is priority!
Oh so much gyan ‘)
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juzanothergirl · 1 year
Happy and proud to see where you are today!
You have worked so hard to achieve this…
You deserve all the success that has come your way..
And there will be so much more!
Super happy and super proud!
Take a moment and enjoy the present…
Always keep you in my prayers..
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juzanothergirl · 1 year
Tumblr and the timing!
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juzanothergirl · 2 years
In our lifetime, we are blessed with some miracles,
More miracles than coincidence,
Sometimes in our life, we come across someone,
More someone than a known stranger,
The someone who knows us,
Who comforts us,
Who is there for us,
Who understands us,
‘Understand’ is truly a underrated word! Ha!
Understands what’s wrong with a single ‘hello’
Understands what the whole hodgepodge of a conversation meant by the eyes,
And when we have the someone, we forget how important words are,
But life has a way of itself,
Life gives you the someone for a certain period of time,
We keep searching for the someone,
But miracles don’t happen twice,
Blessings aren’t given again,
So in heart we make a small little space,
A space we name ‘yaadonKaIdiotBox’
And treasure it,
And pray that the someone is living the best they could
Achieving all that they dreamt of,
Is the best version of themself,
Knows that they are treasured,
Owed understanding of the world,
Owed standing today strong,
Owed ambition and success,
Owed confidence,
Owed the voice,
For lifetime…
I have always thanked you, and I will thank you again, I am who I am today because of how you raised me. I keep saying it and it sounds redundant, but those young shoulders of yours were burdened so much, I owe my growing up to you…
Thank you for being there, for being such a pillar of strength to me. I learnt my life lessons in those years, and surprisingly I remember all of the chapters so well. All the parts.
Wishing you find all that you deserve! I always pray for you and I always will! You are my blessing :)
Haha! Who said letters were obsolete…
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juzanothergirl · 2 years
Happy Diwali!
Thanks for being there when even I couldn’t be with myself… thanks for raising me well and capable…
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juzanothergirl · 2 years
Do I still have you?
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
You can forget the feeling,
You can forget the smell,
You can forget the face too,
How do you forget the song?
The song that brings back
Unloads memories,
Memories of innocence,
Of unbothered feelings,
Of chaotic wishes,
Unfulfilled chaotic wishes,
Of whisper of sweet nothings,
Of visiting temples,
Of long due promises,
Of finally starting to live,
Of embracing ,
Of long pool tables and hot chocolates,
Of Marvel movies and wrong tickets,
Of drunken nights
And broken cups,
Of sloppy kisses,
Of almond mishaps,
Of violet shirt,
And teary goodbyes,
Of train conversations,
And winter confessions,
Of cheap french fries,
And expensive Subway,
Of bad fights,
And lullabies,
Of new year,
And broken hearts,
Of somewhere in the middle of those conversations…
Of broken forever,
Of situation dependent growing up,
Of facing reality,
Of being delusional,
Of screwed up timings,
Of last goodbyes,
Of ‘hey there Delilah’
Of thousand miles apart
Of ‘Raat kali…’
Of ‘promise … you wouldn’t fall in love with me’
Of being hopeless romantics,
Of novel worthy love story,
Of realising it may all have been a dream…
A beautiful crazy heartbreaking dream!
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
कुछ हो ना हो,
दीवाली हो,
तो तुम हमेशा हो,
Learnt meaning of Diwali with you,
How can I ever forget!
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
The safety net
When you know there’s a broad pillar of strength behind every step you take,
Each step becomes easier and stronger,
When you know that pillar may very well be in your head,
It still astounds me how just the anticipation of your strength makes me so powerful.
If I grew up well, I like to think I grew up well,
There’s so much I owe to you for raising me.
I want to say ‘you raised a good kid’
Your strength is immense in my head and in my heart
It leads me all the way to above and beyond!
I am what I am, for everything you taught me,
For all the experiences,
For the heavy load on those strong young shoulders!
I’ll forever be grateful!
#yaadonKaIdiotBox #myBrokenForever
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
It’s just plain old funny, how it bothers 🌒
Being the moon as it is.
Haha! Just funny!!
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
Those molten chocolate eyes are my safe harbour…
Always have been , always will be.
Sometimes, we don’t have a forever, we have an always.
That goofy smile, it helps me breathe as it races my heart.
My angel with wings!
You are my no matter what.
You are my solace
You are my soulmate
You are my home.
In the midst of panic attacks… you help me breathe.
#yaadonKaIdiotBox #meraLaddooo
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juzanothergirl · 3 years
आज एक बात याद आयी,
वो अंधेरी रात याद आयी,
जिस रात मेरे सिसकियों से कमरा गूंज रहा था,
आँसू से तकिया भीग चुका था,
आँसू उस रात तुम्हारे दूरी की थी,
तुमसे बात ज़रूर होती,
पर तुम्हारे वहाँ ना होने का एहसास कुछ ज़्यादा ही दर्द दे गया था,
उस रात तुमने फ़ोन पे से,
प्यार भरे आवाज़ में,
मुझे चुप कराते हुए कहा था,
“ मेरी बच्ची हो ना,
ऐसे मत रो,
मेरे बच्चे को मै रोते हुए कैसे सुन लूँ।”
आज अरसों बाद वो रात याद आयीं,
जब मै तुम्हारी बच्ची थी,
एक ख़ालीपन सा महसूस हुआ,
अचानक से लगा वो सारी अनुभूति
फ़िर से किसीने छीन लिया,
आज कोई नही बोलता
‘मेरी बच्ची’
सब खो सा गया,
टूट के बिखर सा गया,
तुम चले से गए,
वो आँसू आज भी रह से गये…
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