justxcountrydoctor · 5 hours
"That is true i guess but not me. i don't come here to kill i came here to help the people of your planet heal and i'm going to do that to the best of my ability." Leonard looks at her and cocks an eyebrow "if you don't trust the very people, you called in to help you then why call for help in the first place?"
He smiles at her then and gestures for her to hold out her arm "it doesn't hurt at all or it doesn't hurt my race or several others that use them. There is a bit of a sting when the meds go in but no one has ever found a way to get rid of that particular problem yet even with the medical advancements."
@daedaluscried asked “are you going to kill me?” - Ari
"Why would i kill you? I'm a doctor not a murder." He looks at her with wide eyes "I was asked to come here from the Enterprise to help you with the unique medical emergency that you have down here and i have the medicine that will work to stop it." Leonard looks at the hypospray then back at her "This isn't a weapon darlin', this is a way to get the drug into your system, so you won't get sick. Can i give it to you?"
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justxcountrydoctor · 7 hours
Wants to write.... brain says NOPE.
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justxcountrydoctor · 8 hours
the caretaker muse vibes ... sentence starters
"You need a hug?"
"Need me to kiss it better?"
"Need me to do that for you?"
"Have you been sleeping okay?"
"I'll handle this, you go sit down."
"I'm here for you, no matter what."
"Look at me, look at me… it's okay."
"You getting cold? Need a blanket?"
"They did what?? I'll get the shovel."
"You're burning up, do you feel okay?"
"Nope, sit back down, You're not okay."
"No, don't put yourself down like that…"
"I'm going to bring you something to eat."
"Don't worry, I remembered the band-aids."
"It's okay to cry, I'm not going to judge you."
"Of course I care about you, why wouldn't I?"
"You're enough. You've always been enough."
"Of course you can get a cuddle, come here!"
"You shouldn't let them talk to you like that…"
"I brought you some tea for your sore throat."
"You're okay. You're totally okay. Deep breath."
"Please just listen to me and take it easy today."
"Are you doing okay? You seem really stressed?"
"Everything's gonna be okay, I'll make sure of it."
"C'mon, let's get you to bed. You look exhausted."
"Hey, if you ever need anything, call me. I mean it."
"Don't worry, I'll cover this. You can buy next time."
"I brought you something to eat. You looked hungry."
"Hey, deep breath. It's not as big and bad as it seems."
"Do you need me to fight them for you? Because I will."
"I'll be a shoulder to cry on, however literally you need."
"You getting too warm? Need something cold to drink?"
"Brought some more tissues and snacks, feeling any better?"
"You're overextending yourself, don't you think? Let me help."
"I believe in you. You can do this. And I'll be right behind you."
"I'll take care of everything. Your only job is getting better, alright?"
"I saw these at the store and remembered you really liked them, so…"
"You don't need to apologize to me. It's not a burden looking after you."
"You're gonna give me grey hairs, making me worry about you like this."
"You're doing your best. I'm not going to ask any more of you than that."
"You don't need to prove yourself to me. I already know you're amazing."
"I don't need you looking after me, I need you to worry about yourself, okay?"
"Hey, careful talking bad about yourself. That's my favorite person you're insulting."
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justxcountrydoctor · 9 hours
❝ the statistical likelihood of death in this instance is less than 12% . ❞ spock informed him , stepping over the fallen beams && glancing around the corner . ❝ i do NOT believe we are in any immediate danger , your concern is merely a neuropathically response to the primal flight or fight response within your receptors . ❞
the vulcan turned to look over at @justxcountrydoctor , onyx eyes flickering up && down as the situation was becoming clearer in his mind . then paused , going unnaturally && inhumanely still as he realized why this response had been prompted from leonard .
red blood was seeping from the other mans side . spock moved quickly , now reassessing the current situation .
"I lost my medkit somewhere in all this mess Spock and now i'm gonna bleed to death." Leonard reaches down and places a hand to his bleeding side and pushes down hard, hissing in pain "We don't have time for this Spock. We have to go and find Jim; make sure he's okay." He shakes his head as he presses his hand even tighter to his side and tries to walk over to Spock, but he trips and winds up on his ass. Leonard let's out a cry of pain when he hits the floor then sticks his hand in his mouth to muffle any other sounds that might come out. "I don't feel so well Spock to tell you the truth and i don't really know how long I've been bleeding like this either."
"We need something to wrap around me and tie so as to put pressure on the wound but i don't think ii can lift my arms up for long enough to get my shirt off." Leonard leans against the wall and looks up at Spock "I have a more than twelve percent chance of dying Spock so why don't you just leave me right here and go get Jim out of here then you can come back for me. I know Jim will most likely be mad but it's just the way things work sometimes. I'll just slow you down and neither one of us wants that now do we?" He looks up with a sad smile cocking an eyebrow at the other man with a small tilt to his head "You know i was starting to think this planet was nice too."
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justxcountrydoctor · 13 hours
@amarvelousmencgerie asked “You always know how to make me smile.” (from Kara)
Leonard cocks an eyebrow at her then chuckles "Well, i do try to at least be a little funny sometimes but that's not what your talking about is it?" He scratches the back of his neck then glances over at her "I'm glad that i can make you smile Kara because i think you're the only one that can make me smile besides Jim Kirk." He cocks an eyebrow at her with a smile on his face. "I hope that i can always make you smile because you have a pretty one, darlin'"
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justxcountrydoctor · 17 hours
Leonard looks at his PADD and nods his head "Yes, you infant you passed the physical, but we still need to get a little weight off you so the diet that you've been eating will go on until your next physical but other than that you're completely fine." He chuckles at Jim then as he sees the blush "You look hot when you blush, Jim... maybe i should make you do it more often."
@protectxthem asked ❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜ (from Jim)
"You think that it wouldn't be after what we just did, Jim." Leonard laughs then takes a deep breath "i just had to run with you while you were having your physical or you wouldn't do what i told you to do." He tilts his head to the side then goes over to Jim and gives him a small kiss on his lips "i know something better we could do later on tonight that would get my heartrate up for all the right reasons, just saying." Leonard tosses Jim a playful wink and then turns from him "You can put your shirt back on now."
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justxcountrydoctor · 21 hours
"Yeah, i promise that we will continue to mess around after work darlin'." Leonard gives Jim and soft peck on the lips and goes to the closet, getting out one of his uniforms and putting it on. Then he cocks an eyebrow at Jim "You wanna meet for lunch today? i will get away from medbay long enough to have lunch." He chuckles then and starts walking toward the door "I'll see you after shift darlin'"
"Does it Jim? i thought you liked getting your neck kissed, i must have been wrong about that." Leonard chuckles and goes back to kissing Jim's neck, placing little nibbles in with the kisses. He then looks at the clock on the table beside the bed "if we don't quit messing' around we're going to be late for our shift."
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Leonard shakes his head, walking over to the other man and bringing a medical scanner out of his medkit. "These kids can't get along with each other. Sometimes it's like children on the playground throwing insults at each other that leads to the fighting or they just want to beat the shit out of someone." He runs the scanner over Pike's nose then nods "You're right, nothings broken but better safe than sorry huh?"
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@justxcountrydoctor asked: “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ” (Pike)
send  “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”  for  the  sender  to  find  the  receiver  injured  and  demand  to  know  who  did  it. | Accepting
Pike wipes at the blood under his nose and smiles a bit at the doctor, waving his other hand in the air. "Some officers got into a fight, I tried to break it up and caught an elbow to the face. Nothing feels broken, but you're the doctor, not me. So I'll let you do a workup on me and have you tell me what's what."
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[ bed ] our muses have sex in a bed [ shower ] our muses have sex in a shower [ car ] our muses have sex in the back of a car / on the hood of a car [ table ] our muses have sex on a table [ whirlpool ] our muses have sex in a whirlpool [ bar ] our muses have sex at a bar [ tent ] our muses have sex in a tent in the backyard or campsite [ movie theater ] our muses have sex during a movie playing in the theater [ hotel ] our muses have sex in a hotel [ bathtub ] our muses have sex in a bathtub [ dressing room ] our muses have sex in a dressing room at a store [ kitchen counter ] our muses have sex on top of the kitchen counter [ washing machine ] our muses have sex on top of a washing machine [ office ] our muses have sex in an office [ parking lot ] our muses have sex in an empty parking lot [ elevator ] our muses have sex in an elevator [ airplane ] our muses have sex on an airplane [ public restroom ] our muses have sex in a public restroom [ beach ] our muses have sex on a beach [ sauna ] our muses have sex in a sauna [ pool ] our muses have sex in a swimming pool ( public or private ) [ ferris wheel ] our muses have sex while riding a ferris wheel [ barn ] our muses have sex in a barn [ church ] our muses have sex in a church [ cornfield ] our muses have sex in a cornfield [ boat ] our muses have sex on a boat / ship / ferry [ gym ] our muses have sex at a gym [ party ] our muses have sex at a party [ taxi ] our muses have sex in the back of a taxi / uber [ strip club ] our muses have sex in a strip club [ trampoline ] our muses have sex on top of a trampoline [ train ] our muses have sex while riding the train [ concert ] our muses have sex at a concert [ rooftop ] our muses have sex on a rooftop [ garage ] our muses have sex in a garage [ forest ] our muses have sex in a forest [ classroom ] our muses have sex in an ( empty ) classroom [ igloo ] our muses have sex in an igloo [ couch ] our muses have sex on the couch [ office chair ] our muses have sex in an office chair
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Leonard digs his feet into the side of the cliff and looks up at Jim. "I'm ready and you would not have signed up for a different field. You love being a Captain too much to do that." Leonard starts to climb as best he can up the cliff with Jim's help. He scrapes back down a couple of times but when he gets to the top and over the edge, he looks up at Jim for where he is on the ground "Thanks darlin, i almost bit it with that one."
Leonard keeps a death grip on Jim. He had already looked down and what he saw was not pretty, all jagged rocks and ocean but if he even survived the fall which was very debatable, he would probably be in a chair for the rest of his life because you couldn't fall that far and not have something break "Oh, believe me Jim, i'm not going to be letting go until you haul my ass back over the edge of this cliff, goddamnit. When i signed up for Starfleet i had no idea that shit like this would become my life."
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
"You really should have come to medbay and i could have found you something for all the stress your under at the moment and not all medicines are ready to send you to rehab you know." Leonard looks at the other man then with a narrowed eye "And don't ever talk to me in that tome again, i'm CMO on this ship and i can have you taken off duty in a flash." He then starts to walk towards medbay with an angry set to his shoulders, glancing back over his shoulder to see if the other man was following.
"Then there's the fact that you might have caught something that makes you want to snap at people because i've noticed that you are biting people's head off more than normal." Leonard walks through the open door of medbay and goes to get the equipment to do the Commander's physical. " Alright, first thing we have to do is get you up on a biobed and get the scans done then you need to have a stress test since you haven't been here for so long."
@commander-jbennett asked "You're playing a dangerous game."
"What type of game am i playing exactly?" Leonard looks at James with narrowed eyes then cocking his eyebrow at the man "The only game i'm playing is the one where you lead me all over this ship because you don't want to come into medbay when you're supposed to. i could tell the Captain about that but that would be a bit childish." He tilts his head to the side with a thoughtful look "i wouldn't mind you running so much if i didn't have another Vulcan hybrid that i'm taking care of that finds that care sufficient."
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
"Fuck Jim, you feel so good." Leonard leans down and sucks at the skin that he had kissed a minute ago. He then sped up his hand on Jim's cock, enjoying the apparent struggle that Jim was having trying to thrust into his hand and ride his cock at the same time. "That's it darlin', feels good to be worked over in two ways, doesn't it?" Leonard then changes angles of his thrusting and plows into Jim's prostate with every thrust.
"Yeah darlin', you like it a little rough don't you." Leonard says as he pulls almost all the way out then plunges back in again. He leans forward and gives Jim a messy kiss on the back of his neck, biting down slightly just so the other man can feel it slightly. Leonard reaches around them and takes Jim's cock in his hand, starting to stroke it.
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
"You little ass, i ought to punish you somehow for that one." He chuckles as he pulls back "Not many people would want to take first shift for me no but i can assign someone to do it just so i can keep kissing you darlin'." Leonard then cocks an eyebrow at Jim "Or anything else that the two of us could get up too." He goes to get his uniform and puts it on. He had a shower the night before after all.
@protectxthem asked "The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." (From Jim)
Leonard looks Jim in the eye "And what makes you think that i would mind that? i have the same problem so why don't we kiss and then we can both see if we can stop. Although, iif we can't stop kissing then one of us is going to be missing from our post and i don't think either one of us can do something like that." He chuckles as he leans in and places a passionate kiss to Jim's lips
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
He chuckles and returns the kiss from Jim knowing that his man could get jealous as hell when he got shown attention by anyone but him. Leonard sees Jim's shit eating grin when the alien stomps off and puts a hand to Jim's chest "He may have been hitting on me darlin' but i never would have taken him up on it when i've got you to come home too." He shakes his head before he yanks Jim down for a long, slow kiss.
When he back away he smiles "Although, i do love it when you get all jealous and things like that, i think it's hot." Leonard then gets up off the stool that he's been sitting on glancing over at Jim when he gains his feet "I'll show you just how hot it is to me when you get me home and, on the couch, or up against a wall then there's the bed if you're feeling a little vanilla." Leonard whispers in Jim's ear as he takes the other man's hand and slowly walks toward the entrance.
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@justxcountrydoctor asked: ☹ My muse is jealous over someone else showing interest in yours. ((Jim))
SEND A SYMBOL FOR… | Accepting
Jim tightly clenches his fists as he watches an alien put their hand on Leonard's shoulder and then touch the doctor's face with the back of their hand. Jim inhales through his nose and pushes his way over to Leonard, ignoring protests from the others that he pushed his way past.
He slides up to the other side of Leonard and wraps an arm around the doctor's neck a bit, before leaning over and kissing Leonard on the lips, watching as the alien puffs up their cheeks, stomps their foot, and walks away angrily. Jim pulls back, smiling more to himself than to anyone.
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
Active Blog List
As of now these are the only blogs and side blogs that i will be active on
Main: @meaningful-negativity - Canon and OC multi
Side: @heroesandironmen - Marvel multi @thexsadxbaronet - Thomas Sharpe of Crimson Peak @plymptontwin - OC Twin of Xavier Plympton of AHS: 1984 @bloodyxballet - OC ballet dancer
Main: @harbingercfdeath - OC reaper
Main: @justxcountrydoctor - Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Star Trek
Main: @ncmanhasgcnebefcre - Star Trek Canon and OC multi
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
"Thera? Are you leaving? i wouldn't blame you at all but i really would like to talk to you about the results of you physical. There's something funky about the results and i need you to come in and get some more scans." Leonard then looks at her with concern on his face "I haven't really got a diagnosis for you, not yet because like i said there's something funky about the readings. it might just be that the sensors are a little out of it and i need to get them fixed." He sighs and runs his hand over his face
Leonard then leans against the biobed and cocks an eyebrow at her as he talks to her back and there is something off about her scans, but he wants to be safe about it and not her running around with something treatable if he could do anything about it. He then gets up off the bed and moves over to her "I have to make sure that it's nothing that needs treatment. I don't want you running around with something that's treatable just because the scans are funky."
@therapardalis asked “Should I leave a light on for you?”
"Hardy har har, Thera. The only time you would ever leave a light on for me would be if i was dying and i'm not dying yet so no you shouldn't leave the light on for me." He looks at the woman with narrowed eyes and lifts his chin slightly "All kidding aside you really don't have to leave the light on because i sleep in here some nights but i know the room like the back of my hand so i don't need lights to get around in it." Leonard then looks up at her his facial expression relaxed for the first time that day "Sorry about that, i tend to get a little bitchy when people try to take care of me."
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justxcountrydoctor · 2 days
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logic is the beginning of wisdom. not the end.
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