justtilesetters · 1 month
Learn expert tips for maintaining tile floors! Daily cleaning, deep cleaning with vinegar & baking soda, stain removal tricks, and when to call professional tile contractors. Visit Just Tile Setters to read more.
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justtilesetters · 7 months
Guide to renovate your tiles on a budget this holidays
Holidays are around, and it is the perfect time to redefine your house appearance with some creative home renovation ideas.    We all know that our houses turn into the hub of festivities, every winter season. And that is precisely why it is the best time to give your space, a new and inviting outlook.    But how to go about achieving this modern-elegant look of your home? Budget-Friendly Tile Installation & Renovation.    Tiles are a simple yet powerful element that can breathe in new life and ambiance into your house. Just merely, changing the designs and textures of your tiles can provide your house a fresh facelift and transform its look and feel.    So let us delve into this short and informative guide that will reveal an inexpensive way to create a stunning makeover of your home using tile renovation.   3 Reasons Why Invest in Tile Renovation We are continuously talking about home renovation and tile installations, but let us first examine why tile renovation is a good idea. The straightforward answer is: that it glories the house's appearance by bringing out a substantial difference in your living space.    Here are some more reasons:
Aesthetic Upliftment Adding new tiles to your home gives it a new transformational look that nourishes the aesthetics of your place. It provides a new visual and sensory experience, making you feel like you are visiting your home for the first time. Side benefit, installing new tiles in your home results in appreciated property value.
Enhanced Functioning Little known, tile renovations can increase the functioning of your space, especially the bathroom and the kitchen. For instance, installing tiles for the kitchen backsplash can upgrade your cooking and make the cleaning process easier for you. While modern bathroom tiles can offer you an exquisite spa-like ambiance.
Energy Benefits Apart from the artistic benefits, there are energy benefits linked with the tile installation as well. Tiles can increase or decrease the insulation of your room, depending on its thickness. Hence, you can avail of this opportunity and find tile setters that provide insulated tile options and ensure the best for your space.
Practical Tips for Tile Renovation with Splendid Results! Now that we are aware of the benefits of tile renovation, let us get into the core of renovating your tiles on a budget:
Begin with the Renovation Planning Always have a well-thought-out plan ready with yourself before starting your renovation journey. Fairly assess the different sections of your home and identify areas that could benefit from a tile makeover. Build a list of all the areas that require replacement or refurbishing. Once you have the list of all the things to be done, you can jump to Step 2.
Prepare a Realistic Budget Do not go bonkers while carrying out your home renovation. Set a practically analyzed budget for the project. Factor in different costs related to materials, tile contractors, laborers, and other unexpected expenses. Having a defined budget helps avoid overspending and ensures sticking to the budget. 
Search Out for Proficient & Experienced Tile Contractors This is one of the most crucial steps in your house's transformational journey. Finding good and reliable tile contractors in USA is a challenge, and you better be ready for it. Research in your local community and seek out tile setters who speak and deliver. Do not forget to consider their experience which often determines their work quality. 
Explore Diverse Tile Options Tiles are available in different materials including ceramic, glass, porcelain, and natural stone. Each tile option has its unique characteristics. You can find diverse styling options, patterns, and textures in ceramic as well as porcelain tiles. If you wish to have a sleek and modern appearance for your home, glass tiles are your optimal choice.
Optimize Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling The kitchen and bathroom are the most essential places in our homes that we often neglect. So, do not miss out on them and ensure to get them optimized for an improvised cohesive look that complements your house’s style. You can replace shower tiles, kitchen backsplashes, and countertops with new and better tiles to breathe in a new life to your home.
Be Creative with Tile Patterns & Layouts Tiles having patterns and layouts are usually better at maximizing the impact of tile renovation. Hence, unleash your creativity and choose trending patterns like chevron, herringbone, and basketweave for your home renovation. Match and mix the patterns and different tile shapes to add individuality to your space while giving an innovative touch. 
DIY or Professional Installation? What is Best for You? Tile installation at a budget-friendly price this holiday season is a great idea! However, the question arises, should you Do It Yourself or Find a Professional?    Speaking from experience, tile installation is a laborious task that requires optimal precision. Therefore, it is best to leave it to the professionals who are experienced in carrying out such tasks. However, if you think you have the needed experience for the job, there is no harm in trying out something new. Good Luck! Whether you’re looking to renovate your entire flooring or just a single room, getting the assistance of a reliable tile contractor can make the difference between making a hole in your wallet and getting value for your money. Get in touch with our team at JustTileSetters today for some budget-friendly holiday flooring options.
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justtilesetters · 9 months
Outdoor Tile Inspiration to Elevate Your Home’s Exterior
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Planning to spruce up your outdoors or create a new space from scratch? Outdoor tiles can transform this living space like nothing else. The outdoor living space includes your deck, patio, pool area, and other paved areas. All these spaces are not just totally different from your interior space but also exposed to the elements. 
You can easily make this space stylish, welcoming, and comfortable for yourself and your guests by cleverly using tiles. 
However, with so many different options of tiles, how do you choose the ones that will optimize your outdoor space?
This blog will help you do just that. We have put together some creative ways to use tiles to transform your home’s exterior and also guide you about when you should find tile setter nearby.
Continue reading to know more. 
Make Your Home’s Interior Look Amazing With These Tile Ideas
A beautiful outdoor space serves as an extension of the interiors of your house. A well-kept tiled space makes for a beautiful area to relax with your family, entertain your guests, and even spend time with yourself. 
Not to mention that an outdoor tiled space gives your house that extra legroom and may even contribute to increasing your property’s value.
There are many innovative ways to use tiles. While some are traditional, some are so unique that they may surprise you. 
Here’s an assortment of the best outdoor tile ideas.
Experiment With Encaustic Tiles
One of the most gorgeous and unique tiles to use in your outdoor space are encaustic tiles. These tiles date back to the Victorian times when they were handcrafted and used in royal castles. 
These tiles are created using different pieces of pigment to create stunning patterns. They are not painted on like other tiles and infuse a luxurious vibe in any space that they are used in. These vibrant tiles are perfect to showcase your personality and can make a huge difference to how your home’s exterior looks. 
Try the Cobblestone Charm
There is nothing more beautiful than adding cobblestone tiles to your outdoor space. These tiles are rustic and are designed just like the original natural stone pieces, only in a different material. 
These tiles can lend a textural space to your space especially when laid with raised edges. Not just gorgeous, these tiles are also durable and perfectly suited to areas where there is high foot traffic. Cobblestone tiles are functional too in the sense that they are slip-resistant and don’t need much upkeep. 
Use Large Tiles
Bigger tiles are increasingly becoming popular in American homes with more homeowners wanting to adopt their distinct charm and unbeatable functionality. One of the most common reasons why they are a top favorite is that they can make any space look larger and more airy. 
They also look chic and aesthetic while lending continuity to the space. This is mainly because of the fewer grout lines between the tiles, which makes them look seamlessly coherent. 
Think About Uneven Tile Sizes
An excellent way to break monotony and give your outdoor space a unique look, experiment with tiles of varying sizes. When tiles of different sizes are stacked together, they create a visual sense of something that is unusual and quirky. 
Since this is not the easiest style of tile setting to pull off by yourself, you may have to get the expertise of the best tile setter in USA. 
Create Contrast with Tiles
One of the best ways to break the monotony of a continuous setting of tiles is to use an element of contrast. While there are several combinations that you can try, a tried and tested option is that of natural elements. 
One great way to do this is by using tiles as pavers on a bed of small stones and pebbles. Another way is to use them as pavers in your garden area over lush grass. This creates a dramatic contrast of colors and brings in newness to your outdoor space. 
Some Tips to Make These Ideas Work Better
Now that you know about some great design aesthetics for your exterior space, here are some things to keep in mind while adopting these ideas:
·      Since outdoor tiles are exposed to sunlight, rain, and snow, choose only the most durable options. 
·      Make sure that the tiles complement the aesthetics of your home. This should include the textures, colors, and materials.
Summing Up
Outdoor tiles are an important element of your house’s overall aesthetics. To implement these ideas perfectly and elevate your home’s style and ambiance, you will need the expertise of a professional tile contractor in USA. With Justtilesetters, you don’t have to worry about where to find tile setters nearby. We help you connect with the best local talent that is also affordable. Download our app or visit our website today to know more.
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justtilesetters · 11 months
Tips for finding the best tile setters
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Tips for finding the best tile setters
 Every time tile installation is not a DIY project. Considering complicated patterns, floor detailing, and the time that you have to spare, sometimes getting professional tile setters is your best bet.
Your tiles are going to stay with you for years. Ill-fitted tiles or hastily done jobs may prove to be costly mistakes. This makes it even more imperative to find the best tile setters for a hassle-free installation. 
With so many tile setters available, making a choice can get confusing. But we have you covered here. The tips in this blog will help you make the right hiring decision.
Continue reading to know more.
 Tips to find the best tile contractor near you
 Hiring a professional tile contractor needs skills and patience. These experts perform specialized jobs such as:
 ·      Assessing the size of the project and estimating the materials needed.
·      Repairing or removing existing flooring.
·      Tile cutting and laying.
·      Grouting and sealing.
Here are some expert tips on how to find the best tile setter to make your tile floors look good and last longer:
 Ask the pros
 Reaching out to professionals is the way to go when it comes to sourcing the most credible tile setters. Professionals such as architects, interior designers, contractors, and salespeople have a ready repository of data on all kinds of tile setters. 
They deal directly with them and know the in-and-out of their style of working, prices, and credibility. 
 Reach out to your friends and family
 Just like we ask our family and friends for references on great restaurants to try, why not request them to refer to tile setters? There is a pretty good chance that someone in your network may have hired tile installers before and can be requested for references. 
However, even though the prospective tile setter comes through a trusted reference, don’t forget to do due diligence about their skills and expertise. 
 Look into their portfolio 
 Just like any other professional, a tile setter also often prepares a portfolio of their work including a list of their clients. While sifting through references, be sure to focus on the portfolio. This will give you an idea about the design sensibilities and scale of their completed projects.
 Read into their reviews and references
 While searching for the best tile setter near you, it pays to talk to some of their past clients or read their reviews online. Reviews and references from their past clients reveal a great deal about the conduct of the tile setter on their jobs. This will give you an idea about the client’s experiences and how happy or unhappy they were.
This will give you an insight into whether the tile setter completed the project on time and did they stay within the allotted project costs. It also tells you how professional and organized they will be with you. 
 Look into their licenses
 One of the most critical things to look into while finding a top tile setter near you is whether they are licensed and certified. For instance, all the professional and experienced tile setters are members of the National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA). 
Another important certification to look for is from the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation (CTEF). These are excellent validations about the tile setter’s professionalism, expertise, experience, and skills needed for completing their job well. 
 Ask the right questions
 One of the keys to finding the best tile setters is to never limit yourself to just one or two potential references. You should talk, meet, and get proposals from at least three to four tile installers to ensure that you are working with the best in the market. 
Here are some questions to ask them:
 ·      How long do they think it will take to complete the project?
·      How many tiles and other materials will they need?
·      What will be the team size working on your project?
·      Can they bring innovation to the project?
 Look through dedicated online platforms
 Now, there are dedicated aggregator mobile apps and websites that act as online marketplaces for hiring specialized people. For instance, Justtilesetters is the first such app to bring together the best tile setters in the market and customers seeking their services. This app features only the most credible tile setters shortlisted after a stringent screening process to help customers gain the best value for their money.
 Summing up
 Finding a professional tile setter near you is important for your project to complete on time while maintaining control over the budget and quality. Keeping in mind these tips will not just help you hire the top talent but also save you a lot of stress, money, and the risk of injuries. To find the best tile setters in your area, download the Justtilesetters app on Google Play or the App Store.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
From Prep to Grout: The Comprehensive Guide to Tile Installation
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Tile floors are durable, hold up against water, and look beautiful. Another advantage of tile floors is that they are easy to install as a DIY project. Though the whole process of prepping the floors to laying the tiles and grouting may seem like too much, with the right tools and this guide, you can easily tile your floor. Continue reading to know everything about tile flooring.   How to install beautiful tile floors?   While laying your tile floors is an interesting and satisfying process, remember that it takes patience and time. Here is a practical guide for you to get started with your tile floor setting:   Step 1: Collect the required material   The first step in installing tile floors is to get your tools and materials in one place. Easily available, you can either purchase or rent these materials. Here’s a list of necessary tools and other things:   Safety:
          Knee pads
          Safety glasses
          Hand gloves
  Materials for cutting and setting the tiles:  
          Tiles (you should have enough tiles to cover the entire     surface of the room including 15% for wastage)
          Thin-set mortar
          Tile cutter or saw
          Notched trowel
          Tile spacers
          Utility knife
  Grouting and giving the final finishing:  
          Sanded or unsanded grout
          Grout sponge
          Grout float
          Acrylic, silicone, sanded or unsanded caulk
  Step 2: Prepare the subfloor   Preparation of your subfloor is the most important thing in tile installation. An uneven or dirty floor will not allow the tiles to be set properly. Follow these steps for preparing the subfloor:  
          Remove the old floor and clean the floor properly of dirt     and debris.
          Any gaps or holes in the floor must be filled with cement.
          Use level pads to make the floor surface even.
          Mark 800 mm space from the floor to the tiles and between     the level pads and markings on the entire surface.
          Wet the floor and let it stay for at least a day. Wet the     floor again if it dries out.
Step 3: Firm up the layout    This is a very important step because once the tile setting process begins, you will not be able to change the layout of the room. For planning the layout, you need to:  
          Find the room’s center by measuring the lengths of the walls     and dividing that in half. Draw a line on the floor as you connect the two     center points.
          Dry lay the tiles to visualize how they will look. Don’t     forget to include the spacers and the design elements of the tiles,     especially when you are using uniquely-patterned tiles.
          If you are left with half tiles, shift the layout to adjust     the tiles. 
          Plan the order of the entire room till the end so that there     are no excess tiles.
  Step 4: Tile installation   This is the most exciting part of the tile-setting project that most people look forward to. However, there are a few more things to do before you start placing the tiles. Let’s get to know these:  
          Mix the thin-set in the right consistency and quantity. Know     the open and cure timings so that you know the exact time frame that you     have to work in. This is typically between 30-40 minutes. 
          Once the thin-set is ready, you can start applying a thick     layer to the underlayment with the trowel. Ensure that it runs in a     uniform direction.
  Now is the time to start laying the tiles. Set the tiles using even pressure. Make sure that you allow the thin-set to set between the ridges and the valleys. Use spacers to get consistent grout lines throughout the floors. Next, clean up the excess thin-set from the tiles without allowing it to clump up between the tile edges.   Step 5: Grouting   Grouting is an important step in the process of tile installation, which helps the tiles bond better with the floor while sealing the spaces between them. Here are the steps that you should follow while grouting the tiles:  
          To begin the process of grouting, remove all the spacers     from the tiles.
          Apply painter’s tape to the trim and floor space.
          Mix grouting according to the manufacturer’s directions.
          Spread it with the grout float. Keeping the float at a     45-degree angle will prevent uneven grout lines.
          Once the grout is filled, remove the excess bits while going     through the joints diagonally.
          Remember to wet the grout at least twice daily to allow it     to settle properly.
  Once this step is over, leave the tiles and grout to rest. Don’t walk over them for at least a day.   Step 5: Sealing the tiles and grout   This is the final process before you get to enjoy your new floors. Sealing the tiles helps in letting them adhere to the floor for a much longer time and also adds to their finish. To do this, you need to use a waterproof paint-on sealant that’s made especially for tile floors. Once you coat the tiles with it, allow it to dry completely for 24 hours. Try not to wet the tiles for at least a week to let the sealant harden completely.   Conclusion   This guide will help you in getting beautiful brand-new floors. To make the process more seamless and perfect, you can take help from professional tile setters. Connect with top-notch tile setting experts at Just Tile Setters in your area. Download the app or log on to the website for gorgeous new floors today.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
How to install tiles perfectly and avoid common mistakes
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Immensely durable, economical, and aesthetic, tile floors are the perfect choice for any homeowner. Another reason why they are preferred is because installing them is super easy. Despite being an easy DIY project, it is easy to make mistakes while setting the tiles.  
 Some of these mistakes can turn out to be not just costly but also time-consuming and stressful. 
 This blog helps you avoid exactly this. Continue reading to know more about how to set your tile floor perfectly. 
 1.    Not sampling the tiles before ordering them
 Although a minor mistake, not getting a sample of the tiles that you intend to use, may make the installation run into problems later on. This is mainly because the true color of the tiles is different from how it looks online. And it may not always be a match.
 To avoid this, make sure that you order a swatch of the tiles. It should preferably be a full-sized tile sample to help you understand how its texture and color go with the ambiance of your house.  
 2.    Not ordering the right number of tiles
 Imagine getting to the end of your bedroom makeover and realizing that you are falling short of a few tiles. A common and tedious mistake is not calculating correctly the number of tiles that you need for installation. 
 To avoid this, always keep a margin for wastage and breakage of tiles while setting them. We recommend ordering extra 10-15 percent tiles to ensure that you have enough tiles to finish your project. 
 3.    Buying wrong-sized tiles
 This is another common error that people make while laying their tile floors. Picking the wrong size of tiles spells the difference between the successor failure of your tiling project.
 For instance, many homeowners select smaller tiles for smaller rooms thinking larger tiles will make their space look smaller. However, since smaller tiles have more grout lines, they are the ones that end up making your room look cluttered and smaller. Similarly, if you are adding bold-colored tiles in your rooms, opt for smaller tiles. They will make the space look bigger and less busy. 
 4.    Missing prepping the surface properly
 While installing tile floors, not preparing the surface well is enough to make the project fail. Whether it is your bathroom, bedroom, or even the porch, the surface needs to be prepared well. Not doing so may leave you with slippage or crooked tiles
 To ensure that your surface is smooth, fill in any gaps that you see. Make sure to level all the bumps and remove the ridges. After this, clean the floor well to wipe away any dust, debris, or other material that may interfere with the adhesive. Prepping the surface will help you keep your tile floors in place for a longer time and save money that you may otherwise need for their repairs. 
 5.    Not using the right adhesive
 Though not many people think about this, the choice and amount of adhesive can make or break your tile project. One of the most important things is to choose the right kind of adhesive for your space. This includes:
 ·      Heat-resistant adhesive for spaces like the fireplace.
·      Waterproof adhesive is ideal for your bathroom and patio.
·      Rapid-set adhesive is perfect when you need quick drying and to keep large tiles from slipping away. 
 A common mistake that people make is that they don’t use enough adhesive. Make sure that you use an ample amount and spread it uniformly beneath the tiles instead of just using it in the corners or center. 
 6.    Not grouting properly
 If you have spent a long time setting your tiles, it may be tempting to get over with the project as soon as you can. In this rush, many people make the mistake of rushing through the grouting process. 
 Grouting is one of the most critical processes and helps you save your floors from dirt or moisture seeping beneath your tiles. We recommend spreading the grout carefully into all the tile joints. Once it is dry, wait for at least three hours before cleaning the tiles and walking on them.
 Another important consideration is the grout color. Picking the wrong color may make your room look unkempt and even damage your tiles by staining them. Our vote goes for light-colored grout. It goes with all kinds of tiles such as terrazzo and natural stone and doesn’t show through them. 
 7.    Not hiring tiling professionals 
 While you can manage DIY tiling projects, making your tile floors last longer is a specialist job. Inexperience with tiling can make you make some expensive mistakes that may not just compromise the ambiance of your house but also force you to spend on repairing and readjusting tiles later on. 
 The best way to do this is to look for experienced tile setters. These professionals are adept at preparing all kinds of surfaces and working with a variety of tiles, whatever size your space may be. They also help you in keeping your tile floors clean and free of scratches and cracks.
 If you are planning to get new tile floors and want to avoid these common mistakes from popping up, JustTileSetters can help. This is a one-of-a-kind platform to find the most credible and experienced tile contractors in your area. Visit our website or download the app to get started with beautiful tile floors.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
A guide to the best pet-friendly flooring options
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Who doesn’t love having a furry friend at home? They make the home livelier and happier. However, having a pet at home also means that your flooring is always at risk of scratches and mess from their dander and spills.    This doesn’t mean that you have to keep your pets off the floor. If you are upgrading your home or are in the market for a new one, all you need to do is to look for a floor that is more compatible with pets.    This blog talks about some of the best flooring options for households with pets. We will also share some expert tips on how to keep your floors fabulous with pets around.   Best flooring options for homes with pets   Before we talk about the kinds of floorings that are resistant to the damage caused by pet accidents or their nails, let’s answer some questions about what makes flooring pet-friendly?   ·      Is the flooring resistant to moisture? ·      Is it low maintenance? ·      Is the floor safe for use in your home? ·      Does it need harsh chemicals to clean it? ·      Does the flooring produce irritants or gasses, which may be harmful to your family and pets?   Keeping these considerations in mind, we have rounded off some of the best flooring options for your home. Here are some of them:   Stone tile floors   Due to their strength and durability, stone tile floors are unquestionably the best flooring options for houses with pets. In fact, natural stone is considered to be amongst the toughest materials on the earth. So, your pet can run around as much as they like without damaging the floor.   You can choose from quartzite, quartz sandstone, or granite floors. However, one thing to consider while installing stone floors is that they can get quite cold in winter and may make your pet uncomfortable. Worry not, you can get a furry rug or a cozy bed for your pet to keep them warm.   Cork flooring   Cork flooring may not be common, but it is a popular option when it comes to meeting the majority of the above-mentioned considerations for a pet-friendly floor option. One of the biggest advantages of this is that it is antimicrobial. This means that even if you have pet accidents on the floor, the flooring is less likely to have bacterial growth or mold.   It is also hypoallergenic and resistant to mildew. It absorbs sounds well and is a great insulator. This means more comfort for your furry friend and less noise for you when they are being playful.   Bamboo flooring   Bamboo flooring is considered to be extremely tough, durable, and stable. This is why this flooring makes it to our list of the top flooring options for families with pets.    This flooring is not just easy to maintain but is also unquestionably scratch and stain resistant. It can easily handle energetic pets and can be easily cleaned with minimal supplies such as a wet mop, broom, and vacuum.    Another plus is that bamboo is a sustainable eco-friendly flooring option that is great for the planet.    Laminate flooring   Mimicking the look of a hardware floor, laminate flooring not just looks extremely aesthetic, but is also a great choice when you have pets at home. Since it is water-resistant, it doesn’t stain when your pet has an accident on the floor or shakes its wet floor on it.    Another great advantage of laminate flooring is that although it is not entirely scratch resistant, it hides them well. It is easy to clean and maintain, perfect for pet owners who typically have very less time on their hands.    Porcelain and ceramic tile floors   Tiles not only offer your home a chic ambiance, they are also a preferred choice for families with pets. One of the top reasons is that tiles are incredibly easy to clean. All you need is a wet mop and a mild cleaner to wipe away the paw marks and hair.    Tile floors are stain-resistant and hard to scratch. Another plus is that they are cool during summer offering your pet a good place to doze off.    Keeping your pet-friendly floors clean-Some tips   Now that you know the best options for pet-friendly floors for your house, you must know some practical and easy ways to keep them clean at all times. Spills, stains, and scratches are inevitable and will occur. These tips will come in handy and help you keep it free of odor and muck:   ·      Most of the damage to the floors happens due to the pet’s unclipped sharp nails. Make sure you clip them regularly.    ·      Keep your pet’s hair trimmed.    ·      Any pet accident residual or spills must be cleaned the minute you see them. This goes a long way in preventing stains.    ·      Use carpets and rugs across the floors.    ·      Train your pet to not use the floors as their toilet.   ·      Place a waterproof mat under their water bowls to prevent spillage.    ·      Place a mat at the entrance to prevent dust and mud from entering the house.     Conclusion   Be it any type of flooring, it is bound to lose its sheen with use. This is where professional help comes in. JustTileSetters helps you connect with experienced and affordable tile contractors in your area who help your floors look like new. Visit our website or download the app to connect with the best tile professionals.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
How to make your tile floors last longer?
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Tile floors are durable, water-resistant, and cost-effective. That’s not all, they also have a beautiful appearance that can uplift any residential or commercial space. A well-maintained tile floor can last anywhere between twenty to fifty years and adds value to your property.    All it needs is a little bit of advanced thinking and maintenance to make your floors last a lifetime.    Read on to know more.    How can you keep your floors looking like new?   Although tile floors are pretty durable and resistant to a lot of damage, they do get damaged, especially when the impact is long-term. Here are some of the most common floor damages:   ·      Floor stains from dirt, grime, and grease. ·      Dragging heavy furniture over the flooring. ·      Untreated mold and mildew. ·      Excessive use of acidic cleaners. ·      Damage from heat.   Here are some expert tips that will help you keep your tile floors sparkling like new always:   Sweep regularly   We are all guilty of giving our floors a quick vacuum and skipping the sweeping. The result is dust particles and grime sticking to the tiles, especially those that are made of marble or slate. These layers of dirt then eventually get etched into the tiles making them look dirty.   Routine sweeping helps loosen these dirt particles and removes them from the surface of the tile floor.    For deep cleaning, follow the sweep with a vacuum. You can either use an upright vacuum cleaner or one with a canister with a brushed floor. This avoids floor damage and doesn’t scratch the tiles.    Catch the spills immediately   If you often have food or drink spills and don’t clean them quickly enough, your tile flooring is sure to get deep stains. To prevent this, you need to catch the spills the minute you see them without allowing them to soak into your grout. This is especially true for dark-colored liquids like red wine.   So, the next time you see a spill, use a cleaner right away. Just make sure that your cleaner must be gentle on your tiles and doesn’t deglaze them.   Avoid keeping heavy loads on the floor   Are you seeing fine cracks on your tile floor? Usually, the reason is that we place heavy pieces of furniture or large appliances like washing machines and refrigerators on the floor. Over time, this leads to your tile floors cracking.    While most tile floors are designed to meet the 250-pound threshold. To prevent this, make sure that the weight of the object is properly distributed and that there are no hollow pockets of air between the subfloor and the tile. They both should receive the right amount of thin-set even when the weight of the object is within limits.    Use rugs and carpets   Carpets don’t just make your floors look beautiful, but they serve a very practical purpose of keeping your tiles looking like new for a long time. The floors are subject to a lot of traffic. This includes pointed heels, shoes with hard heels, and even pet claws.     Placing rugs over your floors goes a long way in preventing these from causing scratches on your tile floors. Remove your shoes when entering the house and encourage your guests also to do the same. Keep your pet’s nails trimmed at all times to prevent scratches.      Don’t drag furniture   Unknowingly, we often drag furniture like bookcases, heavy chairs, and tables over our tile floors and realize the damage after it has been done. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to cover the legs of your furniture.  All you need to do is to place pads on the legs or the edges of the furniture.    If it is not possible to put these pads on the furniture, use moving blankets to cover their surface. Always lift the furniture piece instead of dragging it to keep it in its designated place.    Keep a check on the moisture   Do your tile floors feel damp even when nothing was spilled? This thin layer of moisture is known as sweating and happens because of condensation. It is not just unpleasant but often leads to the growth of harmful mold.    Thankfully, this issue is easy to address. One of the simplest ways to prevent condensation is to improve the ventilation of the area by keeping the windows open to allow cross-ventilation.   Using a dehumidifier also helps by sucking air moisture. You should also keep an eye out for leaks and cracks that allow extra moisture to seep in between the tiles.    Get professional help   The best way to ensure that your tile flooring looks beautiful and is saved from damage is to get professional help for its installation and maintenance. They use specialized methods and equipment to extract dirt from the tiles and grout. Experienced tiling professionals also conduct thorough inspections and perform quality checks to ensure repairs of cracks that we may have missed.    Conclusion   Wondering where to find top-notch professional help for your tile flooring? JustTileSetters is the place to go for everything related to tiles. You can connect to certified and experienced tile professionals in your area with just a few clicks.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
Tile renovation will give your house a new look this New Year
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The new year brings with it the opportunity to let go of the past and use your positive energy and charm to start everything fresh. With 2023 approaching closer you must be planning to spend some quality time with your loved ones. So why not surprise your family and friends with the new look of your home? No, we are not advising renovation that costs you a fortune, just a few little changes to add to the beauty of your place. Let’s begin with remodeling your floor tiles for some fresh vibes.
So this new year we bring you the ideas to give your house a new look with the much-awaited tile renovation without burning a hole in your pocket. 
Porcelain tiles  If you have kids coming over for the holidays, you must be worried about the damage their tantrums would do to your house and precious items. Well, you cannot control the kids but you can certainly minimize the damage.
Using porcelain tiles can be your best shot to keep your floor safe from stains or even breakage. These tiles have extremely high resistance to breaking and are available in a variety of colors and textures. This makes them a perfect blend of beauty and strength. 
These are available in two varieties i.e, glazed and unglazed. The glazed porcelain tiles are a safe choice for interior decoration and can be installed on any flat surface without fear of breakage or damage. On the other hand, unglazed porcelain tiles have an extreme tolerance for temperature fluctuations as well as intense UV rays making them an ideal choice for exterior purposes.
Vitrified tiles
These tiles are a brilliant choice if your place appears a little congested. The reflective surface of these tiles makes your place appear much more spacious. Moreover, these are easy to maintain, highly durable, as well as stain resistant. 
The installation process of vitrified tile is also quite simple, requiring much less time to set than their other counterparts, which is why they are preferred by tile providers and  installers. Another benefit of installing vitrified tiles is that they can practically be modified into any surface be it block, stone, or shiny. This provides great scope for customization making them useful for practically every kind of setting.
Terracotta tiles
If you are looking for that earthy and warm feel in your home, terracotta tiles are your go-to option. Their timeless, rustic appearance adds to the serenity of your house giving it a new depth and character. 
Terracotta tiles are hard to wear and appear as good as new for years. These are ideal for places in your house that have heavy footfall. Also, they are low maintenance and easy to clean. Being tough, durable, and undemanding these tiles are really versatile. They look as great on your kitchen floor as they would in your garden area. 
Natural Stone tiles
Using natural stone tiles for home flooring is an easy way to make a bold statement. They give a classic and luxurious look to your house with their natural beauty adding to its elegance and sophistication. They are seamless and create a sense of space wherever installed. These are easy-to-maintain floor coverings that never go out of trend.
Other than being aesthetically pleasing, these tiles are well known for their strength and durability. Although their prices are slightly on the expensive side they have a great resale value. Moreover, these are available in unique colors and textures giving your home an unparalleled, exclusive appearance.
Ceramic tiles
Ceramic tiles are available in a variety of designs, patterns, and colors. If you are a person who doesn’t have time for cleaning and maintenance of the floor then you can certainly turn to ceramic tiles. These are affordable, low maintenance, and easy to install. Moreover, they are a hard, and durable tile option so you don't have to worry about the cracks or dents that may appear due to heavy furniture.
Another great advantage of these tiles is that they are allergen resistant i.e. they do not easily attract particles such as dust, dirt, pollen, mites, etc. Thus, they help in keeping your house cleaner and healthier. 
Moreover, ceramic tiles are manufactured at very high temperatures due to which they are also resistant to high temperatures and even fire. This makes them especially useful for kitchen areas ensuring the safety of your family.
Glass tiles
The translucence and endless color options available in these tiles make them an unmatched beautification material. They are literally available in an unlimited number of designs and patterns. Their reflective surfaces make your home appear brighter and larger. They are usually resistant to molds and mildew and are really easy to clean. 
Another great feature of these tiles is their recyclability making them an environment-friendly option for home decor. Moreover, they are impervious to water and are especially useful for your home areas where water accumulates easily. 
Final thoughts
We hope this guide to give a new look to your home will help bring fresh vibes to your personal space this new year. However, remember that choosing the right tile contractor is equally important as choosing the right tiles for your house. They do not just help you find the best tile options but also support your budget. Visit www.justtilestters.com to find the best tile contractors in your area.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
Hassle-free home updates that you can complete before Christmas
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If you’re looking to get some home remodeling done before the start of the holidays, the panic of the approaching deadline may have set in by now. Certain renovations such as a complete home remodel can indeed take months, and it wouldn’t be a good idea to take up a large project like that with an unrealistic deadline. However, if your goal is to simply refresh your home before the guests arrive, you’re in luck as this guide will take you through some hassle-free home renovations that can be done before Christmas. Change Up the Paint Changing your home’s paint is debatably one of the easiest remodeling tasks you can perform, and it will still significantly impact the ambiance. There are several holiday-friendly paint options you can check out from light colors to darker ones. We do recommend getting a few pastel colors to get the whole house in a jolly mood. New Window Dressings Whether it’s the holiday season or not, natural light will always be an essential part of your home ambiance. As such, it is a good idea to get new window dressings that will help maximize light while also protecting your privacy when needed. Shutters and curtains are some of the more popular options as they can even be customized to a holiday theme. Install New Flooring Getting new flooring during the holiday season can revamp your entire home. If you expect to get several guests over Christmas, it may be a good idea to replace flooring in high-traffic areas. Tile flooring options are the most popular this season as they are cost-effective and easy to install. Some of the more common materials for the holiday theme include wood and stone. Fix Up the Guest Bedroom With the ever-increasing guest list, it’s probably the best time of all to rev up your guest bedroom and get new furniture to wow your guests. Besides making a good impression on them, getting some holiday-themed bed sheets or covers may give you some great ideas for your bedroom as well. Breathe Life into the Kitchen In every home, the kitchen becomes the house’s most active room during Christmas. As such, it is important to ensure that your kitchen is in perfect condition for use throughout this season. Here are some things you can try:
Declutter your utensils and     silverware.
Change the lighting of your     kitchen. This works especially well for island kitchens.
Change the decorative environment     of your kitchen.
Fix up any damaged parts or     plumbing.
Final Thoughts With the above tips, your home remodeling can be completed just in time before the holiday guests start arriving. If you need some help with the tile remodeling part, it may be wise to call an expert. Connect with our team at JustTileSetters today and learn more about how you can change your flooring at the most effective prices.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
Guide to Renovate Your Tiles on a Budget this Christmas
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As the holiday season approaches, the time for last-minute home renovations before the big party is also getting closer. While most of your focus may be on your furniture, drapes, and upholstery, the floors of your home will truly get everyone in a holiday mood. For instance, dark flooring can make your room look smaller and cosier, while light-coloured flooring can have the opposite effect.  Moreover, flooring materials such as wood can make the environment ideal for Christmas. Unfortunately, finding the ideal flooring options on a budget is more complicated than it looks, especially with the holiday prices on the rise. But don’t fret; we’ve prepared this guide to help you find the perfect flooring option on a budget this Christmas. Wooden Laminates Getting natural wood to replace your current flooring is going to be very expensive and time-consuming. Even the tile installation process alone will cost a fortune if you go for real wood. However, if you’re looking to give your home the same cosiness that real wood would bring, we recommend using wooden laminate tiles. These tiles look exactly like real wood but have the benefit of cost-effectiveness and durability and are even waterproof. Vinyl Flooring Similar to laminate tiles, vinyl flooring can also give you the look and feel of natural wood. However, keep in mind that vinyl that has a texture similar to wood will be a little costlier than the kind that only looks like wood. The tiles can be customised in a variety of sizes and thicknesses, which makes them ideal for both short- and long-term holiday renovations. Ceramic Bathroom Tiles Speaking of renovations, if your bathroom has suffered a bit of wear over the years, it may be time to consider getting new tiles for your bathroom as well. It’s best to choose a material such as ceramic or porcelain that is affordable as well as attractive. For the holiday season, we recommend adding a bit of green to your bathroom tiles for a pinch of festive joy, as it is the colour for this year’s tile trends. Stone-Finish Vinyl Tiles Stone-finish vinyl tiles can be used as a budget-friendly replacement for marble. While marble certainly looks gorgeous as a flooring material in every holiday movie ever, it also costs a fortune. By using stone-finish vinyl tiles, you can save a significant amount of money without compromising on the aesthetic aspects of marble.   Whether you’re looking to renovate your entire flooring or just a single room, getting the assistance of a reliable tile contractor can make the difference between making a hole in your wallet and getting value for your money. Get in touch with our team at JustTileSetters today for some budget-friendly holiday flooring options.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
Tile Trends to Try Out for The Christmas Season
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Christmas is the perfect time to give your home a new and interesting look that you’ve wanted to do for a long time. After all, preparing your home for the holiday guests is the perfect excuse to get some renovation done. Changing your tiles can help you breathe new life into any old room while giving it a touch of your holiday flair. However, with so many options out there, it can get a little overwhelming to have to choose one tile material and design for your flooring renovation. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve added some of the most popular tile trends of the holiday season. Tile Trend #1: Go Wild with Patterns Geometric shapes and patterns are sometimes considered tricky to work with. However, they have become increasingly popular among homeowners in 2022 and this popularity is only going up from here. Using tiles with patterns can help bring a warm and serene vibe to your room. Implementing patterns requires balance as going overboard can overwhelm the senses and not using enough would just look odd. A great idea is to reserve patterned tiles for the accent walls in your home or to use them in smaller rooms.  A great idea to make it match your holiday décor is to place your Christmas ornaments on the tiles and see if it gives the desired look or not. This can help you quickly sort through several options of tiles without breaking a sweat.   Tile Trend #2: It’s Time to Be Bold Going bold with colored tiles can give your home an exquisite and beautiful look like no other. Some great examples of bold color choices are colored tiles that break away from the generic neutral colors you see in most homes. You can go with shades of blue for instance that will look great with the golden-bronze accents of the Christmas season. You can use the color on either your floor tiles or your wall tiles. The best thing about using blue is that it looks great with neutral colors so you can mix and match various tiles to produce a beautiful effect that looks elegant all year round.   Tile Trend #3: Go Big or Go Home Another popular trend this season is to use large tiles on your walls and floors. Larger tiles are able to cover more space and while it may seem a little intimidating at first, you will be able to pull off a large variety of home appearances with it. A good rule of thumb when picking out these tiles is to use the weight and thickness of the tiles as your deciding factor. If you go with thinner tiles, you will get less grout lines and the result will resemble natural stone. Using large-format tiles in your living room can bring a serious luxurious look to your home. It will look great with more traditional Christmas décor and gilded ornaments that will make everything blend-in perfectly with each other.   Tile Trend #4: Holiday Naturals Natural colors never fail to leave a positive impression. The great news here is that modern tiles can easily mimic materials such as slate, stone, brick, and even wood. Installing tiles that mimic bricks on your walls and tiles that mimic wood on your floor can give the ideal holiday season look. It will help transform your living room into the coziest holiday space you know. Moreover, a natural appearance never fails to impress and will be an excellent investment in the future of your home. Be it a dinner party or the next holiday season, your home will look ever perfect.   Tile Trend #5: Green is the New Black One does not simply talk about holiday trends and leave out the color green. After all, it’s one of the major colors used in the holiday season. One place that the color will definitely slay is the bathroom. If you’re looking for a complete bathroom revamp, you can install wood-like tiles on the floor and go with green-patterned tiles in the walls for an elegant look. It is a fresh color that will keep a vibrant vibe throughout the year. Moreover, when your holiday guests see the beautiful color combination in your bathroom, it is bound to become the talk of the town. You can find tile setters for bathroom remodeling to help you complete your bathroom renovation just in time for the festivities.   Final Thoughts As you can see, getting new tiles for the holidays doesn’t have to be extremely complex. You can use one of the trends mentioned here or get inspired by them to build new ones. If you’re trying to find a tile contractor in the US to help you with the revamping, using the justtilesetters application will make it much easier for you.
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justtilesetters · 1 year
Tips for completing your flooring renovation before the holiday season
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If you find yourself slightly bored with the idea of decorating your home green and red and matching every other home in your neighborhood, perhaps you can try something different this holiday season. As the summer months are ending, there is less time for homeowners to worry about their tile remodeling than before, and we’ve got a few tips that will make your home ready just in time for the holiday season.  However, before discussing ways to speed up your project, it’s ideal to have your project planned out. To assist you with the planning process, here are a few flooring materials that are bound to match your holiday decorations. Flooring Renovation Designs for the Holidays  
Holiday     Backsplash Kitchen
During the holidays, your kitchen will likely be at the forefront of your home since you’ll likely be preparing meals for visiting friends and family. As a result, your kitchen should be as beautiful as possible.    Using ceramic tiles, you can ensure that your kitchen will be easy to clean if any unforeseen messes occur. Moreover, the neutral color of ceramic can seamlessly blend with all your holiday décor.  
Cozy     Living Room Flooring
Christmas time is ideal for relaxing with your family in the living room while a Home Alone marathon runs on the TV. To bring more coziness into this feeling, you can renovate your flooring with a more wood-inspired variant.   If original wooden tiles are out of your holiday budget for the year, perhaps you could find wood-style ceramic more fitting. This will add the perfect backdrop to your dinner parties and go perfectly with the green and red colors of the holiday season.  
Grand     Entrance Flooring
If this is the first time you’re inviting people over for holiday parties, you may want to consider an upgrade to your entrance as well. After all, first impressions are those that last, and a bland entrance isn’t likely to make one. Some amazing flooring options for your home entrance can be slate or stained cement for optimum durability and style. These are also rather affordable and buying them now can help you avoid the holiday price rush.  
Updated     Bathroom Tiles
Depending on its condition, your guest bathroom may also require a revamp. Even your bathroom can get festive themed tiles that make it a lot cozier than before. Some great ideas for your bathroom tile renovation include glossy tiles in shades of green or red. Apart from matching the holiday theme, they will also look excellent all year long. Best Tips for Completing Your Tile Project Faster  
Buy     Materials Beforehand
Buying all the materials you need beforehand is a great way to get started on the tile project without unnecessary downtime caused by a lack of important materials. You should also note that tiles that are available today may not be available tomorrow, so you must purchase them whenever you get the chance to do so.  
Streamline     the Process with a Professional Designer
A designer can help you decide which tiles go where and also get you started on the process early on. Moreover, a professional interior designer is likely to have the experience and connections in the industry that will help streamline the entire process for you. In certain cases, your designer may also help you get a discount on the tiles you need, thereby saving you money.  
Discuss     the Timeframe with the Contractor
Hiring a professional tile contractor will have many benefits for your tiling project. Apart from managing the workers and the entire project, they would also be able to help you plan the timeline of the project so it doesn’t get in the way of your work or holiday preparations.  
Accommodate     time for Unforeseen Delays
As with any project, it is wise to accommodate some time for unforeseen delays into this one. This would allow you to make changes on the fly before the delays start to get in the way of your holiday plans. It is wise to discuss this with your contractor, so they can accommodate for the same in their schedule.
Ensuring that your home looks cozy as can be during the holidays can be more complicated than expected. You can find tile contractors in the US with the 
 application. With their help, you should be able to manage your flooring renovations just in time for the upcoming holidays.
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justtilesetters · 2 years
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With the holidays dates drawing closer on your calendar, you may have realized that it's time to start preparing your home for guests. One of the major things overlooked in most holiday renovations is the bathroom. However, if you truly want your home to stand out this holiday season, you need to make the bathroom your secret weapon. Like it or not, the bathroom is a reflection of your personal style and having yours remodeled for festive celebrations is bound to become the talk of the town. To help you make this gargantuan task easier, we’ve prepared the ultimate guide to pre-holiday bathroom holiday decorations. Where to Get Started?   As with any other project, the starting point is usually the hardest when planning your bathroom renovations. A good idea is to get your immediate family involved as they are going to be affected by the changes all year round. Here are some factors you should go over to help you decide the right fixtures.  
The budget is one of the first things that should be considered when planning your bathroom renovations. It is vital to discuss the budget with your family before moving on to other factors.   While you certainly should never compromise on quality to save a few bucks, having a set budget will help you prevent any overboard expenses that interfere with other aspects of your holidays.  
The priority list of your bathroom renovations will help guide where most of the budget should go. Anything that seems dated, broken, leaky, or faulty should go at the top of your list. This can include anything from a simple vanity door to the entire bathroom tile renovation.   The priorities would also heavily depend on the planned budget. For instance, if your budget is less than $1,000, you may want to stick with minor renovations, while if it exceeds that, you can add more items such as tiles to your list.  
Before moving forward, you may also consider how the bathroom is used. This would impact how permanent the changes can be. For instance, if it is your primary bathroom, we suggest going all out since all the renovations would be used all year round.   On the other hand, you can stay a bit more conservative with a guest bathroom that’s only used during the holidays.  
Total     Remodel or Revamp?
Deciding whether to completely remodel your bathroom or to simply give it a makeover can be tricky. In the end, it comes down to the convenience of each option. If it is more convenient to tear down walls and start from a clean slate, you can go with a total renovation.   On the other hand, if your bathroom can be revamped with a few new fixtures, a rug, tiles, etc. you can go down that road. How Long Will It Take?  The time of your pre-holiday renovations would depend heavily on the changes you’re making and the time you take for planning things out. We recommend hiring a professional contractor to help manage your timelines and keep the project on track even when things go South. While all remodeling projects are unique, the average time it takes to remodel a bathroom is between 4 and 12 weeks. Final Thoughts Getting your bathroom ready for the holidays is a big step in making your home more welcoming for your guests. With the above guide, you can get started on your pre-holiday bathroom renovations in no time. If you’re trying to find a tile contractor in the US, you may have some luck on the justtilesettlers app.
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justtilesetters · 2 years
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When selecting materials for your business's flooring, it can be challenging to make a choice that appears classy and extravagant while also being practical for your business. Most companies use vinyl tiles or laminate flooring as their go-to options, but these options fail to become the best commercial flooring for businesses.    Value for money, durability, and beauty are the three critical aspects you need to consider. Commercial floor tiles prove to be the best tiles for commercial flooring as they have all the necessary qualities.    If you're planning to build your business space or want to get done with flooring renovation, continue reading to understand everything about commercial floor tiles.  All You Need to Know About Commercial Floor Tiles Commercial floor tiles or cement tiles fall under the category of hard floor tiles. These tiles are entirely different from ceramic tiles as clay isn't used to make them. Commercial floor tiles are made using sand, powdered minerals, color pigments, and cement.    These materials are mixed together and poured into molds before they get compressed with an incredibly high pressure of 2000 pounds. Due to the materials used, commercial floor tiles don't wear out quickly. Thus, these tiles are perfect for commercial purposes.  Reasons Proving Why Commercial Floor Tiles are Best for Your Business Style & Class Commercial floor tiles come in various designs, patterns, colors, and textures, making them highly versatile compared to their counterparts. You can customize your commercial flooring using commercial floor tiles to create a unique, stylish, and classy look.    Cement tiles are compatible with the floor, and using them for your commercial flooring will help your space get extra attention. People often use the following ideas for using commercial cement tiles on their floors: 
Mosaic patterns 
Floral patterns
Geometric designs 
Combinations of various colors
You can Easily Renew Them Commercial spaces like cafes, hotels, and resorts often need to keep renewing the space in order to stay updated and maintain their attractiveness.    It is fairly easy to work with commercial floor tiles as you can rearrange them or remove and use new ones to create an entirely different look.  Durability & Water-resistance  Made using sand, aggregate, and cement, it goes without saying that commercial cement tiles are highly durable. Regular use and heavy traffic have got nothing on commercial floor tiles as they don’t fade away or wear out easily.    Moreover, while water may not be a big issue for most commercial places, cement tiles are water-resistant as well. Cement tiles will be best for cafes and restaurants as water resistance is crucial for them.    Thus, these tiles prove to be highly beneficial for commercial spaces as they can fight damage caused by water, and you won't have to face issues such as mold, mildew growth, and cracks.  Resistance to Heavy Traffic  It is considered a good thing if your commercial space keeps busy and has a lot of people moving around. However, hefty foot traffic is not suitable for commercial flooring.    Commercial floor tiles can easily withstand so much traffic; it is not easy to wear their color off or take their shine away. This is because the color of commercial floor tiles isn't on the tile's surface. Thus, hefty foot traffic or sunlight cannot ruin cement tiles.  Easy Maintenance  Commercial floor tiles are not only durable, resistant, and stylish, but it is also very easy to maintain. Maintenance costs are considered to be one of the most significant costs for commercial space owners. They often look into this factor before deciding the best type of tiles for their commercial flooring.    Commercial floor tiles have a low maintenance cost, and it is impressively easy to keep them clean. Cement tiles help you save both money & time. Their sleek look ensures it is easy to clean dust, water, and dirt, and their durability ensures you won't have to worry about frequent repairs or replacements.  Conclusion  Commercial floor tiles are the best option for commercial spaces as they offer durability and style like no other tile can. These tiles will enhance your business space's look and ensure that its design matches your brand's overall style and ideology.    With a vision to become the best name in the market, Justtilesetters should be your one-stop for getting anything related to tiles done.    The platform will help you find the right contractors according to your requirements and provide you with the best estimate for the same. If you are planning your commercial flooring renovation, cement tiles should be your go-to option, and you should contact Justtilesetters right away!
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justtilesetters · 2 years
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Having a patio in your home is like having a place to relax, rejuvenate and recreate. If you are a lucky homeowner of a home with an outdoor patio, you would, undoubtedly, want to lend it some personality. A patio can be an extension of your home or offer a break from monotony. 
Your patio could be a tiny space you want to transform or a sprawling garden that needs an upgrade. Either way, you can convert it into a place to start a conversation or sit in contemplation with ingenuity and creativity. With our tile ideas, you can transform your patio into a relaxing retreat or a 10 Inspiring Patio Remodelling Ideas with Tiles There is no need for a rhyme or reason to remodel your patio. But if you do need a reason, here we have ten inspiring reasons to take up remodeling your patio flooring right away. Amazing ideas and tips are coming ahead.
1. You can’t go wrong with the Timeless Checkerboard Patio Tiles.
Checkerboard patio tiles add a timeless elegance to any patio. Moreover, designing your furniture or upholsteries around the checkerboard tile is simple. Throw in a few extra-large pillows, an oriental rug, or an oversized chair to complete the classic appeal. 
If you have a penchant for intrigue and adventure, you can’t go wrong with the checker tiles. It is fun and practical. It can make even a small patio space appear spacious and stylish. A bold checkerboard can set the monotony off by using the tiles’ two primary colors to create the entire look. You can create a checkerboard tile pattern by laying ceramic tiles. Then, go in for a dull finish tile for the perfect rustic effect. 
2. Choose a mesmerizing patterned tile for your patio.
Patterned tiles are the in-thing now and will stay stylish forever. Bold and beautiful patterns give your patio much-needed attention. It draws the people in and creates a statement that your guests don’t forget in a hurry. 
When laying a patterned tile, make sure you keep the entire look simple and elegant: the furniture, curtains, cushions, and wall colors. The patterns can sometimes look overpowering the entire look. That’s why you should choose simple furniture. Since the tiles look like a rug, you can match the patterned tiles with solid ones on the corners. 
3. Geometric Patterned Tile lends an edgy look.
To create a patio with an edgy and quirky look, go for a geometric patterned tile. Geometric patterns are becoming a rage in the interior decoration world, and not without reason. With the right tile contractors, you can create a one-of-a-kind look for your patio. 
4. Create a sleek look with the Granite Tiled Patio
Granite tiled patio lends an extremely classy look to every patio. The shape and size of your patio don’t matter - you can safely turn to granite tiles to transform your patio into a stunning unique space. Go for dull grey oversized granite tiles with minimal grout lines to create a modern high-fashion look. 
5. Go for a brick effect to create a spacious look.
Most patios will have large or at least medium-sized tiles, but we suggest you choose small-sized tiles the unexpected way. 
If you have a large patio and feel that covering it with expensive tiles could dent a hole in your pocket, we believe smaller tiles arranged in a subway pattern work best. You need not settle for the usual running bond pattern – go for herringbone, basket weave, or a combination tile pattern. 
6. Make a statement with a wall-to-floor coordinated look.
Tile remodel isn’t only for the floor – use them wisely to create a statement look. Your patio could do well with a floor-to-wall remodeling. A typical floor-to-wall look makes the entire patio look spacious and stunning. The coordinated look tends to make the space look contemporary and cozy. 
7. Decorate Patio walls with patterned tiles
If you are not too keen on the wall-to-floor look, pick a subtle or stunning patterned tile for the walls alone. We put our money on big floral tiles that can blend in with the garden. Channel the inner zen in you and make the patio look airy, cozy, and calm. Use specialist outdoor tiles that can withstand the elements such as water and sun exposure. 
8. Go for a stone-effect tile to get a country vide
Choose distressed tiles with uneven edges and complementary colors for a rustic and country-side look. Make your patio look like it’s been taken straight out of a glossy magazine showcasing beauty reminiscent of a country home. 
To set these uneven tiles neatly, you need to hire expert tile setters. The stone tiles should be set whimsically and elegantly – with no edges jutting out from the design. For a high-end patio look, go for slate, limestone, sandstone, or the specialty soapstone tile. 
9. Blend the inside and outside for a smooth transition
Make the patio an interesting extension of your living room – an arresting addition to your home’s personality. To ensure a smooth transition from the indoor to the outdoor, you can use porcelain or ceramic tiles that you’ve used indoors. 
While these tiles are not ideally suited for outdoor use, textured or matt finish ceramic tiles can do the job for the outdoor tile flooring. Using the same tiles for your living quarters and patio makes your home look bigger, airer, and welcoming. Glass sliding doors can create a seamless transition, and you can welcome the garden into your dining area. 
10. To achieve a deck-like patio, opt for wooden tiles.
Everyone wants a patio like a deck facing the sea or looking up at open skies. If you have a deck-like patio on your wish list, you should try wooden tile settings on your patio. The wood tiles blend perfectly with the outdoors and give your patio an earthy look. For a completely rustic look, use wooden tiles for the walls. 
Explore inspiration with these ten outdoor patio remodeling tips. In addition to considering the tiles’ price, look, and aesthetics, you should also consider installation. 
There are many options in tiles – from colors, textures, material, and price – but you have to get the right
tile contractors
to set them for you. So give creativity a chance, and witness the transformation of your ordinary patio into a stunning space. If you are looking to remodel or install your outdoor patio, Visit Justtilesetters and get the list of local contractors for free in your area.
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justtilesetters · 2 years
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