justthinkingdeen · 3 years
Sometimes we really just have to remind ourselves that we are Muslims. With all the Fitnah that surrounds us. The music, the half naked people, dishonesty, Ribaa, cheating, drugs and so much more. You just have to tell yourself your Muslim and your values are so much more than what surrounds you. It gets hard as your mind naturally adapts to its environment and that’s why you have to continue to tell yourself you are a Muslim you are a Muslim.
Being Muslim means you strive against all of these indecencies, being Muslim means you uphold your commitment and loyalty to Allah and his messenger ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم. It means you honour your parents and serve your communities.
Remind yourself this will safeguard you from falling into the trap of accepting their western values.
Remember that the one who leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace with so much better.
~ Akhi from East
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justthinkingdeen · 6 years
The Saved sect
Oh my brothers who are slandered called khawarij for seeking to be martyrs called khawarij for protecting the oppressed don’t be offended by their slander for verily justice shall be established and these slanders shall be dealt with, this path ain’t a path of numbers rather a path of trial and tribulation
Call me extreme or khawarij for I choose the path of the moderate I don’t shy away from the battlefield but nor do I forget to seek knowledge
I follow The rasoolﷺ he taught to me seek knowledge but also to fight against oppressers But I’m a terrorist for this so I forgive you for your ignorance and I ask Allah to guide me and grant me humility...
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justthinkingdeen · 6 years
Sisters in the dark
You’re husbands are locked and now you’re all alone, single mother of five with no one to turn to, everyone calling you terrorist cause of your views, oh my sisters stay strong for the truth has you being alone, don’t be upset nor grieve, this is path of the mujahideen, so peace be upon you for after the dark days the sun shines
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justthinkingdeen · 6 years
When life became tough she turned to Allah and he remembered her cause she remembered him in the light so he remembered her in the dark 🌓
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justthinkingdeen · 6 years
Her beauty can't be seen no she's to precious to be watched she's an angel under her cover so she must be discovered ✨
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
The prophet peace and blessings be upon him Ameen
Who was the prophet salalahu alahi wasalam, the prophet was a man who was truthful and honest even his enemies new him as al sadiq wal Ameen, the prophet was a man who's laugh was a smile who's sweat was his fragrance, he was so pure that his sahabah would sit under him while he did wudu in order to catch the water that falls as it was blessed.. he was described to be so modest as if he was a virgin behind a veil however the same sahabah described him as a warrior on the battlefield, they said when we got tired on the battlefield we would line up behind the prophet while he would fight the enemies, when they would sleep he would be up on his feet making dua for this ummah he thought in many battles and led all the ones he was in... he salalahu alahi wasalam was beautiful in every way he was a strong but humble, compassionate, merciful caring to everyone he forgave oftenlty but this doesn't mean he was weak because to his enemy he was fierce and they feared him, he was so pure that his enemies couldn't speak bad about him and if they wanted to speak bad they would have to lie as he was to perfect to have anything bad to be known about him.... he was described as a smiling fighter, smiling to his allies and fighting his enemies.. what a man he was... Allahu akbar as Allah is still greatest
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
Think of your blessings not your hardship verily your blessings are greater than your hardship yet you think of your hardship like you have no blessings. Remember your blessings and you'll forget your hardship remember your hardship and you'll forget your blessings
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
Road to broken hearts
Don't go down this road akh it's the road to broken hearts eternity in hell and depression that forever lasts... you go for the life of drinks, girls and zina it may seem all pleasurable till the day of terror hits you then you'll be questioned while you regret all your desires, see this life is an illusion so go by it like a treveller, remember Allah on the way and you'll be saved from the fire don't choose any other road as they lead to broken hearts but if this is the life you choose enjoy while it lasts because the day you die is the day you wish you could restart
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
Don't call me pious
I'm not here to judge you just here to remind you all cause am not greater than any of you Infact am below you all, you take my knowledge as piety when it's just reminders that lead to it you don't know what I do in my spare time when the moon is lit and sky is dark and no ones watching but Allah, you don't see what I do I could be worse than all of you so don't judge me nor call me pious we are all sinners and have angel writers who right what's wrong and what is right, our good deeds and our sins may we be forgiven for them all, it's a scary thought to fail life eternity in hell or Jannah for life, the choice is yours you must make it cause at the end of the day you'll pay for it all, as not an atom of a deed shall go unnoticed but nor will an atom of sin be overlooked. So watch what you do because there will come a day when you judge yourself and testify against your own soul.
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
Our eyes are concerned about our appearance so much but at the time of death our eyes are fixed open as we watch our souls rise so fix your souls in the dunya so that your eyes rest when it watches it rise at death rather than worry and stress ~
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
And we all say pray for burma but how many of you remember them in your prayers, we act like we care but our actions show otherwise this is a sign from Allah that our ummah should unite and rise but how many of us can see them dying with our eyes but our hearts are blind but we choose to deny and claim we are helping when really its just talk anyone can say I care and not mean it you still live a life that seems to have no meaning... they're dying as you read while you look in the mirror to try make your eyebrows look on fleek... while you mandem go the barbers to get lined up Wallahi this is peak, our words are decieving got us all believing thah you care. but your actions are so silent that I can hear the screams from burma from here....
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
I pray I prostrate five times a day life's hard but I got to find a way looking for the better ways so I can see better days... my life on social media is on a stop time to leave everything behind and finally raise my iman to the top and I apologise to those who cared for me but I always told you not to have love for me cause one day I'll be gone and as you can my life on this media is finally done so I guess it's a goodbye to all you I ask Allah protect you and guide you, I did my part I guess and I didn't do the best but I guess I tried to help those who seeked it from me I apologies if I was rude pls forgive me 🙌🏼
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
If you understand Islam then you would understand that women are just queens of the yard they also are educated smart people... khadija ran a successful business and she hired who ? The prophet s.a.w a WOMEN HIRED A MAN is this haraam noooo women can work to the point they are bosses of the work of course as long as they run it Islamiclly so fair trading also fair pay etc but it goes to show yes women work in the house and it's their duty but it's also the mans duty to work in the house... Islam just says the women doesn't have to provide but she can but it says men have to provide culture has taken this to the point where they tell their wife's are slaved while they do minor work...
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
I started chasing up that doh grew up in a broke home had to buy my own console then had start paying for my own clothe never grew with all the money used to ask others for a pound so I started grinding so I could save up my pounds I never did haraam I try to always look for the halal took me a while till I got my 1st designer clothe now look at where I am now and I can't take no credit I just have to thank Allah as he is the provider and he's got me so far and yh it's been a journey but I can't thank my lord enough as I help my family now as they helped me grow up....
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
If you woke up with the blessings you thanked Allah for last night what would you wake up with ?
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
And I didn't ask for the pain but I got a whole load of it but now I can't thank Allah enough thinking over it... Allah test those who he loves and am willing to accept the pain till the day of my death when all will remember my name then forget me again the way I was once not remembered they won't mention me again... and yh it gets hard but I remember am strong complaining won't do anything so I gotta move on and yh I miss the old days but they ain't coming back I gotta prepare for death because one day I ain't coming back... Yh it gets lonely sometimes I need company but my Lord is watching over me keeping me all comfy and I have to be real I don't know what I would do if I left this deen I wouldn't get through so I thank him again and I get up at night remember his name as he brought light to my darkness healing to my pain cures to my diseases oh Allah you are great...
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justthinkingdeen · 7 years
I was to gassed the madboard my hot headed Brain was mad saw if you had a few I would aim much more am talking if you had to f*** that I want for, moving from the chicks to the wips to the landlords, jumping in my way kicking mans doors but did I know who I was a rat for how the devel got me locked in a trap door (knock knock) bright light I found out what I stand for now I praise Allah everyday and thank more me and Merk with our two minds began overloading two lines the competition out here was a food fight we was lickin man down going through fights and the drugs in booth I would lose mine but f*** that go zang and refuel mine… couple bill debts oh give us two nights need a brother ace and two bites got them niggas asking a darg two lights the system got me living two lives going oast stages skipping through lights life so far I would say too nice everyday different goods but a new price at the end of the tunnel red and blue lights so I envy and loose eyes so I said f*** this game two times and if I carried I know I soon find only interruptions in my smoothie nights I try and take my aim to the roof heights mercy on my soul when it hits blue skies one chance one mistake one change two guys and to keep the respect you can’t move mine much more trouble more fame that's two lies astagfiruallah the crew strikes you unbelievers live for one now you two lives thahs y I pray to god through night f*** the system I go by the moonlight so I did the gangsters good bye you could still live what u call a hood life authibilah cause you'll pay a good price
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