“Here is a list of terrible things, The jaws of sharks, a vultures wings The rabid bite of the dogs of war, The voice of one who went before, But most of all the mirror’s gaze, Which counts us out our numbered days.”
— Clive Barker
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Jump 😂😂
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Heartaches are as common as bruises, but they don’t leave a mark. No, they just sink in deeper and deeper, leaving little reminders that you don’t get everything you want. Because life dictates love and time seperates soulmates. Even if this was a carefully written love story, I know we wouldn’t get to be together on the last page.
-the pain of feeling
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Keep your head up Love
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My otha blogggggg
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Just because you only just started talking to them doesn't mean that they won't be there for you
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When I tell you not to cry, I don’t mean stop crying. I mean let it but ‘stop crying’ is what everyone says and I can’t think of anything else
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And my heart is left trying to pronouce something that my mouth doesn't know how to say -S. K.
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A Reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.The man who never reads lives only one.
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An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
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The Ring
Could you ever imagine being a top-class spy with an unbelievable fear of heights? Where a stolen ring; a fear of spiders; a mysterious stranger started it all? Well, this dream is a reality for Charity Silver, and those are the three things that changed her life for good.
“And the Rhodes Scholarship goes to..” Mr. Rodriguez paused as the anticipation grew stronger. Sweat was dripping from students heads, they inhaled deeply as they wiped their foreheads. His voice broke the deafening silence and the school snapped out of its daze. “Charity Silver.” Mr. Rodriguez’s voice was filled with pride. Charity was like a daughter to him. Quietly, she rose from her seat and walked to the stage to receive her award. As she walked back to her seat the sirens went off. All of Mount Ridge High jumped from their seats and sprinted towards the door. Students flooded out of the doors and everyone reassembled in the carpark, completely away from all buildings; just in case it wasn’t an unannounced drill.
Teachers frantically called the rolls, making sure students were safe. Final names were called and Mr. Rodriguez raced around with panic on his face, talking to students and talking to teachers, as he ran he yelled out for Charity.
The academy clapped as they welcomed President Shaye into the room. President Shaye’s voice boomed into the microphone. “Welcome everyone to this year's academy acceptions and elections.” The crowd shuffled in their seats. Lists of names were called out and voting was done. Charity waited in anticipation to see if her name was going to be called and if finally, after years of training she might become a higher class spy and her hard work and sleepless nights have paid off.
President Shaye took a breath and silenced the room. “It is my honour to present to you, the youngest spy in history to be accepted into the Crimson Bloods.” Shaye paused and the room was silent. Everyone looked around the room eager to find out who it was. With pride in her voice, President Shaye called out “Charity Silver.” Shocked and delighted Charity jumped out of her seat and practically skipped as she headed towards the stage. Listening to the cheering and clapping a giant smile spread across her face. As she climbed the stage stairs she tripped over her own two feet and fell.Landing on her hands into a press-up position, her wrist slipping and hitting the corner of the step. She felt the break but decided to ignore it and re continued up the stairs.
Once Charity had collected the award and had thanked all of the team members for accepting her the crowd all began chanting “Speech! Speech! Speech!” Hesitantly Charity stepped towards the microphone. With a deep breath, she began her speech. “I am absolutely honoured to have been accepted into the Crimson Bloods. This is an amazing opportunity that I could never have imagined to happen to me. I am glad to be apart of the team. I will grasp onto this opportunity and work hard to prove that I belong here.” She paused then ended her speech. “Go Bloods!”
After the ceremony was over it was off to the first aid unit for Charity. Head nurse Paisley patched up Charity’s hand. “Not even 5 minutes into the Bloods and your already injured.” Paisley joked. “Wait about 3 weeks and it should be good as new.” Quietly Charity nodded and thanked nurse Paisley, walking out of the unit.
Tears in her eyes Charity walked through the halls with her blurred vision. The pain was unbearable. Crashing into someone, she began apologising. As she looked up she realised who she’d run into. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I was.. I wasn’t watching where I  was walking.” The woman looked at her and smiled. “It’s quite alright Miss Silver, I was just looking for you.” Surprised, Charity raised her eyebrows “Y...You were?” The woman nodded and guided Charity into an official Crimson Boods mission. “Nodding in agreement the mission was described and explained to Charity. “ Thank you, I will do you proud.” Charity walked out of the office to go gear up.
Jumping over the gates to the cemetery, Charity looked around as she walked. Finally, after what felt like hours she found what she was looking for. The grave of Carla Hunt. “These thieves weren’t very good if they didn’t bother the cover their tracks.” She whispered to herself. Rustling bushes sent chills run down her spine. There were no lights to go by, only the light the crescent moon.  Checking her pockets for her flashlight she realised it was still at the academy. Her eyes rolled as she wondered how stupid she could be on her first mission. Bushed kept rustling, Charity ignored it and looked at the grave. The headstone still looking brand new said;
         Carla Hunt 18th July 1991 ~ 4th March 2015 Beloved Mother, Sister, Wife She was too young. R.I.P Carla
In smaller letters, there was a small note, from what seemed to be from young kids. The note read. We love you, Aunty Clara, Don’t worry. We’ll keep your secret safe xx
Touching her necklace with a slight pain in her eyes. Charity looked confused but continued looking into it. Walking around to the other side of the grave she tripped over a large log. “Ouch!” Charity held her wrist in pain as she’d landed on it again. She looked up behind her to see that it wasn’t a log she’d tripped over. It was a coffin. The lid was ajar and a smell was beginning to come from it. “Eugh!” Charity pinched her nose to avoid the wretched smell. Curiously she looked in the coffin. The paraiba tourmaline ring that was once on Clara’s ice blue cold finger was missing. The rustling in the bushes froze and the howling wind was quieting down.  “That’s odd.” Charity said, her thoughts out loud. Hastily she climbed an oak tree with low hanging branches.
Hushed voices came from the bushes. Clutching onto the branch with slow breathing, Charity watched and listened. “Is she gone?!” a deeply concerned voice said. “Shut it ya nimrod! She might ‘ear ya.” another voice with an odd accent piped up. “Sorry Baz.” the deep voice said. Baz and the one so far known as nimrod hopped up from the bushes attempting to be as discreet as possible but somehow, ended up failing miserably. “Ye bloo’y stupid, ya know that?” Baz yelled at Mr. Nimrod. Quietly Mr. Nimrod replied. “I..I’m real real sorry Baz.” Baz shook his head in anger and disappointment. “Sorry, ain’t gon cu’ it now is it Crow.” Crow looked at Baz with annoyance. “Baz, I said I’m sorry, get over it.” Charity tried her hardest not to laugh or fall off the tree branch. Crow and Baz worked quickly, resealing the coffin, putting it back in the hole and refilling the hole with dirt. Making it as if the robbery never happened, the overturned soil could be blamed on the ghastly storms that had happened recently.
Baz and Crow packed their things, made sure everything was in order then rushed to the gates, trying to find a way out. Charity hopped down and followed them, keeping to the trees and staying away from the fence line. Crow finally found a climbable part in the fence and struggled over, his big mass made it harder for him to climb the fence. “Ouch!” Crow’s yelped out in pain. Carelessly Baz threw over the bag of tools. The bag landed with a thud. “Ye idiot! Yer meant to ca’ch it” Baz yelled at Crow. “Sorry, Baz. ” Crow’s voice came from behind the fence. Baz screeched at Crow. “Sorry ain’t gon fix anythin now is it” Crow didn’t reply and if he did Charity couldn’t hear him. Baz scrambled over the fence. Landing next to Crow. The bag was lifted and the two began to run. Charity jumped from the tree and followed them.  She wasn’t far behind.
 As Charity was chasing after Baz and Crow she noticed something a gorgeous blue colour fly off of Crow’s finger. She jumped to catch it, trying her hardest not to make a sound. As she rolled back onto her feet from the ground she realised she’d had it. On her first mission she’d managed to succeed. “Yes!” Charity yelled as the slipped the ring into her pocket and zipped it up. That ring wasn’t going anywhere. Crow and Baz turned around. “Get er!” Baz yelled at Crow. Crow’s massive figure sped towards her at 100 miles per hour.  Charity turned and ran as fast as she could.
In fear she scaled a building. Scrambling over rooftops , trying to ignore her fear of heights she runs. Her life depends on it. Leaping from building to building. Jumping to early Charity fell into an alleyway, luckily she landed on a dumpster filled with mattresses. Crow and Baz were there to greet her. They lifted her by her shoulders and carried her to a garage. As they were carrying her she blacked out.
 Charity awoke to a dark room, light only by a lone candle about to go out. Curiously she looked around. As she looked she screamed. The room was filled with spiders.
Her breathing sped up rapidly, the room was closing in on her. Charity clutched her chest as she found it hard to breathe, her vision slowly failing her. In the distance she heard someone calling to her. “Sweetie where are you?!??!?!” With a blink of an eye she was pulled out of the room and someone began to calm her down. “Sp...sp..spiders…” Strong arms dragged her into a room. “Where’s the ring girl?” A deep infuriated voice asked her. It wasn’t someone coming to save her. It was only Baz and Crow. “DON’T IGNORE ME!” His volume increased. “I’ll never tell” Charity kept the ring hidden. She would succeed in the mission or die trying. There was no way she’d fail. Crow crouched beside her. “You answer him or you die.” Charity spat in Crow’s face. “I’d rather die than tell you where it is!” She screeched.
Crow untied her then made her stand. “What are you doing?” Charity asked in confusion. With her question unanswered she saw a gun in Crow’s pocket and grabbed it. She readied the gun. “Let me go or I shoot!” Baz’s laugh echoed through the garage. “Yer dead girl!” Crow pulled a knife out from his pocket. Quietly he snuck up upon Charity. Knife in hand he grabs her by the neck. He slides the knife across her neck and she drops to the floor. Eyes rolling back, Charity struggled to breathe. As she was submerged in   darkness she saw a white figure coming near.  Blood was everywhere. Charity’s dirty blonde hair was now stained red with blood.  A shocked expression painted on her face. Her eyes open wide open.
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