justshapesandaus · 4 hours
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(welcome back to Arc 3 we are finally continuing it)
Outside of the house Barracuda pulled something out from his pockets, upon revealing them to the guardian they were puzzled, They were egged shaped. "They are teleports I've been working on. Since you got this big quest from the Treeangles I thought it would be about time to give you theses."
Grabbing them from Barracuda's hands, putting them in her pocket so she would not forget them she asked. "What are we suppose to do with them?" Barracuda lit up at being able to tell what his invention was for. "I think it's about time we got a better transportation then using horses, or walking, But unfortunately You three will still have to activate them at each town you go too, just on the outskirts of it, and they all should be able to connect to one another." "Have you tested them out?" Lycan asked from the grass they were laying in, petting Barracuda's Pegasus, who has trapped the flower with it's head. "In small doses I have, But they work well enough longer distances shouldn't be a problem." "I trust Barracuda's inventions." Blixer stated but Cyan said sarcastically. "Oh ya because the 'Antidote' was such a good invention." Blixer looked back at him, making the child grin with glee. "You two stop being so mean to one another, we're about to be spending about a year together, and I'm not going to tolerate this behavior on our trip." Cube said not even looking back at the trouble makers. Blixer stuck out his tongue making Cyan charge at the man, but was blocked by the man's hand keeping him contained. Cube and Barracuda shook their heads before looking back at one another. "Thank you then for the teleporters. Though You also don't happen to have anything for transportation? I don't think being horses would be a good idea." "Funny enough I have." He pulled out something else from his pockets, two small compacted cubes were now in his hands. throwing one on the ground let it roll out into what can only be described as a hovering contraption. "I call it a hoverboard, and it gets powered by the sun, so leaving theses in the sun will charge them."
"Oh so like a none wheeled skateboard that's so cool Baracuda." Cube said excitedly watching as the triangle man kicked it up into the air, seeing it compact back down into a cube, before landing it right back in his hand, before giving one to Cube, and then to Blixer who had walked forward, Cyan laying on the floor pouting.
"Ya Cuda you are amazing." Blixer said, pocketing his much like Cube. "I'm glad you do, you have a long journey ahead of you, though I do have one more think I want to confess, This is still a work in progress, But I do have another teleporter prototype I wanted to test out." "What is it?" Cube asked. "Well it'll allow anyone to teleport into a space they remembered, It's not as well tested as the cross portal teleports, but this, if it goes well should sent you on your right path, Arow is far, so i thought this'll be helpful, if only helping you out on getting you started."
"Well it's worth a try." Cube said with a shrug. Barracuda smiled, pulling out another egg looking device, and throwing it on the ground. It opened up it looked to hold on;y one shape or beat at the current time, but he did say it was still a work in progress. "I just have to calibrate it real quickly. And then you three should be on your way." Cube nods before walking over to lycan. He sat down with his flower brother. "Be good while were gone ok. Or Grandma's ghost will kick your ass." Both of the siblings chuckled "Or I'll get a surprised visit from Grandpa, he'll really kick my ass if he saw me doing nothing around the farm." That got both of them to chuckle just a bit louder that time, before growing quiet. Without needing to say anything they pulled each other into a hug.
Cyan watched this all play out, He was happy to finally be spending time with his guardian. But with it being with the monster who almost destroyed the entire planet? He didn't know how long they'd last being near one another. He could tell that Blixer felt the same way.
But he'll try not to anger the beast,, while Cube is around. Though the only thing he was worried about was why was the Treeangle sending them to Arow, it's a ghost city, according to the locals, always been like that since before he was born,,, a few months ago. But still, a Ghost city shouldn't be having problems, but the Treeangle's words were final so they'd go there."
"And that should do it. you three are all ready to go on your adventure." Barracuda stood up, and backed away from his invention. Blixer took a deep breath, stepping onto the teleporter, and only 4 seconds later, the device lit up, only 10 seconds later did it lit up brightly surrounding the ex king, before he vanished into thin air.
Cyan looked at to where he had gone and grinned, welp there goes his problem. But instead of celebrating in his head, Cube picked him up, bringing him over to do it secondly, it took 14 seconds like last time, and when the blinding light faded, Cyan looked out into the sea of buildings, the forest behind him, a mountain in the distance. Blixer was unfortunately there and still alive, looking out of the vast city, that was supposedly bursting with life, but now layed dormant, being reclaimed by nature. No wonder his friends didn't want him to recover there.
One last light blinded the both of them, signaling that Cube had finally joined them. They all looked out into the town. All wondering the same thing. 'Why were they called to Arow the city of the clockworth?'
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justshapesandaus · 9 hours
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Happy pride month.
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justshapesandaus · 10 days
The circle is complete! Thanks to everyone for your support at Shapes of May this year, my hands are dead/j
Thanks to the following Circle ▽ ▽ ▽ in reply (The order in which the authors are listed does not represent the order in which Circle appears)
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justshapesandaus · 10 days
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I'm sorry i've been gone for a while. I'm trying to think of a way to come back and start up act 3, as act 3 is one of my favorite acts besides act 6 and 7. So here's a drawing of Cube and Cyan.
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justshapesandaus · 21 days
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Here she is. Cy
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It's time to turn in your circles!
By the way, since Blixer is extra, it may not be completed during Shapes of May. But I hope you all like it in the end :]
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justshapesandaus · 24 days
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Blixer from jsab2tlr I call him Lost.
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I always remember that I want to collect Blixer but I always forget to make an announcement Anyway, yes, your Blixer
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justshapesandaus · 27 days
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I’ll post the 2nd mayden dress up batch tmr
In order:
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justshapesandaus · 1 month
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May as well.
Alright you know what time it is now …..
Doing this early again but,
Aside from that, I will post the final batch of squares later today and the first batch of the other event I’ve been working on the side lines so, stay tune for that :]!
[Closes on May 9th]
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justshapesandaus · 9 months
Let me take a look, wow, I did the stuff in May and didn’t finish it until September Orz Fake game screen! Thanks for not having too many people making me do more work
I I I can't believe the content of the Gif I made was so big that I had to make a video RRRRR If I had to make a Gif I'd have to crush it like a crushed cookie, hate >:(((((( Anyway, thanks to the creators of these Blixers!  ↓ ↓ ↓
@justshapesandaus @jsabaddict @harmonyroundwolf2022 @lavthequad @woahtriangle @pricklythepearcat @kitcatttt @satagaru176 @glaciers-blorbo-purgatory @trash-jsab @anonymous-red-shades @angelabsol @aliviasyl @ch1p-tuna @defness
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
Did y'all eat off-screen or something?
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
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This is a bit of extra thought, so probably won’t be able to be done in Shapes of May Anyway, Blixer, give me (?
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
Hey, what are Boat and Heli up to? Apologies if I got their names wrong.
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Captian: It's been a while lasses. But I'm doing swell. Just oh me lunch break.
Heli: I've been doing just fine, delivering a package acually.
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
Oooh! what'd ya make?
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
Asking as many JSAB blogs I can find, what’s your favorite and least favorite level in the game? Genuinely curious as to how diverse the answers will be
My most favorite level in the game is Milky ways, the way it hits you with such a beat right off the bat, blew me away the first time I heard it, I listened it on repeat. But when I was finally able to get the game myself, it was a fun level to play through especially as it showed the way to later levels, that not every level will have circle shaped attacks. It was a good choice to be a tutorial level that's for sure.
Now for my least favorite level is Last Tile. As much as I liked the music(Maybe not as much as the others) I hated how the area moved, and how you can get hurt so easily, It enclosed you in a tight space that you had to be really careful about. And if you got hit, you restarted right before getting enclosed. That level shouldn't of had just two save points in my opinion.
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
M!As: unavailable this chapter
Me who wanted to change Cyan's color:
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Ya sorry you have to wait until ch 6.
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
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justshapesandaus · 1 year
a metal door would be alot more believable, but that thing is made of WOOD, the hell kind of lumber do you guys have to make doors that strong?
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