justnicksocial1 · 5 years
Importance Of Sports Marketing
Sports marketing is about promoting sport as well as promoting other products through sport for example if there is a sport that is popular, organisations can use varies platforms to carry out marketing including boards inside stadiums, television advertising, billboards, print and social media advertising.
People are willing to go and watch sporting events, willing to spend money on products endorsed by athletes for example the marketing trend we learnt about Michael Jordon and Nike. These marketing concepts and trends are important. The Jordan endorsement is the most successful in the history of the sporting goods industry.
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Throughout the semester we learnt about different sports marketing topics. Out of all the topics learnt the one that stood out the most for me was the topic about The US Masters, I acquired knowledge about golf that I did not know. Found it very interesting how they are many rules associated with the tournament e.g. Patrons are not allowed to wear caps, no photos are allowed to be taken during the tournament.
In terms of the marketing mix, I realised how much PLACE plays an important role in the location of any sporting organisations. Choosing the right area to build your stadiums, areas with the right demographics is vital for attracting the right audience.
1. Coyle, R 2019, ‘Sports Marketing’, Week 5, Marketing Segmentation BSM111, viewed 30 May 2019, Bachelor of Sport Business, Holmesglen Institute.
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justnicksocial1 · 5 years
Working Effectively With Third Parties.
When we were first told how we would be working alongside VAFA clubs, I wasn’t sure of what to expect, was excited but scared as well. My group members and I were then introduced to Prahran Football Club.
Working with Prahran Football Club has been such a great experience, having to go out and do real life work for a real club is not only fun and games but challenging, time consuming and takes you out of your comfort zone. Unfortunately for me the club is based far away from home, so I had to take more time off to spend on travelling to and from the club to be apart of the team.
Communication was a key tool we had to make use off. The clubs President and his committee allowed us to attend meetings to get an insight on where the club stands, and this helped build me professionally.
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The club is looking for ways to attract sponsors, promote their woman team and attract new young players. As this is the goal they have, we went worked on a Social media strategy that they can use to help market themselves as a club and potentially attract new sponsors and players. We produced a Social media and Marketing Strategy for Prahran Football Club. In the process of doing this, we went down to the club to run observations, focus groups, surveys, videos and podcasts. This was a great opportunity for use to gain experience for the future as well as a great opportunity to build on our life portfolios.
Moving forward with Prahran Football Club, I think we just keep working hard on the tasks provided and help build the club so the it becomes a super club and one unity. Overall, I believe the club was very welcoming and that made it easier for us to work with them.
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justnicksocial1 · 5 years
Effective Team Member
Throughout the semester, I have been working alongside my group members AJ & Jake in a project with our VAFA Club - Prahran Football Club. What I came to realise is that a high performing team consists of a group of people that share common goals, vision, collaborate and help each other out even when facing challenges. Working with them has taught me new ways of designing presentations, good communication skills and the two have shown good leadership skills.
I managed to effectively contribute the design skills I have for the project, also by being consistent and working through the parts provided for me. Areas I could improve in is writing and grammar, I know I am not the strongest writer so need to put extra effort in ensuring that my parts are edited well and not have as much typing errors. To be an effective and high performing team member, I need to have an understanding of my roles and responsibilities and ensure great accountability.
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As part of our peer review assessment, these are some of the results I got from my peers :
“A few grammatical errors, could she of work on the structure a bit better to enhance it?
I believe the results are got were fair, as mentioned before, I am working on improving my grammar, time management is also an aspect in which I will look into improving as well as communication skills, show genuine commitment, be flexible, don’t stay in the shadows and be more reliable and responsible.
1. Frierson, W 2015, ‘Teamwork in the workplace: 10 qualities of an excellent team player’, viewed 02 May 2019, https://www.collegerecruiter.com/blog/2015/07/14/10-qualities-of-an-excellent-team-player-at-any-workplace/
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justnicksocial1 · 5 years
Market Research
‘’The process of learning about the marketplace and what consumers want,      assessing their desires and expectations and determining how to entice              consumers to use a sport product. ‘’
Market research is also used to ascertain whether sport consumers have reacted to a marketing plan as expected.
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Types of market research 
1. Qualitative 
- Provides reliable data and can be generated to a large number of people
2. Quantitative
- Provides a more depth and rich information
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Some reasons why Market research is important :
1. It is crucial to better understand your customers                                              2. Knowledge about competitors and how they approach the market.                    3. Testing products before launch                                                                          4. Business Growth
1. Coyle, R 2019, ‘Sports Marketing’, Week 4, Market Research BSM111, viewed 11 April 2019, Bachelor of Sport Business, Holmesglen Institute.
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justnicksocial1 · 5 years
Sports Marketing
Introduction to Sport Marketing
Sports marketing is about meeting the needs of sport customers and sport consumers, this subdivision of marketing focuses on the promotion of teams/events as well as promotion of products/services through sporting events and teams.
There are two types of sport marketing streams which are :
1. Marketing of Sport
This is increasing competitiveness and business focus of sport, marketing the sports product. e.g. the competition
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2. Marketing through Sport 
Sport provides platforms for corporate partners to market to specif target markets and market segments. Organisations align with sport primary due to brand alignment, values, target market and product alignment. 
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Personal and professional development
This semester i am looking forward to learning more about sports marketing, personally i would like to acquire as much knowledge as i can that will help with my professional development. Sports marketing will broaden my view of the sporting industry and will expand my mind from basic knowledge i have.
Work integrated learning 
When i first read this i had no idea what it mean’t. After doing some research i believe that Work integrated learning are educational activities that associate academic learning with practical application in the workplace. 
This kind of learning helps students to be job ready, it gives us students an opportunity to gain work experience and develop professionalism whilst incorporating previous study theories. 
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Holmesglen offers a wide range of Work integrated learning either through the course you study e.g Work placements or through projects they offer students to join free of charge e.g LIVE projects held by Study Melbourne.
I am looking forward to my third year where i can go out and do placement hours in the real sports world.
1. Coyle, R 2019, ‘Sports Marketing’, Week 3, Sports Markets & Sports consumers BSM111, viewed 21 March 2019, Bachelor of Sport Business, Holmesglen Institute.
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justnicksocial1 · 5 years
About Me Page
22 year old Zimbabwean’s girl who enjoys being outdoors and spending time with friends and family
Growing up i always had an interest in sport, always watched the Athletics, Cricket and Soccer on T.V. Unfortunately the area i grew up had no community sport so the only sport one could play was either at school or out on the street with friends.
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To help develop this interest i moved to Australia, reason being that i heard it was the home of sport. I Enrolled to Holmesglen because of the great offers they provide, My first year has been progressive, i am enjoying myself, have managed to learn more about the course and all the opportunities i have. 
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Looking into the future, i would love to become a Sport development Coordinator reason being that i enjoy working with children and would love to be apart of the development of grassroots. 
For the past year i have been working at Youlden Parkville as a Junior Coach and this role is paving a pathway for me, working here has enabled me to put into action the skill i learn daily in class :)
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