justmemynmine · 4 days
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Here's our coooooolest wefie!! 8)) \m/_
Lets do this pose again someday!
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justmemynmine · 10 months
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Hi, do Yuno what is a Sunlight?
Its a dish soap? -Ya. "Hilang lemak sekali bilas?, Extra jeruk nipis?" -Yup.
Its correct, but, actually, the Sunlight what I mean it was you!
Even you will use it someday while you cleaning our plates hahah ("yharaaa, tolong cuci piring~")
Ya. Its your mean to be.
To help your mom, hahah. Nonono its not that point.
I mean, you are the girl who will become a Sunlight, for me, your mom, n your world.
Just keep your shine till your world melt with your warmth.
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