justanothervaultie · 5 hours
Monster fuckers are so creative cuz it’s like you’ll look at a monster and go “how the fuck would one go about fucking that?” And then a monster fucker will slither from the shadows and give a demonstration of human ingenuity
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justanothervaultie · 19 hours
I love this! First of all it is a fictional universe so I love the different takes there is no right or wrong on this.
I've actually looked into the sense of smell in humans and it is fascinating because science is not quite sure how it works!
Some people loose their entire or most of their ability to smell after a facial/nose injury others do not. The ability to smell is strongly tied to the nasal arch and reaches DEEP into the skull and facial structure.
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The nose is not a thin straw to take in air but rather a frilled highly complex structure with channels. Not to mention sinuses with the nasal arch having very sensitive hair that filter particles to protect the throat and mucus membrane. It is fascinating. So aside from pseudo science this topic is utterly captivating.
I'd guess most ghouls can smell to a degree or (pseudo science) adapt to the changes in their facial structure unless they have sustained some kind of blunt trauma or chemical burn. (which is probably more common in the wasteland)
HOWEVER science does suggest that most humans without a nasal arch struggle to tell WHERE a smell comes from.
A little tidbit you may go wild on.
You mentioned ghoul scent markings-- can you elaborate on that? Explain it and dump any other thoughts you have about it?
So, I feel like ghoulification would heighten all of the senses (*within the confines of what tissues can remain intact over long spans of time, like centuries; we see older ghouls, especially, with things like cataracts, etc. that would would obviously impact your perception), but the sense of smell especially. Smell is widely considered to be the "weakest" of the human senses, but if you were constantly regenerating the smell receptors that are physically closest to your brain, along with having basically one massive nostril, I'd think you'd at least smell SOMEWHAT more effectively.
I've seen people assume that, as ghouls eventually lose their noses to decay, they have no sense of smell, and (absolutely no disrespect or anything) I find that sort of funny. The olfactory sense ultimately originates in the brain, like any other sense, and the smell receptors that pick up on odors are not only found in the cartilaginous parts of the nose AKA the part that would rot off.
Scent memory is also one of the strongest kinds of memory, as the olfactory bulb that processes smells is located very close to the amygdala and the hippocampus, the memory centers of your brain. For this reason, I think that many ghouls, but particularly ferals, would be incredibly sensitive to smells, even if their particular "nose" is weak from decay. I'd imagine that ferals, as they slip further and further into the sort of aggressive, rotting dementia state we see them in, would still be able to connect with some human memories through smells. I think this may be one of the things that draws them to people so easily, even when you're trying to sneak past them.
Imagine moldering away for years and years, rational and conscious thought basically lost to you, and then, for just a breath, you smell a long-lost loved one's perfume, a favorite food you haven't tasted in decades, a fresh rain after a long, long dry spell. Just for a moment...you can remember.
All that to say that I think smell would be a very big deal for ghouls. Especially the smell of people they care about. One day, the memory of that smell may be quite literally all they have left.
I'm not sure most of them would be conscious of the fact that it's scent marking, but it wouldn't be uncommon to find ghoul lovers (ghouls who are lovers AND those who love ghouls) swapping clothing, reveling in their partner's smell enveloping them and vice versa. Taking their lover around other ghouls and knowing that the fact that the others can smell them all over you means they know you're theirs. Ghouls smelling another ghoul on you and knowing all your business without you even having to say anything.
(Plus...it's just a fun excuse to not have to pull out, you know?)
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What Good is there Denying, You're all that I Desire - Preview
Just a little preview of the fic I'll be posting tonight/tomorrow morning <3 It's a one-shot; title courtesy of @ahandsomebabe, the song is Kiss of Fire, and I'm in love with the Georgia Gibbs version so do check that out!
It was still, thankfully, with only the softest breeze blowing through her hair, through the top layer of sand - meaning she was perfectly able to follow her own footprints back to the directions sign, or what was left of it. The pole itself was rusted through and half lost, pointing almost half-heartedly towards the floor now rather than north or west. Beside it though, were footprints, familiar ones. She’d spent a lot of time following behind the man - and each of those impressions had received many glares in those initial days.
So she knew that squared off heel, slightly raised on the left side. She knew that pointed toe indent, the way it pushed the sand as he walked lazily. And she followed the tracks, smiling every time one of Dogmeats made an appearance; often accompanied by dramatic skid marks. 
He’d been throwing something for the dog, and then…
A great dark hole, sand slowly slipping into it like an hourglass. She almost missed it, almost stepped right into the gap, and nigh-on screeched as she stuck out her arms, trying to find her centre of gravity, trying to avoid falling entirely.
She crouched, quickly turning the burning green torch on her pip-boy up to max, aiming her hand into the hole and gasping when she realised she could see a figure at the bottom. 
The question was, was it her ghoul, or a feral one?
“You gonna just stare, or are you gonna make yourself useful and throw a rope down?”
It was hers.
And he was riled up, angry as a rattlesnake
Here's my A03-
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justanothervaultie · 2 days
Pffft why does Ghoulcy make me rekindle my love for Shakarian?
I have no idea. 🫣🤥😅
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theyre a power couple in any universe happy halloween!
for @citadelfashionweek 
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justanothervaultie · 2 days
Bonny & Clyde meets Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Change my mind.
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Love how they mirror each others even in official concept art.
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justanothervaultie · 2 days
Someone is thirsty alright.
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justanothervaultie · 2 days
#We need more Edward Deegan fics#like look at those cheekbones
😂Do you mean like Dorito commercials? If someone does PLZ tag me I'm dying over here.
Thanks to the Fallout TV series, people's love for Hancock is being rekindled which is a lovely sight to see in 2024!
There's another hot ghoul in FO4 though. Edward Deegan. 👀
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justanothervaultie · 2 days
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I’m so obsessed. 💁 For GhoulcyWeek day 1: forced proximity
For the timelapse, I chose a song found in a beautiful ghoulcy fan video, which you can find in this link.
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justanothervaultie · 3 days
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Lucy McLeans S.P.E.C.I.A.L Stats
Strength: 4
Perception: 7
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 5
Luck: 7
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justanothervaultie · 3 days
I mostly agree but have my own theory/headcannon about this I hope you don't mind adding this on.
So this scene takes place after he dug into Rodger and pulled chunks of flesh out of his "friend" to eat them in front of Lucy with his gloves. Yes for shock value, yes to fuck with her but also to regain some HP (if we look at it from a gameplay lense).
The gloves went off because they were likely really grimey and wet. But I have seen people argue it is a sign that he is more comfortable around her at this point and I think that is also valid. She hasn't once made a comment about him being a ghoul or about Roger being a ghoul. She didn't express disgust or disdain at his appearance she looks him straight in the eyes every time he challenges her. Yes out of naivety but still.
He likely took the lead off her because quite some time passed during their travel and thinks he has got their dynamic established by now. He is in charge - she follows. (I believe their little trip together lasted at least 1,5 days since the gulper - the pacing of the story, sun and walking distance wouldn't add up otherwise - also the jerky on his bag is almost completely dried by the time they arrive at the SD-mart.)
When she makes a run for it he was already starting to feel at least a little woozy as we can see by his coughing attack and then collapsing in front of the SD-Mart later on.
Now selling her is his only ticket for survival so pulling his gun was probably not the first thing he wanted to do - perhaps because he did not trust he could aim right at this point but he did manage to lasso her so - this is pure speculation. Awesome lasso scene! We love that - 100% service for the audience. BUT it begs the question if he is still capable of a full sprint at this point. IF Lucy had kept running instead of stopping, who knows what could have happened.
He was mad (at himself most likely) because he already poked at her and got to know her a little. Again she broke out of his expectations of what she was capable of. So this is personal now and he goes for the throat but it turns into this weird grapple.
Lucy 100% expected to be choked! Lucy was so ready for a Monty 2.0. Instead of a clean kill Monty tried to choke her out and take his sweet time with her of course she expected the same from the Ghoul. The finger was just collateral during his grappling with her. She clearly did intend to bite him but did not expect to bite it off.
This may be a dumb question, but why do you think The Ghoul has his hands over Lucy’s face / mouth during the infamous finger biting scene? Do you think it’s because he’s trying to put the leash around her neck again? I couldnt work it out.
Not a dumb question at all, I've been wondering about the same thing.
There are a lot of convenient things going on here. Why did he take off his gloves? Why did he stick his bare finger right on her mouth? There are much better ways to hold her down or to keep her head from moving. Why is he leaning over her when he could have just pulled out his gun from a safe distance and ordered her around (her hands are still tied)?
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Since these actions can't easily be explained in a sensible way (unless I've missed something), I figure we get to interpret them in a shippy way!
Why did he take off his gloves? To leave open the possibility of skin-to-skin contact.
Why is finger near her mouth? Because he wants to touch her lips.
Why not just stand back and pull out his gun? Because he's angry she ran, and because he wants it to be intimate when he subdues her again.
I think you're right that he probably wants to put the rope around her neck again. He seems to prefer leaving only her hands tied and walking behind her with the gun, but he ropes her neck when he first kidnaps her and he I can see him doing it again here, to punish her and to reestablish his dominance.
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justanothervaultie · 3 days
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ok so... i have this headcanon...
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justanothervaultie · 3 days
Cooper: Would you please not Lucy this into a worse situation than it already is?
Lucy: Hold on, did you just use my name as a verb?
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justanothervaultie · 3 days
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"there's an old mexican eulogy, feo fuerte y formal. means he was ugly, strong and had dignity. well, joey, i'll give you two outta three on that front."
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justanothervaultie · 4 days
Dunno if this is something you've been asked before but how does our favorite post apocalyptic beanboy and his most excellent gal celebrate Halloween in the Commonwealth?
It's been a long time since we talked about this in detail (probably in 2014-15?) but I think we established that many traditional American holidays were lost in the Great War (people were more concerned with surviving, obviously). A lot of these celebrations were kept alive by Vault residents however. Buttons does his best to inspire his fellow Arefu settlers to celebrate Halloween to some extent and Meg plays along, even if it makes no sense to her. The budget Brahmin has to be my favorite Halloween post so I did a quick redraw:
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Buttons had a couple other Halloween costumes since 2014:
Butt-O-Ween skeleton
Slutty Molerat
Hancock (aka raunchy mayor)
GTA Online Buttons is a sexy cat every year
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justanothervaultie · 4 days
Lucy saw the Ghoul in the SD-Mart!!
I didn't notice that control panel in the SuperduperMart even after 2 rewatches. It took a YT compilation for me to catch onto it. OMG
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Had to add the notification.
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justanothervaultie · 5 days
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justanothervaultie · 5 days
lucy: [mentions "cousin stuff"] cooper, in disgust: cousin stuff? wait... ugh. so you mean you--- lucy:
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