I just want a friend
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Anyone struggling with college applications and finding scholarships?
If anyone is struggling with college applications and/or scholarships and/or anything to do with school or college like and/or reblog this! I was thinking there’s probably tons of people going through this so we can all help each other out or talk to one another about it since we’re all going through it or have been through this!
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I look ugly when Im happy.
I was looking at my pictures and the ones where I'm genuinely smiling look horrible.
I realised that even irl I hold back my smile cause it makes me look so bad.
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I dunno I found this guy. He's amazing. No one has made me feel like that. BUT I think things are fizzling out Idk?
Like the way he used to say goodmorning before vs the way he says it now
The way he used to tell me everything and appreciate me has reduced
His eagerness to call me and see me has reduced
He just doesn't need me as much as he used to and that hurts like shit.
Also amount of ILY's have reduced.
My instinct rn is to leave him and go cause I know I'll get hurt. It's easier for him to not be able to talk to me than its for me to talk to him.
He doesn't miss me as much as I miss him.
Idk anything. I hate this tho.
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Is it just me or does your brain force you to think about the bad times to keep you unhappy? Cause it knows that happiness is an illusion and this way you'll remain protected. Do you ever force yourself to fight with someone or just randomly ruin your relationships because they're going good but according to the rules of your life that's a bad sign?
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This is going to be my red flag check post thingy idk. I cannot get a hold of my thoughts lol. And im always confused. So Imma make a list. And as and when something happens Imma tick em? Idk
But first I need to stop being single
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ANDDDDDDDDDDD I got played againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Man this is amazing. I feel so insecure and so hateful towards myself rn lmaooo that it physically hurts my chest. I mean I deserve it ig. I was a fool to believe that someone could truly fight for me and make me theirs or simply just want me. It's all a fantasyyyyy. Im gonna go back to reading fanfics. Worst part. Im not even the main character of my own life lol. Helps a lot with confidence.
Moral of the story : I hate men (at least I want to). Also don't think you can find love. It doesn't exist. You're on your own. Stay strong without depending on anyone else.
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Yeah you love me. But is love to you what love is to me? Does my intensity match yours. Does she make that light glow more? If I had that face, that body, would you love me more? Yeah you would. But love can't be more. It's something you cannot go beyond because that is your beyond. The most you can do. The most you can feel. You make me feel like I'm your most. But then again, she makes you surpass that. So you don't love me. You wish me sweet goodnights when I cry to be your most. No, you don't love me. You don't love me. You don't love me. I don't blame you though. I don't love me either :)
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Maurizio, you fucking traitor.
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Our hugs are the portal to a new fantasy world, where time flies too fast and problems don't exist. They're a poison. A never ending torture because they're so hard to attain. And once you have a taste, that is all you want. Red hot burning love? Yes.
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Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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Im addicted to feelings I shouldn't be feeling.
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Romantic love? Platonic love? Sexual, erotic love? Or just the one that makes you confident?
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I mean to him, it's all just pretend. Wants to put on a fucking show. Makes me feel that the problem is in my reaction and not the way he treats me. Which is pretty shit btw.
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Lmao I tried so hard to be accepted and loved by you. But I realised you were ready to give me up for them. I fucking hate that and now I don't even wanna be noticed by you. Some people really are great at doing damage.
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One word he says and there's a pool of liquid in between my thighs
(I mean, thighs make the best earmuffs. Don't you think? ;))
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