justanintp · 2 years
I am going crazy i need to find the bitch bitch sound effect that sound like a car horn macdoesit uses what is it called where can I download it
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justanintp · 5 years
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justanintp · 5 years
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justanintp · 5 years
Dear Millennials,
Do you hate the way Baby Boomers talk about you?  Well, I want you to remember something:
The Baby Boomers were also the generation of the Hippies.  And the so-called Greatest Generation said the exact same things about the Baby Boomers as the Baby Boomers say about Millennials.
The exact same things.  The only thing missing was the word “selfie”.
Hippies/Baby Boomers were called lazy and entitled.  They were called selfish and self-important.  They were treated as if they didn’t know how to work or show proper respect for their elders and everybody thought that they wanted some sort of special treatment.  The Baby Boomers were perceived as this group who thought everything was all about them.  If you asked the Baby Boomer Hippies, at the time, they’d say they were just exploring sexuality and fighting racism and trying to do away with the old ways because the old ways weren’t working.  They fought and they protested and they were passionate.
Then, to borrow a phrase from The Dark Knight, “you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.”  That’s what happened to the Baby Boomers.  But, there’s a third option.
Remember what this feels like.  Remember what it’s like to be in your teens and twenties.  Remember that it’s not easy.  Remember everything the past generation says about you.
Because there will come a day when the Millennials are in their 30s and 40s and 50s.  Where the President and Congress will all be Millennials.  Where you will be the establishment.  You will be in charge.
And there will be people of your generation, your age group, who will look at the Post-Millennials and say “Look at how selfish and disrespectful they are!  What is wrong with their music?  What is wrong with their hair?  They can’t be separated from their technology for one second, can they?!  People in my generation knew how to work hard!  They weren’t lazy and entitled like these kids are!”
It will happen.  Don’t let it.
Fight it.  Fight for yourselves now but, when you’re older, fight for the next generation.
Break the cycle.
If you hate the way you’re treated by the older generation and the media, then remember that and don’t do it to the ones who come after you.
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justanintp · 5 years
me whenever a woman in greek myth gets fed up and destroys the men who've caused her trauma
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justanintp · 5 years
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I can’t believe they oblitered straight men like that
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justanintp · 5 years
I heard someone swear “you mother fuck!” over the phone the other day, and all I could think of was this
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justanintp · 5 years
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justanintp · 5 years
Friendly reminder that Siberia is a subarctic region with one of the coldest summers and the amazon is the world's wettest, rainiest rainforest yet currently they are both burning.
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justanintp · 5 years
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justanintp · 5 years
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justanintp · 5 years
The month of May was horrible!
brace yourself, I talk about my dad who shares the same values as a trump supporter, death and abuse
Here’s the rundown
(5.20) good friend was lost to suicide. He fought the same battles, shared the same rusty spoons. As someone who already struggles with suicidal ideation it was HARD TO SWALLOW
(5.21-25) funeral planning and being triggered as shit totally not fucking okay. Contemplating hospitalization and questioning life. Bad bad bad
(5.26) mom tried to get me to talk to her (woohoo :D) but instead we were interrupted by sperm donor/dad’s abuse, homophobia and transphobia (D: boohoo guess who is homo and trans it’s me). He saw that I’m looking a lot more manly suddenly and screamed in my face and reacted… Well… Violently, inhumanely.
Can’t call the fucking cops cuz my dad is sheriff and well if you live here you know that we can’t trust them to not shoot us dead given the chance (and honestly knowing my dad he has joked about selling me to his friends and I’m sure he would be happy to joke about hinting that he’d be chill with them shooting me if I ever try to open my mouth about some shit so pls let’s not test this like last time).
Anyways he spends some time being an asshole while one of my partners sits next to me and is listening to this very triggering traumatic event unfold. Meanwhile I’m totally full fledge not ok PTSD out the ass I can’t even do anything but shake and scream at my mom for just watching it all happen and beg her for help. Bouncing from “please help me” and “you fucking bitch how dare you just turn a blind eye to this abuse AGAIN”
After more shit I finally start getting snarky just so he kicks us out instead of traps us there to get who knows what happened. He throws me the fuck out and my mom just locks herself in her room for some time knowing that I’m already suicidal and was there for comfort. I couldn’t hop in my partner’s car because my dad is fucking nuts and I don’t want to make any wrong moves. So I ran and screamed like a nut and then realized I had a half gram of weed in my pocket and should probably go away before dad sends cops and they somehow know that I a dirty medical marijuana pothead faking pain to get dRuGS, as my dad probably phrased it
So I run to Grandma’s to talk
Grandma offered to let me stay with her a few nights of the month bc honestly my dad is nuts and while I have no proof he’s going to use any excuse out there to kill my “faggot special snowflake self” he WILL kill me in front of his mom if he finds me using her home as a safe spot permanently (she’s disabled and can’t protect me, he has keys and can come in any time). Idek if I can trust GMa because her dementia is making her v forgetful and if she slips up by mentioning to dad I’m there I’m FUCKED. I love her tho
Also it feels like my partners are at risk just for being physically with me tbh… And I have nobody else irl besides professionals to help
(5.27) TODAY spent almost all of last night just on the street hiding out by some parking lot so I woke up TIRED. I’m kind of really considering bad things. It’s memorial day tho so hospitals next door are closed early. The clinics are also closed. My only choice is to get admitted through the ER and I literally have $1.54 left because I haven’t been able to properly function since 5.20 and have been using saved funds to pay for everything I had to up until now. Now next month is coming and I’m not sure….. I’m not sure idk…
Idk what I want to do. Yes I do. I just don’t know how I’ll be able to do it. My parents aren’t helping me. My insurance plan isn’t providing these services that I really don’t know if I can pass up. I need to get help. I don’t want to end up killing myself because of the mistreatment. I don’t want to fucking die by his hands either I just need to get stable and get a job and go to school and move the fuck away far the fuck away
The first baby step is getting the support I need to be okay. I’m sorry to write out all this triggering horrible stuff. Ik it wasn’t calmly put or nice to read… Maybe even painful
If you took the time to say anything nice or make sure I was okay I really appreciate it. I promise you if it wasn’t for the kindness I got online I would not be strong enough to push myself to get help. I’m scared of what it will cost. Idk what debt it like. Nobody else is going to help me feel safe tho so I have to go there’s no other choice
If you’re comfortable and able, I could really really really really REALLY use some $ support for when I’m out since I won’t be prepared to pay off ANYTHING… I’m sorry to ask and I hope this doesn’t warrant a bunch of hatefulness. Please help me climb out of this ditch, I need a hand
I hope that you all are safe. FUCK COPS BE GAY BE TRANS AND CUT YOUR HAIR
PS pls don’t add anything rude or triggering on this post rn isn’t a good time 👍 oh oh and if anyone could pls vouch saying that I Am Not A Bot that would be awesome help in case anyone isn’t sure idk man I’ve handled a lot of wack stuff lately so it’s worth mentioning
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justanintp · 5 years
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
( http://www.sosamazonia.org.br/conteudo/doacao/ )
And remember: 1 dolar is like 4,04 reais. If you donate only ONE dolar you're helping a lot.
Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
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justanintp · 5 years
Why is no one talking about what happened in São Paulo yesterday?
The sky turned completely black around three in the afternoon partly because of smoke coming from the Amazon rainforest, WHICH IS 2300 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM THE CITY, where the government has greatly increased the amount of land being burned for profit. People are getting sick, animals are dying, native territory is being lost to the flames.
This is what the sky looked like in my city yesterday, in the early afternoon.
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It got so dark so fast the city had to turn on the lamp posts and night lighting.
Please talk about this. Reblog this post, non-brazilians especially.
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justanintp · 5 years
INTP functions
Ne: Do you ever wanna talk about your feelings?
Ti: ...No
Fe: (awkwardly following behind) I-I do...!
Ti: I know, Fe
Fe: I'm sad
Ti: I know, Fe
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justanintp · 5 years
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I love this song
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justanintp · 5 years
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