jupernaturalweek · 2 months
chag pesach sameach ! חג פסח שמח
thank you so much!! chag sameach to you and everyone here.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Jupernatural Week Day 6: Judaica (Physical Reminders, Inheritance, Stories)
The Men of Letters Bunker has a mezuzah, it is small, and blue. It has been on the doorframe for the last half a century. It once helped make the Bunker a home for the not-quite-soldiers that had their barracks there.
Baby has a mezuzah, it is small, and patterned green and white. Dean stuck it to his side of the dash when John finally let him have the car for himself. The impala is the closest thing to a home the not-yet-soldiers who grew up inside it had.
Sam nailed a mezuzah to the doorframe of his and Jess' apartment during his time away from the family. It is small, and made of unpatterned wood, as unobtrusive as possible. One day, when he's in class, his landlord paints over it. Sam was just starting to feel like he could call his place with Jessica home.
It is after an apocalypse, another near apocalypse, and before a second one before the Winchester brothers receive their grandfather's key.
The bunker is a treasure trove for hunters, but all Dean can think is that he hasn't had a bedroom of his own since he was four years old.
And when they enter from the garage, nailed proudly to the doorframe is a small, blue mezuzah.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
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[ID: two page digital drawing of Joan and Castiel. Joan is a young white woman with short caramel hair and caramel eyes, wearing a maroon t-shirt, light jeans, and gold star of david necklace. She's also wearing a number of gold earrings, and has freckles and a scar across her nose. In the first page, Joan is tense, hands balled up in fists and expression distraught as she looks away. Castiel is in his usual outfit, and looks serious and solemn. Joan asks "What if I want to be Johana and not Joan? She only had time to give me a few things so is it wrong of me to throw one away?, to which Cas responds "I think your mother would want you to be happy.
In the second image Joan has relaxed a little, and is looking at Cas and smiling tentatively. He's smiling too, expression caring as he continues "Yochana is the feminine form of Yochanan. It's a variant of Yehonatan. The English version is Jonathan, which is the origin of the name Jack. No matter what you decide to do, this is something the two of you will get to share. You were both a gift."
In both images, faint shadows of wings can be seen behind the two of them. In the first, Joan's are held tightly, curling slightly around herself protectively. In the second they're more relaxed, with one of Cas's tucking around her.]
@jupernaturalweek 2023 - Judaica
From this amazing ficlet by @jus-a-lil-mouse, preceding Joan, their Gabriel fankid, and Cas trying to bake challah together here
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Summary: Dean takes Castiel to his grandmother’s house for a Friday night Shabbat meal. He ends up getting a bit of a history lesson.
This little one-shot came about because Bubby Kaplowitz just would NOT leave me alone. I originally wrote it right after Chanukah of last year and posted it on International Holocaust Remembrance Day (interesting fact, Israel observes Holocaust Remembrance Day the week after Passover ends, not in January). As it happens, this short story fits a bunch of different @jupernaturalweek prompts, but I’m going to go with today’s prompt, Shabbat. Sorry, Shabbos… my Israeli is showing.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
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[ID: digital drawing of Rufus Turner standing confidently with his hands on his hips. He's wearing dark jeans, a gray shirt, and a light blue flannel with the sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms. He also has a number of silver earrings, including a larger dangling hamsa charm. He's grinning brightly.]
@jupernaturalweek 2023 - Character spotlight
If I am not talking about how much I love Rufus Turner assume I am dead
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Jupernatural Week Day 5: Character Spotlight
Aaron Bass is having a shit week. He and his golem, (his golem, what kind of a reality is it where he can have a fucking golem) have spent the last seven miserable days bouncing in and out of the shittiest hotels the European continent has to offer, in an attempt to track down a supplier of alchemical ingredients to the group of Nazi Necromancers they are actually hunting.
He has almost given up completely when he takes a seat at the hotel bar somewhere in rural Switzerland and orders a Sex on the Beach, a tall young man sits next to him. Aaron's immediately glad he left his golem back in his room, because the Swiss motherfucker is wearing a sonnenrad ring.
The fascist fuckwad in question is merrily chatting up the bartender, a pretty blond man, in Italian with a heavy German accent. Aaron's Italian is shit, but it's better than his French.
"Cosa fai per lavoro?" What do you do for a living? and the responding "Vendo attrezzature... chimiche." I sell chemistry equipment, with a pause as though he was thinking of a lie not too far from the truth.
Aaron's been following this dipshit across the fucking alps, and here he is, sitting right next to him, hitting on the male bartender and drinking fucking peach schnapps.
Well, Aaron knows what to do with this, at least. He orders a refill for the "salesman" and then a second one, and a third. When he's good and schnookered, Aaron invites him back to his room in whispered German.
The "salesman" follows him out of the with a grin, Aaron smiles back at him, but not for the reason his new companion thinks. Dean'll get a kick out of this one, he thinks.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
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saw a meme and made it even more niche
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
High & Holy Series Masterlist
This is my Masterlist for my ongoing series High & Holy
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Titles: The Story of Purim / Of Hamantaschen & Gifts / Family Seder
Series Rating: Teen and Up (May change as the series goes on)
Ship: Gabriel/Dean
Word count: 12642 (ongoing)
Written for: @spnrareshipbingo 2021 (Fluff) // @anyfandomgoesbingo (Free Space) // @anyfandomgoesbingo Custom Card Supernatural (Free Space) // @anyfandomgoesbingo Custom Card Any Holiday Goes (Reading the Torah)
Series Tags and Warnings: Human AU, Purim, Baking Together, Fluff, A little bit of Angst, Jewish Mary Winchester, Jewish Dean Winchester, Jewish Gabriel, Family fluff, Brief mention of an eating disorder, more tags to be added as the series goes on
Summary: In these stories, we follow Dean and Gabriel, as a couple, and before they knew each other, as they celebrate Jewish Holidays and everything it entails.
Banner by myself and @fictional-affairs
Beta by @fictional-affairs and @rpsocsandcanonohmy
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The Story of Purim
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Of Hamantaschen & Gifts
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Family Seder
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 ?
AO3 Series Link
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To have updates on my fics, make sure you follow me and join my Discord Server to have bonus snippets, deleted scenes, make requests, and the like. It's FREE.
If you'd like, donate me a Ko-fi
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
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[ID: digital drawing of Emma and Dean Winchester framed in an open doorway. Dean has one hand on Emma's shoulder, with her hand overlapping his, and the other gesturing into the room, his hand passing under a purple mezzuzah on the frame. He's wearing a light green flannel, jeans, and has a blue hearing aid. Emma is wearing a pink t shirt, jeans, and a silver star of david necklace, that she's touching lightly with her free hand, and is leaning in slightly towards her father. Both are smiling sentimentally as Dean says 'Welcome home'.]
@jupernaturalweek 2023 - Home
Reconnection? L'dor v'dor? You know it has to be emmanatural time
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Jupernatural Week Day 4: Home (Reconnection, Ancestry, L'dor V'dor)
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
New chapter alert! Sammie eats ma po tofu.
for @jupernaturalweek Day 3 (Sustenance), 4 (Home), and 5 (Character Spotlight -- Rufus and Moishe)
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
I've got a Jupernatural SPN fic on AO3. Can I send you the link, or copy/paste the fic (it's a bit more than 1,600 words) to Tumblr?
Speaking as a fellow AO3 writer, I think a link is fine! And just tag us when you post it :)
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Jupernatural Week Day 4: Home (Reconnection, Ancestry, L'dor V'dor)
Claire Novak is Jewish. Huh. Her family had been what Dean joking refers to as "Jesus freaks" and her father used to be Jewish.
She doesn't quite know how to feel about this. Her father had kept this from her, had rejected this part of himself, and rejected this part of her before she ever knew it existed.
Claire knows that she doesn't have to think of herself as Jewish, at all. That according to tradition, her mother is the parent that matter in this equation. She decides to anyway.
Living with Jody is weird, she keeps trying to make Claire have a normal time in high school and a healthy social life whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
But when Claire asks to go to synagogue on a random Saturday, Jody drives her there. It takes four hours, and they miss service entirely. Claire asks Jody to wait for her outside, and she just says "Whatever you need, kid."
It's a tiny building, an old community center, Claire thinks. The congregation seems pretty normal, if Claire has any conception of what normal people look like.
They're mostly old people, or couples with kids. They're sharing food, and gossiping. She feels a pang in her chest that's almost like longing.
So she goes around with a plate, gets some baked mac and cheese and a blueberry blintze. Claire eats, and mostly listens for a bit.
Some of the kids are drawing on little index cards on the floor, being directed by a short brown-eyed woman who Claire hears someone call Rabbi Hannah. A red-headed little girl, missing a front tooth, is proudly scrawling on the paper Angel of Strawberries accompanied by a little doodled fruits. The rabbi carefully slips the cards into an envelope. She notices Claire.
"Would you like to make an angel card?" She asks "You write down the angels you want in your life." Rabbi Hannah misinterprets Claire's panicked look. "Or if angels aren't your thing, think of them as values you want in your life.'
Claire takes an index card between two fingers, carefully like it could explode. She is handed a coloured pencil. Claire has been the vessel of the divine, has spoken to angels, threatened angels, and killed angels.
She writes in letters that are slightly loopy: Angel of Home.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Day 1 of Jupernatural Week - Life
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
Can we also share with you spn Jewish fics that we made before the event? As a sort of positivity thing?
Absolutely! The more the merrier 🥰
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
@jupernaturalweek day 3: sustenance food | warmth | understanding
the first time a goblet and a flimsy piece of bread is pressed into his hands, castiel is standing in a dark room with high ceilings. he can't recall what he's done this time, to land him in such a miserable place on earth, but he knows his time here is meant to be penance, so he accepts the offering. 
even though he can't taste things, not in the way that mortals do, the wine and cracker leave an unpleasant sensation of ash and despair on his tongue. as he heads back to the pews, it takes every bit of his self-control not to vomit all over the stone floor. 
the first time a goblet and a flimsy piece of bread is pressed into his hands, castiel finds himself surrounded by stained glass and marble statues. he can't recall what happened in heaven that led to his arrival on earth, but it must be for his own good, so he accepts the offering. 
he's still an angel, he still can't taste things, but he can sense them on his palate and the way they make his insides crawl.
by the time castiel can remember being sent to earth, he's doubting whether or not there's a lesson involved. castiel can't be doubtful, so he remains dutiful, taking part in the ritual and living amongst the people until they inevitably destroy themselves to prove their god is good.
time on earth, like taste, has no meaning for castiel. time has no meaning, but there are moments that stand out amidst the expanse of existence.
the first time castiel watches someone recite a blessing over wine and distribute it among the congregation, it's because he followed a pull from his heart and wound up in a rectangular stone room. this room is more of a house than a chapel, and while he can perceive a chill in the air, there's a natural warmth surrounding everyone.
castiel is returned to heaven shortly after, and loses most of his worldly memories after reporting to his superior. he can't recall being in that room, but as he watches it being ransacked and plundered and burned, as he watches the people suffer on the basis of being different, he wishes he could be there to return the comfort they extended to him.
the people of earth continue to squabble and fight and kill, and as it is below, so it is above.
the fighting goes on for minutes or for millennia, interspersed with brusque talks of sacrifice and loyalty. 
castiel knows sacrifice and loyalty in the same way he knows that allegiance and faith go hand in hand with one another. he knows that devotion is expected, that it's required, but he knows that in the same way he knows that just because something is revered, that doesn't mean it deserves to be respected.
the first time - no, not the first time. he hasn't been in this exact place before, but he has been here before. this time castiel finds himself surrounded by crucifixes and organ music and talks of a holy ghost, and something inside of him snaps. 
castiel is doubtful, but he can't be dutiful, not here, not now. when the people rise to approach the altar, he uses the crowd as an opportunity to exit through the heavy wooden doors and go anywhere else.
anywhere else turns out to be heaven. they tell him before they wipe his mind that if he can't even learn proper behavior from mortals, he really must be lost, and the only way to return is through going through the trials again. the last thing he remembers thinking before the white walls of heaven fade to black is that if grace must be earned, can it really be called grace at all?
as above, so below.
you don't think you deserve to be saved?
time on earth, like taste, used to have no meaning for castiel. it used to, but now there are people and moments that stand out during his lifetime and give him insight into what it was that he was missing during his previous visits to earth.
the first time he catches bobby mutter hamotzi under his breath as he passes a burger to dean, the atmosphere changes around them and suddenly castiel is back in the lithuanian synagogue. he's hearing the kiddush from thousands of years ago while hearing this family talk about classic cars and castiel is struck with the realization that this is about being strengthened not just by the food but by the culture and community as well.
the first time dean says baruch hashem when jody and donna bring cholent on a friday afternoon, the sincerity and kindness overwhelms castiel. he's an angel; he's meant to be objective, to follow orders and to not concern himself with emotions. he maintains a neutral expression but there's something about everyone looking out for each other while acknowledging that this love extends to hashem as well that makes castiel almost proud to be involved with them.
the first time sam drunkenly raises a l'chaim, his dimpled cheeks tinged pink, castiel's entire being hums with joy. he even drinks a bit with sam, and helps him eat his confusing mixture of popcorn and gummy candies while they watch cartoons. castiel is still an angel, and he still can't taste things, but the salty-sweet smell combines with sam's smiles and the result is a warmth that castiel hasn't felt since his grace was taken away. 
the seconds and thirds and hundreds of times after are no less impactful, and those are the moments that castiel wishes he could preserve in jars and hold in his hands like pieces on mann to nourish every aspect of his form.
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jupernaturalweek · 7 months
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[ID: digital drawing of Castiel and Joan braiding challah dough together. Cas has his coat and jacket off and his sleeves rolled up. Joan is a young white woman with short caramel hair and light brown eyes. She also has freckles and a thin scar across her nose, and is wearing a number of gold earrings and a gold star of david necklace. She's looking down at the dough in deep concentration as she braids. Cas is smiling over at her a little sadly. Behind them are faint impressions of wings, Joan tucked slightly into Cas's. The table, and also both of them, are liberally dusted with flour.]
@jupernaturalweek 2023 - Sustenance
Castiel and Joan, @jus-a-lil-mouse's Gabriel's kid oc, attempting to bake Dean's family challah recipe, from this stunning ficlet
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