junequeer · 7 hours
Also, fundamentally, he's angry that nothing changed. He died, and from the outside looking in, nothing changed about Bruce, about Batman and Robin, about the Joker, about Gotham.
Going back in time to reverse everything is a mote accelerated version of what already happened, what he already hated.
Why would he ever want that?
What would Jason do, if Booster Gold offered him the chance to have never met Bruce at all?
Well, I do have to quibble with this framing, because Booster Gold isn't stupid enough to mess with time like that no matter what Tom King thinks. He is a doofus but he is also a Time Master, and this is how you break the timestream.
But more generally, if Jason was given that option by anyone or anything...he wouldn't take it. For one, because he's shrewd enough to recognize that he was a child squatting alone in a dangerous part of town and stealing to survive, and he probably would have died anyway, and not come back.
For another, I don't think he would trade the three years he got as Robin, loved and cared for, having adventures, helping people. He values that time - that's why he's so angry, because it was taken away from him and no one but him experienced any consequences (in his eyes).
And he values the relationship he had with Bruce, and the love between them. He said it himself: the Joker's crime was "he took me away from you." No matter how much pain that relationship has also caused him - and will most likely continue to cause him - the love that existed is still important to him. Even if he gets to a place where he'd rather not have a relationship with Bruce now, he treasures the relationship he had with Bruce then.
Also, part of being a Bat is continually doing the thing that hurts you, no matter how bad it is for you.
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junequeer · 7 hours
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mourn for my dead robin
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junequeer · 7 hours
my most boomer ass take is that i hate when i unmute a video of a cat and its just the most obnoxiously loud pop music playing over it. bro put that shit away i'm here to listen to your cat. i wanna hear what he has to say.
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junequeer · 7 hours
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junequeer · 7 hours
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Artwork by: DreamsinFrames
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junequeer · 7 hours
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junequeer · 7 hours
Government working for the people
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junequeer · 7 hours
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junequeer · 10 hours
Jason instead of doing the whole UTH thing just deciding to go all Amy Dunne on Bruce and making it look to the public like Bruce was the one who (directly) killed/tried to kill him and then disappear with the evidence, or that he kept him a prisoner and faked his death to get rid of him.
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junequeer · 10 hours
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junequeer · 10 hours
the assurance "nobody is judging you" is straight up false... people ARE judging you and you have to find a way to be ok w it
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junequeer · 10 hours
friendly reminder it's not "20% of germany" that voted for fascists, or italians that voted for meloni, or france for the far right
it's 20% of VOTERS
so, once again, i am here telling you ABSTENTIONISM is the problem. and it always fucking is.
people who feel demotivated, underrepresented, or adhere to some purity culture where it's the revolution or nothing.
THAT is the fucking problem. you get your head out of your ass and you fucking vote
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junequeer · 10 hours
could we get more Damian please? He’s such a creature here and I’m loving it
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I think he immediately approaches if someone says “pspsps” out loud
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junequeer · 10 hours
it's been said in smarter ways by smarter people. but keeping 'difficult' books and topics away from children is incredibly unfair to those kids who Cant escape 'difficult' life circumstances.
why does little timmy, age 7, white, get to avoid knowledge of racism while little timmy, age 7, black, is expected to navigate a racist world while his peers -unknowingly or otherwise- contribute to his trauma about that heinous status quo?
why does little timmy, age 7, csa victim, have to live in a world where he doesn't know that what his parents are doing to him is wrong because he's never heard the language necessary to communicate what's happening nor does he know it's abnormal?
why do kids who have good lives get to have childhoods completely free of empathy or the ability to reach out to kids who are having a rough time? why do the kids who are having a rough time need to remain silent and uneducated about their own pain?
who is helped by a lack of information besides those adults who are already in power?
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junequeer · 10 hours
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i haven't forgotten this photoshoot since I first saw it a year or two ago
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junequeer · 10 hours
I found this youtube comment and honestly,,,, true
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junequeer · 10 hours
(on blind date) oh youre from omelas? i heard that was a pretty nice place. always kinda wanted to live there myself. shame the kid thing stopped working before i had the chance to move out there. have they figured out how to get that system up and running again? not to your knowledge? ah well. probably for the best, i feel like people would be super annoying about that. even out here any time you meet someone from omelas theyre like 'yeah i walked away.' like ok? the kids still in there tho like. glad your conscience is clean i guess? people eat that shit up out here tho they buy em drinks and say like 'yeah that was the right decision it mustve been so hard to give up all that to do whats right.' i dont get it man. sorry im rambling. how'd you like living there? what? it sucked? huh i guess it wasnt all its cracked up to be. so when can i see you again?
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