june-bugs-universe · 4 years
June had never been one for technology. It was one of the reasons why she’d moved to a small town with low cell service and why her major mode of communication was face to face. She wasn’t big on texts, and while a phone call would do, for this message and for this person a letter was really the only way. She had written a letter some months ago, explaining to the love of her life that she was finally ready to accept their failed marriage and move on with her life. The only problem: she hadn’t expected a response.
Her ex husband, the person she thought had been the love of her life, had responded to her letter in a way she would have never imagined. He wanted to visit. He wanted to talk over how things had ended, mend things if he could. But what would this lead to? Was she ready for that?
June wandered the streets of her small town, the place she’d made her home, and thought of nothing but the past. Until she ran into Alex.
“Oh. Hey. What’s uh -” She shook her head slightly to clear her head, “What’s up?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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“Isn’t this a town?” She frowns, confused, longing for the simplicity and familiarity of LA. “I don’t have a car, unfortunately. Maybe I can hire someone to pick some stuff up and deliver it.” Pondering this idea, she crosses one leg over the other, folding her hands around her knee. “Seriously?” She’s as much surprised as she is offended, eyebrows shooting up as she shoots an unimpressed look at the other. “I’m a singer. Willow Barnes?” 
“Uhm, I would consider this a village. But it’s all really up to personal interpretation.” June nodded at her suggestion, “That might work. You could also probably just ask someone in town with a car. We’re all pretty charitable when it comes to helping each other out.” June placed a few more flowers in her basket before turning around to really look at the girl. “The name sounds familiar but I can’t say that I’ve heard any of your music.” She winced, “I’m sorry. I usually listen to talk radio or podcasts while I work. I’m not really up to date with pop culture. What kind of genre do you sing?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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“The city?” She frowns, grossly unaware of the surrounding geography and certain they’re not near any cities she’s ever heard of. Giving up, Willow drops her arms to her side and flops onto the nearest park bench. When the other offers her a flower, she blinks in surprise, a small smile appearing after a moment. “Thanks.” She says, taking the flower and holding it delicately between her fingertips. “My agent is going to kill me if I don’t email her today.” 
“Well,” June’s head ducked as she thought about it, “I wouldn’t really call it a city. More of a town, but it should have what you need. It’s only a few miles over.” June smiled as she continued to pick flowers. “Oh? What is it that you do that requires an agent?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
“no problem.” finley handed the bar off to june. truly, they had about three more in their bag, ever prepared for physically demanding tasks like these. at her comment, finley shrugged, reaching a hand up to comb back stray pieces of hair that had slipped loose from the haphazard half-bun on the back of their head. they gave their bag a little nudge with their foot, and the various ores they had picked up rattled gently inside. “eh, mostly copper and iron. found two geodes, though, so i’ll have to take those to the blacksmith later and see if they’re worth anything. what about you? any luck?”
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June nodded her head in thanks as she started to eat the bar. “Geodes are always fun. I had some split open earlier this week and I found a fossil. Isn’t that wild? I could’ve never figured this valley was that old.” June took a seat on the floor next to her. “What are you gonna do with all those minerals?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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alex shook his head at her apology. “don’t worry about it. that’s right, you’re a mining expert. do you have any advice for a novice like me?” he was no stranger to the mines, but he usually spent his days by the shores or in the forest enjoying much more relaxing hobbies. “mostly minerals, but i did find an amethyst the other day. i’m just looking for something better now.”
“Keep a look out for mine monsters?” June teased, “Something to look out for though is the minerals are usually grouped together. Even amethyst and other gems and jewels. I’m not promising you’ll find any diamonds or anything, but you’ll find more things in general if you look in the same area.” June wasn’t an expert on anything but she had a knack for finding things that tended to help her out in the mines.
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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alex couldn’t argue with her there. he preferred local over anything else too; it was something he loved about the valley. he just nodded in agreement, unable to find the words to do it justice. “you’re right. and she is wonderful. have you never met her before? you have to soon. i’m hoping i get to spend some time with her soon myself, maybe we’ll say hello. and really don’t rush it, there’s plenty of time.”
“Yes, I have. But it was only in passing so I didn’t get a chance to really get to know her. I’d love for you guys to stop by. Its always nice to get away from work. Especially from a good friend. Also wouldn’t mind having a kid around either.” She smiled brightly.
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
Drew would get up from her yoga mat and gives a smile to June while she looks at her. “it’s okay don’t worry about it you did not interrupt me.” she said walking over to her. “Would you like to join me?” she asked her. and did not mind helping her out.
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June gave a small sigh of relief. “That’s good. I’d love to join you, although,” she laughed slightly, “I’m not big on yoga. I think I’ve only done it once before.” June walked towards her and settled herself on the ground beside her. “Do you think you could walk me through some stuff?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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“it is a bit out of a place,” alex remarked. he still didn’t quite understand the decision, but based on the mixed chatter he heard around, it didn’t seem like they would do much to change the valley. “i think that would be great. and i’m sure everyone will keep working with each other in town. there’s nothing like local.” he mulled over the doll options. “i think she might lean toward the former. she’s very sweet, but she’s curious and loves to explore. she could probably find herself in a skirmish or two that way.”
“There’s nothing like local.” June repeated, agreeing with the thought. “There’s something about being surrounded by a good community that just changes you.” June had long ago come to the conclusion that moving to the valley had been the best decisions she’d made in a while. June smiled at the description, “She sounds wonderful. I’ll make it as soon as I’m done.” June chuckled, “I say that a lot, but I promise this time.”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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relief flooded alex’s chest when june came into view. creatures crawled every corner of the mines, and he felt like he met a new one on each level, so he never knew what to expect. “only a little,” he replied with a soft smile. “are you entering the competition too?”
June winced slightly and offered a sympathetic smile. “Sorry about that.” She slung her pickaxe over her shoulder before approaching him. “I sure am. But you know me, I’m always down here looking for materials. The competition is just a bonus. Have you found anything cool?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
“Oh, sure! I’d love one. Thank you.” June stepped forward and accepted the bar from Finley. She’d been mining for most of the morning, but had decided she needed a break and some fresh air. “You look like you’ve been at it all morning. Find anything good down there?”
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( @june-bugs-universe​ – the mines ) finley sits at the mine entrance, on top of a rock they have proclaimed as their makeshift chair. the tiredness is visible in their hunched posture, the way they still breathe a bit heavy, the sweat that’s imprinted itself into their shirt. sure, they might be good at running and endurance, but mining was a whole other ball game. they’re munching slowly on one of the many protein bars they brought with them when they feel someone approaching. looking up, they see june and spare a tired smile, not sure if she just arrived or if she just finished her mining trip for the day. “hey.” a small nod, and a vague gesture with the protein bar, “d’you want one?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
June froze as she happened upon the woman meditating and then winced when she heard her call out. “Hi, yeah. I’m here. I didn’t mean to interrupt.“ June stepped forward into her line of sight and waved shyly. “I was just out walking. I’m really sorry if I messed up your whole deal here.” She apologized again.
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Drew would pull out a yoga mat looks around to make sure no one is around she goes to sit down on it then sits with her legged crossed as she closes her eyes and starts to meditate then she hears a noise oping up her eyes. “Hello is anyone there?” she asked. 
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
June ducked out from behind a curve in the cave hallway and smiled brightly, “Hi.” She chuckled, “ I didn’t know anyone else was in here. I hope I didn’t scare you.”
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@june-bugs-universe​ // alex paused mid-footstep to toss his gaze across the landscape around him. he barely heard it over the crunch of his own feet through the sediment, but the faint rhythm of another something or someone rang in his ears. his heart sped up as he let out a tentative, “hello?” into the cave, one that bounced back at him against the walls.
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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“now there’s a business idea for the valley,” alex remarked with a smile and a nod. beautiful blooms blanketed the valley, and as far as he knew almost everyone loved them. they would probably love to order arrangements as well. “you ought to pitch it to whoever’s in charge of bringing new business to town, like the joja mart.” he nodded gratefully. “no rush. whenever you have some time, we can sit down and talk about it. adventurous sounds good for her, though”
June rolled her eyes at the mention of the company. “I would rather they’d left that one off the list, but here we are.” She wasn’t exactly quiet of her dislike of the company, but at the end of the day she really didn’t have anything to do with it. “Maybe I’ll go talk to the mayor and see if we can start a campaign to get more small business to move into town.” June thought about it for a few seconds before her eyes widened, “Ooh, maybe a princess but like a knight princess who fights bad guys. Do you think she’d like that? Or is she more of a regal, leading her people, princess?”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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Her eyes flutter shut at the unsolicited advice, a slow inhale through her nose displaying her irritation. To be fair, it wasn’t directed at her present company so much as the ‘Message Failed’ symbol persistently displaying on her screen. “It’s ridiculous. How am I supposed to get any work done? Stay connected? How does anyone function like this?” She gives up, hands falling to her sides in exasperation as she prepares herself for the classic small-town lecture. She’s seen enough Hallmark movies to know what character arc is expected of her, and, frankly, she’s not interested in it. 
“I would suggest a wifi booster. You can probably find one in the city.” June had long sense gotten used to small town country living, but she knew it wasn’t for everyone. Plus, she didn’t exactly have anyone outside of the valley to keep up with. “It’s not going to do much, but it’ll let you get a message out.” June stood up and offered the girl a flower from her basket. “Here, this one works nicely with your hair.”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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“you’re not a loser. i think flowers are neat too, though i can’t quite say i’m an evangelist. yet,” he mused with a low laugh, nodding along as she described all the cars she had under her belt. “all he needs now is a firetruck. aspen likes a little bit of everything, so anything would do. her aunt has her now though…i’m not sure what she’d want her to have.”
June giggled and shrugged, “I’m alright with being an evangelist for flowers. You never know, I might inspire someone to open a flower shop.” She pushed herself up off the ground and joined him on the bench. “Oh! i’ve forgotten the fire truck.” She laughed, “I’ll make that one next. And then i’ll get to work on something for Avery. Maybe something a little adventurous.”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
36, 58, 68
36:Do you give out second chances too easily?
“Yes. I’m a sucker for believing someones changed.”
58:Favourite weather?
“Hands down, summer weather. I love laying out and feeling the sun on my skin.”
68:Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
“Honestly? I don’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve connected with anyone like that.”
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june-bugs-universe · 4 years
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alex chuckled, leaning back into the bench as he slowly started to relax. “that’s a rather long title, but if you like it, then that’s all that matters. i’ll address you as the woman who changed everybody’s mind on flowers from now on. that sounds like a lovely table, too. i bet your flowers would like nice on it. what kind of toys are you making for the baby? maybe i could get some for aspen – if you’re accepting new clients right now, that is.”
“Ok, yeah i’m going to need something shorter. How about ‘flower girl’, or maybe ‘loser’ is more applicable.” June smirked, but the smile turned genuine when she thought about the little boy. “Well, he’s obsessed with cars already, so i’m making him a few police cars, an ambulance, some race cars. Honestly, i’m having a lot of fun with the painting.” June looked up at him with a bright smile, “Of course! I’d love to make Aspen something. What’s the favorite toy right now?”
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