juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
This is my time line
My first horror movie was when I was a child I was probably 5. It was the movie Child’s play , my family was playing it in the living room and I remember being scarred and running to my little race car bed haha.
Also during my child hood my father would take me to seen movies. We would watch three movies in a day , I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed to watch 3 different movies until 7th grade! He would take me to see any movie like The Passion of the Christ, Hellboy, Lord of the Rings Return of the King , the Devils Rejects , and many more movies that are not for kids.
I was raised catholic, I would go to church with my folks and after they would ask if we wanted to go to Barnes and noble. I’ll give it to my sister for getting me into reading, she denied me from borrowing one of her books ,which made me want to read a book of my own. My mother took me borders when it was still in business and I got my first book, it was about magic and demons
Still in middle school, my sister was a huge influence for me and put me on to what I consider my Led Zeppelin, Paramore and My Chemical Romance
When High school hit, it was the end and the beginning to many different things, sadly I became distant from some of my closest friends from middle school and I meet some new people. I realistically was tired of going to the basketball court with my old pals i I didn’t even play basket ball!
I went to a little get together and ended up deciding after that to not be a cop cant arrest people for having a plant on them.
My sophomore year I was able take music lessons for guitar , I was pushed to do something as I wasn’t doing anything but watching tv. I didn’t like it but I did eventually as a senior in H.S I fell in love with music and the arts.
For the most part of highschool i learned to not care about being part of a large group of friends. I ended up hanging with not the popular kids but with ya average students and I talked to most of my fellow students popular or not , I didn’t care. This period is also when I started to questions things and the teacher. Towards the end of highschool I started to get in trouble for asking to many questions and not putting away my earbuds immediately or listening to music on my to a class room.
My senior year was when things shook up. I started to doodle more and take music more serious. I took my first art class then and was told by my teacher to not stop, she also but me onto good music such as the band the National.
After deciding to not major in anthropology, I decided to be a sound engineer and audition to get into the music program at Willy P . I got into the program which is known to be difficult to get into.
My aunt left this realm and it made me feel not the best during that time which was when I started the program. After finishing a semester I decided I didn’t want to continue in that major.
My friend put me on spirituality
I switched my majors and became an art student, I got into the BFA program, it was some of my friends that reignited that flame prior to switching my majors .
Graduated with an BFA in Animation, made some friends and got better at drawing
I then worked at a school for students with behavioral issues and mental disorders , I taught students that were highly violent , got hurt , recovered , kept reading books about faith and what not , it helped me get through working in that dangerous work environment
After a year of this , I decided to shoot for the stars ,since I feel like I keep being put in positions to teach , to get my masters degree and expand my knowledge
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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I love coffee! I usually have a method but it’s not complicated at all it’s just the manner it which make it
1. Boil the water , gotta make sure it’s good water
2. Get the mug , put the instant Colombian coffee in the mug
3. Pour the hot water into the mug then put in the fridge
4. It been cooled so now add your almond or oat milk and BOOM there ya go! Stir it up , I heard somewhere the longer the coffee is cooled over time the more caffeinated the cup is but I may be wrong !
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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Current piece I’m working on!
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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What I have on repeat these days. The lyrics seem to have something to do with the events of 9/11. I remember the lead singer saying he started the band after the events of 9/11 and that his feelings at the time are represented through his early music. It’s only fitting their latest song released, after many years of the bands break up , deals with the two towers that fell.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
Top 10 Projects!
1. My Dark Twisted Fantasy- Kanye west
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In my eyes Kanye West, also known as Ye, is one of the greatest contemporary artists. Its more of a personal thing for me as I’ve grown up to his music. His albums are the sound track to my life, certain songs bringing me back to a certain time. I remember when my friend first showed me one of my now favorite songs All of the Lights on the bus ride to D.C. His release of The Life of Pablo brings me back to my freshman year of my college undergrad.
2. Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge- My Chemical Romance
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You can probably tell I’m heavily influence by music. This band, at its core, is what got me into rock music. For many it’s Led Zeppelin or Metálica but for me it was this band. I now am a proficient guitarist and I believe it was also this band that made me want to play music initially. I recently saw them preform live, it was amazing!
3. Berserk- Kentaro Miura
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Is this the greatest manga ever made? Most would debate me but I’m pretty adamant about it. The story and artwork are on a different level. The manga had inspired many works of art such a Dark Souls and Elden Ring. To me the story was very spiritual and consisted deeper meanings that could be viewed in real life. Duality is a big theme , heaven and hell, the need for both to have a balance.
4. The National
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This band is a big influence for my guitar playing. The guitarists in this band are twins who have amazing ability and are dialed in with their sound. Their use of finger picking is the main reason why I don’t use a pick often, I use my fourth fingers. I find their music to be mature most likely because they themselves are older. Kind of like wine rather than vodka.
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Another musical group that has been part of my life. I’m from Ecuador and our culture is very festive , when we party we party. As a kid I would hear this bands music as the family parties. They are one of the most known Spanish rock bands in the world and their music brings me back to happy times in my life and also a more sad one but even that brings tears of joy. I really hope I can see this band live!
6. MMA
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Mixed martial arts is a sport that’s been established pretty recently. It started in the 90s but now is rapidly becoming a more popular sport. I could never get into any sport but finally this is the one sport I will follow. I was never good at team sports but my parents thank god for them pushed me to do some form of activity. So they put me in martial arts and it’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. I now appreciate me being forced to do partake in martial arts training as a kid. Now watching MMA I view it as something good for me because it makes me want to work out and hit the gym. Seeing what these people can do with their bodies is inspiring and really shows me what the body is capable of.
7. Alien - H.R. Giger
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Giger is a Swedish artist thats work is widely known because of the film Alien. A true visionary in the horror genre. His grotesque imagery consisted of bio mechanical creatures and forms perfect for a sci-fi movie. It’s so wild that he could create a world , the essence of world building. His work shows me the heights of what an artist can achieve
8. A Course in Miracle’s
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This is a book I am currently reading. I find my self on a spiritual path or some would say The Path. This a great book on keeping ones faith high. I’ve been very interested in the occult. The occult means hidden knowledge and for some reason has a negative connotation to it. I’m searching for truth in a world that has been built on lies. The world is changing before our eyes and thankfully I’ve been into self growth and researching. I believe the system is allowing the people to descend into madness. In them doing that I am fortified into strengthening my mind to combat that. I’m here to help my fellow people and that could only be done if I keep my mind protected from those who want to control it and implant things that is not in my nature. I stand against evil and I believe it’s presence is being shown more and more. This book is filled with postive affirmations , Ive even modified my own. God is the light I see, God is the power within me.
9. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
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I am a huge nerd when it comes LOTR even though i haven’t read the books. I plan too ! My father took me to see this movie as a kid and till this day is one of my favorites! God what a great movie!
10. Jesus Christ
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My family is super catholic so I was raised catholic. I still go to church as a means of respect to my parents they are super religious. I hate going to the Catholic Church, it’s so bleak. I do like Jesus, I look up to Him in a spiritual way. He was just telling people to be nice to each other and got killed for it. I also hate the way they use the scene of him being crucified as basically their logo. Why do they have to show him in agony and use that image. If I died that way I wouldn’t want people wearing me being crucified as a necklace and being sold like merch.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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I’m very interested in numerology, I consider it a sign when I see repeating numbers over and over again. Since my freshman year of high school the number 618 has been an important date. June 18 to me is a holiday that signifies change. Till this day I’ve the number has been important and I’m glad to see there’s a deeper meaning behind it.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
The main reason I’m going for my Masters is to learn more. I love teaching, so why not aim for the stars. I want to teach but to stop at teaching at a high school level would only limit me. So I’ve decided to come to Willy P for my masters! Before getting accepted I was searching for more knowledge on how to get better at drawing etc. (Self growth)and I was advised to just continue my education so these courses I wanted to take anyways(outside of school) would accumulate towards something rather than take online courses that don’t add to a grand accomplishment.
Anyways this desire to keep learning and grow as an individual is what brought me to be here in this class. I want to improve my eye and my mind as I’ve tuned my ear as a musician. Developing a better sense of taste is also my goal including fashion! I think all these aspects connect as an artist. In just this month I see growth within my work , and in the way I’m thinking. I need guidance and advisement, many of the people around me are not in the art world, I’ve been seeking a mentor, my last one and closest friend betrayed me recently, I’ve realized you have to push yourself even though it’s a hard thing to do, you maybe are the only one who can help yourself grow. I’ve also thought about how lucky some people are , to have a mentor who can directly guide them into their passions. Some folks don’t even realize they have that individual right in-front of them. I seek a mentor , maybe I am my own mentor, are shamans their own shamans? I have to look into that.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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Currently reading the hedgehog and the fox article, from just this first page I believe I am the hedgehog , I’ve been around people who maybe without knowing, maybe intentionally trying to throw me off my path , trying to get me into trading stocks and forex, he kept trying to push me to learn that stuff , luckily I was adamant on not learning that stuff , primarily because it bored me to death.
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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Upcoming event
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
High senses require higher perception ?
My sense of smell helps me see , the things my eyes can’t see not hear , same with the other senses , what else can’t I see , I need to develop my other senses
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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Self empowerment
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juliansblogsworld · 2 years
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