julianova44 · 3 hours
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just an fyi, those european countries this person is talking about are super capitalist. and while capitalism is terrible, wasteful, inefficient, exploitative, in need of dismantling, etc. even things like public healthcare and livable wages and vacation time can exist within capitalism if capitalism is properly regulated.
america just chose the route of not allowing for those things by deregulating and selling everything off to private capital. which, as a failed experiment in free market economics, should be a pretty obvious lesson to the rest of the world of what NOT to do.
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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In a submission to Blinken, USAID “assesses the government of Israel (GOI) does not currently demonstrate necessary compliance” with the memo’s requirement that it facilitate and not impede “the transport of delivery of United States humanitarian assistance” as well as U.S.-backed international efforts to provide relief.
The initiative coincides with a serious deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. The Biden administration anticipates international experts will declare “ongoing famine” in Gaza by early next month, according to a separate internal memo to Blinken from U.S. experts on food security in the Department of State and USAID. The memo subject line, which was seen by Devex, reads: “Famine Inevitable, Changes Could Reduce but Not Stop Widespread Civilian Deaths.”
[emphasis mine]“Israel-imposed administrative challenges are preventing the delivery” of lifesaving humanitarian assistance, it adds.
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
Bonjour ! Est-ce que tu as lu, comme CSM, Dungeon Meshi en Français et en Anglais ? J'ai envie de m'y mettre parce que ça a l'air intéressant mais j'hésite sur le choix de la traduction - et puisque tu as un esprit analytique, je me suis dit que tu étais une personne tout à fait indiquée à qui demander :p
Coucou!!!! Je pense que """mon énorme cerveau et mon esprit analytique""" ne m’ont pas dotée d’une grande expertise en matière de traduction. Déjà je ne parle pas japonais donc je ne peux qualifier de fidèle celle anglaise mais il me semble que toutes les traductions se valent pour Dungeon Meshi, du moins concernant les officielles !
Beaucoup de blagues fonctionnent énormément en français dans la façon de parler des personnages et ma lecture a été plus qu’agréable 🫶
Dernier argument, je ne sais pas pour toi mais vu ta question, tu l’es sûrement mais je ne suis personnellement pas bilingue et Dunmeshi fait partie de ces mangas avec énormément de dialogues (car beaucoup de petites cases et beaucoup de personnages). Je sais que personnellement j’aurai eu du mal ou du moins aurait été assez lente !
Concernant Chainsaw Man, je lis en français ET en anglais les derniers chapitres pour être sûre de ne pas faire de contre sens. En + les différents choix de traduction sont parfois intéressants et peuvent m’aiguiller ! Mais pour toutes les raisons énoncées, j’ai lu la partie 1 de CSM en français ! C’est pour ça que je ne suis pas vraiment habituée à la comparaison entre traductions….
En espérant t’avoir aidé(e) ‼️♥️
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julianova44 · 4 hours
What’s your favorite part of your job? 🦈 🌊💙
Come along with Senior Biologist Ann, as she shows us one of her favorite job roles — feeding our sevengill sharks.
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julianova44 · 4 hours
A hummingbird thought a man’s orange hat was a flower [x]
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 4 hours
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julianova44 · 5 hours
It just makes a lot of sense why Marcille and Laios would be good friends, really, because Marcille Will Tell You What Is On Her Mind. If she doesn't like something, she throws a tantrum. If she's down to clown, she clowns like a champ. If she has an opinion, she voices it clearly and concisely. Laios knows exactly where Marcille stands in pretty much every topic.
On Marcille's end, she's down to clown more than people give her credit for. Laios said "yo let's play with these bones and rearrange them in funny ways" and Marcille joined right in. Like, yeah, she'll want to bonk his skull in sometimes, but aside from the monster and dungeon (well, she does have this one, just differently) fascination, she's pretty much in the same wavelength as Laios when it comes to most things.
Which is cool! Because they could've made them hostile siblings in law but they are besties actually.
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julianova44 · 6 hours
coming for you
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julianova44 · 6 hours
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friends asked me to make this and i couldn't say no.
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julianova44 · 6 hours
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