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Meanwhile on the Nautilus:
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Вот, кстати, я когда книгу читаю, мне видится на месте Немо именно Козаков, а не Дворжецкий. Потому что канонный капитан очень темпераментный, нервный, временами даже агрессивный. Всё это очень подходит к персонажам Козакова. Капитан в исполнении Дворжецкого — само спокойствие. Мне кажется, личность актёра и его собственный характер играют здесь большую роль. Так что, если сравнивать книгу и фильм, то капитаны там — два разных человека. Да и некоторые ситуации показаны прямо противоположно.
Например: в книге, когда Аронакс пытался разглядеть, что за фрегат появился на горизонте, Немо отобрал у него подзорную трубу.
В фильме же, наоборот, позвал посмотреть: "Взгляните на этот фрегат."
И это не единственный пример.
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Thinking about...
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just a few memes I created, heheh, I hope you find them funny :))
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Story Time:
My personal connection to Captain Nemo.
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I married this man from India. He’s the full package. Tall, dark and handsome…sort of broody until he warms up to you, then he’s a total cinnamon roll. He’s also adventurous, has compelling leadership qualities and a penchant for humanitarianism, which is one of the main reasons I husband’ed him. We’ve been bound in holy matrimony for many a year, and he’s aged like fine wine.
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Early on in our relationship I read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I couldn’t put it down! At night I would dream about being on board the Nautilus. Furthermore…I was immediately smitten with Captain Nemo. 
Like, DANG. I actually got flustered reading TKLUTS. He’s first introduced with three paragraphs describing how handsome he is, with a commanding presence, swarthy features and “finely-tapered hands.” In Professor Aronnax’s words, “Certainly the most wonderful physical specimen I'd ever met up with.”
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As the story progresses, he’s shown to be level-headed under pressure, a great leader, and, of course a brilliant mind. My little ol’ heart could hardly handle it when he saved that pearl-diver’s life…or when he smuggled gold to the revolutionaries in Crete. And it did NOT help when he would have an passionate outburst, or break down in tears at the sight of a human life being taken. 
Like, JULES FREAKING VERNE...he made Captain Nemo SO HOT…and for what?!
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Now obsessed with this literary figure, I simply HAD to find out his elusive backstory. A brief Google search revealed another Jules Verne book, “The Mysterious Island,” which promised to answer my questions. Upon reading “The Mysterious Island,” I was hard-hit by the tragic tale of the deposed Indian Prince Dakkar, alias Captain Nemo who lost his family during the rebellion of 1857, then built a futuristic submarine in secret with his faithful followers, and dedicated his life to science…and revenge.
Wait…WAIT a minute…Captain Nemo is Indian?
Captain Nemo is the name nationality as my husband?
I reevaluated everything.
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The way people look up to him…the intelligent, constantly active mind…the thirst for adventure…the tender heart hidden under an exterior of emotional constipation…
...All wrapped up in one super handsome Indian man...
It was then I realized that I was besotted with a fictional character…who is a dead ringer for my OWN GOSH-DARN HUSBAND! You’re dang right that he’s the most wonderful physical specimen I'd ever met up with! 
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Upon re-reading TKLUTS I could attest that the way Captain Nemo reacts in any given situation is just how my husband would react if he had a penchant for engineering and undiagnosed chronic depression. I was flabbergasted that I hadn’t seen it before!
Practically slamming a copy of “20k League Under the Sea” in front of my spouse, I said, “THIS COULD BE US: we just need a submarine!”
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My husband’s close friend, a tech-y businessman, mentioned in passing that he was starting a new venture in making radio equipment for submarines. My husband said flippantly that he’s half-tempted to join his friend. (I doubt anything will come of it, BUT STILL!)
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The moral of the story is…don’t hold out. Boys REALLY ARE better in books, so wait until you find the literary character of your dreams. It’s truly a joy to hold his finely-tapered hands.
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Illustrations for Jules Verne’s Robur the Conqueror by Léon Benett
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Robur the Conqueror’s ‘The Terror’ - Gray Morrow illustration featured on the cover of Classics Illustrated No.163 (Gilberton, 1961). 
Morrow’s action scene is based on Jules Verne’s famous novel, Master of the World. In this sequel novel, Robur had perfected a new invention, which he has dubbed the Terror. It was a ten-meter long vehicle, that is alternately speedboat, submarine, automobile, or aircraft. It could travel at the (then) unheard of speed of 150 miles per hour on land and at over 200 mph when flying. 
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I had to do a little searching but I found scans of pages from chapter 16 where there is a passing mention of Nemo
I love so much when Monsieur Verne mentions his books in his other books. Captain Hatteras in the Fur Country, Captain Nemo in the Master of the World. This makes me very happy ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎
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Jules Verne was neourodivergent. From Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon is just him info dumping about space for ten hours straight. I didn’t notice it when I read Around the World in 80 days but I’m noticing it now.
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Alphonse de Neuville’s engravings for 20000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Vernes.
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Battle of the Captains
Round 3 Part 2 Poll 2
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Captain Flint was the captain of a pirate ship, The Walrus, which accumulated an enormous amount of captured treasure. On August 1, 1750, Flint and six members of his crew bury the plunder on an island located somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. Flint then murders his six assistants, leaving the corpse of one with its arms outstretched in the direction of the buried treasure. The location of the treasure had been marked by Flint on a map and while he was dying it entrusted to his first mate William "Billy" Bones. The only person Flint was said to fear was his quartermaster John Silver, who later even called his parrot "Captain Flint" in mockery.
[The poll runner -hi !- has been informed that Nemo is so against propaganda he'd refuse to use any for his sake]
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Guys...🥺💜💜💜 Did I die and go to heaven?
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Тебе интересен человек-загадка? Знать меня желаешь? Что ж, изволь...
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Это довольно странно, что Немо часто изображают в кителе и фуражке, о которых в книге не было ни слова. Если уж говорить про головной убор, то в первую встречу со своими гостями он был в берете из меха морской выдры).
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Оппа, неужели триумфальное возвращение великой меня в любимый фэндом детства?
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