juanws · 2 years
* / ‘til you make it
@wsdaniel / school of performing arts school, a few years ago
juan wouldn’t call herself competitive, at least not out loud. of course had always wanted to be the best, but that didn’t necessarily translate into some innate drive to always dominate - just a healthy ego that naturally assumed that, one way or another, she would be on top. it may take some work, but generally speaking, things tended to work out in juan’s favour.
this, however, was a different story. juan was still new to korean high school. hell, the only reason she was able to attend sopa at all was because her company-mandated korean tutor had deemed her language sufficient enough to be in a major that didn’t rely as heavily on language (dance, of course). maybe it was a normal custom in south korea for there to be strange annual contests for no purpose except entertaining the student body? in any case, juan had just found out that her crush - a classmate in contemporary lyrical, who was exactly her type and despite the language barrier had definitely been making moves on her for months - had a girlfriend. the humiliation ignited a burning need to win the top prize weird tradition: the best couple award. she could already picture how her crush would seethe when he saw that she too was in a couple - and an award-winning one, at that.
did it matter that juan wasn’t in a relationship and had no one to couple up with? no, of course not, why would that stop her? she was on a mission to track down someone willing to take on the role of fake boyfriend for her - someone generous enough to do her a solid, and charming enough that they could win it all. the perfect candidate came to mind quickly - juan wasted no time at lunch before scanning the busy cafeteria, locating where her target was sitting, and plopping her tray down in the empty spot next to him.
juan flashed a grin, bright as ever. “hi sunbae, how are you? mind if i sit here?” she was already halfway in the seat, not really pretending to wait for an answer.
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juanws · 2 years
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yiren ✧ last melody comeback showcase
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juanws · 2 years
"  going  anywhere  in  particular?  "  yunha  changes  the  subject  quickly,  a  free  hand  combing  his  hair  back. ‹ @juanws​ ›
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juan, as a rule, did not rush. if she could help it (which, in this industry, wasn’t always possible when commitments scheduled tightly together inevitably ran late) she didn’t put herself in a position to have to, partially from finding it embarrassing to be seen running around in a mess, mostly from years of strict ballet mistresses drilling punctuality into the very core of her being. what she did find funny, though, was seeing other people rush - something about them being in a position she hated being in gave her a sense of schadenfreude. which was one of the reasons that a smirk immediately jumped onto her face when she recognized yunha as the body hurtling at her from around the corner - that, and the fact that she found it more fun than anything to tease him and stoke the gossip columnists’ fires. sure, here they were in the relative safety of their company building, but you never knew when a loose lipped intern might overhear something. was it a healthy attitude for a rookie to have? no, but it sure was entertaining.
she chuckled in response to him tripping over his words, hand raised to cover her mouth in a lazy attempt to be polite despite laughing at him. “don’t worry about it.” she shrugged and showed the wallet in her hand. “not really, just headed to the vending machines for a milk tea. you seem like you have somewhere to be, though.”
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juanws · 2 years
she’s running late because of the distance between the buildings, but she quickly pays the taxi driver and sprints towards the building. “sorry i’m late!” she exclaims as she jump onto the couch, in a seat right besides juan. she smoothens her hair as it’s become a mess with how she rushed over, but the smile on her face is the most genuine it’s been for a while. “it took forever to catch a taxi.”
juan liked being babied, okay? ever since her younger sister upstaged her by being born and stole their parents’ attention away, she sought out people who liked to take care of her. was that something to unpack in an appointment with a therapist? maybe, but juan was pretty content with this status quo. she had a real knack for tugging on the heartstrings of any mom friend in a given situation. eunbin was one of the best of these - a reliable and genuine friend who juan, all jokes aside, felt lucky to have on her side as she continued to learn how to navigate this industry and this country. 
she couldn’t help but let a laugh tumble out as eunbin rushed into the room, clearly apologetic but as excited as juan was to finally get a moment to hang out. she waved off her friend’s apology. “don’t worry about it, you know i like to be first to everything. plus, it would be pretty unfair to hold it against you - aren’t things, like, super wild with the show? your schedule must be packed right now.” juan was intensely familiar with competition, as any idol is, and even liked it to some extent, but still the thought of televised competition shows sent a chill down her back. all that potential for ugliness and heartbreak, your dreams at the mercy of someone else’s editing, and all on live tv? she admired each of the contestants for being brave enough to shoot their shot on select, but truthfully juan didn’t think she was dedicated enough to being an idol to put herself through that. she waved her hand through the air a second time, as if it would clear her thoughts. “anyway, forget about all that. let’s just enjoy your break. wanna grab something from the cafeteria?”
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juanws · 2 years
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Lion’s Tooth [ Repackage ] Coming next year…
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juanws · 2 years
* / reunion.
@wseunbin / wishbone building, lounge
having grown up in a city with comparatively milder winters, juan still couldn’t quite get used to the stiff breezes and sub-zero temperatures this time of year in seoul. she bundled up excessively, only to shed all of her extra layers every time she entered a building with the heat cranked all the way up. she was currently doing that, while running up the main staircase of the wishbone building - which was typically on the chillier side, to keep people dancing in the practice rooms from overheating - but sprinting up the steps two at a time in a desperate attempt not to be too late to meet with her friend was causing her to work up a sweat.
she felt a smug satisfaction at turning the corner into the lounge and finding it devoid of eunbin. juan was generally reckless and irresponsible in a lot of ways, but years of ballet mistresses shaming you in front of the entire class for walking into class one minute past the hour taught her that to be early was to be on time, to be on time was to be late, and to be late was unacceptable. of course, that was easier said than done in the world of endless days of back-to-back idol schedules, but it had permanently ingrained in her a sense of competitiveness about being the first person to show up to anything.
juan slumped onto one of the empty couches, taking advantage of eunbin not being there yet to catch her breath and take off some of her final layers (scarf, fleece vest) as she waited. the building had a buzz about it, with everyone in the company preparing for end of year performances and next year’s schedules. juan had little time to enjoy with her friend today, but she'd take any spare minute she got these days.
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juanws · 2 years
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dandelionwbr isn't it beginning to feel like christmas? i hope we get some snow! our wind, remember to bundle up! ☃️ ~ #라임
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dndl_0525 requesting ur hand in marriage ms yao
w1zhamina take care while preparing for end of year shows! please don’t overwork yourself 💗
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juanws · 3 years
* / start the engine.
@wsyoojin​ / wishbone building, practice room b
juan sat on the polished wood floors, her back leaning against the cool glass mirror, her knee bouncing. her korean language lesson had ended early, and as she waited for yoojin, she skimmed through the lyrics of the rap they planned to cover. juan caught herself chewing on the edge of a nail and forced herself to stop - she’d probably be scolded if she ruined the manicure paid for by wishbone money. she probably should’ve asked her tutor for help with this about fifteen minutes ago - as confident and generally unshakeable as she usually was, juan still felt a bit nervous every time she did anything that put her rap front and centre. her accent was by far the most consistent criticism netizens hurled her way, and even though she’d like to remind everyone online that i’ve improved enough to be given a rap position in this group and i’d like to see how you all do rapping in a foreign language for a change, their comments did hit home more than she’d like. it was one thing to have a verse or two on a track - it was very much another to record and post an entire rap cover.
despite all of that, juan was excited. she always found it fun to film something with her members, and she especially loved the rush of actual good reactions from the fans. she put the lyrics away and took a sip of the apple juice she’d taken from the dining hall, letting the rush of anticipation start to build under her skin. she was always good at handling her nerves - filming a rap cover shouldn’t be what shakes her. her head snapped up when she heard the door open and she beamed at the figure entering the room. “yoojin, you’re here!” she pat the spot next to her on the floor. “have you eaten yet?”
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juanws · 3 years
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hello beautiful people !! i’m mabel (she/her 21+) and here’s my baby girl yao juan aka dandelion’s main dancer, rapper & sub vocal lime !! she’s a bubbly and sweet girl who has a tendency to constantly be looking for the next exciting thing instead of enjoying the moment... let’s hope the novelty of idol life doesn’t wear off too soon lol. feel free to like this post if you’d like me to come by your ims to plot !! (unfortunately i don’t have discord so we will probably need to stick to tumblr!) i’m so excited to get to know you all <3
bio / about / career
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juanws · 3 years
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yiren | 201015 - la di da for anon
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juanws · 3 years
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juanws · 3 years
tshirt that says WELL INTENTIONED on the front and BUT STUPID on the back
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juanws · 3 years
And I am bored to death with it. Bored to death with this place, bored to death with my life, bored to death with myself.
Charles Dickens  (via coldflowers)
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juanws · 4 years
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juanws · 4 years
Timecop1983 feat. SEAWAVES - Lovers
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