jsjournalism11-blog · 6 years
National News Blog Post
I listened to CBS’s News Radio for my national news broadcast and checked a few news sites as I listened to it. Some of the news outlets I looked at included CNN.com, NewYorkTimes.com, and WashingtonPost.com. CBS focused mostly on Trump’s administration specifically from the viewpoint of Bob Woodward’s new book: Fear: Trump in the White House. Despite the focus on politics like many other news outlets and their various mediums, it also discussed the environment and homeland security efforts -- things that I didn’t see online and on social media. The online news sites focused on Trump but in much less detail; they spoke about him in a much more superficial manner, such as how his approval rate is polling, or his comments on the Puerto Rico effort. They also discussed the incoming Hurricane Florence, 9/11 tributes, and Amazon’s HQ2. My Twitter feed consisted mostly of Serena Williams’ meltdown and any social inequalities under Trump’s current reign in the White House. I found CBS on the radio was very in-depth and thorough. It has the time to devote to large stories whereas online news articles are made to deliver information to the reader as soon and as bluntly as possible. Social media headlines and links are made specifically to get people just to click on them and gain as many interactions as possible. These online news sites and social media links rely upon huge amounts of interactions because they directly translate to the company’s monetary value. The radio is free and accessible to everyone so CBS Radio is more concerned with simply informing their audience as objectively as possible.
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