jowiebs · 5 years
I’m telling you, once she cleans it up, she is going to be a fucking rock for us
i also just really love marissa 
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Marissa Oakley’s leaps are a dream
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jowiebs · 5 years
My queen
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jowiebs · 5 years
this girl is a bigger pick up than we anticipated, i swear
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Marissa Oakley’s leaps are a dream
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jowiebs · 5 years
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jowiebs · 5 years
JoWiebs/Wiebney just droppin in here for your uhhhhhh not-yearly-but-every-now-and-then update. 
I’ve been absent from the scene lately, but I’m still keeping up with plenty gymnastics. I’ve been a bit out of the elite realm but I’ve found a new found love for Collegiate gymnastics. I’m a student at THE University of Georgia so of course I’ve GOT to support my 6th place nationally ranked Gymdogs. Being a part of the SEC, there are a lot of great teams around us: LSU, Florida, Auburn, and Alabama all have FANTASTIC squads, however I’m pretty much going to spend this post bragging on my girls. First off, one of the two you all are very familiar with:
Sabrina Vega: I love Sabrina. She brings the same intensity she had in elite competition but somehow has even more confidence. She looks very at home on Floor and I can always count on her to put up a solid score on Floor. As a junior, she’s the perfect anchor. I will say that sometimes she can waver on beam but really who can blame her, beam is insane. 
Emily Schild: Emily is awesome. Her mount to beam is nothing new to any of us but it’s still incredible to see her standing, take a small leap to place her legs over the beam and use pure core strength to pull herself up into a handstand with ease. She’s very solid on beam and really coming into herself on bars. In my opinion, she’s got a little growing to do (it seems like she lost her confidence but there’s no way that’s true, I’m not sure what it is that makes me feel like it’s just not clicking for her quite yet) but by the end of the season, she’s going to be hard to beat. 
Marissa Oakley: Man, I cannot say enough good things about this girl. She trained with Emily in North Carolina and ever since being here in Athens, she’s been rock solid. Watching her on bars is nothing short of artistry and she’s really starting to nail down beam. Once she gets over that hiccup on her last flip in her flight, she’s going to be a sight to see. I cannot wait to see her continue to grow. 
Sydney Snead: Man, I love watching Sydney compete. She’s sitting at number 19 Nationally for the All Around competition and I honestly don’t think that speaks well enough of the gymnast she is. Her passion and excitement matches her skill and execution she puts on display every weekend. Watching her on Beam reminds me of Nastia; the elegance, the fluidity. Watch her on floor and you are sure to be entertained (though she definitely gets a few cheat points from her Shishanova). She’s also very solid on Vault and I think that’s our weak spot this year.
Rachel Dickson: Oh Rachel probably has the bubbliest floor routine and the entire stadium LOVES to see her put it on. She’s sitting at 54 nationally and looking to work her way up the rankings. She resembles Sydney in a lot of ways: Solid on beam, beautiful to watch on beams, can count on her putting up a solid score on beam. I think what I love most about her is the leadership you can FEEL she brings to the squad. 
Rachel Lukas: Oooooooooo Rachel has had IT this season! I LOVE her excitement and exhilaration when she hits. I know I mention floor a lot but man does she have a great routine!!! She has this passion that ROARS through Stegman and I love it. If I remember correctly, just last week she put up a 9.900 on vault like wtf. 
Now I could really go through everyone, they’re all so exciting, so amazing, so good. There are so many reasons to be excited for this team and I love watching them compete every single weekend. They’re so strong and only going to get better. Every single question that was to be held about our squad last year has been answered by these incredible freshmen and our veterans are helping lead them to excellence. Georgia Gymnastics is back, y’all, and they aren’t going anywhere for awhile. 
Go Dawgs!
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jowiebs · 6 years
hey yall
tlk to me
miss ya
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jowiebs · 6 years
Don’t mind me, im just here to love on Aly. 
Don’t mind me, im just here to hate on Aly
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jowiebs · 8 years
Gahhhhhhhhh damnit
you know, i really can see kav prancing around in mckayla’s makeup, uggs, favorite bra, and dress.
*pokes chest out whilst looking into the mirrior*
“Look at me, I. Am. FIERCE”
*Snaps fingers in a rainbow motion.*
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jowiebs · 8 years
Chapter 13
After FOUR FUCKING YEARS i decided to continue my fanfic and i gotta say, it was pretty damn fun lmao. Dis one for you, JordynsLeftEyebrow. 
It was only a short ride from the airport to the venue where the show would be held the next day. Once the girls arrived, they all hopped off of the SUV, beaming with the same smiles they had on their face when they won Olympic gold a few months prior. “Emma, would you like to meet some of the cast members here with us?” McKayla seemed to really take a liking to the young gymnast. “Oh my goodness, can I really?” McKayla took the brunette headed girl around to meet people suck as John Orozco, Johnathon Horton, and Danell Leyva. It was as if it was a new experience each time when shaking hands and hugging each member. Emma was even excited to meet the bus driver. “You are SO lucky! You get to spend every single day with these girls! I wish I could have your job!” Jordyn and Aly decided to go catch up with Nastia, as they felt a little bad that she had been out of the loop lately. They engaged in a short conversation, updated each other on everyone’s day and how they were feeling. “Hey, who is that little girl? She’s so adorable and full of life!” Nastia’s curious mind was eager to know. “Oh its this little girl we met at the airport. At first I thought she was going to be a pester and a bother, but she’s actually really sweet and intelligent for her age. I’ve exchanged numbers with her and everything.” Jordyn admitting giving out her number a little sheepishly. “Oh! Well I’d love to meet her!” “Well come on, I’ll introduce you!” Jordyn hopped up with Nastia and they marched around the venue to where McKayla and Emma were seated. “Emma, I have someone who’s very excited to meet you! This here Nastia! She won All Around Olympic Gold in the Beijing games! “Oh. Hey Nastia,” Emma said unexcitedly. “Hey there! From what I hear, you’re looking to become an elite gymnast just like us! Would you like a few tips and tricks to help you to the top?” Nastia was beaming with excitement to share her love for the sport with the young girl. “Oh, no, thanks okay. I think I’m gonna go talk the bus driver.” Emma and McKayla both got up and started walking away. McKayla threw up her hands and shrugged her shoulders as to gesture that she was unsure as to why the girl was acting in such a way. Nastia, a little dazed and confused, turned the other way and huffed and puffed off into the distance. Hours passed by and the girls decided to go out to dinner. “It’s been a while since I had a good steak” Aly exclaimed.  The girls pulled up at the local LongHorn Steakhouse and asked for a table for table for 6. This was the first time were all together all day, prompting McKayla to ask some questions to get caught up with all her fellow gymnasts. “So what’d you all do while I was gone?” Kyra and and Gabby gave a short explanation, stating that they stayed busy talking to fans, focusing on the tour, staying connected with friends and family, and trying to stay caught up on school wore. Aly and Jordyn, however, turned as red as a fire truck as McKayla turned to the two of them and asked, “What about you two?” I’m dying to hear all the stories.” “Uh you know, nothing really. Staying busy, haha!” Jordyn was at a complete lose of words. Aly rolled her eyes at Jordyn’s “attempt” to act normal and calmly told a story so well rehearsed, a lawyer would have even declared it to be true. “Nothing really. Jo and I really sat around most the day just watching movies and practicing our routines. We haven’t really interacted with others much, especially our fans. Honestly, we just both got a point where we were really missing you and didn’t’ want to have any fun and smiles without you there to share them with me… I mean us.” Aly snuck that line in there just to reassure McKayla that she was the only girl on her mind. Satisfied with the answer, McKayla let the topic of their time without her go and not too soon after, their table was ready for them to be seated. The girls uniformly walked to the back of the restaurant and figured out their seating arrangements around the large round table. Nastia, in attempts to once again make friends with the young Emma exclaimed “I’m going to sit next to this pretty girl! Hey you wanna hear about the time I did my first double Arabian off of the beam?” Nastia was sure this would capture the girl’s attention. Emma looked at Nastia with unfeeling eyes and said “Nastia, why are you even here?” The young girl did not wait for an answer as she made her way across the table to sit next to Kyra and Jordyn. The incident was unnoticed by others and dinner went on without a hitch. Sitting next to Jordyn was of course Alexandra Raisman. Throughout the night, Aly would find any reason at all to make eye contact with the bright-eyed Wieber and found her hand making its way to Jordyn’s upper thigh on multiple occasions throughout the night. These movements and looks, of course, had not gone unknown by the attentive Jordyn. She didn’t want McKayla to notice anything out of the ordinary so she brought up something that was sure to throw off any suspicion that McKayla would possibly have. “So Aly, have you spoken to my brother lately?” “Uh yea, he actually called right before we left for dinner!” Aly explained. “He says he has something to tell me and that he’s gonna fly out here for the show tomorrow.” Jordyn hasn’t spoken to her brother in quite awhile, leaving her just as stomped as Aly to know what Ryan needed to say that is so urgent that it couldn’t wait till break. “Hm. Who knows what it could be” Jordyn said. She laughed as she blurted out a joke, “You never know… he could be asking for your hand in marriage!” All the girls burst into an uncontrollable laughter, even the little Emma! However little did they know, Jordyn was right.
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jowiebs · 8 years
it’s almost done omg
I need 170 words until I’m satisfied. 
okay I’ve caught up on my Kelloggs fan fic and what will proceed is going to be interesting lmao. Lemme see what magic I can work
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jowiebs · 8 years
The fact that this exists makes me so happy.
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jowiebs · 8 years
okay I’ve caught up on my Kelloggs fan fic and what will proceed is going to be interesting lmao. Lemme see what magic I can work
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jowiebs · 8 years
gonna write another chapter of my fan fics tonight lmao
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jowiebs · 8 years
But in all honesty
Thank you Rio. Not the Olympics, cause that committee is corrupt. But I thank you and Beijing and London, Sydney, Atlanta, and Athens. Those are the 4 Olympics I lived through and honestly the only one I don’t really recall anything from is Athens. Every 4 years (yea four cause the winter olympics suck but Gracie Gold can still holla at me), these events bring me incredible joy and national pride. There would be nothing I loved to do more than sit there on my bed under my flag watching the 100m 4x4, or jumping out of bed yelling and screaming as Michael Phelps brings in another gold in dramatic fashion, or sitting on the bed pretending to be a gymnastics judge. Nothing will quite ever top the 2008 games for me (I mean COME ON! Michael and Usain both came into their primes and DOMINATED those games and my baby Shawn was there and won gold on beam. LOVE YOU, BABY!) but Rio came in a real close second. My usual post Olympic sadness is back and I crave and beg for Tokyo to come alone. Thank you again for the memories. 
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jowiebs · 8 years
kinda ironic this popped up
also when did she get tits
also tummy no longer flat
also still wifey
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McKayla Maroney
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jowiebs · 8 years
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jowiebs · 8 years
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My girls :’)
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