jointhewarners · 3 years
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mice don’t dance
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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made some animaniacs onward au designs for the warners! 
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jointhewarners · 3 years
I’m sure someone’s already done something like this but
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Image description: First, an image with text that says “every friend group should include”, next a picture of Minerva Mink with text that says “a bimbo”, next a picture of Yakko with text that says “a mean bisexual”, next a picture of Slappy Squirrel with text that says “an even meaner lesbian”, next an image of Dot, Rita, and Hello Nurse and text that says “she/theys”, next an image of Wakko, Pinky, Bobby, Pesto, Runt, Mr. Skullhead, and the Mime with text that says “he/theys”, next a picture of Dr. Scratchansniff with text that says “a token straight that’s on thin ice”, next a picture of Squit with text that says “an astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized”, and finally a picture of Brain with text that says “and a short king”
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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This game is gonna be zany to the max!
Straight from the Water Tower, the Warner Brothers and the Warner Sister; Yakko, Wakko and Dot!
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(A gal can dream 😔✌)
I just think that if they ever get in the Tune squad Wakko wouldn't know how to play, but learn really fast
Wakko: It's just throwing the ball into the basket, how hard can it be?
Dot would know how to play and actually be good at it
Dot: You didn't expected it, huh?
And Yakko would know all about the rules and strategy of basketball and act like he can't shoot even if his life depended in it, bUT in the real game he's gonna go for it (any way of scoring, you name it, he'll do it) and everyone's gonna be like :000
Bugs: Why didn't you tell us?!
Yakko: And where's the fun in that?
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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Oh it's not Thursday yet? Sorry I couldn't help myself >u>;;
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jointhewarners · 3 years
I’m thinking about a Brinky La La Land AU but I know and you all know that it will end bad
Also Pinky would sing better than Ryan Gosling.Sorry I don’t like Ryan Gosling’s singing in La La Land
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jointhewarners · 3 years
ok so
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everyone knows about this meme, right?
but does anyone else know the woman who made the food? no? time to educate!
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This is “Mother Mary”, the owner of Blackberry’s mother.
She made all the cakes for the restaurant while it was open. Chef Gordon Ramsay tried her red velvet cake, and spoke this meme-able line:
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He then called Mary over, complimented her food, and gave her a peck on the cheek.
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Look how happy she was to hear that!!!
anyways, I hope she has been able to continue her love for baking since the restaurant closed down.
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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food for dark pinky thursday
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jointhewarners · 3 years
Queer Representation in Animaniacs 2020 Predictions
So I’ve heard through the grapevine that season 2 of Animaniacs 2020 will feature at least one segment with LGBTQ themes. I’m not 100% sure the validity of this statement, but I am cautiously optimistic. Here are my top 5 predictions for queer representation in Animaniacs for the next few seasons. I’m pretty sure that at least one of these will happen. Fingers crossed.
**Disclaimer: this is all speculation and I am just a silly little fan starved for queer representation.**
1) Nora Rita Norita
I just feel like it would be fairly easy and non-controversial to give Ms. Norita a wife, given that she’s a new character and we haven’t established much about her yet. I highly doubt this will happen, but if it turns out that she’s married to/engaged to/dating Hello Nurse, that would be even better.
2) A Stand-Alone Segment
In my opinion, this one is the most likely but also the least exciting. Maybe a short segment at the end of an episode will feature a story about a queer character. The OG Animaniacs did a couple stand-alone segments throughout its run, like The Brave Little Trailer and I think one of these kinds of segments would be nice to see, but also kind of disappointing.
3) Wakko
If nonbinary Wakko ever becomes canon, I would bet that it would only ever be mentioned through short bits and quips and never fully addressed. Like maybe they put him in the center of the “gender balance” scale in the intro and that’s it. I think that this headcanon has gained enough traction in the fandom that something like that would at least be considered.
4) Yakko
They really decided to cuff the kid’s pants. Add that to the other bisexual disaster stereotypes assigned to him thoughout the reboot and there is no way I can believe it wasn’t intentional. I think we will definitely see more silly bisexual coding that most straight people wouldn’t think twice about, like maybe Yakko can’t sit in a chair properly or gets addicted to iced coffee, and POSSIBLY see him flirt with or swoon over a male character, but I don’t really think they would be bold enough to explicitly assign a queer identity to a Warner. I would love to be proven wrong, though.
5) Pinky and the Brain
This might be where my optimism gets the best of me, but I can’t imagine them NOT canonizing Brinky at least to some degree in the reboot. The constant references to a romantic relationship throughout the original run, which was a children’s show in the nineties, is enough reason for me to imagine that the idea of gay cartoon mice in 2020 is not off the table. We are living in a post-Mr. Ratburn’s-gay-wedding world. Pinky and the Brain can kiss.
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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a few days ago i practiced drawing the goodfeathers a bit!!!! i’ve been slowing down on my art, and i originally planned to post this with some other sketches, but i want to share it before i forget about it. i love these guys! i think bobby is probably my favourite
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jointhewarners · 3 years
I present to you the Latin Spanish dub of Pinky and The Brain!
Honestly I like that Pinky sounds like a ray of sunshine, but is a little bit sharp but it fits his personality.While Brain,well I have mixing feelings with his Latin Spanish voice.I think the actor wanted to put a evil and deep voice, contrary to the original voice of LaMarche who give him a serious,calm and severe voice(and because I watched so many episodes in English than in my mother language Spanish)
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jointhewarners · 3 years
So for those of you that don't know, Rob Paulsen retweeted a brinky tweet on Twitter and we're losing our collective MINDS.
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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Continues Below
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jointhewarners · 3 years
Back to the 2014 Hispanic Memes Community
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Wanted: Rat Boy
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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“The fuck you just say to me you little shit?”
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jointhewarners · 3 years
@animaniacswritingrequests I CHOSE THIS TO DRAW THANKS FOR the permission ❤️
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I just wanted this scene to look dramatic
My sharpie 🤧
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jointhewarners · 3 years
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