johnny-spellsword · 5 years
Rune Readings are Open!!
Hey everybody,  I’m doing Rune Readings at $1 per rune! Payment accepted via PayPal, DM me to discuss!
I am also in the process of getting to know my new decks, The Druid Plant Oracle and The Druid Animal Oracle, so once I feel I have gotten to know these new decks well enough I will be doing Readings with them as well, most likely at $1 per card as well.
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
My Alter.
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
Divination: Effective Questions
Moving forward
What is holding me back?
What can I learn from the past?
What am I ignoring?
What is my biggest block at the moment?
How can I overcome x?
What do I need to know/see/understand right now?
What do I need to focus on?
What do I need more of in my life?
What do I need less of in my life?
What is the next step I must take to make my desire a reality?
What is trying to come forth in my life?
How can I be more powerful and effective in my life?
What is my greatest source of strength?
How can I improve my ability to x?
What talent do I have that I need to use more?
What characteristics do I need to fully embrace?
What skills and talents will best serve me?
What spiritual lesson am I trying to master right now?
How does my current path align with my spiritual purpose?
What message do my patron deity/spirit guide/angel have for me?
What is blocking my self-love flow?
What should I let go to increase my self-love?
What’s my major self-love challenge?
How can I increase my ability to give love?
How can I increase my ability to receive love?
How can I improve my relationship with x?
What do I need to know about my relationship with x?
Are our paths compatible?
What should I do to attract my partner?
Is there anything in the past that’s stopping me from meeting my partner?
NOTE: Nothing is set in stone! Divination is for advice.
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
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A battle mage must be close to their weapon of choice. When they hold their weapon it should feel as if it’s an extension of them, their energy should flow through it giving it purpose and life.
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
Ways to connect with your weapon
- Give your weapon a name (possibly carve it on the weapon)
- Meditate with it, practice channeling your energy through it
- Treat it as if it’s an extension of your body (if you look at it as a disposable tool then that’s what it will be)
- Perform a consecration ritual on your weapon (This will give your weapon a purpose)
- Train with your weapon often
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johnny-spellsword · 5 years
Battle trance
We all have a great power within us. Meditate, search inside yourself, you’ll feel it. It’s an enormous power that when channeled properly, will give you the strength to overcome great odds and ultimately achieve total dominance against an enemy or adversarial situation. Understand that in order for this power to work you must have total commitment of mind and body. If there is any doubt, hesitation, or even fear of your own power you won’t be able to channel the energy properly. True warriors that fight with this power are protectors, you can’t tap into this power unless you have something close to your heart worth fighting for. It could be family, home, anything close to your heart. Visualize what’s close to your heart that you’re fighting for. Feel the love you have for it, imagine it in danger, and feel the strong mix of anger, hate and fear as what is close to your heart is in danger. Now tell yourself “I am unstoppable, I will fight and endure anything to protect what is close to my heart.” Feel your power build as you say those words, then act. Let the power flow through you, giving you concentrated and enhanced speed, strength, and aggression.
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