jictxria · 4 years
“The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.”
— Stephanie Perkins (via quotemadness)
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jictxria · 6 years
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jictxria · 6 years
how do you know if you're in love???
I honestly asked my friend this same question just hours ago as I was clueless myself but thinking about it now I think it’s when for the first time after what seemed like a dreadful year (or life), you look forward to waking every morning knowing he (let’s use he as it’s me talking) will be there for you. I think it’s just plain seeing him and being happy that’s he’s around. It’s being happy just by hearing his voice. No matter how bad your day is, one message from him would make your entire day. It’s when he makes you want to write long letters and huge poems. It’s not all about “lust”- it’s more of the intimate relationship you have together. It’s when the simplest of things count. It’s when you start to mature and start to plan something with him for the future. It’s when he makes you want to start fixing your life. It’s when he’s always in your head 3 pm or 3 am. It’s when you can’t stop talking or thinking about him. It’s when you just really always miss him even if he’s right beside you. It’s the “I used to like green eyes but now blue eyes are my favorite”. It’s when all love and cheesy stuff just apply for him. It’s when you begin to see nothing but him and you value him like you value yourself. It’s not the “heart pounding, hands sweating” feeling but more of the “I feel home” feeling. It’s more of like talking to yourself- being yourself with someone without worries. It’s when you begin to really trust him with everything and that includes your happiness. It’s when he’s your happiness. It’s when subconsciously you change for the better. It’s when you once again start opening up after a long time. It’s when you are denying it at most cause you are afraid of how strong you feel and last I think while you’re reading this- there’s someone in your head right now and you’re just contemplating whether you’re in love with him or not but hey the fact that he or she is the person (out of billions of people) in your mind while you read this must say a lot.
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jictxria · 6 years
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jictxria · 6 years
“Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.”
— Anonymous Wisdom | @wordsnquotes
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jictxria · 6 years
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Fyodor Dostoevsky 
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jictxria · 6 years
7 Ways You Can Start Over
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Sometimes, we’re afraid to let go because we forget that starting over is an option. New Year’s is just right around the corner and it’s culturally popular to get into the groove of creating resolutions, buy cute journals to keep track of our goals, and start a gym membership. But, starting over doesn’t have to be as glamorous or excessive as we often make it out to be. Sometimes, it can start from a simple state of mind. We want to remind you that it’s not too late to still go after the life you want. Psych2Go shares with you 7 ways you can start over:
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jictxria · 6 years
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jictxria · 7 years
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i am so in love with her, i fucking can’t.
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jictxria · 8 years
Thank you for spending long hours talking with me. For staying up late with me every time that I need someone to listen to my endless stories. Even if it’s 3 in the morning, you wouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and listen to my drama about things that makes me worry and sad. Whether it’s about someone who ruins my life or brightens up my day, you are there to listen. Thank you for giving advice even if sometimes, I don’t listen to it at all; you keep on telling the same advice over and over again and let it sink into my head. For lending your shoulders for me to cry on, for reaching my hands and tapping me on my back when I doubt myself and pushing me so hard to realize that in this life, I don’t need other people just to become happy and contented. Thank you for sharing me your smile. Thank you for being crazy and weird as hell like me. Talking about a lot of random things in life as if there’s no tomorrow. Singing, playing, making funny faces, joking around and laughing all day long; spending the entire night looking at the bright sky with a couple of beers beside, and we end up naming and owning stars as if they are ours. Thank you for sharing your wardrobe with me even if most of the times they seem don’t fit. For being my fashion analyst that always criticizing me when I’m matching colors and style. Thank you for staying by my side through the good and bad times, for being my love doctor and clown at the same time. Thank you for pacifying me when I’m angry and for making me laugh when I’m not in the mood. Thank you for being my human alarm clock. You wake and feed my soul with goodness. Thank you for being the best travel buddy. For pushing me to explore the places that I never thought I could ever visit in my entire life, for experiencing every single thing that life has to offer; for tasting different kinds of food with me for the first time, meeting different people and embracing their culture, eating and enjoying as if it’s our last day on earth. Thank you for taking memorable pictures wherever we go and whenever we have each other. Thank you for making those travels worth while. Thank you for leading me to the path where I could discover and find myself. Thank you for appreciating my existence. Thank you for sharing a page of your life and for trusting me to write on it entirely. I never thought I’d be this important as I am right now in someone’s life. Thank you for making every page of my book worth reading and meaningful. You filled everything with a burst of incomparable happiness and details. Thank you for laughing with my jokes, for removing the awkwardness between us and even the distance. Thank you for sharing the rain with me. Thank you for being the best gift I ever received in my entire life. I didn’t expect you will come into my life and make me feel these things and to make things feel new and exciting again. Thank you for having the courage to shake and break the walls around me. I had trust issues before, but you shattered the seal. You proved that you are different from them. Your presence brought indescribable feelings, rays of sunshine and a new light to my path. You made me one step closer to Jesus Christ, you became an instrument for me to know Him more, strengthen my faith and cleanse my spiritual soul. It feels like I’m a complete and a different person because of you. Thank you for being my home and for loving me unconditionally despite of my flaws. Thank you for staying. Thank you for this wondrous and memorable experience. And now, you are slowly turning into someone I have always wanted. Thank you. I’m so glad that I met you in this journey. I’m blessed to have you and love you. I adore you. Every part of you.
E.J. Cenita, To My Best Friend – Thank You For Loving Me Unconditionally (via wordsnquotes)
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jictxria · 8 years
I hope we last. I hope we do. But if time should ever drift us apart, I don’t want you to ever be able to say I didn’t try. Or that I didn’t love you. Because in my worst times, when I could hardly think of myself, I thought of you. I put you before everything and everyone and I loved you, more than I knew how.
untitledadolescent (via wordsnquotes)
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jictxria · 8 years
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jictxria · 8 years
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Niles, my spiritual guide, my idol
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jictxria · 8 years
The actuality of depression that no one seems able to grasp is you have to fight for your own life. You don’t have doctors forcing standard treatments or have an entire support team praying for you. You’re solely responsible for providing the encouragement and care necessary to keep you alive. The times I’ve been at my sickest I had to fight with every last drop of hope I had to get myself out of the grave my mind was digging for me. The disease is what kills you. It corrupts your mind forcing your every thought to scare you enough that suicide seems like your only way out. I wish people could understand that… not only to show the respect those who lost their battle with depression deserve and not view it as an act of selfishness, but also to realize how fucking strong a person living with depression has to be to not slip into that same scenario. Personally, I think that there’s always going to be something better than not being here at all… not to mention the fear of where I’ll end up, there’s far too much unknown, which terrifies me, which is good… Because I know what it feels like to be in the position people are in before they end it all. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy and I wouldn’t even want to attempt to explain it to you. Because it’s, well, depressing. About as depressing as it can get really
It should not make someone uncomfortable to publicize facts on mental illness.  Like arms and legs, the mind is a part of the body.
- Submitted by Riley Elizabeth
(via psych-facts)
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jictxria · 8 years
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Source: [neomam]
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jictxria · 8 years
“Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back. That’s part of what it means to be alive. But inside our heads - at least that’s where I imagine it - there’s a little room where we store those memories. A room like the stacks in this library. And to understand the workings of our own heart we have to keep on making new reference cards. We have to dust things off every once in awhile, let in fresh air, change the water in the flower vases. In other words, you’ll live forever in your own private library.”
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore (via amargedom)
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jictxria · 8 years
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