jericahjericah · 4 years
Chris Watts Documentarythe Watts family is a family that you can picture as a perfect family idea. Shannan is the wife of Chris  she is a social media maiden she post their lives on the media and as you will see on the clips that Shannan is uploading in the internet, Chris plays there as a good and loving husband and father to his family he is working in the oil company while Shannan is selling vitamins and patches. They had two daughters : Bella Marie Watts and Celeste Catherine or “Cece”. at the time of Shannan’s death she was 15 weeks pregnant with her son that they named Nico Lee. at that time Shannan has a business trip in Arizona so that her daughters were left with her husband Chris watts.After that 
Shannan was returned home from her business trip that is driven with her friend and colleagues at about 1:45 am  in the morning in the day of August 13,2018 that morning Shannan was got offline. 
Later that day Nicole said that Shannan did not reply to her text that is unusual to her. So that Nicole the friend of Shannan went to Watts family house to checks Shannan. She noticed that all the doors and windows are locked including the side doors. She asked Chris if where is Shannan is. Chris said that Shannan is on a play date that nicole thinks that it is an odd because the car of Shannan is in the garage with both Bella’s and CeCe’s car chair inside. 
so that Nicole call the help of the police.after the quick check Shannan shows up in the front of their house. police found out some things that is belong to Shannan her wedding ring in the side table and her personal cellphone and wallets are also found. at that moment when Chris Watts where questioned by the authority he is starting to build up some fake scenario.
The police take a break in searching some evidence in Watts house and goes to the neighborhood that has a CCTV on the front house. while the clip of footage was playing Chris is showed up being nervous and weird. He seen that he was back in the house with his truck and it took him 15 minutes to load his truck. his neighbor stated that he is acting weird.
 Chris watts get some help from the media and in the interview he is saying different sceneries on what he says first in his interview.A week before Shannan’s death the couple is having a conflict with their relationship and Shannan send a text message to her friend that Chris watts didn’t want to have another son because she is happy with CeCe and Bella. 
Shannan got scared to death because she thinks that she didn’t know who was she is talking too. She suspected that Chris have an affair and it shows to his credit card that he spent a meal in the bar for 2 persons.And then Chris watts were suspected as one of the reason why the two kids and her wife is missing. 
Chris watts were interviewed by the professional investigators that can actually detect if he is lying. The interviewee conducted that he is lying but he continue to lie and not spill what is the truth. but when he talk to his father he confess that he murder his wife and kids.after that the investigation search in Chris watts workplace and there they found a bed sheet in the field and the bra of Shannan. he girls bodies were found in hidden tanks oil. and Shannan and her son on womb were burried in the grave nearby.
- Chris watts is being nervous and restive in his place while the footage is playing out. (emotions)
- When he is making up some believeable scene (intelligence)
- the family cried of in the trial court giving their personal message ( emotions)
- Shannan text her friend that Chris didn’t want other kid except bella and Cece (emotions)
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