jeremangled · 7 months
the lobotomy was a failure. tgey trued to scoop that thang out and it bit them cause it lovesme too much to leave
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jeremangled · 8 months
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my favorite customer service slip ups
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jeremangled · 8 months
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jeremangled · 8 months
PROMPTS FROM VARIOUS HORROR/SLASHER FILMS *  assorted dialogue from scary movies i will never watch tbh :)
did you really call the police?
there is no death.
i told the others. they didn't believe me. you're all doomed.
i just can't take no pleasure in killing.
i don't really believe in motives.
there's just some things you gotta do. don't mean you have to like it.
if i concentrate hard enough, i can move things.
you must renounce this power. you must give it up.
there is something horrible happening in my house.
do you remember the thing you said on our wedding night?
you're going to die up there.
i've been afraid of storms ever since i was a little kid.
they're opening that place again?
at least i'm not afraid of ghosts.
my bed was shaking. i can't get to sleep.
you listen to me, you little bitch.
you sick fucks. you've seen one too many movies.
come on! it's gonna be a fun trip!
oh, that gun's no good.
you're such a sucker for it.
i've never sensed anything like it.
they die better that way.
you still haven't told me your name.
i was the killer!
somebody's there!
what are you doing out in this mess?
that's the last goddamn hitchhiker i ever pick up.
if i have any more fun today, i don't think i'm gonna be able to take it!
i don't think any of you have any idea of just how nasty what you did really was.
the devil exists. god exists. and for us, as people, our very destiny hinges upon which one we elect to follow.
you're doomed! you're all doomed!
what's your favorite scary movie?
shut your mouth!
hold me. please hold me.
you damn fool! you ruined the door!
i was at the slaughterhouse.
a second body was found in a ditch near the perimeter of the cemetery.
there's no need to do that.
what's that stench?
you're not even going to reprimand them? no punishment?
please help me!
you can't just let them kill me!
you never paid any attention!
i'll do anything!
sin never dies.
oh, that's blood all right.
you have a lot of spirits in here, but there is one i'm most worried about because it is so hateful.
are you alone in the house?
what an excellent day for an exorcism.
it knows what scares you. it has from the very beginning. don't give it any help, it knows too much already.
the power of christ compels you.
there's someone in this fucking room!
next time i catch anybody over there, i'm gonna have to run them in.
they're all gonna laugh at you!
we keep everything locked in here. feel free to look around.
hear that?
i'm the devil. now kindly undo these straps.
is there someone inside you?
don't go anywhere.
talk louder, i can't hear you!
you already cut me too deep! i think i'm dying here!
you fuckin' hit me with the phone, dick!
oh my god, i thought you were dead.
we all go a little mad sometimes.
this is the moment where the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one last scare.
don't call me that!
you wanna get us killed!
come on, there's something you're not telling me.
you'll never come back again.
wanna see my trick shot? it's even better.
his body was never recovered from the lake after he drowned.
help me tie this around my waist.
you've never done this before.
when you hear it, you're gonna think we're insane.
it did that to your face?
everything you see in here is either haunted, cursed, or has been used in some kind of ritualistic practice.
watch it, you stupid shit.
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jeremangled · 8 months
      FNAF  !  rp  prompts  from  various  entries  in  five  nights  at  freddy’s  (  2014  -  present  )  .  feel  free  to  change  tense  /  pronouns  !
hello  ?
I  wanted  to  record  a  message  for  you  .
there’s  nothing  to  worry  about  !
they  don’t  tell  you  these  things  when  you  sign  up  .
I’ll  leave  you  too  it  .
see  you  on  the  flip  side  .
oh  no  .  .  .
there  may  be  a  minor  glitch  in  the  system
uh  ,  hey  ,  we  have  a  light  !
have  a  good  night  ,  I’ll  talk  to  you  tomorrow  .
I  think  the  name  of  the  place  was  'fredbear’s  family  diner’
I  have  some  awesome  news  for  you  !
we  found  one  .
I  am  here  with  you  .
these  are  my  friends  .
tomorrow  is  another  day  .
over  there  !
no  !  don’t  you  remember  what  you  saw  ?
you  have  to  be  strong  .
can  you  hear  me  ?
I’m  sorry  .
we’re  still  your  friends  .
some  things  are  best  left  forgotten  .
I  don’t  recognize  you  .
I  still  hear  her  sometimes
why  did  that  happen  ?
I  thought  I  did  everything  right  .
I  don’t  understand  .
haha  ,  I  know  you’re  over  there  somewhere  !
well  ,  hello  again  !
is  someone  there  ?
you’re  not  who  I  expected  to  see  .
bittersweet  ,  but  fitting  .
you  should’ve  known  I’d  find  you  .
I’m  sorry  to  interrupt  you  ,  [ name ]  .
you  are  right  where  you  want  to  be  .
don’t  keep  the  devil  waiting  ,  old  friend  .
I  couldn’t  see  his  face  .
I  have  to  make  a  choice  .
it  will  be  fun  .
I  won’t  let  you  down  .
I  feel  .  .  .  strange  .
hey  ,  [ name ]  .
I  wanted  to  see  if  you’re  doing  ok  .
I  hope  you  know  I’m  always  here  if  you  need  me  .
everything’s  the  same  as  usual  with  me  .
it  was  really  great  talking  to  you  today  .
if  you  ever  want  to  talk  about  anything  ,  I’m  always  here  for  you  .
I  thought  your  hair  looked  nice  today  .
I’m  probably  overstepping  here  .
you’re  amazing  ,  I  hope  you  know  that  .
that  just  seems  like  a  cry  for  help  .
I’m  here  for  you  ,  [ name ]  ,  I  really  am  .
I  know  that  sounds  crazy  .
way  to  go  ,  superstar  !
nighty  -  night  .
I  want  to  help  you  .
that  cannot  be  a  coincidence  .
I  didn’t  want  too  ,  I  had  no  choice  .
am  I  special  ?
are  you  having  fun  yet  ?
there  you  are  !
pizza  !
I  just  need  a  little  work  done  .
see  you  soon  .
no  ,  no  !  why  would  you  do  that  ?!
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jeremangled · 9 months
his thousand yard stare and aura of tragedy has bewitched me body and soul
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jeremangled · 10 months
simple tags i cannot be bothered to find enough quotes
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jeremangled · 10 months
yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now
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jeremangled · 10 months
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𝐚𝐬𝐡. 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲. 𝟐𝟎. independent and highly selective 𝐉𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐙𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐃 of the 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲'𝐬 franchise. low activity & mutuals only. heavily headcanon based. uses beta editor. sideblog to @bravevolunteer. feel free to send any questions, ims are open, and discord is available to mutuals! important links are listed below.
intro: this is a selective and low activity blog for jeremy fitzgerald of fnaf— if you didn't already come from here, this is a sideblog that follows from @bravevolunteer. all of my blogs already vary in activity, as i am a college student/employed, however this blog is especially going to prioritize interactions with friends and is mutuals only. my interpretation of jeremy is based solely on headcanons so i ask that you read the info linked above.
graphics: i will be iconless for the time being, as i do not have a faceclaim. the psd i use for graphics is "lunar diviner" by acgroecs and the template for my post banners is by reverierph. other credit templates or psds will be aded if needed.
triggers/nsfw content: due to the nature of fnaf, triggering and heavy subjects will appear on this blog: including, but not limited to violence, injury, death, (child) murder, gore, & traumatic brain damage. all triggering topics will be tagged as "trigger tw". if you would like me to tag a topic for you, don't be afraid to ask. though very selective and rare, if suggestive/nsfw content appears, it will be tagged as "nsfw tw".
following: this blog is mutuals only and once again i will be prioritizing plotting, but i am a very open writer— the best way to interact with me is to approach with some sort of concept in mind or send a meme. personals will be blocked; if you have an rp sideblog, either have it listed somewhere on your blog or let me know. in addition, if you are not me or my writing partner, please do not reblog my threads, headcanons, ooc posts, or any original posts unless i specify it's alright.
selectivity: i reserve the right to choose which blogs i will interact with. obviously, i won't follow if there is any bigotry, pedophilia, incest, or anything like that on your blog. i do not interact with genderbent muses, and absolutely do not interact if you write smut with characters who are -18, age them up for smut, or ship them with adults. i do not have a specific dni, but i do prefer that you tag urls for interactions.
i'm definitely open to and love original characters and other fandoms, as long as there is info detailing who your character is. full disclosure, i am hesitant when it comes to interacting with other michael aftons, due to him being my main fnaf muse and... well, the reason for my brainrot lmao. this doesn't mean i'm not open to it, but rather that i can be a little more selective and likely will not reach out first. it's not specifics about anybody, it's my thing!
writing/formatting: pretty much the basics of roleplay. please do not godmod my muse ( unless discussed beforehand ) and major things such as serious injuries, events, or death should be talked about first. i'm open to just about any type of writing: one liners, multi-para, and novella are all fair game, although i tend to write too much, so shorter threads may end up longer.
this is an iconless blog. i use small text and words that are bolded and italicized. i answer most serious asks in new posts in order to keep threads organized. i don't mind most formats/whether or not you use icons, but i do prefer cut posts.
relationships: i don't mind pre-established relationships as long as they aren't too drastic. any serious friendships/relationships must be discussed beforehand. i ship chemistry— i'm pretty open to and encourage different ships ( especially with friends ), but i won't ship right away in a regular case. i'd rather our muses get to know each other and plot out/develop a relationship.
psa: i will be mentioning michael in my posts / reblogging posts to do with their dynamic— every mention of michael, unless otherwise specified, is referring to my version of michael! while, again, i can be open to interacting with others, i ask that you please do not apply any of the specific events i talk about with them to your muse or j.eremike headcanons. this is because, when i mention this, they are part of a personal narrative / timeline that is intended for my own fanwork! i don't think it is fair to me or anyone else to apply those ideas to another michael or jeremy muse in an rp sense. of course, this is only for... real details and my personal interpretations of both characters, feel free to snag my musings posts idc LMAO this does mean, that despite those mentions, in the case that i do interact with michaels on here ( and jeremys on my main blog! ), i would prefer starting fresh with mutual plotting for that dynamic! also of course, other muses ( especially those i have dynamics with on michael >:3 ) are free to acknowledge it, this only applies to the two relevant characters here
end: thank you for reading my rules! i know some of the specifications might come off a bit harsh, but i am very open and easygoing with most things. my inbox and ims are always open, and mutuals are welcome to ask for my discord.
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jeremangled · 10 months
full name: jeremiah felix fitzgerald nickname(s): jeremy, jere birthday: october 6th 1968 age: verse dependent ( teen through adulthood available ) gender: nonbinary ( he/they, will primarily use he/him due to being in the middle of figuring this out ) orientation: bisexual nationality: american ethnicity: mixed ( black & cacuasian )
hair: dyed golden blonde ( naturally dark brown ), curled ringlets ( around 3a/3b texture ), extends past his shoulders  eye color: dark brown height: 5'10" piercings: lobes, two helix on both ears, lip piercing, septum,  tattoos: always says he wants a sleeve, but only has a few on both arms ( designs tba )  scars: by default: none/tbd / post bite of ‘87: large facial scar  other features: dark circles, acne, stubble/facial hair
location: hurricane, utah ( previously from arizona ) occupation: freddy fazbear's pizza employee— has worked day shift & as a night security guard
parents: esther fitzgerald ( mother ), ethan fitzgerald ( father, absent ) siblings: kayla fitzgerald ( older sister ), jane & marlene fitzgerald ( younger twins ) other(s): michael afton ( by default tied to my michael, mentions will refer to him; others welcome but i ask to plot our own unique interactions as aspects of this dynamic are integral to a personal timeline used for other fanwork, parts of the bio that apply to this rule are marked with * ), other fazbear employees
positive traits: passionate, empathetic, easygoing neutral traits: talkative, defensive negative traits: jealous, trusting, messy fears: the dark, enclosed spaces, abandonment mental health: adhd, autism ; bite of ‘87 survival verse: ptsd, clinical depression other ailments: bite of ‘87 survival verse: symptoms mirror frontal lobe damage/traumatic brain injury— struggles with internal processing, speech, concentration, & memory, behavioral changes, impaired impulse control and fear sense, experiences depression and dissociation, lost vision in right eye ( see more info in verses ) 
THE BITE OF '87. VICTIM: JEREMY FITZGERALD. KNOWN AS AN INFAMOUS TRAGEDY without much beyond the name on the paycheck— before becoming an employee at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Jeremy's life was relatively normal. He grew up in Arizona with his parents and older sister, though his dad left shortly after the twins were born ( starting with semi-regular communication that faded into minimal to no contact ). Without their previous primary source of income and eventual failure to meet child support, as well as his mother's struggle to work with chronic illness, the Fitzgeralds decided to move to Utah around 1985. They had a few reasons: Jeremy's mother was originally from the county and had nearby family who did help her secure a phone representative job, Kayla enrolled in a nearby college, and Hurricane had a more manageable living cost than where they were previously.
No amount of reason changed how strange it was to move to Hurricane— with the majority of its residents having lived their entire lives there and visitors only staying to see the local restaurants growing in popularity, someone moving in was rare. Jeremy quickly felt ostracized among his peers ( only enhanced by the fact that he tended to be the guy that had a good amount of friends, but ones that were never truly close— his best friend when he was younger moved away, he's been a convenience/situational friend, and he's had a few incidents where this has backfired... combined with the environment that came with moving to Hurricane, he found himself more guarded than usual ). Still, hopeful, he decided to reach out to as many as he could, figuring those who are worth it would accept and those who don't, he wouldn't worry about.
*He takes the opportunity when he notices Michael alone, which... doesn't go well, and while Jeremy isn't inclined to believe what most people say about him, it takes a bit for this initial impression to change. After Michael's... attempt to defend him at a party despite acting as if he wanted nothing to do with him stands out to Jeremy, they DO genuinely start talking.
Eventually, he did find himself settling properly in Hurricane— although others tend to see him as directionless ( because of undiagnosed adhd causing him to pick up and put down a lot of hobbies as well as a struggle with formal education without accomodations ), he is a very passionate individual. Jeremy as a person is quite shaped by the love that his mother ( and older sister, Kayla ) poured into the world despite rocky circumstances, causing him to give what he cares about his absolute all.
Which is exactly why, as it came time to start considering the future, he grew a lot more aware of how much his sister has done for them and the fact that he is approaching the age where he should take those reigns and help her out for all she and her mom have done. While smart and capable, he spent a lot of time rapidly switching between plans and projects, this revelation makes him much more inclined to try and "get it together," as he would claim. Although he wants to achieve more *and leave with Michael, his plan is to work locally and save up for awhile so he can be there for his family and make sure things work out.
This is how he ends up working at Freddy's— after all, they practically hire EVERYONE on the spot, and he always did like robotics. The restaurants were undoubtedly creepy, especially with the history of disappearances, but Jeremy found it easy enough to endure. Until he was switched to the night shift, and the job to make ends meet became a matter of SURVIVAL every night.
The restaurant set to close, he was nearly free of it. Just one more shift was left, day shift even, covering one last birthday party. It should have been fine, he should have made it out.
November 14th, 1987, was instead the day he became what he would forever be: a name in a newspaper and a story told to countless new employees to come.
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jeremangled · 10 months
jeremy is a girl brother
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jeremangled · 10 months
i am first and foremost a lover. secondarily and mostly for the bit i am also a hater
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