jennabooklover · 9 years
I finished In the Afterlight.
‘nough said.
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Reader Problems:
When you don’t start feeling the stress of a book ending until you compare the amount of pages read to the amount of pages left, and the ratio is not in your favour. Don’t end In the Afterlight! :O
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Seeing your diploma mark and being like:
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jennabooklover · 9 years
When you read a book during the most relevant time...
I never read Paper Towns by John Green during the hype, but I am finally reading it now--and almost done it :(. Well, a little under halfway through reading it, I realized that--as a grade 12 graduate--it is the most relevant time to be reading this book. 
I can’t get over the fact that I could have read this book anytime during the 7 years it has been published, and I am reading it at the perfect time. It is such a great feeling, and I am obsessing over it a bit too much, but I don’t care! :D
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jennabooklover · 9 years
I am a writer perhaps because I am not a talker.
Gwendolyn Brooks (via wordsnquotes)
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Now that I have officially finished the Harry Potter Series (sadness), I think that I will read Paper Towns by John Green since all of the other books I want to read are a part of a series, and I only like to read ONE. BOOK. AT. A. TIME. It sometimes makes things difficult, but oh well! :D
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Reader Problems?
I am nearing the end of the Harry Potter series, and quite frankly, I am scared. Do you know the feeling where you’ve gotten attached to something and know it will come to an end but are in denial. I don’t want the series to end, but I know that it has to, to complete the journey.
Wow...sometimes reader problems are extremely relevant to real life.
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Friendship goals:
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Wishing you had a running buddy...
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Book-Reader Problems
When you add more books to your to-read-list and you still haven’t finished that one book to actually start reading a book from your to-read-list. 
“I’ve got 99 books on my to-read-list, and I’m still on the Half-Blood Prince.”
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Live. Love. Books.
You can never truly express the way it feels to go to your bookcase, look at your most cherished books and for just a fraction of second feel like you are looking back on moments you actually lived.
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Do you ever feel...
Do you ever feel like you're in this state of limbo, where you stress about school and the exams you know you are going to have to take in several months? And then you stress about the projects and exams that are happening a lot sooner, but are still stressing about the stuff that you shouldn't be stressing about right now which makes you super stressed and in a state of confusion. 
...because I don't...
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Book Feels: Harry Potter
Growing up I wasn't much of a reader, so I never read the Harry Potter series when it was a giant thing. However, now that I LOVE reading, I am reading the whole series! I have seen all the movies before hand multiple times, and I love them so much. It is so interesting to go back and read the books knowing what happens in the movies and then contrasting it to the books now. There have been many book-to-movie adaptations which have been, let's just say, down the pooper; however, although there have been lots of events taken out from the movies that were in the books, I have never felt that it took away anything from the humour and plot development. Also, considering that the movies are already 3 or more hours long, I think if they put anymore details from the books into the movies, everyone's Harry Potter movie marathon would now take a week! 
So now, to the books themselves. I just finished reading the fifth one, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I believe that it is the longest of the books in the entire series. It took me a bit longer to read it with school and everything, but it was so worth it. I'm not going to go into all the events that happened, because that would take a long time; therefore, you should just go read it yourself. However, I will say that the way J.K. Rowling has been able to get us to attach to these characters so much is incredible. As well as the fact that, even into the fifth book, we still don't really know some characters. I always end a book wanting to know what happens (even though I already do because of the movies), because I find movies can't capture every nuance and wink of the eye that books can. #DumbledoreWink
NeverStopReading :) 
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jennabooklover · 9 years
This is a beautiful thing to see before going into 2015.
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jennabooklover · 9 years
How Celaena is going to react when she gets back to Ardalan in book 4
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jennabooklover · 9 years
Harry Potter: The Right Time
After all these years hearing all the hype of Harry Potter, I have finally started the series, and after finishing the third book, all I can say is....perfection. These books just make me so freakin' happy that I can barely comprehend this happiness! I'm so glad these books exist because they are a work of perfection.
Thank you J.K. Rowling
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jennabooklover · 10 years
I really like this. 
I want this.
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The stair cases of book lovers.
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